900 research outputs found

    The Power of Linear Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Recurrent neural networks are a powerful means to cope with time series. We show how a type of linearly activated recurrent neural networks, which we call predictive neural networks, can approximate any time-dependent function f(t) given by a number of function values. The approximation can effectively be learned by simply solving a linear equation system; no backpropagation or similar methods are needed. Furthermore, the network size can be reduced by taking only most relevant components. Thus, in contrast to others, our approach not only learns network weights but also the network architecture. The networks have interesting properties: They end up in ellipse trajectories in the long run and allow the prediction of further values and compact representations of functions. We demonstrate this by several experiments, among them multiple superimposed oscillators (MSO), robotic soccer, and predicting stock prices. Predictive neural networks outperform the previous state-of-the-art for the MSO task with a minimal number of units.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures and tables, revised implementatio

    Hardware-Efficient Scalable Reinforcement Learning Systems

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    Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a machine learning discipline in which an agent learns by interacting with its environment. In this paradigm, the agent is required to perceive its state and take actions accordingly. Upon taking each action, a numerical reward is provided by the environment. The goal of the agent is thus to maximize the aggregate rewards it receives over time. Over the past two decades, a large variety of algorithms have been proposed to select actions in order to explore the environment and gradually construct an e¤ective strategy that maximizes the rewards. These RL techniques have been successfully applied to numerous real-world, complex applications including board games and motor control tasks. Almost all RL algorithms involve the estimation of a value function, which indicates how good it is for the agent to be in a given state, in terms of the total expected reward in the long run. Alternatively, the value function may re‡ect on the impact of taking a particular action at a given state. The most fundamental approach for constructing such a value function consists of updating a table that contains a value for each state (or each state-action pair). However, this approach is impractical for large scale problems, in which the state and/or action spaces are large. In order to deal with such problems, it is necessary to exploit the generalization capabilities of non-linear function approximators, such as arti…cial neural networks. This dissertation focuses on practical methodologies for solving reinforcement learning problems with large state and/or action spaces. In particular, the work addresses scenarios in which an agent does not have full knowledge of its state, but rather receives partial information about its environment via sensory-based observations. In order to address such intricate problems, novel solutions for both tabular and function-approximation based RL frameworks are proposed. A resource-efficient recurrent neural network algorithm is presented, which exploits adaptive step-size techniques to improve learning characteristics. Moreover, a consolidated actor-critic network is introduced, which omits the modeling redundancy found in typical actor-critic systems. Pivotal concerns are the scalability and speed of the learning algorithms, for which we devise architectures that map efficiently to hardware. As a result, a high degree of parallelism can be achieved. Simulation results that correspond to relevant testbench problems clearly demonstrate the solid performance attributes of the proposed solutions

    A space-time neural network

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    Introduced here is a novel technique which adds the dimension of time to the well known back propagation neural network algorithm. Cited here are several reasons why the inclusion of automated spatial and temporal associations are crucial to effective systems modeling. An overview of other works which also model spatiotemporal dynamics is furnished. A detailed description is given of the processes necessary to implement the space-time network algorithm. Several demonstrations that illustrate the capabilities and performance of this new architecture are given

    Recurrent policy gradients

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    Reinforcement learning for partially observable Markov decision problems (POMDPs) is a challenge as it requires policies with an internal state. Traditional approaches suffer significantly from this shortcoming and usually make strong assumptions on the problem domain such as perfect system models, state-estimators and a Markovian hidden system. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) offer a natural framework for dealing with policy learning using hidden state and require only few limiting assumptions. As they can be trained well using gradient descent, they are suited for policy gradient approaches. In this paper, we present a policy gradient method, the Recurrent Policy Gradient which constitutes a model-free reinforcement learning method. It is aimed at training limited-memory stochastic policies on problems which require long-term memories of past observations. The approach involves approximating a policy gradient for a recurrent neural network by backpropagating return-weighted characteristic eligibilities through time. Using a ‘‘Long Short-Term Memory'' RNN architecture, we are able to outperform previous RL methods on three important benchmark tasks. Furthermore, we show that using history-dependent baselines helps reducing estimation variance significantly, thus enabling our approach to tackle more challenging, highly stochastic environment

    Neuron Clustering for Mitigating Catastrophic Forgetting in Supervised and Reinforcement Learning

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    Neural networks have had many great successes in recent years, particularly with the advent of deep learning and many novel training techniques. One issue that has affected neural networks and prevented them from performing well in more realistic online environments is that of catastrophic forgetting. Catastrophic forgetting affects supervised learning systems when input samples are temporally correlated or are non-stationary. However, most real-world problems are non-stationary in nature, resulting in prolonged periods of time separating inputs drawn from different regions of the input space. Reinforcement learning represents a worst-case scenario when it comes to precipitating catastrophic forgetting in neural networks. Meaningful training examples are acquired as the agent explores different regions of its state/action space. When the agent is in one such region, only highly correlated samples from that region are typically acquired. Moreover, the regions that the agent is likely to visit will depend on its current policy, suggesting that an agent that has a good policy may avoid exploring particular regions. The confluence of these factors means that without some mitigation techniques, supervised neural networks as function approximation in temporal-difference learning will be restricted to the simplest test cases. This work explores catastrophic forgetting in neural networks in terms of supervised and reinforcement learning. A simple mathematical model is introduced to argue that catastrophic forgetting is a result of overlapping representations in the hidden layers in which updates to the weights can affect multiple unrelated regions of the input space. A novel neural network architecture, dubbed cluster-select, is introduced which utilizes online clustering for the selection of a subset of hidden neurons to be activated in the feedforward and backpropagation stages. Clusterselect is demonstrated to outperform leading techniques in both classification nd regression. In the context of reinforcement learning, cluster-select is studied for both fully and partially observable Markov decision processes and is demonstrated to converge faster and behave in a more stable manner when compared to other state-of-the-art algorithms
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