6 research outputs found

    Scalable video compression with optimized visual performance and random accessibility

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    This thesis is concerned with maximizing the coding efficiency, random accessibility and visual performance of scalable compressed video. The unifying theme behind this work is the use of finely embedded localized coding structures, which govern the extent to which these goals may be jointly achieved. The first part focuses on scalable volumetric image compression. We investigate 3D transform and coding techniques which exploit inter-slice statistical redundancies without compromising slice accessibility. Our study shows that the motion-compensated temporal discrete wavelet transform (MC-TDWT) practically achieves an upper bound to the compression efficiency of slice transforms. From a video coding perspective, we find that most of the coding gain is attributed to offsetting the learning penalty in adaptive arithmetic coding through 3D code-block extension, rather than inter-frame context modelling. The second aspect of this thesis examines random accessibility. Accessibility refers to the ease with which a region of interest is accessed (subband samples needed for reconstruction are retrieved) from a compressed video bitstream, subject to spatiotemporal code-block constraints. We investigate the fundamental implications of motion compensation for random access efficiency and the compression performance of scalable interactive video. We demonstrate that inclusion of motion compensation operators within the lifting steps of a temporal subband transform incurs a random access penalty which depends on the characteristics of the motion field. The final aspect of this thesis aims to minimize the perceptual impact of visible distortion in scalable reconstructed video. We present a visual optimization strategy based on distortion scaling which raises the distortion-length slope of perceptually significant samples. This alters the codestream embedding order during post-compression rate-distortion optimization, thus allowing visually sensitive sites to be encoded with higher fidelity at a given bit-rate. For visual sensitivity analysis, we propose a contrast perception model that incorporates an adaptive masking slope. This versatile feature provides a context which models perceptual significance. It enables scene structures that otherwise suffer significant degradation to be preserved at lower bit-rates. The novelty in our approach derives from a set of "perceptual mappings" which account for quantization noise shaping effects induced by motion-compensated temporal synthesis. The proposed technique reduces wavelet compression artefacts and improves the perceptual quality of video

    The Space and Earth Science Data Compression Workshop

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    This document is the proceedings from a Space and Earth Science Data Compression Workshop, which was held on March 27, 1992, at the Snowbird Conference Center in Snowbird, Utah. This workshop was held in conjunction with the 1992 Data Compression Conference (DCC '92), which was held at the same location, March 24-26, 1992. The workshop explored opportunities for data compression to enhance the collection and analysis of space and Earth science data. The workshop consisted of eleven papers presented in four sessions. These papers describe research that is integrated into, or has the potential of being integrated into, a particular space and/or Earth science data information system. Presenters were encouraged to take into account the scientists's data requirements, and the constraints imposed by the data collection, transmission, distribution, and archival system

    MASCOT : metadata for advanced scalable video coding tools : final report

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    The goal of the MASCOT project was to develop new video coding schemes and tools that provide both an increased coding efficiency as well as extended scalability features compared to technology that was available at the beginning of the project. Towards that goal the following tools would be used: - metadata-based coding tools; - new spatiotemporal decompositions; - new prediction schemes. Although the initial goal was to develop one single codec architecture that was able to combine all new coding tools that were foreseen when the project was formulated, it became clear that this would limit the selection of the new tools. Therefore the consortium decided to develop two codec frameworks within the project, a standard hybrid DCT-based codec and a 3D wavelet-based codec, which together are able to accommodate all tools developed during the course of the project

    Compression et transmission d'images avec énergie minimale application aux capteurs sans fil

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    Un réseau de capteurs d'images sans fil (RCISF) est un réseau ad hoc formé d'un ensemble de noeuds autonomes dotés chacun d'une petite caméra, communiquant entre eux sans liaison filaire et sans l'utilisation d'une infrastructure établie, ni d'une gestion de réseau centralisée. Leur utilité semble majeure dans plusieurs domaines, notamment en médecine et en environnement. La conception d'une chaîne de compression et de transmission sans fil pour un RCISF pose de véritables défis. L'origine de ces derniers est liée principalement à la limitation des ressources des capteurs (batterie faible , capacité de traitement et mémoire limitées). L'objectif de cette thèse consiste à explorer des stratégies permettant d'améliorer l'efficacité énergétique des RCISF, notamment lors de la compression et de la transmission des images. Inéluctablement, l'application des normes usuelles telles que JPEG ou JPEG2000 est éner- givore, et limite ainsi la longévité des RCISF. Cela nécessite leur adaptation aux contraintes imposées par les RCISF. Pour cela, nous avons analysé en premier lieu, la faisabilité d'adapter JPEG au contexte où les ressources énergétiques sont très limitées. Les travaux menés sur cet aspect nous permettent de proposer trois solutions. La première solution est basée sur la propriété de compactage de l'énergie de la Transformée en Cosinus Discrète (TCD). Cette propriété permet d'éliminer la redondance dans une image sans trop altérer sa qualité, tout en gagnant en énergie. La réduction de l'énergie par l'utilisation des régions d'intérêts représente la deuxième solution explorée dans cette thèse. Finalement, nous avons proposé un schéma basé sur la compression et la transmission progressive, permettant ainsi d'avoir une idée générale sur l'image cible sans envoyer son contenu entier. En outre, pour une transmission non énergivore, nous avons opté pour la solution suivante. N'envoyer fiablement que les basses fréquences et les régions d'intérêt d'une image. Les hautes fréquences et les régions de moindre intérêt sont envoyées""infiablement"", car leur pertes n'altèrent que légèrement la qualité de l'image. Pour cela, des modèles de priorisation ont été comparés puis adaptés à nos besoins. En second lieu, nous avons étudié l'approche par ondelettes (wavelets ). Plus précisément, nous avons analysé plusieurs filtres d'ondelettes et déterminé les ondelettes les plus adéquates pour assurer une faible consommation en énergie, tout en gardant une bonne qualité de l'image reconstruite à la station de base. Pour estimer l'énergie consommée par un capteur durant chaque étape de la 'compression, un modèle mathématique est développé pour chaque transformée (TCD ou ondelette). Ces modèles, qui ne tiennent pas compte de la complexité de l'implémentation, sont basés sur le nombre d'opérations de base exécutées à chaque étape de la compression

    Recent Advances in Signal Processing

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    The signal processing task is a very critical issue in the majority of new technological inventions and challenges in a variety of applications in both science and engineering fields. Classical signal processing techniques have largely worked with mathematical models that are linear, local, stationary, and Gaussian. They have always favored closed-form tractability over real-world accuracy. These constraints were imposed by the lack of powerful computing tools. During the last few decades, signal processing theories, developments, and applications have matured rapidly and now include tools from many areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. This book is targeted primarily toward both students and researchers who want to be exposed to a wide variety of signal processing techniques and algorithms. It includes 27 chapters that can be categorized into five different areas depending on the application at hand. These five categories are ordered to address image processing, speech processing, communication systems, time-series analysis, and educational packages respectively. The book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity