6,175 research outputs found

    Becker Medical Library Annual Report 2018

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    Research and Pedagogy in Intercultural New Media Studies

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    New media are ubiquitous, changing the landscape of intercultural communication. Intercultural new media studies (INMS), first introduced and conceptualized by Robert Shuter in 2012 in his article in the Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, is an exciting new field of study which explores intercultural and international communication in a digital age. It promises to contemporize existing intercultural communication theories by exploring their relevance and salience in a mediated world. INMS also offers the prospect of developing 21st century theories of intercultural communication that include new media platforms. Finally, by exploring the relationship between culture and new media, intercultural new media studies details how culture affects the social uses of new media, and how new media affects culture. This article, and the nine studies in this special issue, are an important step in further developing intercultural new media studies and realizing its’ promise. [China Media Research. 2012; 8(4): 1-5

    The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Self-Management of Chronic Diseases: An Empirical Investigation through Value Sensitive Design

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    This paper primarily investigates sensitivity towards patients’ values in the designs of the information and communication technologies (ICTs) that are capable of empowering them. We focus on the role of ICTs in self-management (SM) of diabetes, a chronic disease. Chronic diseases, declared an invisible epidemic by the World Health Organization, cause and perpetuate poverty and impede the economic development of many countries. As a means of informing the design of ICTs that facilitate self-management, we draw on value sensitive design (VSD) to conduct an in-depth interpretive field study to reveal the values that are important to diabetic patients. Specifically, we reveal twelve values shared by these patients: accessibility, accountability, autonomy, compliance, dignity, empathy, feedback, hope, joy, privacy, sense-making, and trust. A conceptual model emerged from analyzing interviews with diabetic patients; this model explains how these values, which are integrated into ICT features, afford or constrain patients’ abilities to self-manage their activities. This study makes multiple theoretical contributions: By granting ICT artifacts a clear theoretical status, it advances the field of SM that has nominally covered ICTs; it extends design research by extending the VSD literature and by introducing a valuecentric design perspective to examine a complex sociotechnical system; and it broadens work system theory by applying it in the healthcare space. The study’s findings have implications for design science researchers, healthcare providers, and policymakers

    Developing the scales on evaluation beliefs of student teachers

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    The purpose of the study reported in this paper was to investigate the validity and the reliability of a newly developed questionnaire named ‘Teacher Evaluation Beliefs’ (TEB). The framework for developing items was provided by the two models. The first model focuses on Student-Centered and Teacher-Centered beliefs about evaluation while the other centers on five dimensions (what/ who/ when/ why/ how). The validity and reliability of the new instrument was investigated using both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis study (n=446). Overall results indicate that the two-factor structure is more reasonable than the five-factor one. Further research needs additional items about the latent dimensions “what” ”who” ”when” ”why” “how” for each existing factor based on Student-centered and Teacher-centered approaches

    Technological pedagogical content knowledge: implementation of a didactic proposal for preservice History teachers

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) now form part of virtually all aspects of our daily lives, including education. However, teacher training in digital competence has been pushed into the background, especially in social sciences and in history instruction, in which digitalization and the use of ICTs is an opportunity for improvement and educational innovation. Consequently, proposals integrating the various types of knowledge into the training of history teachers are still rare and scarce. To solve this problem, this study presents a mixed quantitative and qualitative analysis using a pre- and posttest questionnaire with a sample of 235 students of the primary education degree at the Public University of Navarre who took part in an innovative didactic proposal that was implemented using the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) model based on digitized primary sources in three resources: PARES (Spanish Archive Portal), EUROPEANA, and BNE (National Library of Spain). The primary aim of this study was for preservice teachers to develop digital competence in teaching social sciences by integrating the technological, pedagogical and content knowledge types using the TPACK model. There were three specific objectives. The first was analyzing the digital knowledge of students following a primary education degree concerning the use of ICTs in history instruction. The second was implementing a didactic proposal in the teaching social sciences course based on the TPACK model by integrating ICTs and history instruction using Spanish and European digitized primary historical sources. Finally, the third was evaluating the impact of this didactic proposal on developing the knowledge types linked to the TPACK model, especially content knowledge (CK) and its technological content knowledge (TCK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) combinations.This work was supported by the Grupo de Investigación ARGOS (S50_20R), University of Zaragoza

    A terapia de integração sensorial como facilitadora do desenvolvimento da inteligência emocional em crianças com perturbação do espectro autista e o papel das TIC

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    Sensory Integration Therapy (SIT) is a widely known and used intervention by a lot of professionals and practitioners in the field of special education as being an enabler of functionality of the child. Through intervention, the sensory processing components that have been affected are targeted. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is highly affected by sensory modulation disorder (SMD), a special subcategory of sensory processing disorder (SPD) that is expressed in various ways causing activation of Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) leading to biological and physiological stress. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a complex set of skills that drive us to higher mental states. According to theorists the basis of these skills is the ability to manage and regulate stimulus. The purpose of this literature review is to investigate the connections between SIT and EI in children with ASD. In the introduction basic definitions and concepts of ASD and SIT are analyzed and in the main part correlations between EI and SMD are made, discussing the effectiveness of SIT in ASD children.La Terapia de Integración Sensorial (SIT, por sus siglas en inglés) es una intervención ampliamente conocida utilizada por muchos profesionales y practicantes en el campo de la educación especial como facilitadora del funcionamiento infantil. A través de la intervención, los componentes del procesamiento sensorial que se han visto afectados son objeto de intervención. El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo que se ve muy afectado por el Trastorno de Modulación Sensorial (SMD), una subcategoría especial del Trastorno del Procesamiento Sensorial (SPD) que se expresa de varias maneras, desencadenando la activación del Sistema Nervioso Autonómico (SNA) , lo que conduce a estrés biológico y fisiológico. La Inteligencia Emocional (IE) es un conjunto complejo de habilidades que nos llevan a estados mentales superiores. Según los teóricos, la base de estas habilidades es la capacidad de gestionar y regular los estímulos. El objetivo de esta revisión de la literatura es investigar los vínculos entre SIT y EI en niños con TEA. En la introducción se analizan las definiciones y conceptos básicos de TEA y SIT y, en su mayor parte, se realizan correlaciones entre IE y SMD, discutiendo la efectividad de SIT en niños con TEA.A Terapia de Integração Sensorial (SIT) é uma intervenção amplamente conhecida e utilizada por muitos profissionais e praticantes no domínio da educação especial como facilitadora da funcionalidade da criança. Através da intervenção, os componentes do processamento sensorial que foram afetados são alvo de intervenção. A Perturbação do Espectro do Autismo (PEA) é uma perturbação do neurodesenvolvimento muito afetada pela perturbação da modulação sensorial (SMD), uma subcategoria especial da perturbação do processamento sensorial (SPD) que se exprime de várias formas, provocando a ativação do Sistema Nervoso Autónomo (SNA), o que leva a um stress biológico e fisiológico. A Inteligência Emocional (IE) é um conjunto complexo de competências que nos conduzem a estados mentais mais elevados. De acordo com os teóricos, a base destas competências é a capacidade de gerir e regular os estímulos. O objetivo desta revisão da literatura é investigar as ligações entre os SIT e a IE em crianças com PEA. Na introdução, são analisadas as definições e os conceitos básicos de PEA e de SIT e, na parte principal, são feitas correlações entre a IE e o SMD, discutindo-se a eficácia do SIT em crianças com PEA

    Becker Medical Library Annual Report 2017

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    Review of the Status of Cyberbullying and Cyberbullying Prevention

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    Cyberbullying may be one of the “diseases” of the 21th Century. Despite efforts to curtail its incidence and prevalence over the past 20 years, its direct and indirect harmful effects have made it a public concern about the wellbeing of children, adolescents, and adults. Empirical studies as well as psychological theories have addressed different aspects of cyberbullying (e.g. characteristics of victims, bullies, and bystanders, prevalence rates, specific types of cyberbullying behavior, gender differences, intervention/prevention strategies, legal/legislative measures, etc.). While consensus is evident in some areas researched, significant findings in other areas are inconsistent, indicative of the inherent complexities of this phenomenon and the methodological problems hampering insight into the nature of this problem and its possible solutions. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the current status of the research and theoretical perspectives on cyberbullying in hopes of encouraging good scholarship, improved methodologies and thoughtful inquiries to better inform educators, parents, mental health service providers, policy makers and others so that they can more effectively promote healthy online and offline behaviors among digital users. This discussion reviews the definition and characteristics of cyberbullying, its prevalence, populations affected, gender differences, theoretical perspectives and issues of intervention and prevention

    Aprendizagem Digital: Modelos diferenciados de ensino utilizando TICs para alunos com problemas de visão – Boas práticas: Jogando entre 1 a 10

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    The idea of inclusion encourages an inclusive, open-door school. By adapting formal instruction to standard instruction that is acceptable for everyone while taking into account the requirements, quirks, skills, interests, and experiences of each student, the use of ICTs aids in this direction. One such group is the visually challenged, whose inclusion in general education classes is made possible with the use of ICTs. In the current study, a method of individualized education in the field of mathematics is developed and put into practice, allowing all students-visually impaired or not-to master the mathematical operation of adding to the first ten at their own speed and time. Results show that differentiated instruction improves students' ability to understand mathematical operations: ADDITION from 1 to 10.La idea de inclusión fomenta una escuela inclusiva y de puertas abiertas. Al adaptar la instrucción formal a la instrucción estándar aceptable para todos, teniendo en cuenta los requisitos, peculiaridades, habilidades, intereses y experiencias de cada estudiante, el uso de las TIC ayuda en esta dirección. Uno de estos grupos es el de los discapacitados visuales, cuya inclusión en las clases de educación general es posible con el uso de las TIC. En el presente estudio se desarrolla y pone en práctica un método de enseñanza individualizado en el área de matemáticas, que permite a todos los alumnos -con discapacidad visual o no- dominar la operación matemática de sumar al top ten a su propio ritmo y tiempo. Los resultados muestran que la enseñanza diferenciada mejora la capacidad de los estudiantes para comprender las operaciones matemáticas: SUMA del 1 al 10.A ideia de inclusão incentiva uma escola inclusiva e de portas abertas. Ao adaptar a instrução formal à instrução padrão aceitável para todos, levando em conta os requisitos, peculiaridades, habilidades, interesses e experiências de cada aluno, o uso das TICs auxilia nessa direção. Um desses grupos é o dos deficientes visuais, cuja inclusão nas classes de educação geral é possível com o uso das TICs. No presente estudo, é desenvolvido e colocado em prática um método de ensino individualizado na área da matemática, permitindo que todos os alunos-deficientes visuais ou não-dominem a operação matemática de somar aos dez primeiros no seu próprio ritmo e tempo. Os resultados mostram que o ensino diferenciado melhora a capacidade dos alunos de entender as operações matemáticas: ADIÇÃO de 1 a 10