2,931 research outputs found

    The consolidation process of the EU regulatory framework on nanotechnologies: within and beyond the EU case-by-case approach

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    The field of nanotechnologies has been the subject of a process of wide-ranging regulation, which covers two different trends. From the 2000s the European Commission and Parliament agreed on a type of adaptive, experimental and flexible approach, which had its apex with the Commission code of conduct on responsible nano-research developed through a set of consultations. In 2009 this initial agreement subsequently broke down and the EU started to develop a set of regulatory initiatives of a sectoral nature in several fields (cosmetics, food, biocides). Thus, the current arrangement of governance in the field of nanotechnologies appears to be a hybrid, which mixes forms belonging to the new governance method (consultations, self-regulation, agency, comitology committees, networking), working like a lung in the framework of EU policy, with more traditional tools belonging to the classic governance method (regulations, directives). This model of governance based on a case-by-case approach runs the risk of lacking coherence since it is exposed to sudden changes of direction when risks emerge and it has a weak anticipatory dimension due to both its excessive dependency on data collection and its insufficient use of upstream criteria, such as human rights, which should be used earlier, to allow anticipated intervention with a less intense use of hard law solutions

    Nanotechnology Oversight: An Agenda for the New Administration

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    Identifies how current laws can be applied or modified to provide needed oversight of nanotechnology and materials for public health and environmental protection. Calls for more funding for risk research, coordinated regulation, and public involvement

    Ethical considerations on nanotechnology

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    Since a significant time ago, although time runs very fast, nanotechnology transformed from one of the most promising scientific hopes in uncountable human domains into a marvelous certainty. Innumerable scientific studies in several areas of knowledge were made since nanoscale emergence, carrying their contribution to the nanoscience development, leading to a great development of technical and scientific knowledge but also raising numerous problems in the ethical field. In this chapter, nanotechnology is discussed both in terms of ethics and in terms of borders that nanotechnology applications must satisfy and concluding notes are presented, highlighting the results of the analysis. Significant considerations are made on the close connection between ethics and the nanotechnology and the effects over the society and values.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Regulating Nanotechnology: A Private–Public Insurance Solution

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    Nanotechnology promises to revolutionize innovation in nearly every industry. However, nanomaterials’ novel properties pose potentially significant health and environmental risks. Views in the current debate over nanotechnology regulation range from halting all research and development to allowing virtually unregulated innovation. One viable regulatory solution balancing commercialization and risk is the adoption of a mandatory private-public insurance program

    Regulating Nanotechnology: A Private–Public Insurance Solution

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    Nanotechnology promises to revolutionize innovation in nearly every industry. However, nanomaterials’ novel properties pose potentially significant health and environmental risks. Views in the current debate over nanotechnology regulation range from halting all research and development to allowing virtually unregulated innovation. One viable regulatory solution balancing commercialization and risk is the adoption of a mandatory private-public insurance program

    Regulation, responsibility, safety and risk

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    Environ Health Perspect

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    In the absence of scientific clarity about the potential health effects of occupational exposure to nanoparticles, a need exists for guidance in decisionmaking about hazards, risks, and controls. An identification of the ethical issues involved may be useful to decision makers, particularly employers, workers, investors, and health authorities. Because the goal of occupational safety and health is the prevention of disease in workers, the situations that have ethical implications that most affect workers have been identified. These situations include the a) identification and communication of hazards and risks by scientists, authorities, and employers; b) workers' acceptance of risk; c) selection and implementation of controls; d) establishment of medical screening programs; and e) investment in toxicologic and control research. The ethical issues involve the unbiased determination of hazards and risks, nonmaleficence (doing no harm), autonomy, justice, privacy, and promoting respect for persons. As the ethical issues are identified and explored, options for decision makers can be developed. Additionally, societal deliberations about workplace risks of nanotechnologies may be enhanced by special emphasis on small businesses and adoption of a global perspective.17366812PMC1817662720

    Regulating nanotechnologies: risk, uncertainty and the global governance gap

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    This article builds on research for a two-year project on nanotechnology regulation in the US and Europe (2008–09), which was funded by the European Commission. We are grateful to our collaborators in this project, at the London School of Economics, Chatham House, Environmental Law Institute and Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, and especially Linda Breggin, Jay Pendergrass and Read Porter. We also received helpful suggestions from three anonymous reviewers and would like to thank them for their advice. Any remaining errors are our own. Nanosciences and nanotechnologies are set to transform the global industrial landscape, but the debate on how to regulate environmental, health and safety risks is lagging behind technological innovation. Current regulatory efforts are primarily focused on the national and regional level, while the international dimensions of nanotechnology governance are still poorly understood and rarely feature on the international agenda. However, with the ongoing globalization of nanosciences and the rapid expansion of international trade in nanomaterials, demand for international coordination and harmonization of regulatory approaches is set to increase. Yet, uncertainty about nanotechnology risk poses a profound dilemma for regulators and policy-makers. Uncertainty both creates demand for and stands in the way of greater international cooperation and harmonization of regulatory approaches. This article reviews the emerging debate on nanotechnology risk and regulatory approaches, investigates the current state of international cooperation and outlines the critical contribution that a global governance approach can make to the safe development of nanotechnologie

    Stem Cells

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