6 research outputs found

    Finite control set model predictive control for grid-tied quasi-Z-source based multilevel inverter

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    In this paper, a finite control set Model Predictive Control (MPC) for grid-tie quasi-Z-Source (qZS) based multilevel inverter is proposed. The proposed Power Conditioning System (PCS) consists of a single-phase 2-cell Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) inverter where each module is fed by a qZS network. The aim of the proposed control technique is to achieve grid-tie current injection, low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) current, unity power factor, while balancing DC-link voltage for all qZS-CHB inverter modules. The feasibility of this strategy is validated by simulation using Matlab/Simulink environment

    Finite control set and modulated model predictive flux and current control for induction motor drives

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    The paper presents a new implementation of direct flux and current vector control of an induction motor drive using the techniques of model predictive control. The advantages offered by predictive control are used to enhance the dynamics of direct flux vector control. To minimize the problems of variable switching frequency inherent to finite control set predictive control, an alternative approach using pulse width modulation is studied for command execution as occurs in the so-called modulated model predictive control. A comparison between finite control set and modulated model predictive control is presented and the results are also compared with the control implementation through traditional proportional-integral regulators to highlight the advantages and drawbacks of predictive control based strategies. Apart from a greater harmonic content in stator currents, the predictive control can offers control dynamics comparable with proportional-integral control while maintaining immunity against machine parameter variations and excluding the need for controller tunin

    Improved rotor flux estimation at low speeds for torque MRAS-based sensorless induction motor drives

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    In this paper, an improved rotor flux estimation method for the Torque model reference adaptive schemes (TMRAS) sensorless induction machine drive is proposed to enhance its performance in low and zero speed conditions. The conventional TMRAS scheme uses an open loop flux estimator and a feedforward term, with basic low pass filters replacing the pure integrators. However, the performance of this estimation technique has drawbacks at very low speeds with incorrect flux estimation significantly affecting this inherently sensorless scheme. The performance of the proposed scheme is verified by both simulated and experimental testing for an indirect vector controlled 7.5-kW induction machine. Results show the effectiveness of the proposed estimator in the low- and zero-speed regions with improved robustness against motor parameter variation compared to the conventional method

    Model predictive MRAS estimator for sensorless induction motor drives

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    Ph. D. ThesisThe project presents a novel model predictive reference adaptive system (MRAS) speed observer for sensorless induction motor drives applications. The proposed observer is based on the finite control set-model predictive control principle. The rotor position is calculated using a search-based optimization algorithm which ensures a minimum speed tuning error signal at each sampling period. This eliminates the need for a proportional integral (PI) controller which is conventionally employed in the adaption mechanism of MRAS observers. Extensive simulation and experimental tests have been carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed observer. Both the simulation and the experimental results show improved performance of the MRAS scheme in both open and closed-loop sensorless modes of operation at low speeds and with different loading conditions including regeneration. The proposed scheme also improves the system robustness against motor parameter variations and increases the maximum bandwidth of the speed loop controller. However, some of the experimental results show oscillations in the estimated rotor speed, especially at light loading conditions. Furthermore, due to the use of the voltage equation in the reference model, the scheme remains sensitive, to a certain extent, to the variations in the machine parameters. Therefore, to reduce rotor speed oscillations at light loading conditions, an adaptive filter is employed in the speed extraction mechanism, where an adaptation mechanism is proposed to adapt the filter time constant depending on the dynamic state of the system. Furthermore, a voltage compensating method is employed in the reference model of the MP-MRAS observer to address the problems associated with sensitivity to motor parameter variation. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated both experimentally and by simulation. Results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed scheme for sensorless speed control of IM drives

    Robust fault tolerant control of induction motor system

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    Research into fault tolerant control (FTC, a set of techniques that are developed to increase plant availability and reduce the risk of safety hazards) for induction motors is motivated by practical concerns including the need for enhanced reliability, improved maintenance operations and reduced cost. Its aim is to prevent that simple faults develop into serious failure. Although, the subject of induction motor control is well known, the main topics in the literature are concerned with scalar and vector control and structural stability. However, induction machines experience various fault scenarios and to meet the above requirements FTC strategies based on existing or more advanced control methods become desirable. Some earlier studies on FTC have addressed particular problems of 3-phase sensor current/voltage FTC, torque FTC, etc. However, the development of these methods lacks a more general understanding of the overall problem of FTC for an induction motor based on a true fault classification of possible fault types.In order to develop a more general approach to FTC for induction motors, i.e. not just designing specific control approaches for individual induction motor fault scenarios, this thesis has carried out a systematic research on induction motor systems considering the various faults that can typically be present, having either “additive” fault or “multiplicative” effects on the system dynamics, according to whether the faults are sensor or actuator (additive fault) types or component or motor faults (multiplicative fault) types.To achieve the required objectives, an active approach to FTC is used, making use of fault estimation (FE, an approach that determine the magnitude of a fault signal online) and fault compensation. This approach of FTC/FE considers an integration of the electrical and mechanical dynamics, initially using adaptive and/or sliding mode observers, Linear Parameter Varying (LPV, in which nonlinear systems are locally decomposed into several linear systems scheduled by varying parameters) and then using back-stepping control combined with observer/estimation methods for handling certain forms of nonlinearity.In conclusion, the thesis proposed an integrated research of induction motor FTC/FE with the consideration of different types of faults and different types of uncertainties, and validated the approaches through simulations and experiments

    Current commutation and control of brushless direct current drives using back electromotive force samples

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    Brushless DC machines (BLDC) are widely used in home, automotive, aerospace and military applications. The reason of this interest in different industries in this type of machine is due to their significant advantages. Brushless DC machines have a high power density, simple construction and higher efficiency compared to conventional AC and DC machines and lower cost comparing to permanent magnet AC synchronous machines. The phase currents of a BLDC machine have to commutate properly which is realised by using power semiconductors. For a proper commutation the rotor position is often obtained by an auxiliary instrument, mostly an arrangement of three Hall-effect sensors with 120 spatial displacement. In modern and cost-effective BLDC drives the focus is on replacing the noise sensitive and less reliable mechanical sensors by numerical algorithms, often referred to as sensorless or self-sensing methods. The advantage of these methods is the use of current or voltage measurements which are usually available as these are required for the control of the drive or the protection of the semiconductor switches. Avoiding the mechanical position sensor yields remarkable savings in production, installation and maintenance costs. It also implies a higher power to volume ratio and improves the reliability of the drive system. Different self-sensing techniques have been developed for BLDC machines. Two algorithms are proposed in this thesis for self-sensing commutation of BLDC machines using the back-EMF samples of the BLDC machine. Simulations and experimental tests as well as mathematical analysis verify the improved performance of the proposed techniques compared to the conventional back-EMF based self-sensing commutation techniques. For a robust BLDC drive control algorithm with a wide variety of applications, load torque is as a disturbance within the control-loop. Coupling the load to the motor shaft may cause variations of the inertia and viscous friction coefficient besides the load variation. Even for a drive with known load torque characteristics there are always some unmodelled components that can affect the performance of the drive system. In self-sensing controlled drives, these disturbances are more critical due to the limitations of the self-sensing algorithms compared to drives equipped with position sensors. To compensate or reject torque disturbances, control algorithms need the information of those disturbances. Direct measurement of the load torque on the machine shaft would require another expensive and sensitive mechanical sensor to the drive system as well as introducing all of the sensor related problems to the drive. An estimation algorithm can be a good alternative. The estimated load torque information is introduced to the self-sensing BLDC drive control loop to increase the disturbance rejection properties of the speed controller. This technique is verified by running different experimental tests within different operation conditions. The electromagnetic torque in an electrical machine is determined by the stator current. When considering the dynamical behaviour, the response time of this torque on a stator voltage variation depends on the electric time constant, while the time response of the mechanical system depends on the mechanical time constant. In most cases, the time delays in the electric subsystem are negligible compared to the response time of the mechanical subsystem. For such a system a cascaded PI speed and current control loop is sufficient to have a high performance control. However, for a low inertia machine when the electrical and mechanical time constants are close to each other the cascaded control strategies fail to provide a high performance in the dynamic behavior. When two cascade controllers are used changes in the speed set-point should be applied slowly in order to avoid stability problems. To solve this, a model based predictive control algorithm is proposed in this thesis which is able to control the speed of a low inertia brushless DC machine with a high bandwidth and good disturbance rejection properties. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by simulation and verified by experimental results as well. Additionally, the improvement on the disturbance rejection properties of the proposed algorithm during the load torque variations is studied. In chapters 1 and 2 the basic operation principles of the BLDC machine drives will be introduced. A short introduction is also given about the state of the art in control of BLDC drives and self-sensing control techniques. In chapter 3, a model for BLDC machines is derived, which allows to test control algorithms and estimators using simulations. A further use of the model is in Model Based Predictive Control (MBPC) of BLDC machines where a discretised model of the BLDC machine is implemented on a computation platform such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) in order to predict the future states of the machine. Chapter 4 covers the theory behind the proposed self-sensing commutation methods where new methodologies to estimate the rotor speed and position from back-EMF measurements are explained. The results of the simulation and experimental tests verifies the performance of the proposed position and speed estimators. It will also be proved that using the proposed techniques improve the detection accuracy of the commutation instants. In chapter 5, the focus is on the estimation of load torque, in order to use it to improve the dynamic performance of the self-sensing BLDC machine drives. The load torque information is used within the control loop to improve the disturbance rejection properties of the speed control for the disturbances resulting from the applied load torque of the machine. Some of the machine parameters are used within speed and load torque estimators such as back-EMF constant Ke and rotor inertia J. The accuracy with which machine parameters are known is limited. Some of the machine parameters can change during operation. Therefore, the influence of parameter errors on the position, speed and load torque is examined in chapter 5. In Chapter 6 the fundamentals of Model based Predictive Control for a BLDC drive is explained, which are then applied to a BLDC drive to control the rotor speed. As the MPC algorithm is computationally demanding, some enhancements on the FPGA program is also introduced in order to reduce the required resources within the FPGA implementation. To keep the current bounded and a high speed response a specific cost function is designed to meet the requirements. later on, the proposed MPC method is combined with the proposed self-sensing algorithm and the advantages of the combined algorithms is also investigated. The effects of the MPC parameters on the speed and current control performance is also examined by simulations and experiments. Finally, in chapter 7 the main results of the research is summarized . In addition, the original contributions that is give by this work in the area of self-sensing control is highlighted. It is also shown how the presented work could be continued and expanded