11 research outputs found

    Self-Synchronization in Duty-cycled Internet of Things (IoT) Applications

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    In recent years, the networks of low-power devices have gained popularity. Typically these devices are wireless and interact to form large networks such as the Machine to Machine (M2M) networks, Internet of Things (IoT), Wearable Computing, and Wireless Sensor Networks. The collaboration among these devices is a key to achieving the full potential of these networks. A major problem in this field is to guarantee robust communication between elements while keeping the whole network energy efficient. In this paper, we introduce an extended and improved emergent broadcast slot (EBS) scheme, which facilitates collaboration for robust communication and is energy efficient. In the EBS, nodes communication unit remains in sleeping mode and are awake just to communicate. The EBS scheme is fully decentralized, that is, nodes coordinate their wake-up window in partially overlapped manner within each duty-cycle to avoid message collisions. We show the theoretical convergence behavior of the scheme, which is confirmed through real test-bed experimentation.Comment: 12 Pages, 11 Figures, Journa

    Modelling and Synchronisation of Delayed Packet-Coupled Oscillators in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this paper, a Packet-Coupled Oscillators (PkCOs) synchronisation protocol is proposed for time-sensitive Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) based on Pulse-Coupled Oscillators (PCO) in mathematical biology. The effects of delays on synchronisation performance are studied through mathematical modelling and analysis of packet exchange and processing delays. The delay compensation strategy (i.e., feedforward control) is utilised to cancel delays effectively. A simple scheduling function is provided with PkCOs to allocate the packet transmission event to a specified time slot, by configuring reference input of the system to a non-zero value, in order to minimise the possibility of packet collision in synchronised wireless networks. The rigorous theoretical proofs are provided to validate the convergence and stability of the proposed synchronisation scheme. Finally, the simulations and experiments examine the effectiveness of PkCOs with delay compensation and scheduling strategies. The experimental results also show that the proposed PkCOs algorithm can achieve synchronisation with the precision of 26.3μs26.3\mu s (11 tick)

    Coordination and Privacy Preservation in Multi-Agent Systems

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    This dissertation considers two key problems in multi-agent systems: coordination (including both synchronization and desynchronization) and privacy preservation. For coordination in multi-agent systems, we focus on synchronization/desynchronization of distributed pulse-coupled oscillator (PCO) networks and their applications in collective motion coordination. Pulse-coupled oscillators were originally proposed to model synchronization in biological systems such as flashing fireflies and firing neurons. In recent years, with proven scalability, simplicity, accuracy, and robustness, the PCO based synchronization strategy has become a powerful clock synchronization primitive for wireless sensor networks. Driven by these increased applications in biological networks and wireless sensor networks, synchronization of pulse-coupled oscillators has gained increased popularity. However, most existing results address the local synchronization of PCOs with initial phases constrained in a half cycle, and results on global synchronization from any initial condition are very sparse. In our work, we address global PCO synchronization from an arbitrary phase distribution under chain or directed tree graphs. More importantly, different from existing global synchronization studies on decentralized PCO networks, our work allows heterogeneous coupling functions and perturbations on PCOs\u27 natural frequencies, and our results hold under any coupling strength between zero and one, which is crucial because a large coupling strength has been shown to be detrimental to the robustness of PCO synchronization to disturbances. Compared with synchronization, desynchronization of PCOs is less explored. Desynchronization spreads the phase variables of all PCOs uniformly apart (with equal difference between neighboring phases). It has also been found in many biological phenomena, such as neuron spiking and fish signaling. Recently, phase desynchronization has been employed to achieve round-robin scheduling, which is crucial in applications as diverse as media access control of communication networks, realization of analog-to-digital converters, and scheduling of traffic flows in intersections. In our work, we systematically characterize pulse-coupled oscillators based decentralized phase desynchronization and propose an interaction function that is more general than existing results. Numerical simulations show that the proposed pulse based interaction function also has better robustness to pulse losses, time delays, and frequency errors than existing results. Collective motion coordination is fundamental in systems as diverse as mobile sensor networks, swarm robotics, autonomous vehicles, and animal groups. Inspired by the close relationship between phase synchronization/desynchronization of PCOs and the heading dynamics of connected vehicles/robots, we propose a pulse-based integrated communication and control approach for collective motion coordination. Our approach only employs simple and identical pulses, which significantly reduces processing latency and communication delay compared with conventional packet based communications. Not only can heading control be achieved in the proposed approach to coordinate the headings (orientations) of motions in a network, but also spacing control for circular motion is achievable to design the spacing between neighboring nodes (e.g., vehicles or robots). The second part of this dissertation is privacy preservation in multi-agent systems. More specifically, we focus on privacy-preserving average consensus as it is key for multi-agent systems, with applications ranging from time synchronization, information fusion, load balancing, to decentralized control. Existing average consensus algorithms require individual nodes (agents) to exchange explicit state values with their neighbors, which leads to the undesirable disclosure of sensitive information in the state. In our work, we propose a novel average consensus algorithm for time-varying directed graphs which can protect the privacy of participating nodes\u27 initial states. Leveraging algorithm-level obfuscation, the algorithm does not need the assistance of any trusted third party or data aggregator. By leveraging the inherent robustness of consensus dynamics against random variations in interaction, our proposed algorithm can guarantee privacy of participating nodes without compromising the accuracy of consensus. The algorithm is distinctly different from differential-privacy based average consensus approaches which enable privacy through compromising accuracy in obtained consensus value. The approach is able to protect the privacy of participating nodes even in the presence of multiple honest-but-curious nodes which can collude with each other

    Bio-Inspired Synchronization of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators and its Application to Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Precise synchronization among networked agents is responsible for phenomena as diverse as coral spawning and consistency in stock market transactions. The importance of synchronization in biological and engineering systems has triggered an avalanche of studies analyzing the emergence of a synchronized behavior within a network of, possibly heterogeneous, agents. In particular, synchronization of networks of coupled oscillators has received great attention since limit cycle oscillators are a natural abstraction for systems where periodicity is a distinctive property. Examples of such systems include circadian rhythms and alternate-current power generators. This work deals with synchronization of pulse-coupled limit cycle oscillators (PCOs). A reverse engineering approach is taken with the objective of obtaining an abstraction for PCO networks able to capture the key properties observed in the classical biological PCO model, to finally implement it in an en gineering system. To this end, we first reformulate the PCO model as a hybrid system, able to integrate in a smooth manner the continuous-time dynamics of the individual oscillators and the impulsive effect of the coupling. Using our new model, we analyze the existence and stability of synchronization in a variety of PCO network topologies, starting from the simplest all-to-all network where global synchronization is proven to exist, to end giving synchronization conditions in the general strongly connected network case. Inspired by the strong synchronization properties of PCO networks we design a PCO-inspired time synchronization protocol for wireless sensor networks that enjoys all the advantages of our optimized PCO setup. A pilot implementation is presented going from a simulation stage to a hardware implementation in Gumstix development boards and industrial acoustic sensors. To test the potential of the protocol in a real application, we implement the PCO-based time synchronization protocol in a distributed acoustic event detection system, where a sensor network combines local measurements over an infrastructure-free wireless network to find the source of an acoustic event. An evaluation by simulation is given to illustrate the advantages of using the pulse-coupled synchronization strategy.The contributions of this thesis range from the theoretical synchronization conditions for a variety of PCO networks to the design and implementation of a synchronization strategy for wireless sensor networks that seems to be the natural choice when using an infrastructure-free wireless network due to its simple formulation and natural scalability

    Network Formation and Dynamics under Economic Constraints

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    Networks describe a broad range of systems across a wide variety of topics from social and economic interactions over technical infrastructures such as power grids and the internet to biological contexts such as food webs or neural networks. A number of large scale failures and events in these interconnected systems in recent years has shown that understanding the behavior of individual units of these networks is not necessarily sufficient to handle the increasing complexity of these systems. Many theoretical models have been studied to understand the fundamental mechanisms underlying the formation and function of networked systems and a general framework was developed to describe and understand networked systems. However, most of these models ignore a constraint that affects almost all realistic systems: limited resources. In this thesis I study the effects of economic constraints, such as a limited budget or cost minimization, both on the control of network formation and dynamics as well as on network formation itself. I introduce and analyze a new coupling scheme for coupled dynamical systems, showing that synchronization of chaotic units can be enhanced by restricting the interactions based on the states of the individual units, thus saving interactions costs. This new interaction scheme guarantees synchronizability of arbitrary networks of coupled chaotic oscillators, independent of the network topology even with strongly limited interactions. I then propose a new order parameter to measure the degree of phase coherence of networks of coupled phase oscillators. This new order parameter accurately describes the phase coherence in all stages of incoherent movement, partial and full phase locking up to full synchrony. Importantly, I analytically relate this order parameter directly to the stability of the phase locked state. In the second part, I consider the formation of networks under economic constraints from two different points of view. First I study the effects of explicitly limited resources on the control of random percolation, showing that optimal control can have undesired side effects. Specifically, maximal delay of percolation with a limited budget results in a discontinuous percolation transition, making the transition itself uncontrollable in the sense that a single link can have a macroscopic effect on the connectivity. Finally, I propose a model where network formation is driven by cost minimization of the individual nodes in the network. Based on a simple economically motivated supply problem, the resulting network structure is given as the solution of a large number of individual but interaction optimization problem. I show that these network states directly correspond to the final states of a local percolation algorithm and analyze the effects of local optimization on the network formation process. Overall, I reveal mechanisms and phenomena introduced by these economic constraints that are typically not considered in the standard models, showing that economic constraints can strongly alter the formation and function of networked systems. Thereby, I extend the theoretical understanding that we have of networked systems to economic considerations. I hope that this thesis enables better prediction and control networked systems in realistic settings