10 research outputs found

    Emergence of non-Fourier hierarchies

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    The non-Fourier heat conduction phenomenon on room temperature is analyzed from various aspects. The first one shows its experimental side, in what form it occurs and how we treated it. It is demonstrated that the Guyer-Krumhansl equation can be the next appropriate extension of Fourier's law for room temperature phenomena in modeling of heterogeneous materials. The second approach provides an interpretation of generalized heat conduction equations using a simple thermomechanical background. Here, Fourier heat conduction is coupled to elasticity via thermal expansion, resulting in a particular generalized heat equation for the temperature field. Both of the aforementioned approaches show the size dependency of non-Fourier heat conduction. Finally, a third approach is presented, called pseudo-temperature modeling. It is shown that non-Fourier temperature history can be produced by mixing different solutions of Fourier's law. That kind of explanation indicates the interpretation of underlying heat conduction mechanics behind non-Fourier phenomena

    Continuum modeling perspectives of non-Fourier heat conduction in biological systems

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    The thermal modeling of biological systems has increasing importance in developing more advanced, more precise techniques such as ultrasound surgery. One of the primary barriers is the complexity of biological materials: the geometrical, structural, and material properties vary in a wide range, and they depend on many factors. Despite these difficulties, there is a tremendous effort to develop a reliable and implementable thermal model. In the present paper, we focus on the continuum modeling of heterogeneous materials with biological origin. There are numerous examples in the literature for non-Fourier thermal models. However, as we realized, they are associated with a few common misconceptions. Therefore, we first aim to clarify the basic concepts of non-Fourier thermal models. These concepts are demonstrated by revisiting two experiments from the literature in which the Cattaneo-Vernotte and the dual phase lag models are utilized. Our investigation revealed that using these non-Fourier models is based on misinterpretations of the measured data, and the seeming deviation from Fourier's law originates in the source terms and boundary conditions

    Size Effects and Non-Fourier Thermal Behaviour in Rocks

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    The classical constitutive equation for heat conduction, Fourier’s law, plays an essential role in the engineering practice and holds only for homogeneous materials. However, most of the materials consist of some kind of heterogeneity, such as porosity, cracks, or different materials are in contact. One outstanding example is the thermal behaviour of rocks. We report the results of heat pulse (or flash) experiments. This is a standard method in the engineering practice to measure the thermal diffusivity of a material. We observed two effects in these experiments. Firstly, a size effect emerges, that is, for the same type of rock with different size, different thermal diffusivity is measured. Secondly, we also observed the deviation from Fourier’s law in a particular time interval. Thus the modelling requires some extension for the constitutive equation. The variety of their constituents and the porosity makes it difficult to derive a general constitutive law. Here, in this paper, we briefly present the framework of non-equilibrium thermodynamics in which we are able to derive an appropriate extension for Fourier’s law. The resulting model is the so-called Guyer-Krumhansl equation, which is independent of the structure, therefore able to model the thermal behaviour of various samples. We conclude that the Guyer-Krumhansl equation is an appropriate extension for Fourier’s law, in accordance with the previous measurements and evaluations. Furthermore, we observed that the deviation depends on the size of the sample, too. Finally, we communicate the measured thermal diffusivities for each sample, showing a size effect as well

    The Zoo of Non-Fourier Heat Conduction Models

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    The Fourier heat conduction model is valid for most macroscopic problems. However, it fails when the wave nature of the heat propagation or time lags become dominant and the memory or/and spatial non-local effects significant -- in ultrafast heating (pulsed laser heating and melting), rapid solidification of liquid metals, processes in glassy polymers near the glass transition temperature, in heat transfer at nanoscale, in heat transfer in a solid state laser medium at the high pump density or under the ultra-short pulse duration, in granular and porous materials including polysilicon, at extremely high values of the heat flux, in heat transfer in biological tissues. In common materials the relaxation time ranges from 10810^{-8} to 101410^{-14} sec, however, it could be as high as 1 sec in the degenerate cores of aged stars and its reported values in granular and biological objects varies up to 30 sec. The paper considers numerous non-Fourier heat conduction models that incorporate time non-locality for materials with memory (hereditary materials, including fractional hereditary materials) or/and spatial non-locality, i.e. materials with non-homogeneous inner structure

    Emergence of Non-Fourier Hierarchies

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    The non-Fourier heat conduction phenomenon on room temperature is analyzed from various aspects. The first one shows its experimental side, in what form it occurs, and how we treated it. It is demonstrated that the Guyer-Krumhansl equation can be the next appropriate extension of Fourier’s law for room-temperature phenomena in modeling of heterogeneous materials. The second approach provides an interpretation of generalized heat conduction equations using a simple thermo-mechanical background. Here, Fourier heat conduction is coupled to elasticity via thermal expansion, resulting in a particular generalized heat equation for the temperature field. Both aforementioned approaches show the size dependency of non-Fourier heat conduction. Finally, a third approach is presented, called pseudo-temperature modeling. It is shown that non-Fourier temperature history can be produced by mixing different solutions of Fourier’s law. That kind of explanation indicates the interpretation of underlying heat conduction mechanics behind non-Fourier phenomena