138 research outputs found


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    Effective decision-making in industry conditions requires access and proper presentation of manufacturing data on the realised manufacturing process. Although the frequently applied ERP systems allow for recording economic events, their potential for decision support is limited. The article presents an original system for reporting manufacturing data based on Business Intelligence technology as a support for junior and middle management. As an example a possibility of utilising data from ERP systems to support decision-making in the field of purchases and logistics in  small and medium enterprises

    Local Government Growing Regional Australia

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    This report identifies the factors contributing to building strong sustainable regional capitals and regions and local government's role in regional development

    A Systematic Review of Digital Transformation Literature (2013 – 2021) and the development of an overarching a-priori model to guide future research

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    In recent times, organizations purport to undergo unprecedented transformations owing to the adoption of digital technologies. Consequently, there has been a substantial effort in academia attempting to better understand the phenomenon of digital transformation in business organizations. However, a cumulative tradition of research on digital transformation, underpinned by a consolidated theoretical positioning, is compromised by the loosely defined constructs, confusion in terminology and lack of an overarching framework of its nomological net. This paper, therefore, features a systematic review of the assorted and fragmented literature on this notion of Digital Transformation by critically analysing 174 peer-reviewed journal articles published between 2013 and 2021, in over thirty leading academic outlets. The authors provide a consolidated nomological net of digital transformation by synthesizing themes and dominant theories apparent in existing digital transformation literature, which will be useful for future academic studies

    Managing suppy chain risk through collaboration

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    In an increasingly uncertain, complex, and global supply chain environment, supply chains face a greater multitude of risks. Information sharing and collaboration between supply chain players can reduce risk within the supply chain. This project discusses emerging supply chain risk management (SCRM) strategies pertaining to the distribution of products and how purchasing and logistics departments can work to build a resilient and agile supply chain

    Strength properties of rice husk ash concrete under sodium sulphate attack

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    The use of pozzolanic materials in concrete provides several advantages, such as improved strength and durability. This study investigated the strength properties of rice husk ash (RHA) concrete under severe durability (sodium sulphate attack). Four RHA replacement levels were considered in the study: 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% by weight of cement. The durability performance of the RHA blended cement exposed to sodium sulphate solution was evaluated through compressive strength, reduction in strength, and weight loss. Test results showed that RHA can be satisfactorily used as a cement replacement material in order to increase the durability of concrete. Concrete containing 10% and 20% of RHA replacements showed excellent durability to sulphate attack. The results also indicate that the amount of Ca(OH)2 in the RHA blended cement concrete was lower than that of Portland cement due to the pozzolanic reaction of RH

    Analyzing the concept of technical debt in the context of agile software development: A systematic literature review

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    Technical debt (TD) is a metaphor that is used to communicate the consequences of poor software development practices to non-technical stakeholders. In recent years, it has gained significant attention in agile software development (ASD). The purpose of this study is to analyze and synthesize the state of the art of TD, and its causes, consequences, and management strategies in the context of ASD. Using a systematic literature review (SLR), 38 primary studies, out of 346 studies, were identified and analyzed. We found five research areas of interest related to the literature of TD in ASD. Among those areas, managing TD in ASD received the highest attention, followed by architecture in ASD and its relationship with TD. In addition, eight categories regarding the causes and five categories regarding the consequences of incurring TD in ASD were identified. Focus on quick delivery and architectural and design issues were the most popular causes of incurring TD in ASD. Reduced productivity, system degradation and increased maintenance cost were identified as significant consequences of incurring TD in ASD. Additionally, we found 12 strategies for managing TD in the context of ASD, out of which refactoring and enhancing the visibility of TD were the most significant. The results of this study provide a structured synthesis of TD and its management in the context of ASD as well as potential research areas for further investigation

    Teachers’ ICT Adoption in South African Rural Schools: A Study of Technology Readiness and Implications for the South Africa Connect Broadband Policy

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    The South Africa Connect national broadband policy of 2013 aims to ensure that the country achieves universal internet access by 2030, thereby fostering digital skills development. This study investigates one dimension of the South Africa Connect policy objectives, by considering rural teachers’ adoption of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for teaching and learning at 24 schools. This research used baseline data from the Information and Communication Technology for Education (ICT4E) project undertaken in rural schools in seven South African provinces. The technology readiness index (TRI) was used as the theoretical lens. We found that the vast majority of the teachers surveyed were optimistic about the use of ICTs for teaching and learning, which suggests teachers’ readiness to use ICTs despite the existing financial, technical and digital skills challenges at their schools. We also found that the majority of the schools had policies prohibiting student use of personal digital devices, apart from calculators, on school premises. In our analysis, these policies potentially conflict with the objectives of South Africa Connect. This study contributes to theory and practice by offering empirical evidence of the usefulness of the TRI for presenting teachers’ readiness to adopt ICTs in situations of conflicting forces. The study also has the potential to contribute to policy deliberations by highlighting the possible disconnect between the schools’ bans on student personal digital devices and the objectives and targets set by the South Africa Connect policy.School of Computin

    Information and digital technologies of Industry 4.0 and Lean supply chain management: a systematic literature review

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the current state of research and the key aspects and implications of the relationships between Information and Digital Technologies (IDT) of Industry 4.0 and Lean Supply Chain Management (LSCM), with the identification of the lines of research developed and an analysis of the main findings. A Systematic Literature Review methodology has been used for the identification, selection, and evaluation of the published research. A set of 78 papers deduced from the most relevant scientific databases, including Web of Science, Scopus, and ABI/Inform, from 1996 to December 2019, has been analyzed and synthesized. The analysis and evaluation of these papers has enabled a new classification of the literature to be offered that identifies four lines of research based on the Life Cycle of Technology: obsolete IDT in LSCM; mature IDT in LSCM; emerging IDT in LSCM; and an Information Systems and IDT general approach in LSCM. The paper goes on to discuss the gaps found in the literature and proposes new opportunities and challenges for future research. A series of implications are presented intended to be useful from not only an academic point-of-view but also from a management focus, including recommendations for industrial managers and policymakers
