213 research outputs found

    Carbon sink and CarbonSink+ : from observations to global potential

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    Carbon balance of forests is defined by three main processes; photosynthesis, autotrophic respiration, and heterotrophic respiration. Climate impact of forests include also non-carbon effects like albedo, biogenic aerosols, effect on clouds, evaporation and surface roughness. A well-thought measurement setup as well as standardised procedures are essential for a meaningful and robust monitoring and the comparability of the observations at the same site and in inter-site comparisons. Depending on the mitigation project objectives and scale different combination of methodologies could be used including forest carbon inventories, chamber measurements, tower-based eddy covariance flux measurements, large-scale atmospheric greenhouse gas measurements, aircraft and satellite remote sensing. In addition to GHGs, forests have other important climate effects. They change surface albedo (warming effect), are source of volatile organic compounds (VOC), have effect on aerosol particle formation and growth, increases amount of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), and has effect on cloud formation as well as on the precipitation. Moreover, any modification of the carbon cycle by removing or increasing CO2-binding vegetation has impact on the complex climate - carbon cycle feedback. We define these additional cooling effects as CarbonSink+. Accounting all these effects, this CarbonSink+ may increase the climate cooling impact of forests compared with pure carbon sink effect. Land use based mitigation plays an important role in current Nationally Determined Contributions of Paris Agreement. Scientific findings indicate that through different actions land sector could provide up to 1/3 of the needed total mitigation through year 2030. However, permanence of ecosystem based carbon storages is still a challenge and trade-offs between different land use form exist and should be properly acknowledged in the mitigation projects. We define in this report a cost effective, i.e. as simple as possible but good enough, measurement setup to verify both ordinary carbon sink and CarbonSink+ -effect. The methodology is planned for commercial applications, rather than for scientific purposes. The estimated prices of the instrumentation are based on present-day situation. In the conclusions of the report, we also describe first level principles and challenges which could help to formulate protocols for larger framework needed for the global commercial carbon marketNon peer reviewe

    Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions

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    This open access book offers a cross-sectoral reference for both managers and scientists interested in climate-smart forestry, focusing on mountain regions. It provides a comprehensive analysis on forest issues, facilitating the implementation of climate objectives. This book includes structured summaries of each chapter. Funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, CLIMO has brought together scientists and experts in continental and regional focus assessments through a cross-sectoral approach, facilitating the implementation of climate objectives. CLIMO has provided scientific analysis on issues including criteria and indicators, growth dynamics, management prescriptions, long-term perspectives, monitoring technologies, economic impacts, and governance tools

    Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions

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    This open access book offers a cross-sectoral reference for both managers and scientists interested in climate-smart forestry, focusing on mountain regions. It provides a comprehensive analysis on forest issues, facilitating the implementation of climate objectives. This book includes structured summaries of each chapter. Funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, CLIMO has brought together scientists and experts in continental and regional focus assessments through a cross-sectoral approach, facilitating the implementation of climate objectives. CLIMO has provided scientific analysis on issues including criteria and indicators, growth dynamics, management prescriptions, long-term perspectives, monitoring technologies, economic impacts, and governance tools

    Applications of Remote Sensing Data in Mapping of Forest Growing Stock and Biomass

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    This Special Issue (SI), entitled "Applications of Remote Sensing Data in Mapping of Forest Growing Stock and Biomass”, resulted from 13 peer-reviewed papers dedicated to Forestry and Biomass mapping, characterization and accounting. The papers' authors presented improvements in Remote Sensing processing techniques on satellite images, drone-acquired images and LiDAR images, both aerial and terrestrial. Regarding the images’ classification models, all authors presented supervised methods, such as Random Forest, complemented by GIS routines and biophysical variables measured on the field, which were properly georeferenced. The achieved results enable the statement that remote imagery could be successfully used as a data source for regression analysis and formulation and, in this way, used in forestry actions such as canopy structure analysis and mapping, or to estimate biomass. This collection of papers, presented in the form of a book, brings together 13 articles covering various forest issues and issues in forest biomass calculation, constituting an important work manual for those who use mixed GIS and RS techniques

    Kliimamuutuse mõju hindamine rannaniidu taimekooslusele mesokosmi katse ja mehitamata õhusõidukiga kogutud andmete põhjal

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    A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Protection.Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks keskkonnakaitse erialal.Semi-natural grasslands are an essential part of the cultural landscape of Europe. Semi-natural grasslands are commonly characterised by a very high biodiversity, including rare species. Beyond the high biodiversity value, semi-natural grasslands worldwide provide many ecosystem services, including: carbon sequestration and storage, nutrient cycling, regulation of soil quality, habitats for migrating birds, erosion control, and flood regulation. Within the realm of semi-natural grasslands, coastal meadows are particularly important. However, coastal grasslands are threatened by a range of factors such as coastal squeeze, transformation into monoculture ponds, pollution, and climate change. Coastal areas are threatened at a range of spatial scales as a result of sea-level rise, and can include higher flooding frequency in coastal areas, salt water intrusion in aquifers, and potential declines in the extent of coastal wetlands. A warmer climate also implies a modification in precipitation patterns affecting runoff into the sea. In coastal areas, both water levels and salinity have a strong impact on species distribution and therefore on the structure and composition of aquatic and coastal floral and faunal communities. Consequently, plant communities in coastal meadows are expected to undergo changes in their composition and structure. The current thesis explores different methodologies to assess plant community distribution, above-ground biomass, and the effects of management type, duration, and intensity on sward structure using UAV-derived multispectral data and aerial photogrammetry. In addition, the keystone of this thesis is a mesocosm experiment that was used to assess shifts in species richness and abundance in plant community types in Estonian coastal meadows related to future change scenarios of water level and salinity for the Baltic Sea. a. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) The use of UAV demonstrated to be able to identify plant community extent and distribution in high biodiversity value coastal meadows in West Estonia. Species diversity and biomass significantly influence the quality of data and this should be accounted for when planning the sample collection to achieve better results. This study has shown that UAVs are useful tools of mapping grasslands at a plant community level. Also, UAV showed to be possible to reveal the structure of the grassland and how it is affected by the management history. For example, the grassland turns more homogeneous under long-term monospecific grazing, b. Mesoscosm Experiment The mesocosm experiment in the present study revealed different temporal changes of wetland communities to altered salinity and water conditions, highlighting the response of plant species to environmental variables. These changes were not significant according to alteration of water level and salinity in the Open Pioneer community, but they were over time. On the other hand, Lower Shore and Upper Shore had significant changes according to time and treatments. These could be explained by dynamic differences in the communities, since Open Pioneer was more variable. c. Conclusions Both methodologies, remote sensing and the mesocosm experiment, are evidently important to evaluate the structure and function of Estonian coastal meadows. The mapping of the extent and structure of coastal plant communities allows an evaluation of the current state of the ecosystem. The mesocosm experiment helps to understand changes in plant community composition under altered conditions of water level and salinity in Estonian coastal meadows and consequently, understand how species richness, abundance, and biomass will respond to those changes. This information is important when considering the protection and potential management of these areas taking into account the species diversity of fauna and flora as well as that of livestock.Uuring viidi läbi kahel tasandil: uuringukohtades Lääne-Eestis ja katsekeskkonnas. Esimesel juhul valiti Silma looduskaitsealal, Matsalu rahvuspargis ja Vormsi saarel ranniku taimekoosluste ja maapealse biomassi kaardistamiseks kokku üheksa rannaniiduala (I, II). Teine osa hõlmab mesokosmi katset (III), mille käigus kasutati katse seadmiseks ja eksperimenteerimiseks Silma looduskaitsealalt kogutud proove. Vaatamata oma suhteliselt väikesele pindalale (45 228 km2) iseloomustab Eestit mitmekesine geoloogia, pinnamood ja kliima. Läänemere rannaniidud on tekkinud ja need säilivad maa isostaatilise tõusu, setete kogunemise ja alade vähese intensiivsusega majandamise – karjatamise või niitmise – tõttu. Eesti rannikumärgaladel on ebatavaline hüdroloogiline režiim. Kuna loodete ulatus on väga väike (~0,02 m), põhjustab rannaniitude üleujutusi valdavalt tsüklonaalne aktiivsus Põhja-Atlandil ja Fennoskandias. Üleujutuste sagedus ja ulatus on ebaregulaarne ning varieerub kogu rannikumaastikul, sõltudes tuule kiirusest ja suunast. Hiljutised hinnangud suhtelise meretaseme tõusu kohta kolmelt mõõnamõõturilt piki Eesti rannikut on järgmised: Tallinnas 1,5–1,7 mm a-1, Narva-Jõesuus 1,7–2,1 mm a-1 ja Pärnus 2,3–2,7 mm a-1 (Ward et al., 2014). Taimekoosluse klassifitseerimiseks ja biomassi prognoosimiseks analüüsiti üheksat rannikumärgala kolmes kohas Silma looduskaitsealal, kahes kohas Matsalu rahvuspargis ja neljas kohas Vormsi saarel. Neis kohtades esinevad kõik väitekirjas käsitletud taimekooslused. Uurimiskohtade taimekooslused liigitati vastavalt Burnside´i jt fütosotsioloogilisele klassifikatsioonile (2007): pilliroostik, võsasoo, madal rannik, kõrgrannik, pioneerliikidega paljakud, kõrgrohustu, võsa ja metsamaa. Võsasoo ning võsa ja metsamaa jäeti nende marginaalse esinemise tõttu uurimusest välja. Uurimistöö käigus tehti kaks erinevat analüüsi, kasutades UAV-ga kogutud multispektraal- ja rgb-fotosid. UAV multispektraalseid pilte kasutati taimekoosluste kaardistamiseks Silma looduskaitsealal Põhja-Tahu, Lõuna-Tahu ja Kudani rannaniidul (I). Järgnevalt kasutati multispektraalseid ja rgb-pilte kõrge ruumilise eraldusvõimega kaartide koostamiseks maapealse biomassi tuvastamiseks kõigis üheksas uuringukohas (II). Taimekoosluste kaardistamiseks (I) ja maapealse biomassi prognoosimiseks (II) kasutati otsustusmetsa klassifikatsiooni. Seejärel analüüsiti maapealse biomassi kaartide abil majandamisviisi ja intensiivsuse mõju rannaniitude heinamaade struktuurile (II). Teavet rannaniitude kasutusviisi kohta saadi maaomanikega isiklikult suheldes. Uurimistöö teises osas valiti mesokosmi katse jaoks kolm taimekooslust: pioneerliikidega paljakud, madal rannik ja kõrgrannik. Need kooslused valiti sealsete võtmeliikide spetsiifilise autökoloogilise kasvukohaeelistuse tõttu (nt soolsus ja mulla veesisaldus). Katsest välja jäetud pilliroostikus ja võsasoos domineerivad üleujutust taluvad liigid; kõrgrohustu kujutab endast maismaa ja märgalade ökosüsteemi vahelist kooslust, ning võsa on täielikult maismaa. Silma looduskaitsealal varuti Põhja-Tahu alalt 2018. aasta juunis kolmest valitud taimekooslusest 15 mätast (suurus 50 x 70 cm, paksus 30 cm). Mesokosmi katse varustus koosnes mahutitest (90L, mõõtmed 56 x 79 x 32 cm), mis olid täidetud 2:1:1 mullaseguga, mis koosneb pestud sõmera struktuuriga liivast, savist ja kompostist, mis on väga sarnane märgala põhjasubstraadiga. Mahutid numereeriti ja varustati vastava tähisega. Mahutid asusid kogu katse jooksul samal kohal. Katse käiku hinnati alalise gradueeritud 50 cm2 kvadraadi abil, mis jaotati 25 kvadraadiks (10 x 10 cm), ja määrati kindlaks muutused esinevate taimeliikide arvukuses pinnakatte pindala järgi (katteprotsent). Katse kestis kolme aastat veetaseme ja soolsuse tingimustes, mis tuletati kliimamuutuste prognoosidest 2100. aastaks. Liikide arvukus ja liigirikkus arvutati 2018., 2019. ja 2020. aastaks iga taimekoosluse kohta eraldi. Liigirikkuse erinevusi aastati ja kasvutingimuste suhtes hinnati Kruskal Wallise testiga, mis põhineb Bonferroni kohandustega Dunni testil, et tuvastada liigirikkuse erinevusi igal aastal. Liigilise arvukuse esitamiseks kasutati arvukuse kõveraid. Taimekoosluse koostise erinevuste uurimiseks kasutati permutatsioonilist mitmemõõtmelist analüüsi Bray-Curtise erinevusega. Aasta ristmõju analüüsis käsitleti töötlemisviisi fikseeritud mõju ja valimeid juhusliku mõjuna. Tulemused ja järeldused Rannaniitudel hinnati taimekoosluste levikut, maismaa biomassi ja taimestiku vertikaalset struktuuri. Fleissi kapa kordaja 0,89 põhjal kaardistati põhjalikult taimekooslused (I). Otsustusmetsa klassijärgsed vead näitavad, et homogeensema struktuuriga piirkondi on kergem klassifitseerida kui keerulise struktuuriga koosluseid. Otsustusmetsa algoritmi jõudlusanalüüs näitas, et biomassi hindamisel saadi parim tulemus, kui multispektraalne info kombineeriti fotogramm-meetriliselt loodud digitaalse maastikumudeliga (DTM, ingl digital terrain model) (II). Tulemused viitavad sellele, et mitme anduri kombinatsiooni saab kasutada ökosüsteemi omaduste mõõtmiseks, mida ainult spektraalinformatsiooni analüüsides ei pruugi tuvastada. Siinse uuringu maapealse biomassi prognooside suur täpsus näitab, et rannaniitude jälgimisel on kaugseire UAV-ga sobiv meetod. Struktuurianalüüsi tulemused näitasid, mil määral mõjutab biomassi jaotust karjatamise kestus ja heterogeensus. Pidevalt majandatavatele rohumaadele on iseloomulikud suuremad ja homogeensemad alad (II). Üldine lineaarne mudelianalüüs ja Mann-Whitney u-testid näitasid, kuidas taimtoidulised liigid mõjutavad rohumaa struktuuri. Rohumaad, millel karjatatakse erinevaid taimtoidulisi, on mitmekesisema struktuuriga kui veiste karjamaa (II). Mesokosmi katse tulemused näitasid, et kõigis kolmes Läänemere ranniku märgalade koosluses ilmnesid aja jooksul vee- ja soolsusrežiimis märkimisväärsed muutused, mis tõi esile taimeliikide reaktsiooni keskkonnamuutuste suhtes (III). Pioneerliikidega paljakutel suurenes liigirikkus ja taimkate kõigi keskkonnamuutuste korral, sellega võrreldes esines madalal rannikul ja kõrgrannikul nii veetaseme kui ka soolsusega seotud muutusi vähemal määral. Pioneerliikidega paljakuid mõjutab enamasti soolsus, seda isegi peamiselt sõmerast, keskmise fraktsiooniga ja peenest liivast koosnevas pinnases, mis säilitab vähem toitaineid kui peenema fraktsiooniga muld. Spergularia marina ja Glaux maritima aitasid kaasa liigirikkuse suurenemisele mulla suurenenud ja vähenenud soolsuse tingimustes. Üldiselt ei ilmnenud madala ranniku ja kõrgranniku taimekooslustes soolsuse muutumise korral olulisi muutusi võrreldes kontrollkatsega. Nendes kooslustes on liike, mis kasvavad nii soolases kui ka mittesoolases keskkonnas. Veetaseme muutus mõjutas pioneerliikidega paljakute taimekooslust sarnaselt soolsuse muutmisega. Selle koosluse liigirikkus suurenes kõrgema veetaseme korral, võrreldes kontrollkatsega. Kõrgema veetasemega kohanenud liike nagu Eleocharis palustris esines kõrgenenud veetaseme korral kolmandal aastal rohkem; alanenud vees leidus katse lõpus rohkem väiksema veevajadusega liike, nagu Glaux maritima ja Centaurium littorale. Madalal rannikul registreeriti madalama veetaseme korral liigirikkuse muutus, võrreldes kontrollkatsega. Aja jooksul toimuv liikide varieeruvus ilmnes vähese pinnakatvusega liikide puhul, nt ahenesid Carex flacca ja Triglochin palustris´e kasvukohad. Madal rannik asub veetasemelt pioneerliikidega paljaku ja kõrgranniku vahel ning see võib seletada, miks sealsed liigid taluvad mulla mitmesuguseid niiskustingimusi. Kõrgranniku koosluses vähenes kõrgenenud veetaseme korral liikide arv ja sellest tulenevalt ka liigirikkus; sealjuures laienesid vähese pinnakatvuse ja madala veetasemega kohastunud liikide Stellaria graminea ja Viola canina kasvukohad. See uurimus näitas, et ökoloogilistes uuringutes võib erinevate metoodikate kombinatsioon osutuda tõhusaks. Vaid vähestes uuringutes kombineeritakse ökosüsteemiprotsesside mõistmiseks erinevaid lähenemisviise, nt kaugseiret ja katseplatvorme, antud töös mesokosmi katset. Uued tehnoloogilised edusammud kaugseire vallas võivad lahendada küsimusi, millele vastuse leidmine traditsiooniliste ökoloogiliste meetodite abil oleks keeruline või ebapraktiline. Samas on traditsioonilise lähenemisviisiga, nt mesokosmi katsega saadud teadmised uue tehnoloogilise potentsiaali rakendamiseks väga vajalikud. Uurimus näitas, et UAV on sobiv vahend rannikurohumaade struktuuri ja taimekoosluste leviku täpse eraldusvõimega kaartide koostamiseks. Teisest küljest aitab mesokosmi katse mõista taimekoosluse koostise muutusi eri veetaseme ja soolsuse tingimustes.Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences and by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology created under the auspices of the European Social Fund

    Book of short Abstracts of the 11th International Symposium on Digital Earth

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    The Booklet is a collection of accepted short abstracts of the ISDE11 Symposium

    Operationalization of Remote Sensing Solutions for Sustainable Forest Management

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    The great potential of remote sensing technologies for operational use in sustainable forest management is addressed in this book, which is the reprint of papers published in the Remote Sensing Special Issue “Operationalization of Remote Sensing Solutions for Sustainable Forest Management”. The studies come from three continents and cover multiple remote sensing systems (including terrestrial mobile laser scanning, unmanned aerial vehicles, airborne laser scanning, and satellite data acquisition) and a diversity of data processing algorithms, with a focus on machine learning approaches. The focus of the studies ranges from identification and characterization of individual trees to deriving national- or even continental-level forest attributes and maps. There are studies carefully describing exercises on the case study level, and there are also studies introducing new methodologies for transdisciplinary remote sensing applications. Even though most of the authors look forward to continuing their research, nearly all studies introduced are ready for operational use or have already been implemented in practical forestry

    Carbon translocation from glacial and terrestrial to aqueous systems – characteristics and processing of dissolved organic matter in the endorheic Tibetan Lake Nam Co watershed

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    The Tibetan Plateau (TP) comprises sensitive alpine environments such as grassland biomes. Climatic changes and intensifying land use threaten these ecosystems. Therefore, it is important to understand the response of ecosystems to changing biotic and abiotic factors. The translocation of dissolved organic matter from glacial and terrestrial to aqueous systems is an important aspect of this response, specifically when characterizing changing conditions of freshwater resources and sensitive limnic ecosystems on the TP. Via changes in its chemical composition, characteristics, transformation and processing of DOM can be tracked. Three catchments of the Nam Co watershed of the TP (Niyaqu, Qugaqie and Zhagu) and the lake were investigated to understand how site specific terrestrial processes and seasonality affect the composition of DOM and alteration of organic compounds in streams and the lake of this endorheic basin. Four hypotheses were tested: H1 The natural diversity in the Nam Co watershed controls site specific effects on DOM composition. H2 Seasonal effects on DOM composition are driven by warm and moist summers influenced from the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) and cold and dry winters. H3/ H4a Site specific effects on DOM diminish by means of biological decomposition and photooxidation of DOM during the stream path / in the lake. Alongside H4b organic matter of the Nam Co Lake is independent from catchment influences, given by an autochthonous source of DOM. A multi-parameter approach was applied, consitsing of water chemistry parameters (pH, electric conductivity, cations and anions, dissolved inorganic carbon), concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), DOM characteristics (chromophoric DOM, fluorescence DOM and δ13C of DOM) and DOM ultra-high resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS). Sampling was conducted for three seasons, freshet in 2018, the phase of the ISM in 2019 and post-ISM baseflow in 2019. Alongside a watershed-wide plant cover estimate was composed, to explore the link between differences in DOM characteristics and degree of green plant cover. Sampling covers stream water, as well as endmember samples such as: glacial effluents, water of springs and water from an alpine wetland. The lake was covered by sampling the brackish zone and the lake pelagial and the lake surface. The composition of DOM differed between the three endmember groups and between stream samples of catchments. Glaciers showed a dual DOM source, indicating a glacial microbiome and compounds derived from burned fossil fuels. Springs differed based on their geographic location. Upland waters showed limited inputs of alpine pastures: lowland springs displayed influences of yak faeces with microbial reworked DOM, indicated by less negative δ13C and nitrogen. Wetlands were distinguished by more eutrophic conditions by highest concentrations in DOC and high amounts in N-heteroatoms. Streams were site specific with input sources derived from glaciers, wetlands, groundwater, intense animal husbandry and a plant-derived phenolic signature from alpine pastures aligned to the degree of plant cover. Seasonality affected DOM characteristics in stream water. During freshet, DOM was plant-derived, as was during baseflow conditions. A flush of dissolved organic carbon, accompanied by a compositional shift towards more microbial derived DOM was observed during the ISM season. Processing of DOM in streams was limited to the biolabile fraction of DOM of the glacial biome. Transformation of DOM was overruled by the constant input of plant derived phenolic DOM compounds from alpine pastures. Consequentially, the brackish intermixing zone showed the inflow of terrestrial DOM into the lake. In contrast, lake water exhibited distinct DOM characteristics, by lowest amounts in aromatic molecular compounds and DOM rich in 13C. This suggested intense processing of phenolic, terrestrial derived DOM by photooxidation, as well as a seasonally stable autochthonous DOM source derived from algae and microorganisms in lake water. In conclusion, DOM characteristics are largely influenced by local endmembers such as glaciers, springs and wetlands. Seasonality shows that shifts in the onset, and changes in the intensity of the ISM can largely modify DOM composition. Processing of DOM took place mainly in the lake. The study revealed that DOM is suited to function as a monitoring agent in this lake watershed. Hence, DOM is a helpful tool to understand changes in ecosystems, and forthcoming, to safeguard sensitive ecosystems of the TP.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)/International Research Training Group (GRK 2309/1)/317513741/E
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