23 research outputs found

    A cooperative agent-based security framework

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    The actual economic paradigm is based on a strongly cooperative model that tries to support a more competitive and global organizations response. With cooperation comes an intrinsic need - interconnection and interoperability of information systems among business partners. This represents, in many areas, a huge organizational challenge, being the field of information, and communication security one emerging key issue and a natural enabler for cooperative behavior and to the proper establishment and support of trust among network partners. Security frameworks, that can be able to describe and act on the basis of interoperability, cooperation and proactivity, became essential to support the new needs of modern business models. This paper present a framework that aims to contribute to a sustainable organizational information security-processes support, based on the ability to describe the allowed business process interactions among cooperative partners; furthermore, the framework presents a cooperative security perspective among partners basis on the idea that, if organizations have business cooperation, they should also have active security cooperation and regulation. If organizations, that need to cooperate, do not feel secure when they interconnect their information systems, the all cooperative perspective can fall down. Trust being one basic need for cooperation, impulse the need of a new security approach for cooperative scenarios

    A Comparison of Visual Modeling Notations for Web Services Choreography

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    The Web Services Choreography Description Language (WS-CDL) is an XML-based language for specifying business protocols for \emph{web services enabled} collaborative processes. The use of visual notations in modeling web services choreography has so far been done in an ad hoc fashion as seen in the literature. This paper presents a choreography example in four different visual modeling notations and compares them with regard to the semantics of WS-CDL. The results are useful for establishing a reliable visual approach to modeling web services choreography

    Cultural Differences in Implementing Business Process Management Systems

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    In this paper we present the results of an international comparative research conducted through a special web survey, i.e. an online ‘game’ to rate and classify Critical Success Factors (CFSs) for BPMS implementations. The survey was completed by 39 respondents from 11 different countries. Central to the research was the question how BPM-systems success factors are perceived by professionals from different countries (i.e. cultural backgrounds) and how this is related to other characteristics such as their level of experience within the BPM domain. The respondents judged a total of 55 factors in two ways: (1) by allocating them to one of the five domains of BPMS implementation, and (2) by ranking their importance for BPMS implementations. Significant differences were found between respondents from Northern European versus Anglo-American countries, and between respondents with different levels of experience with BPMS implementations


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    Organizations grappling with a variety of problems arising from the rapid of information technology (IT) development and the tension caused by the delay in the introduction of this evolution in business management models. The greatest difficulties are in creating an operating environment in which the speeds of decision-making and organizational performance are keys to agility services. Thecombination of IT, as service-oriented architecture (SOA) and Web services (WS) with Business Process Management (BPM), promise to revolutionize the way organizations is structured to create an operating environment able to expedite decision-making and tomake better use of business opportunities. However, these technologies still face challenges that need to be overcome. Based on the literature review, the scope of this article is to discuss the main issues of organizational modeling technology and present a proposal for a conceptual model targeted for businessagility

    The Success of E-Filing Adoption during COVID 19 Pandemic: The Role of Collaborative Quality, User Intention, and User Satisfaction

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    This study aims to test the successful use of e-filing information systems in tax return reporting, which is more widely used by taxpayers during the COVID 19 pandemic to report tax return than before. Data were obtained by a survey using a questionnaire with taxpayers as respondents. The purposive sampling method was used to collect data, with the final results of 93 respondents. The partial least square results for data processing reflect that service quality and collaboration quality are determinants of e-filing user satisfaction, while user intentions only influenced by collaboration quality. Overall, this study can support the model that the success rate of e-filing is determined by user intentions and user satisfaction, which is shown by the net benefits generated from using e-filing systems. This study suggests that the Di-rectorate General of Taxation needs to increase user satisfaction and user intention mainly through collaborative quality

    An Object-oriented Workflow Modeling Schema Using Dataflow Analysis for Collaborative E-governance Platform

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    In the initial stage of transforming from government to governance for developing countries, collaborative e-governance platforms should be urgently established in different contexts. Though some platforms have been previously applied to various fields, researches on common basic functions analysis and across-organization business process modeling based on a suitable workflow modeling method for the platforms design and development are insufficient. Based on an explorative analysis of platform functions and their patterns, we propose a schema for e-governance platforms modeling according to an extended method of object-oriented workflow modeling using dataflow analysis. It covers a two-step process of top-level platform workflow modeling and function objection workflow modeling. In addition, a citizen appeal processing platform is taken as an example to illustrate the utility of the schema. The schema facilitates the contextualized collaborative e-governance platforms development with an operable method and reusable function workflow models


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    This paper investigates the role of tangible IT infrastructure assets –the portfolio of specific applications to which a firm endows itself – in enabling organizational agility and business performance in the context of SMEs. Building upon past literature, we regroup tangible IT infrastructure assets into three categories: IT for flexibility, IT for innovation, and IT for integration. Each category includes a series of specific technologies (i.e., CNC, CAD and ERP). We theorize that tangible IT infrastructure assets positively influence organizational agility and business performance. We employ a survey methodology to test the proposed hypotheses. One hundred and twenty-six manufacturing SMEs completed the survey. The results support the hypothesized relations. This research complements previous research that has studied intangible abstract constructs as antecedents of organizational agility, it confirms the results of past research examining the agility-business performance link, and it addresses the scarcity of strategic IS research in SMEs

    Comercio colaborativo como alternativa de competitividad en empresas de la cadena de valor metalmecánica de Sogamoso

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    En este artículo se presenta el modelo de negocio del Comercio Colaborativo (c-commerce) el cual permite la integración entre las empresas y sus socios estratégicos de negocio a través de las tecnologías de información con el fin de generar competitividad en el sector metalmecánico que actualmente está en crisis debido a la fuerte competencia internacional. El c-commerce en este estudio se enfoca en la Cadena de Abastecimiento, ya que ofrece mayores beneficios entre proveedores, procesos y clientes. Se toma el caso de las empresas ubicadas en el Parque Industrial de Sogamoso en donde se presenta una fuerte concentración de industrias del sector que generan empleo en la región y a las cuales se ha aplicado un instrumento de medición con el fin de caracterizar a la industria y concluir sobre la necesidad de aplicar un modelo de c-commerce para enfrentar de manera satisfactoria la crisis y lograr competitividad.Abstract. This paper presents the Collaborative Commerce business model (c-commerce) which allows the integration of strategic business partners throughout information technologies in order to generate competitiveness in the metal-mechanic business which is currently facing a serious crisis due to international competition. There are different ways of implementing c-commerce in the organizations, but this study focuses in the Supply Chain; which offers more benefits between suppliers, processes and customers. This paper analyzes the businesses located around Sogamoso’s Industrial Park, where there are several industries that provide an important source of employment in the region. A measure instrument has been applied to such companies through an inquiry with the purpose of characterizing the industry and to find out the necessity tools and requirements to apply the c-commerce model to allow them to face the market requirements in a more competitive way; supported on improvements in costs, operation time, and partner relationships.Maestrí

    Post-implementation analysis of a B2B e-marketplace

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    The advent of Business-to-Business (B2B) e-Marketplaces gave the AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) firms the opportunity to conduct more efficient and effective commercial interaction with their supply chain partners. Despite the large body of literature in generic Information Systems (IS) domain, there has been a very little work done to-date to investigate the B2B e-Marketplace systems implementation by AEC firms. By adopting a case study research method with a longitudinal approach to data collection, the study on which this paper is based explored the challenges in the adoption and on-going use of a large UK contractor firm’s eMarketplace systems from the perspective of end-users. Utilising a well-established theoretical model from the IS body of knowledge, the analysis revealed several important challenges related to system (functionality and usability), information (content quality) and service (training and support) dimensions of e-Marketplace systems implementation. Through incorporating the case study findings to the conceptual model, the study offers several suggestions for AEC firms to take on board during implementation of the B2B e-Marketplace systems