30,221 research outputs found

    Traffic eavesdropping based scheme to deliver time-sensitive data in sensor networks

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    Due to the broadcast nature of wireless channels, neighbouring sensor nodes may overhear packets transmissions from each other even if they are not the intended recipients of these transmissions. This redundant packet reception leads to unnecessary expenditure of battery energy of the recipients. Particularly in highly dense sensor networks, overhearing or eavesdropping overheads can constitute a significant fraction of the total energy consumption. Since overhearing of wireless traffic is unavoidable and sometimes essential, a new distributed energy efficient scheme is proposed in this paper. This new scheme exploits the inevitable overhearing effect as an effective approach in order to collect the required information to perform energy efficient delivery for data aggregation. Based on this approach, the proposed scheme achieves moderate energy consumption and high packet delivery rate notwithstanding the occurrence of high link failure rates. The performance of the proposed scheme is experimentally investigated a testbed of TelosB motes in addition to ns-2 simulations to validate the performed experiments on large-scale network

    FELIX GONZALEZ-TORRES and KEN OKIISHI: The Evolution and Representation of Experience

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    The two artists Ken Okiishi and Felix Gonzalez-Torres--though separated by a generation--both use physical objects to signify the loss of human presence, connection or connections. Both instill meaning into familiar physical objects such as candy, clocks, or television screens, and both are able to provoke feelings associated with the kinds of presence objects can represent – without that actual presence. Gonzalez-Torres worked during a time when digital technology was not yet an existent medium, while Okiishi worked during a time in which the technological world and its social effects are central to his work and message. In fact, a central point of his work gesture/data is to replicate our dependent relationship with technology and how people interact with the virtual world. This world is only available by viewing through a screen; it is unreachable, unlike the tangible objects, that we can physically feel, via which Gonzalez-Torres’ works often confronted viewers. These two artists demonstrate stark, pivotal generational differences: a world and society before technology, art before digital technology (Gonzalez-Torres), and the effects and experiences of art in a world engulfed by such technology entirely (Okiishi). One relies on physical interaction, and the other responds and relays the effects of infinite, intangible spectacles. Both speak to the importance and meaning of presence, or being, and what part that presence or absence plays in art experience during these juxtaposing time periods: before and after the Internet. In his 1967 book The Society of the Spectacle, French theorist Guy Debord wrote, “in societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation”.[1] Gonzalez-Torres’ and Okiishi’s artworks both could be said to exemplify this idea of evolution and generational transformation, but in Okiishi’s work, there is an increased disconnection, to the point that everything may be mere representation. This raises the question: has art changed with technology? Have we lost actual experience to mere representation? [1]Debord, Guy. The Society of the Spectacle. Buchet-Chastel, 196

    Hydrographic Products/Services as a Fundamental Component of the e-Navigation Concept of Operation

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    e-Navigation is a recent initiative aimed at moving traditional maritime navigation towards a connected digital environment. Defined by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as “the harmonized collection, integration, exchange, presentation and analysis of maritime information onboard and ashore by electronic means to enhance birth-to-birth navigation and related services, for safety and security at sea and protection of the marine environment”, e-Navigation is not a new system of equipment but more an operational concept. Three significant outcomes are envisioned: 1) Shipboard navigation systems will benefit from the integration of own ship sensors, supporting information, standard user interface, and a comprehensive system for managing guard zones and alerts. Core elements include high-integrity electronic positioning, use of ENCs, and an analysis capability to reduce human error. 2) The management of vessel traffic and related services from ashore will be enhanced through better provision, coordination, and exchange of comprehensive data in formats that will be more easily understood and utilized. 3) A communications infrastructure designed to enable authorised seamless information transfer onboard ship, between ships, between ship and shore and between shore authorities. This paper discusses the main hydrographic-related components, implications for further standards development, some challenges/opportunities, and the role that IHO and others in the hydrographic community should play to facilitate the development and implementation of eNavigation

    Green Laund Further Education Centre Inspection of FEFC-funded provision in non-sector establishments for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities (Report from the Inspectorate, 2000-01)

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    Independent Establishment 07/00 Inspection of FEFC-Funded provision in the non-sector establishment for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. Green Laund Further Education Centre, Derbyshire November 200

    Academic reflections between Polynesian tattooing and reflective practice

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    In Polynesian culture stories which may be generations old are told via tattoo art: the Tahitian word ‘tatu’ or ‘ta-tu’ means to strike something and links directly to the ancient art of tattooing to preserve an ancestral lineage and/or record a particular event or story that has been handed down from generation to generation via the same method (Villequette, 1998). Some scholars such as Gell (1993), and Schrader (2000) and Jones (2000) in Schildkrout (2004), write of tattoos being associated with “subsidiary selves, spirits, ancestors, rulers and victims” that are resident within the tattooed individual, while some write of ethnographic work being inscribed on bodies (Sparkes, 2000, p. 21 and Schildkrout, 2004, p. 322). Auto-ethnographic study (the study of ourselves) is a relatively new field and is often associated with qualitative analysis; as such it has stimulated the author to introduce the term ‘internal’ reflection. I believe that this may describe a ‘personal’ or ‘internal’ reflection that is transmitted to the outside world in the form of a tattoo. Drawing on the work of Sparkes, an auto-ethnography is a narrative of self, although this research offers tattoos as a viable alternative to narrative and suggests that auto-ethnographic tattoos are not only commonplace but that they can also be very real transcripts of the narrative equivalent. Further, this research shows that different cultures reflect in different ways and that the tattoo is a popular and essential method of ethnographic captur

    GART: The Gesture and Activity Recognition Toolkit

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    Presented at the 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Beijing, China, July 2007.The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comThe Gesture and Activity Recognition Toolit (GART) is a user interface toolkit designed to enable the development of gesture-based applications. GART provides an abstraction to machine learning algorithms suitable for modeling and recognizing different types of gestures. The toolkit also provides support for the data collection and the training process. In this paper, we present GART and its machine learning abstractions. Furthermore, we detail the components of the toolkit and present two example gesture recognition applications

    Conceptual coordination bridges information processing and neurophysiology

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    Information processing theories of memory and skills can be reformulated in terms of how categories are physically and temporally related, a process called conceptual coordination. Dreaming can then be understood as a story understanding process in which two mechanisms found in everyday comprehension are missing: conceiving sequences (chunking categories in time as a higher-order categorization) and coordinating across modalities (e.g., relating the sound of a word and the image of its meaning). On this basis, we can readily identify isomorphisms between dream phenomenology and neurophysiology, and explain the function of dreaming as facilitating future coordination of sequential, cross-modal categorization (i.e., REM sleep lowers activation thresholds, “unlearning”)
