7 research outputs found

    Maximum Penalized Likelihood Kernel Regression for Fast Adaptation

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    Kernel Methods in Computer-Aided Constructive Drug Design

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    A drug is typically a small molecule that interacts with the binding site of some target protein. Drug design involves the optimization of this interaction so that the drug effectively binds with the target protein while not binding with other proteins (an event that could produce dangerous side effects). Computational drug design involves the geometric modeling of drug molecules, with the goal of generating similar molecules that will be more effective drug candidates. It is necessary that algorithms incorporate strategies to measure molecular similarity by comparing molecular descriptors that may involve dozens to hundreds of attributes. We use kernel-based methods to define these measures of similarity. Kernels are general functions that can be used to formulate similarity comparisons. The overall goal of this thesis is to develop effective and efficient computational methods that are reliant on transparent mathematical descriptors of molecules with applications to affinity prediction, detection of multiple binding modes, and generation of new drug leads. While in this thesis we derive computational strategies for the discovery of new drug leads, our approach differs from the traditional ligandbased approach. We have developed novel procedures to calculate inverse mappings and subsequently recover the structure of a potential drug lead. The contributions of this thesis are the following: 1. We propose a vector space model molecular descriptor (VSMMD) based on a vector space model that is suitable for kernel studies in QSAR modeling. Our experiments have provided convincing comparative empirical evidence that our descriptor formulation in conjunction with kernel based regression algorithms can provide sufficient discrimination to predict various biological activities of a molecule with reasonable accuracy. 2. We present a new component selection algorithm KACS (Kernel Alignment Component Selection) based on kernel alignment for a QSAR study. Kernel alignment has been developed as a measure of similarity between two kernel functions. In our algorithm, we refine kernel alignment as an evaluation tool, using recursive component elimination to eventually select the most important components for classification. We have demonstrated empirically and proven theoretically that our algorithm works well for finding the most important components in different QSAR data sets. 3. We extend the VSMMD in conjunction with a kernel based clustering algorithm to the prediction of multiple binding modes, a challenging area of research that has been previously studied by means of time consuming docking simulations. The results reported in this study provide strong empirical evidence that our strategy has enough resolving power to distinguish multiple binding modes through the use of a standard k-means algorithm. 4. We develop a set of reverse engineering strategies for QSAR modeling based on our VSMMD. These strategies include: (a) The use of a kernel feature space algorithm to design or modify descriptor image points in a feature space. (b) The deployment of a pre-image algorithm to map the newly defined descriptor image points in the feature space back to the input space of the descriptors. (c) The design of a probabilistic strategy to convert new descriptors to meaningful chemical graph templates. The most important aspect of these contributions is the presentation of strategies that actually generate the structure of a new drug candidate. While the training set is still used to generate a new image point in the feature space, the reverse engineering strategies just described allows us to develop a new drug candidate that is independent of issues related to probability distribution constraints placed on test set molecules

    Learning speech embeddings for speaker adaptation and speech understanding

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    In recent years, deep neural network models gained popularity as a modeling approach for many speech processing tasks including automatic speech recognition (ASR) and spoken language understanding (SLU). In this dissertation, there are two main goals. The first goal is to propose modeling approaches in order to learn speaker embeddings for speaker adaptation or to learn semantic speech embeddings. The second goal is to introduce training objectives that achieve fairness for the ASR and SLU problems. In the case of speaker adaptation, we introduce an auxiliary network to an ASR model and learn to simultaneously detect speaker changes and adapt to the speaker in an unsupervised way. We show that this joint model leads to lower error rates as compared to a two-step approach where the signal is segmented into single speaker regions and then fed into an adaptation model. We then reformulate the speaker adaptation problem from a counterfactual fairness point-of-view and introduce objective functions to match the ASR performance of the individuals in the dataset to that of their counterfactual counterparts. We show that we can achieve lower error rate in an ASR system while reducing the performance disparity between protected groups. In the second half of the dissertation, we focus on SLU and tackle two problems associated with SLU datasets. The first SLU problem is the lack of large speech corpora. To handle this issue, we propose to use available non-parallel text data so that we can leverage the information in text to guide learning of the speech embeddings. We show that this technique increases the intent classification accuracy as compared to a speech-only system. The second SLU problem is the label imbalance problem in the datasets, which is also related to fairness since a model trained on skewed data usually leads to biased results. To achieve fair SLU, we propose to maximize the F-measure instead of conventional cross-entropy minimization and show that it is possible to increase the number of classes with nonzero recall. In the last two chapters, we provide additional discussions on the impact of these projects from both technical and social perspectives, propose directions for future research and summarize the findings

    Embedded kernel eigenvoice speaker adaptation and its implication to reference speaker weighting

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    Abstract — Recently, we proposed an improvement to the conventional eigenvoice (EV) speaker adaptation using kernel methods. In our novel kernel eigenvoice (KEV) speaker adaptation [1], speaker supervectors are mapped to a kernelinduced high dimensional feature space, where eigenvoices are computed using kernel principal component analysis. A new speaker model is then constructed as a linear combination of the leading eigenvoices in the kernel-induced feature space. KEV adaptation was shown to outperform EV, MAP, and MLLR adaptation in a TIDIGITS task with less than 10s of adaptation speech [2]. Nonetheless, due to many kernel evaluations, both adaptation and subsequent recognition in KEV adaptation are considerably slower than conventional EV adaptation. In this paper, we solve the efficiency problem and eliminate all kernel evaluations involving adaptation or testing observations by finding an approximate preimage of the implicit adapted model found by KEV adaptation in the feature space; we call our new method embedded kernel eigenvoice (eKEV) adaptation. eKEV adaptation is faster than KEV adaptation, and subsequent recognition runs as fast as normal HMM decoding. eKEV adaptation makes use of multi-dimensional scaling technique so that the resulting adapted model lies in the span of a subset of carefully chosen training speakers. It is related to the reference speaker weighting (RSW) adaptation method that is based on speaker clustering. Our experimental results on Wall Street Journal show that eKEV adaptation continues to outperform EV, MAP, MLLR, and the original RSW method. However, by adopting the way we choose the subset of reference speakers for eKEV adaptation, we may also improve RSW adaptation so that it performs as well as our eKEV adaptation

    Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial 2018)

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