1,803 research outputs found

    Emerging Needs for Pervasive Passive Wireless Sensor Networks on Aerospace Vehicles

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    NASA is investigating passive wireless sensor technology to reduce instrumentation mass and volume in ground testing, air flight, and space exploration applications. Vehicle health monitoring systems (VHMS) are desired on all aerospace programs to ensure the safety of the crew and the vehicles. Pervasive passive wireless sensor networks facilitate VHMS on aerospace vehicles. Future wireless sensor networks on board aerospace vehicles will be heterogeneous and will require active and passive network systems. Since much has been published on active wireless sensor networks, this work will focus on the need for passive wireless sensor networks on aerospace vehicles. Several passive wireless technologies such as microelectromechanical systems MEMS, SAW, backscatter, and chipless RFID techniques, have all shown potential to meet the pervasive sensing needs for aerospace VHMS applications. A SAW VHMS application will be presented. In addition, application areas including ground testing, hypersonic aircraft and spacecraft will be explored along with some of the harsh environments found in aerospace applications

    Internet of Things Strategic Research Roadmap

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is an integrated part of Future Internet including existing and evolving Internet and network developments and could be conceptually defined as a dynamic global network infrastructure with self configuring capabilities based on standard and interoperable communication protocols where physical and virtual “things” have identities, physical attributes, and virtual personalities, use intelligent interfaces, and are seamlessly integrated into the information network

    Antenna integration for wireless and sensing applications

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    As integrated circuits become smaller in size, antenna design has become the size limiting factor for RF front ends. The size reduction of an antenna is limited due to tradeoffs between its size and its performance. Thus, combining antenna designs with other system components can reutilize parts of the system and significantly reduce its overall size. The biggest challenge is in minimizing the interference between the antenna and other components so that the radiation performance is not compromised. This is especially true for antenna arrays where the radiation pattern is important. Antenna size reduction is also desired for wireless sensors where the devices need to be unnoticeable to the subjects being monitored. In addition to reducing the interference between components, the environmental effect on the antenna needs to be considered based on sensors' deployment. This dissertation focuses on solving the two challenges: 1) designing compact multi-frequency arrays that maintain directive radiation across their operating bands and 2) developing integrated antennas for sensors that are protected against hazardous environmental conditions. The first part of the dissertation addresses various multi-frequency directive antennas arrays that can be used for base stations, aerospace/satellite applications. A cognitive radio base station antenna that maintains a consistent radiation pattern across the operating frequencies is introduced. This is followed by multi-frequency phased array designs that emphasize light-weight and compactness for aerospace applications. The size and weight of the antenna element is reduced by using paper-based electronics and internal cavity structures. The second part of the dissertation addresses antenna designs for sensor systems such as wireless sensor networks and RFID-based sensors. Solar cell integrated antennas for wireless sensor nodes are introduced to overcome the mechanical weakness posed by conventional monopole designs. This can significantly improve the sturdiness of the sensor from environmental hazards. The dissertation also introduces RFID-based strain sensors as a low-cost solution to massive sensor deployments. With an antenna acting as both the sensing device as well as the communication medium, the cost of an RFID sensor is dramatically reduced. Sensors' strain sensitivities are measured and theoretically derived. Their environmental sensitivities are also investigated to calibrate them for real world applications.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Tentzeris, Emmanouil; Committee Member: Akyildiz, Ian; Committee Member: Allen, Mark; Committee Member: Naishadham, Krishna; Committee Member: Peterson, Andrew; Committee Member: Wang, Yan

    Implicit Cooperative Positioning in Vehicular Networks

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    Absolute positioning of vehicles is based on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) combined with on-board sensors and high-resolution maps. In Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS), the positioning performance can be augmented by means of vehicular networks that enable vehicles to share location-related information. This paper presents an Implicit Cooperative Positioning (ICP) algorithm that exploits the Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) connectivity in an innovative manner, avoiding the use of explicit V2V measurements such as ranging. In the ICP approach, vehicles jointly localize non-cooperative physical features (such as people, traffic lights or inactive cars) in the surrounding areas, and use them as common noisy reference points to refine their location estimates. Information on sensed features are fused through V2V links by a consensus procedure, nested within a message passing algorithm, to enhance the vehicle localization accuracy. As positioning does not rely on explicit ranging information between vehicles, the proposed ICP method is amenable to implementation with off-the-shelf vehicular communication hardware. The localization algorithm is validated in different traffic scenarios, including a crossroad area with heterogeneous conditions in terms of feature density and V2V connectivity, as well as a real urban area by using Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) for traffic data generation. Performance results show that the proposed ICP method can significantly improve the vehicle location accuracy compared to the stand-alone GNSS, especially in harsh environments, such as in urban canyons, where the GNSS signal is highly degraded or denied.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, in review, 201

    Gbps wireless transceiver for high bandwidth interconnections in distributed cyber physical systems

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    In Cyber Physical Systems there is a growing use of high speed sensors like photo and video camera, radio and light detection and ranging (Radar/Lidar) sensors. Hence Cyber Physical Systems can benefit from the high communication data rate, several Gbps, that can be provided by mm-wave wireless transceivers. At such high frequency the wavelength is few mm and hence the whole transciever including the antenna can be integrated in a single chip. To this aim this paper presents the design of 60 GHz transciever architecture to ensure connection distances up to 10 m and data rate up to 4 Gbps. At 60 GHz there are more than 7 GHz of unlicensed bandwidth (available for free for development of new services). By using a CMOS SOI technology RF, analog and digital baseband circuitry can be integrated in the same chip minimizing noise coupling. Even the antenna is integrated on chip reducing cost and size vs. classic off-chip antenna solutions. Therefore the proposed transciever can enable at physical layer the implementation of low cost nodes for a Cyber Physical System with data rates of several Gbps and with a communication distance suitable for home/office scenarios, or on-board vehicles such as cars, trains, ships, airplanes

    IoT Resources and Their Practical Application, A Comprehensive Study

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a paradigm shifter, connecting an enormous number of smart devices and facilitating seamless data exchange for a diverse array of applications. The availability and effective use of the IoT ecosystem's resources are key factors in determining how its practical applications will develop as they mature. The IoT resources and their practical application across several areas are thoroughly explored in this paper. The paper begins by classifying and describing the various sensor types, their applications in various fields, and IoT resources, highlighting their contributions to real-time data collection, processing, and transmission. It then goes on to demonstrate a wide range of real-world uses for these resources, such as smart cities, education, agriculture, business, healthcare, environment monitoring, transportation, and industrial automation. However, utilizing IoT resources effectively is not without difficulties. Critical difficulties such as resource allocation, scalability, security, interoperability, and privacy concerns are identified and discussed in the paper. Furthermore, the paper also highlights future directions and emerging trends in IoT resource management, including edge computing, cloud computing, human machine integration, and compatibility with other systems. These developments aim to increase the dependability of IoT applications in diverse settings and optimize resource allocation. This paper's conclusion highlights the crucial role that IoT resources play in advancing real-world applications across a variety of areas. Researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders may collaborate together to effectively leverage the full potential of IoT resources to build intelligent, effective ecosystems that meet the needs of contemporary society by solving difficulties and utilizing developing trends
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