313 research outputs found

    Multi-Modality Multi-Scale Cardiovascular Disease Subtypes Classification Using Raman Image and Medical History

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    Raman spectroscopy (RS) has been widely used for disease diagnosis, e.g., cardiovascular disease (CVD), owing to its efficiency and component-specific testing capabilities. A series of popular deep learning methods have recently been introduced to learn nuance features from RS for binary classifications and achieved outstanding performance than conventional machine learning methods. However, these existing deep learning methods still confront some challenges in classifying subtypes of CVD. For example, the nuance between subtypes is quite hard to capture and represent by intelligent models due to the chillingly similar shape of RS sequences. Moreover, medical history information is an essential resource for distinguishing subtypes, but they are underutilized. In light of this, we propose a multi-modality multi-scale model called M3S, which is a novel deep learning method with two core modules to address these issues. First, we convert RS data to various resolution images by the Gramian angular field (GAF) to enlarge nuance, and a two-branch structure is leveraged to get embeddings for distinction in the multi-scale feature extraction module. Second, a probability matrix and a weight matrix are used to enhance the classification capacity by combining the RS and medical history data in the multi-modality data fusion module. We perform extensive evaluations of M3S and found its outstanding performance on our in-house dataset, with accuracy, precision, recall, specificity, and F1 score of 0.9330, 0.9379, 0.9291, 0.9752, and 0.9334, respectively. These results demonstrate that the M3S has high performance and robustness compared with popular methods in diagnosing CVD subtypes

    An adaptive ensemble learner function via bagging and rank aggregation with applications to high dimensional data.

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    An ensemble consists of a set of individual predictors whose predictions are combined. Generally, different classification and regression models tend to work well for different types of data and also, it is usually not know which algorithm will be optimal in any given application. In this thesis an ensemble regression function is presented which is adapted from Datta et al. 2010. The ensemble function is constructed by combining bagging and rank aggregation that is capable of changing its performance depending on the type of data that is being used. In the classification approach, the results can be optimized with respect to performance measures such as accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and area under the curve (AUC) whereas in the regression approach, it can be optimized with respect to measures such as mean square error and mean absolute error. The ensemble classifier and ensemble regressor performs at the level of the best individual classifier or regression model. For complex high-dimensional datasets, it may be advisable to combine a number of classification algorithms or regression algorithms rather than using one specific algorithm

    Deep Learning for Classification of Brain Tumor Histopathological Images

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    Histopathological image classification has been at the forefront of medical research. We evaluated several deep and non-deep learning models for brain tumor histopathological image classification. The challenges were characterized by an insufficient amount of training data and identical glioma features. We employed transfer learning to tackle these challenges. We also employed some state-of-the-art non-deep learning classifiers on histogram of gradient features extracted from our images, as well as features extracted using CNN activations. Data augmentation was utilized in our study. We obtained an 82% accuracy with DenseNet-201 as our best for the deep learning models and an 83.8% accuracy with ANN for the non-deep learning classifiers. The average of the diagonals of the confusion matrices for each model was calculated as their accuracy. The performance metrics criteria in this study are our modelā€™s precision in classifying each class and their average classification accuracy. Our result emphasizes the significance of deep learning as an invaluable tool for histopathological image studies

    An Empirical Study of Univariate and Genetic Algorithm-Based Feature Selection in Binary Classification with Microarray Data

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    Background: We consider both univariate- and multivariate-based feature selection for the problem of binary classification with microarray data. The idea is to determine whether the more sophisticated multivariate approach leads to better misclassification error rates because of the potential to consider jointly significant subsets of genes (but without overfitting the data).Methods: We present an empirical study in which 10-fold cross-validation is applied externally to both a univariate-based and two multivariate- (genetic algorithm (GA)-) based feature selection processes. These procedures are applied with respect to three supervised learning algorithms and six published two-class microarray datasets.Results: Considering all datasets, and learning algorithms, the average 10-fold external cross-validation error rates for the univariate-, single-stage GA- , and two-stage GA-based processes are 14.2%, 14.6%, and 14.2%, respectively. We also find that the optimism bias estimates from the GA analyses were half that of the univariate approach, but the selection bias estimates from the GA analyses were 2.5 times that of the univariate results.Conclusions: We find that the 10-fold external cross-validation misclassification error rates were very comparable. Further, we find that a two-stage GA approach did not demonstrate a significant advantage over a 1-stage approach. We also find that the univariate approach had higher optimism bias and lower selection bias compared to both GA approaches

    Data Mining and Analysis on Multiple Time Series Object Data

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    Huge amount of data is available in our society and the need for turning such data into useful information and knowledge is urgent. Data mining is an important field addressing that need and significant progress has been achieved in the last decade. In several important application areas, data arises in the format of Multiple Time Series Object (MTSO) data, where each data object is an array of time series over a large set of features and each has an associated class or state. Very little research has been conducted towards this kind of data. Examples include computational toxicology, where each data object consists of a set of time series over thousands of genes, and operational stress management, where each data object consists of a set of time series over different measuring points on the human body. The purpose of this dissertation is to conduct a systematic data mining study over microarray time series data, with applications on computational toxicology. More specifically, we aim to consider several issues: feature selection algorithms for different classification cases, gene markers or feature set selection for toxic chemical exposure detection, toxic chemical exposure time prediction, wildness concept development and applications, and organizing diversified and parsimonious committee. We will formalize and analyze these research problems, design algorithms to address these problems, and perform experimental evaluations of the proposed algorithms. All these studies are based on microarray time series data set provided by Dr. McDougal

    Restricting Supervised Learning: Feature Selection and Feature Space Partition

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    Many supervised learning problems are considered difficult to solve either because of the redundant features or because of the structural complexity of the generative function. Redundant features increase the learning noise and therefore decrease the prediction performance. Additionally, a number of problems in various applications such as bioinformatics or image processing, whose data are sampled in a high dimensional space, suffer the curse of dimensionality, and there are not enough observations to obtain good estimates. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce such features under consideration. Another issue of supervised learning is caused by the complexity of an unknown generative model. To obtain a low variance predictor, linear or other simple functions are normally suggested, but they usually result in high bias. Hence, a possible solution is to partition the feature space into multiple non-overlapping regions such that each region is simple enough to be classified easily. In this dissertation, we proposed several novel techniques for restricting supervised learning problems with respect to either feature selection or feature space partition. Among different feature selection methods, 1-norm regularization is advocated by many researchers because it incorporates feature selection as part of the learning process. We give special focus here on ranking problems because very little work has been done for ranking using L1 penalty. We present here a 1-norm support vector machine method to simultaneously find a linear ranking function and to perform feature subset selection in ranking problems. Additionally, because ranking is formulated as a classification task when pair-wise data are considered, it increases the computational complexity from linear to quadratic in terms of sample size. We also propose a convex hull reduction method to reduce this impact. The method was tested on one artificial data set and two benchmark real data sets, concrete compressive strength set and Abalone data set. Theoretically, by tuning the trade-off parameter between the 1-norm penalty and the empirical error, any desired size of feature subset could be achieved, but computing the whole solution path in terms of the trade-off parameter is extremely difficult. Therefore, using 1-norm regularization alone may not end up with a feature subset of small size. We propose a recursive feature selection method based on 1-norm regularization which can handle the multi-class setting effectively and efficiently. The selection is performed iteratively. In each iteration, a linear multi-class classifier is trained using 1-norm regularization, which leads to sparse weight vectors, i.e., many feature weights are exactly zero. Those zero-weight features are eliminated in the next iteration. The selection process has a fast rate of convergence. We tested our method on an earthworm microarray data set and the empirical results demonstrate that the selected features (genes) have very competitive discriminative power. Feature space partition separates a complex learning problem into multiple non-overlapping simple sub-problems. It is normally implemented in a hierarchical fashion. Different from decision tree, a leaf node of this hierarchical structure does not represent a single decision, but represents a region (sub-problem) that is solvable with respect to linear functions or other simple functions. In our work, we incorporate domain knowledge in the feature space partition process. We consider domain information encoded by discrete or categorical attributes. A discrete or categorical attribute provides a natural partition of the problem domain, and hence divides the original problem into several non-overlapping sub-problems. In this sense, the domain information is useful if the partition simplifies the learning task. However it is not trivial to select the discrete or categorical attribute that maximally simplify the learning task. A naive approach exhaustively searches all the possible restructured problems. It is computationally prohibitive when the number of discrete or categorical attributes is large. We describe a metric to rank attributes according to their potential to reduce the uncertainty of a classification task. It is quantified as a conditional entropy achieved using a set of optimal classifiers, each of which is built for a sub-problem defined by the attribute under consideration. To avoid high computational cost, we approximate the solution by the expected minimum conditional entropy with respect to random projections. This approach was tested on three artificial data sets, three cheminformatics data sets, and two leukemia gene expression data sets. Empirical results demonstrate that our method is capable of selecting a proper discrete or categorical attribute to simplify the problem, i.e., the performance of the classifier built for the restructured problem always beats that of the original problem. Restricting supervised learning is always about building simple learning functions using a limited number of features. Top Selected Pair (TSP) method builds simple classifiers based on very few (for example, two) features with simple arithmetic calculation. However, traditional TSP method only deals with static data. In this dissertation, we propose classification methods for time series data that only depend on a few pairs of features. Based on the different comparison strategies, we developed the following approaches: TSP based on average, TSP based on trend, and TSP based on trend and absolute difference amount. In addition, inspired by the idea of using two features, we propose a time series classification method based on few feature pairs using dynamic time warping and nearest neighbor

    Feature network methods for machine learning

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    We develop a graph structure for feature vectors in machine learning, which we denote as a feature network (FN); this is different from sample-based networks, in which nodes simply represent samples. FNs reveal the underlying relationship among feature vector components and re-represent features as functions on a network. Our study focuses on using FN structures to extract underlying information and thus improve machine learning performance. Upon the representation of feature vectors as such functions, so-called graph signal processing, or graph functional analytic techniques can be implemented, consisting of analytic operations including differentiation and integration of feature vectors. Our motivation originated from a study using infrared spectroscopy data, where domain experts prefer using the second derivative information rather than the original data; this is an illustration of the potential power of understanding the underlying feature structure. We begin by developing a classification method based on the premise that is assuming data from different classes (e.g., different cancer subtypes) will have distinct underlying graph structures, for graphs consisting of genes as nodes and gene covariances as edges. That is, a feature vector from one class will tend to be "smooth" on the related FN, and "fluctuate" in the other FNs. This method, using an entirely new set of features from standard ones, on its own proves to somewhat outperform SVM and KNN in classifying cancer subtypes in infrared spectroscopy data and gene expression data. We are effectively also projecting high-dimensional data into a low dimensional representation of graph smoothness, providing a unique way of data visualization. Additionally, FNs represent new ways of thinking about data. With a graph structure for feature vectors, graphical functional analysis can be used to extract various types of information not apparent in the original feature vectors. Specifically, operations such as calculus, Fourier transforms, and convolutions can be performed on the graph vertex domain. We introduce a family of calculus-like operators in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces for feature vector regularization to deal with two types of data deficiency, which we designate as noise and blurring. Such operations are generalized from widely used ones in computer vision. The derivative operations on feature vectors provide additional information by amplifying differences between highly correlated features. Integrating feature vectors smooths and denoises them. Applications show that those denoising and deblurring operators can improve classification algorithms. The feature network with deep learning can be naturally extended to graph convolutional networks. We proposed a deep multiscale clustering structure with small learning complexity on general graph distance structures. This framework substantially reduces the number of parameters, and it allows the introduction of general machine learning algorithms such as SVM to feed-forward in this deep structure

    Applications Of Machine Learning In Biology And Medicine

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    Machine learning as a field is defined to be the set of computational algorithms that improve their performance by assimilating data. As such, the field as a whole has found applications in many diverse disciplines from robotics and communication in engineering to economics and finance, and also biology and medicine. It should not come as a surprise that many popular methods in use today have completely different origins. Despite this heterogeneity, different methods can be divided into standard tasks, such as supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised and reinforcement learning. Although machine learning as a field can be formalized as methods trying to solve certain standard tasks, applying these tasks on datasets from different fields comes with certain caveats, and sometimes is fraught with challenges. In this thesis, we develop general procedures and novel solutions, dealing with practical problems that arise when modeling biological and medical data. Cost sensitive learning is an important area of research in machine learning which addresses the widespread and practical problem of dealing with different costs during the learning and deployment of classification algorithms. In many applications such as credit fraud detection, network intrusion and specifically medical diagnosis domains, prior class distributions are highly skewed, which makes the training examples very much unbalanced. Combining this with uneven misclassification costs renders standard machine learning approaches useless in learning an acceptable decision function. We experimentally show the benefits and shortcomings of various methods that convert cost blind learning algorithms to cost sensitive ones. Using the results and best practices found for cost sensitive learning, we design and develop a machine learning approach to ontology mapping. Next, we present a novel approach to deal with uncertainty in classification when costs are unknown or otherwise hard to assign. Support Vector Machines (SVM) are considered to be among the most successful approaches for classification. However prediction of instances near the decision boundary depends more on the specific parameter selection or noise in data, rather than a clear difference in features. In many applications such as medical diagnosis, these regions should be labeled as uncertain rather than assigned to any particular class. Furthermore, instances may belong to novel disease subtypes that are not from any previously known class. In such applications, declining to make a prediction could be beneficial when more powerful but expensive tests are available. We develop a novel approach for optimal selection of the threshold and show its successful application on three biological and medical datasets. The last part of this thesis provides novel solutions for handling high dimensional data. Although high-dimensional data is ubiquitously found in many disciplines, current life science research almost always involves high-dimensional genomics/proteomics data. The ``omics\u27\u27 data provide a wealth of information and have changed the research landscape in biology and medicine. However, these data are plagued with noise, redundancy and collinearity, which makes the discovery process very difficult and costly. Any method that can accurately detect irrelevant and noisy variables in omics data would be highly valuable. We present Robust Feature Selection (RFS), a randomized feature selection approach dedicated to low-sample high-dimensional data. RFS combines an embedded feature selection method with a randomization procedure for stability. Recent advances in sparse recovery and estimation methods have provided efficient and asymptotically consistent feature selection algorithms. However, these methods lack finite sample error control due to instability. Furthermore, the chances of correct recovery diminish with more collinearity among features. To overcome these difficulties, RFS uses a randomization procedure to provide an accurate and stable feature selection method. We thoroughly evaluate RFS by comparing it to a number of popular univariate and multivariate feature selection methods and show marked prediction accuracy improvement of a diagnostic signature, while preserving a good stability

    An Empirical Analysis of Predictive Machine Learning Algorithms on High-Dimensional Microarray Cancer Data

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    This research evaluates pattern recognition techniques on a subclass of big data where the dimensionality of the input space p is much larger than the number of observations n. Seven gene-expression microarray cancer datasets, where the ratio Īŗ = n/p is less than one, were chosen for evaluation. The statistical and computational challenges inherent with this type of high-dimensional low sample size (HDLSS) data were explored. The capability and performance of a diverse set of machine learning algorithms is presented and compared. The sparsity and collinearity of the data being employed, in conjunction with the complexity of the algorithms studied, demanded rigorous and careful tuning of the hyperparameters and regularization parameters. This necessitated several extensions of cross-validation to be investigated, with the purpose of culminating in the best predictive performance. For the techniques evaluated in this thesis, regularization or kernelization, and often both, produced lower classiļ¬cation error rates than randomized ensemble for all datasets used in this research. However, no one technique evaluated for classifying HDLSS microarray cancer data emerged as the universally best technique for predicting the generalization error.1 From the empirical analysis performed in this thesis, the following fundamentals emerged as being instrumental in consistently resulting in lower error rates when estimating the generalization error in this HDLSS microarray cancer data: ā€¢ Thoroughly investigate and understand the data ā€¢ Stratify during all sampling due to the uneven classes and extreme sparsity of this data. ā€¢ Perform 3 to 5 replicates of stratiļ¬ed cross-validation, implementing an adaptive K-fold, to determine the optimal tuning parameters. ā€¢ To estimate the generalization error in HDLSS data, replication is paramount. Replicate R=500 or R=1000 times with training and test sets of 2/3 and 1/3, respectively, to get the best generalization error estimate. ā€¢ Whenever possible, obtain an independent validation dataset. ā€¢ Seed the data for a fair and unbiased comparison among techniques. ā€¢ Deļ¬ne a methodology or standard set of process protocols to apply to machine learning research. This would prove very beneļ¬cial in ensuring reproducibility and would enable better comparisons among techniques. _____ 1A predominant portion of this research was published in the Serdica Journal of Computing (Volume 8, Number 2, 2014) as proceedings from the 2014 Flint International Statistical Conference at Kettering University, Michigan, USA

    Machine Learning with Digital Signal Processing for Rapid and Accurate Alignment-Free Genome Analysis: From Methodological Design to a Covid-19 Case Study

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    In the field of bioinformatics, taxonomic classification is the scientific practice of identifying, naming, and grouping of organisms based on their similarities and differences. The problem of taxonomic classification is of immense importance considering that nearly 86% of existing species on Earth and 91% of marine species remain unclassified. Due to the magnitude of the datasets, the need exists for an approach and software tool that is scalable enough to handle large datasets and can be used for rapid sequence comparison and analysis. We propose ML-DSP, a stand-alone alignment-free software tool that uses Machine Learning and Digital Signal Processing to classify genomic sequences. ML-DSP uses numerical representations to map genomic sequences to discrete numerical series (genomic signals), Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) to obtain magnitude spectra from the genomic signals, Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) as a dissimilarity measure to compute pairwise distances between magnitude spectra of any two genomic signals, and supervised machine learning for the classification and prediction of the labels of new sequences. We first test ML-DSP by classifying 7396 full mitochondrial genomes at various taxonomic levels, from kingdom to genus, with an average classification accuracy of \u3e 97%. We also provide preliminary experiments indicating the potential of ML-DSP to be used for other datasets, by classifying 4271 complete dengue virus genomes into subtypes with 100% accuracy, and 4710 bacterial genomes into phyla with 95.5% accuracy. Second, we propose another tool, MLDSP-GUI, where additional features include: a user-friendly Graphical User Interface, Chaos Game Representation (CGR) to numerically represent DNA sequences, Euclidean and Manhattan distances as additional distance measures, phylogenetic tree output, oligomer frequency information to study the under- and over-representation of any particular sub-sequence in a selected sequence, and inter-cluster distances analysis, among others. We test MLDSP-GUI by classifying 7881 complete genomes of Flavivirus genus into species with 100% classification accuracy. Third, we provide a proof of principle that MLDSP-GUI is able to classify newly discovered organisms by classifying the novel COVID-19 virus
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