327 research outputs found

    Hardware-Assisted Dependable Systems

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    Unpredictable hardware faults and software bugs lead to application crashes, incorrect computations, unavailability of internet services, data losses, malfunctioning components, and consequently financial losses or even death of people. In particular, faults in microprocessors (CPUs) and memory corruption bugs are among the major unresolved issues of today. CPU faults may result in benign crashes and, more problematically, in silent data corruptions that can lead to catastrophic consequences, silently propagating from component to component and finally shutting down the whole system. Similarly, memory corruption bugs (memory-safety vulnerabilities) may result in a benign application crash but may also be exploited by a malicious hacker to gain control over the system or leak confidential data. Both these classes of errors are notoriously hard to detect and tolerate. Usual mitigation strategy is to apply ad-hoc local patches: checksums to protect specific computations against hardware faults and bug fixes to protect programs against known vulnerabilities. This strategy is unsatisfactory since it is prone to errors, requires significant manual effort, and protects only against anticipated faults. On the other extreme, Byzantine Fault Tolerance solutions defend against all kinds of hardware and software errors, but are inadequately expensive in terms of resources and performance overhead. In this thesis, we examine and propose five techniques to protect against hardware CPU faults and software memory-corruption bugs. All these techniques are hardware-assisted: they use recent advancements in CPU designs and modern CPU extensions. Three of these techniques target hardware CPU faults and rely on specific CPU features: ∆-encoding efficiently utilizes instruction-level parallelism of modern CPUs, Elzar re-purposes Intel AVX extensions, and HAFT builds on Intel TSX instructions. The rest two target software bugs: SGXBounds detects vulnerabilities inside Intel SGX enclaves, and “MPX Explained” analyzes the recent Intel MPX extension to protect against buffer overflow bugs. Our techniques achieve three goals: transparency, practicality, and efficiency. All our systems are implemented as compiler passes which transparently harden unmodified applications against hardware faults and software bugs. They are practical since they rely on commodity CPUs and require no specialized hardware or operating system support. Finally, they are efficient because they use hardware assistance in the form of CPU extensions to lower performance overhead

    Kiihdytetyn laskennan ajoituksen ja energiankulutuksen simulointi

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    As the increase in the sequential processing performance of general-purpose central processing units has slowed down dramatically, computer systems have been moving towards increasingly parallel and heterogeneous architectures. Modern graphics processing units have emerged as one of the first affordable platforms for data-parallel processing. Due to their closed nature, it has been difficult for software developers to observe the performance and energy efficiency characteristics of the execution of applications of graphics processing units. In this thesis, we have explored different tools and methods for observing the execution of accelerated processing on graphics processing units. We have found that hardware vendors provide interfaces for observing the timing of events that occur on the host platform and aggregated performance metrics of execution on the graphics processing units to some extent. However, more fine-grained details of execution are currently available only by using graphics processing unit simulators. As a proof-of-concept, we have studied a functional graphics processing unit simulator as a tool for understanding the energy efficiency of accelerated processing. The presented energy estimation model and simulation method has been validated against a face detection application. The difference between the estimated and measured dynamic energy consumption in this case was found to be 5.4%. Functional simulators appear to be accurate enough to be used for observing the energy efficiency of graphics processing unit accelerated processing in certain use-cases.Suorittimien sarjallisen suorituskyvyn kasvun hidastuessa tietokonejärjestelmät ovat siirtymässä kohti rinnakkaislaskentaa ja heterogeenisia arkkitehtuureja. Modernit grafiikkasuorittimet ovat yleistyneet ensimmäisinä huokeina alustoina yleisluonteisen kiihdytetyn datarinnakkaisen laskennan suorittamiseen. Grafiikkasuorittimet ovat usein suljettuja alustoja, minkä takia ohjelmistokehittäjien on vaikea havainnoida tarkempia yksityiskohtia suorituksesta liittyen laskennan suorituskykyyn ja energian kulutukseen. Tässä työssä on tutkittu erilaisia työkaluja ja tapoja tarkkailla ohjelmien kiihdytettyä suoritusta grafiikkasuorittimilla. Laitevalmistajat tarjoavat joitakin rajapintoja tapahtumien ajoituksen havainnointiin sekä isäntäalustalla että grafiikkasuorittimella. Laskennan tarkempaan havainnointiin on kuitenkin usein käytettävä grafiikkasuoritinsimulaattoreita. Työn kokeellisessa osuudessa työssä on tutkittu funktionaalisten grafiikkasuoritinsimulaattoreiden käyttöä työkaluna grafiikkasuorittimella kiihdytetyn laskennan energiantehokkuuden arvioinnissa. Työssä on malli grafiikkasuorittimen energian kulutuksen arviontiin. Arvion validointiin on käytetty kasvontunnistussovellusta. Mittauksissa arvioidun ja mitatun energian kulutuksen eroksi mitattiin 5.4%. Funktionaaliset simulaattorit ovat mittaustemme perusteella tietyissä käyttötarkoituksissa tarpeeksi tarkkoja grafiikkasuorittimella kiihdytetyn laskennan energiatehokkuuden arviointiin

    Energy reconstruction on the LHC ATLAS TileCal upgraded front end: feasibility study for a sROD co-processing unit

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    Dissertation presented in ful lment of the requirements for the degree of: Master of Science in Physics 2016The Phase-II upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in the early 2020s will enable an order of magnitude increase in the data produced, unlocking the potential for new physics discoveries. In the ATLAS detector, the upgraded Hadronic Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) Phase-II front end read out system is currently being prototyped to handle a total data throughput of 5.1 TB/s, from the current 20.4 GB/s. The FPGA based Super Read Out Driver (sROD) prototype must perform an energy reconstruction algorithm on 2.88 GB/s raw data, or 275 million events per second. Due to the very high level of pro ciency required and time consuming nature of FPGA rmware development, it may be more e ective to implement certain complex energy reconstruction and monitoring algorithms on a general purpose, CPU based sROD co-processor. Hence, the feasibility of a general purpose ARM System on Chip based co-processing unit (PU) for the sROD is determined in this work. A PCI-Express test platform was designed and constructed to link two ARM Cortex-A9 SoCs via their PCI-Express Gen-2 x1 interfaces. Test results indicate that the latency of the PCI-Express interface is su ciently low and the data throughput is superior to that of alternative interfaces such as Ethernet, for use as an interconnect for the SoCs to the sROD. CPU performance benchmarks were performed on ve ARM development platforms to determine the CPU integer, oating point and memory system performance as well as energy e ciency. To complement the benchmarks, Fast Fourier Transform and Optimal Filtering (OF) applications were also tested. Based on the test results, in order for the PU to process 275 million events per second with OF, within the 6 s timing budget of the ATLAS triggering system, a cluster of three Tegra-K1, Cortex-A15 SoCs connected to the sROD via a Gen-2 x8 PCI-Express interface would be suitable. A high level design for the PU is proposed which surpasses the requirements for the sROD co-processor and can also be used in a general purpose, high data throughput system, with 80 Gb/s Ethernet and 15 GB/s PCI-Express throughput, using four X-Gene SoCs