282,706 research outputs found

    Software Metrics Evaluation Based on Entropy

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    Software engineering activities in the Industry has come a long way with various improve- ments brought in various stages of the software development life cycle. The complexity of modern software, the commercial constraints and the expectation for high quality products demand the accurate fault prediction based on OO design metrics in the class level in the early stages of software development. The object oriented class metrics are used as quality predictors in the entire OO software development life cycle even when a highly iterative, incremental model or agile software process is employed. Recent research has shown some of the OO design metrics are useful for predicting fault-proneness of classes. In this paper the empirical validation of a set of metrics proposed by Chidamber and Kemerer is performed to assess their ability in predicting the software quality in terms of fault proneness and degradation. We have also proposed the design complexity of object-oriented software with Weighted Methods per Class metric (WMC-CK metric) expressed in terms of Shannon entropy, and error proneness

    An empirical evaluation of metrics on aspect-oriented programs

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    The quality evaluation of software metrics measurements are considered as the primary indicator of imperfection prediction and software maintenance in various empirical studies of software products. However, there is no agreement on which metrics are compelling quality pointers for new software development approaches such as Aspect-Oriented Programming techniques. Aspect-Oriented Programming intends to enhance programming quality by providing fundamentally different parts of the systems, for example, pointcuts, advice, and inter-type relationships. Hence, it is not evident if quality characteristics for AOP could be extracted from direct expansions of traditional Object Oriented Programming measurements. Then again, investigations of Aspect-Oriented Programming do regularly depend on established static and dynamic metrics measurements; notwithstanding the late research of AOP in empirical studies, few analyses been adopted using ISO 9126 quality model as useful markers of flaw inclination in this context. This paper examination we have considered different programming quality models given by various authors every once in a while and distinguished that adaptability was deficient in the current model. We have testing ten projects developed by Aspect-Oriented Programming. We have used many applications to extract the metrics, but none of them could extract all AOP metrics. It only can measure some of AOP metrics, not all of them. This study investigates the suitable framework for extract AOP metrics, For instance, static and dynamic metrics measurements for hybrid application systems (Aspect-Oriented Programming, Object-Oriented Programming), or only Aspect-Oriented Programming application

    A comparison of CK and Martin's package metric suites in predicting reusability in open source object-oriented software

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    Packages are units that organize source code in large object-oriented systems. Metrics used at the package granularity level mostly characterize attributes such as complexity, size, cohesion and coupling. Many of these characterized attributes have direct relationships with the quality of the software system being produced. Empirical evidence is required to support the collection of measures for such metrics; hence these metrics are used as early indicators of such important external quality attributes. This research compared the CK and Martin’s package metric suites in order to characterize the package reusability level in object-oriented software. Comparing the package level of metrics suites as they measure an external software quality attribute is supposed to help a developer knows which metric suite can be used to effectively predict the software quality attribute at package level. In this research two open source Java applications, namely; jEdit and BlueJ were used in the evaluation of two package metrics suites, and were compared empirically to predict the package reusability level. The metric measures were also used to compare the effectiveness of the metrics in these package metrics suites in evaluating the reusability at the package granularity level. Thereafter metric measures of each package were normalized to allow for the comparison of the package reusability level among packages within an application. The Bansiya reusability model equation was adapted as a reusability reference quality model in this research work. Correlation analysis was performed to help compare the metrics within package metrics suites. Through the ranking of the package reusability level, results show that the jEdit application has 30% of its packages ranked with a very high reusability level, thus conformed to the Pareto rule (80:20). This means that the jEdit application has packages that are more reusable than packages in the BlueJ application. Empirically, the Martin’s package coupling metric Ce with an r value of 0.68, is ranked as having a positive strong correlation with RL, and this has distinguished the Martin’s package metrics suite as an effective predictor of package reusability level from the CK package metrics suite

    Evaluation Criteria for Object-oriented Metrics

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    In this paper an evaluation model for object-oriented (OO) metrics is proposed. We have evaluated the existing evaluation criteria for OO metrics, and based on the observations, a model is proposed which tries to cover most of the features for the evaluation of OO metrics. The model is validated by applying it to existing OO metrics. In contrast to the other existing criteria, the proposed model is simple in implementation and includes the practical and important aspects of evaluation; hence it suitable to evaluate and validate any OO complexity metric

    Estimation of Defect proneness Using Design complexity Measurements in Object- Oriented Software

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    Software engineering is continuously facing the challenges of growing complexity of software packages and increased level of data on defects and drawbacks from software production process. This makes a clarion call for inventions and methods which can enable a more reusable, reliable, easily maintainable and high quality software systems with deeper control on software generation process. Quality and productivity are indeed the two most important parameters for controlling any industrial process. Implementation of a successful control system requires some means of measurement. Software metrics play an important role in the management aspects of the software development process such as better planning, assessment of improvements, resource allocation and reduction of unpredictability. The process involving early detection of potential problems, productivity evaluation and evaluating external quality factors such as reusability, maintainability, defect proneness and complexity are of utmost importance. Here we discuss the application of CK metrics and estimation model to predict the external quality parameters for optimizing the design process and production process for desired levels of quality. Estimation of defect-proneness in object-oriented system at design level is developed using a novel methodology where models of relationship between CK metrics and defect-proneness index is achieved. A multifunctional estimation approach captures the correlation between CK metrics and defect proneness level of software modules.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Functional Size Measurement and Model Verification for Software Model-Driven Developments: A COSMIC-based Approach

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    Historically, software production methods and tools have a unique goal: to produce high quality software. Since the goal of Model-Driven Development (MDD) methods is no different, MDD methods have emerged to take advantage of the benefits of using conceptual models to produce high quality software. In such MDD contexts, conceptual models are used as input to automatically generate final applications. Thus, we advocate that there is a relation between the quality of the final software product and the quality of the models used to generate it. The quality of conceptual models can be influenced by many factors. In this thesis, we focus on the accuracy of the techniques used to predict the characteristics of the development process and the generated products. In terms of the prediction techniques for software development processes, it is widely accepted that knowing the functional size of applications in order to successfully apply effort models and budget models is essential. In order to evaluate the quality of generated applications, defect detection is considered to be the most suitable technique. The research goal of this thesis is to provide an accurate measurement procedure based on COSMIC for the automatic sizing of object-oriented OO-Method MDD applications. To achieve this research goal, it is necessary to accurately measure the conceptual models used in the generation of object-oriented applications. It is also very important for these models not to have defects so that the applications to be measured are correctly represented. In this thesis, we present the OOmCFP (OO-Method COSMIC Function Points) measurement procedure. This procedure makes a twofold contribution: the accurate measurement of objectoriented applications generated in MDD environments from the conceptual models involved, and the verification of conceptual models to allow the complete generation of correct final applications from the conceptual models involved. The OOmCFP procedure has been systematically designed, applied, and automated. This measurement procedure has been validated to conform to the ISO 14143 standard, the metrology concepts defined in the ISO VIM, and the accuracy of the measurements obtained according to ISO 5725. This procedure has also been validated by performing empirical studies. The results of the empirical studies demonstrate that OOmCFP can obtain accurate measures of the functional size of applications generated in MDD environments from the corresponding conceptual models.Marín Campusano, BM. (2011). Functional Size Measurement and Model Verification for Software Model-Driven Developments: A COSMIC-based Approach [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/11237Palanci
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