307 research outputs found

    Modelling Geomorphic Systems: Landscape Evolution

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    Riverine flooding using GIS and remote sensing

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    Floods are caused by extreme meteorological and hydrological changes that are influenced directly or indirectly by human activities within the environment. The flood trends show that floods will reoccur and shall continue to affect the livelihoods, property, agriculture and the surrounding environment. This research has analyzed the riverine flood by integrating remote sensing, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and hydraulic and/or hydrological modeling, to develop informed flood mapping for flood risk management. The application of Hydrological Engineering Center River Analysis System (HEC RAS) and HEC HMS models, developed by the USA Hydrologic Engineering Center of the Army Corps of Engineers in a data-poor environment of a developing country were successful, as a flood modeling tools in early warning systems and land use planning. The methodology involved data collection, preparation, and model simulation using 30m Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) as a critical data input of HEC RAS model. The findings showed that modeling using HEC-RAS and HEC HMS models in a data-poor environment requires intensive data enhancements and adjustments; multiple utilization of open sources data; carrying out multiple model computation iterations and calibration; multiple field observation, which may be constrained with time and resources to get reasonable output

    Similarity measures and algorithms for cartographic schematization

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    Integrated modelling for 3D GIS

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    A three dimensional (3D) model facilitates the study of the real world objects it represents. A geoinformation system (GIS) should exploit the 3D model in a digital form as a basis for answering questions pertaining to aspects of the real world. With respect to the earth sciences, different kinds of objects of reality can be realized. These objects are components of the reality under study. At the present state-of-the-art different realizations are usually situated in separate systems or subsystems. This separation results in redundancy and uncertainty when different components sharing some common aspects are combined. Relationships between different kinds of objects, or between components of an object, cannot be represented adequately. This thesis aims at the integration of those components sharing some common aspects in one 3D model. This integration brings related components together, minimizes redundancy and uncertainty. Since the model should permit not only the representation of known aspects of reality, but also the derivation of information from the existing representation, the design of the model is constrained so as to afford these capabilities. The tessellation of space by the network of simplest geometry, the simplicial network, is proposed as a solution. The known aspects of the reality can be embedded in the simplicial network without degrading their quality. The model provides finite spatial units useful for the representation of objects. Relationships between objects can also be expressed through components of these spatial units which at the same time facilitate various computations and the derivation of information implicitly available in the model. Since the simplicial network is based on concepts in geoinformation science and in mathematics, its design can be generalized for n-dimensions. The networks of different dimension are said to be compatible, which enables the incorporation of a simplicial network of a lower dimension into another simplicial network of a higher dimension.The complexity of the 3D model fulfilling the requirements listed calls for a suitable construction method. The thesis presents a simple way to construct the model. The raster technique is used for the formation of the simplicial network embedding the representation of the known aspects of reality as constraints. The prototype implementation in a software package, ISNAP, demonstrates the simplicial network's construction and use. The simplicial network can facilitate spatial and non spatial queries, computations, and 2D and 3D visualizations. The experimental tests using different kinds of data sets show that the simplicial network can be used to represent real world objects in different dimensionalities. Operations traditionally requiring different systems and spatial models can be carried out in one system using one model as a basis. This possibility makes the GIS more powerful and easy to use

    Acta Geographica Tomus XXXVIII.

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    Despite advances in GIS technology, solving geospatial problems using current GIS platforms involves complex tasks requiring specialized skills and knowledge that are attainable through formal training and experience in implementing GIS projects. These requisite skills and knowledge include: understanding domain-specific geospatial problems; understanding GIS representation of real-world objects, concepts, and activities; knowing how to identify, locate, retrieve, and integrate geospatial data sets into GIS projects; knowing specific geoprocessing capabilities available on specific GIS platforms; and skills in utilizing geoprocessing tools in GIS with appropriate data sets to solve problems effectively and efficiently. Users interested in solving application-domain problems often lack such skills and knowledge and resort to GIS experts (this is especially true for applications dealing with diverse geospatial data sets and complex problems). Therefore, there is a gap between users' knowledge about geoprocessing and GIS tools and the GIS knowledge and skills needed to solve geospatial problems. To fill this gap, a new approach that automates the tasks involved in geospatial problem solving is needed. Of these tasks, the most important is geospatial query (usually expressed in application-specific concepts and terminologies) interpretation and mapping to geoprocessing operations implementable by GIS. The goal of this research is to develop an ontological engineering methodology, called GeoInterpret, to automate the task of geospatial query interpretation and mapping. This methodology encompasses: a conceptualization of geospatial queries; a multiple-ontology approach for representing knowledge needed to solve geospatial queries; a set of techniques for mapping elements between different ontologies; and a set of algorithms for geospatial query interpretation, mapping, and geoprocessing workflow composition. A proof of concept was developed to demonstrate the working of GeoInterpret

    3D Spatial Data Infrastructures for web-based Visualization

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    In this thesis, concepts for developing Spatial Data Infrastructures with an emphasis on visualizing 3D landscape and city models in distributed environments are discussed. Spatial Data Infrastructures are important for public authorities in order to perform tasks on a daily basis, and serve as research topic in geo-informatics. Joint initiatives at national and international level exist for harmonizing procedures and technologies. Interoperability is an important aspect in this context - as enabling technology for sharing, distributing, and connecting geospatial data and services. The Open Geospatial Consortium is the main driver for developing international standards in this sector and includes government agencies, universities and private companies in a consensus process. 3D city models are becoming increasingly popular not only in desktop Virtual Reality applications but also for being used in professional purposes by public authorities. Spatial Data Infrastructures focus so far on the storage and exchange of 3D building and elevation data. For efficient streaming and visualization of spatial 3D data in distributed network environments such as the internet, concepts from the area of real time 3D Computer Graphics must be applied and combined with Geographic Information Systems (GIS). For example, scene graph data structures are commonly used for creating complex and dynamic 3D environments for computer games and Virtual Reality applications, but have not been introduced in GIS so far. In this thesis, several aspects of how to create interoperable and service-based environments for 3D spatial data are addressed. These aspects are covered by publications in journals and conference proceedings. The introductory chapter provides a logic succession from geometrical operations for processing raw data, to data integration patterns, to system designs of single components, to service interface descriptions and workflows, and finally to an architecture of a complete distributed service network. Digital Elevation Models are very important in 3D geo-visualization systems. Data structures, methods and processes are described for making them available in service based infrastructures. A specific mesh reduction method is used for generating lower levels of detail from very large point data sets. An integration technique is presented that allows the combination with 2D GIS data such as roads and land use areas. This approach allows using another optimization technique that greatly improves the usability for immersive 3D applications such as pedestrian navigation: flattening road and water surfaces. It is a geometric operation, which uses data structures and algorithms found in numerical simulation software implementing Finite Element Methods. 3D Routing is presented as a typical application scenario for detailed 3D city models. Specific problems such as bridges, overpasses and multilevel networks are addressed and possible solutions described. The integration of routing capabilities in service infrastructures can be accomplished with standards of the Open Geospatial Consortium. An additional service is described for creating 3D networks and for generating 3D routes on the fly. Visualization of indoor routes requires different representation techniques. As server interface for providing access to all 3D data, the Web 3D Service has been used and further developed. Integrating and handling scene graph data is described in order to create rich virtual environments. Coordinate transformations of scene graphs are described in detail, which is an important aspect for ensuring interoperability between systems using different spatial reference systems. The Web 3D Service plays a central part in nearly all experiments that have been carried out. It does not only provide the means for interactive web-visualizations, but also for performing further analyses, accessing detailed feature information, and for automatic content discovery. OpenStreetMap and other worldwide available datasets are used for developing a complete architecture demonstrating the scalability of 3D Spatial Data Infrastructures. Its suitability for creating 3D city models is analyzed, according to requirements set by international standards. A full virtual globe system has been developed based on OpenStreetMap including data processing, database storage, web streaming and a visualization client. Results are discussed and compared to similar approaches within geo-informatics research, clarifying in which application scenarios and under which requirements the approaches in this thesis can be applied

    Development of a hydrologic community modeling system using a workflow engine

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    Community modeling is a comparatively new paradigm that emphasizes on developing evolving modeling systems through a collective effort. It has gained growing attention within the hydrologic communities because the demand of developing more holistic-view model systems addressing chemical, physical, and biological processes within the geo volumes of the hydrologic cycle. The development of a community modeling system involves a number of technical issues including how to seamlessly integrate various models/modules especially to mediate their communications and executions, how to improve development efficiency by migrating legacy codes, and how to improve model provenance and repeatability of model runs to name just a few. The major objective of our studies is to develop a hydrologic community modeling system (HCMS) that allows constructing seamlessly integrated, workflow-based hydrologic models with swappable and portable modules for retrieving data from various data sources, pre-processing, modeling, and post-analysis. The HCMS is built on the Microsoft’s TRIDENT workflowengine which assists in tackling many of the above technical issues during its development. Four libraries are incorporated into HCMS, i.e. a data retrieval, a dataprocessing, a hydrologic computation and a data analysis library, which support to access data from numerous online data repositories using SOAP/FTP protocols or from local data stores, transform source data into model inputs, perform hydrologic modeling, and analyze model results, respectively. It can potentially be applied to anywhere in the nation due to its access to data sets of nationwide coverage, and can reduce the workload of conducting hydrologic modeling tasks to a great level. Besides its feature of supporting parallel or concurrent executions as well as distributing computations in GRID environment can improve run-time efficiency. This thesis comprises three independent papers, which present the studies on (1) the current efforts that have been or are beingmade for community modeling, (2) the development of the HCMS using the Microsoft’s TRIDENT workflow engine, (3) the assessment on the applicability and performance of the TRIDENT-shelled HCMS by applying it to conduct hydrologic studies on the Schuylkill watershed located in the Southeastern Pennsylvania.Ph.D., Civil Engineering -- Drexel University, 201
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