87 research outputs found

    Hybridization of modified sine cosine algorithm with tabu search for solving quadratic assignment problem

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    Sine Cosine Algorithm (SCA) is a population-based metaheuristic method that widely used to solve various optimization problem due to its ability in stabilizing between exploration and exploitation. However, SCA is rarely used to solve discrete optimization problem such as Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) due to the nature of its solution which produce continuous values and makes it challenging in solving discrete optimization problem. The SCA is also found to be trapped in local optima since its lacking in memorizing the moves. Besides, local search strategy is required in attaining superior results and it is usually designed based on the problem under study. Hence, this study aims to develop a hybrid modified SCA with Tabu Search (MSCA-TS) model to solve QAP. In QAP, a set of facilities is assigned to a set of locations to form a one-to-one assignment with minimum assignment cost. Firstly, the modified SCA (MSCA) model with cost-based local search strategy is developed. Then, the MSCA is hybridized with TS to prohibit revisiting the previous solutions. Finally, both designated models (MSCA and MSCA-TS) were tested on 60 QAP instances from QAPLIB. A sensitivity analysis is also performed to identify suitable parameter settings for both models. Comparison of results shows that MSCA-TS performs better than MSCA. The percentage of error and standard deviation for MSCA-TS are lower than the MSCA which are 2.4574 and 0.2968 respectively. The computational results also shows that the MSCA-TS is an effective and superior method in solving QAP when compared to the best-known solutions presented in the literature. The developed models may assist decision makers in searching the most suitable assignment for facilities and locations while minimizing cost

    Review On The Methods To Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems Particularly:Quadratic Assignment Model

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    The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) is one of the fundamental combinatorial optimization problem (COPs) in the branch of optimization or operation research in mathematics,from the category of the Facilities Location Problems (FLPs).The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) be appropriate to the group of NP-hard issues and is measured as a challenging problem of the combinatorial optimization.QAP in Location Theory considers one of the problems of facilities tracing which the rate of locating a facility be determined by the spaces between facilities as well as the communication among the further facilities.QAP was presented in 1957 by Beckman and Koopmans as they were attempting to model a problem of facilities location.To survey the researcher’s works for QAP and applied,the mapped research landscape outlines literature into a logical classification and discovers this field basic characteristics represented on the motivation to use the quadratic assignment problem applied in hospital layout and campus planning.This survey achieved a concentrated each QAP article search in three key databases:Web of Science,Science Direct,and IEEE Xplore.Those databases are regarded extensive adequate in covering QAP and the methods utilized in solving QAP

    A New Hybrid Approach Based On Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm To Enhancement Solutions Of Quadratic Assignment Problem

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    The Combinatorial Optimization Problem (COPs) is one of the branches of applied mathematics and computer sciences, which is accompanied by many problems such as Facility Layout Problem (FLP), Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), etc. Even though the use of several mathematical formulations is employed for FLP, Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) is one of the most commonly used. One of the major problems of Combinatorial NP-hard Optimization Problem is QAP mathematical model. Consequently, many approaches have been introduced to solve this problem, and these approaches are classified as Approximate and Exact methods. With QAP, each facility is allocated to just one location, thereby reducing cost in terms of aggregate distances weighted by flow values. The primary aim of this study is to propose a hybrid approach which combines Discrete Differential Evolution (DDE) algorithm and Tabu Search (TS) algorithm to enhance solutions of QAP model, to reduce the distances between the locations by finding the best distribution of N facilities to N locations, and to implement hybrid approach based on discrete differential evolution (HDDETS) on many instances of QAP from the benchmark. The performance of the proposed approach has been tested on several sets of instances from the data set of QAP and the results obtained have shown the effective performance of the proposed algorithm in improving several solutions of QAP in reasonable time. Afterwards, the proposed approach is compared with other recent methods in the literature review. Based on the computation results, the proposed hybrid approach outperforms the other method

    Improvements on the bees algorithm for continuous optimisation problems

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    This work focuses on the improvements of the Bees Algorithm in order to enhance the algorithm’s performance especially in terms of convergence rate. For the first enhancement, a pseudo-gradient Bees Algorithm (PG-BA) compares the fitness as well as the position of previous and current bees so that the best bees in each patch are appropriately guided towards a better search direction after each consecutive cycle. This method eliminates the need to differentiate the objective function which is unlike the typical gradient search method. The improved algorithm is subjected to several numerical benchmark test functions as well as the training of neural network. The results from the experiments are then compared to the standard variant of the Bees Algorithm and other swarm intelligence procedures. The data analysis generally confirmed that the PG-BA is effective at speeding up the convergence time to optimum. Next, an approach to avoid the formation of overlapping patches is proposed. The Patch Overlap Avoidance Bees Algorithm (POA-BA) is designed to avoid redundancy in search area especially if the site is deemed unprofitable. This method is quite similar to Tabu Search (TS) with the POA-BA forbids the exact exploitation of previously visited solutions along with their corresponding neighbourhood. Patches are not allowed to intersect not just in the next generation but also in the current cycle. This reduces the number of patches materialise in the same peak (maximisation) or valley (minimisation) which ensures a thorough search of the problem landscape as bees are distributed around the scaled down area. The same benchmark problems as PG-BA were applied against this modified strategy to a reasonable success. Finally, the Bees Algorithm is revised to have the capability of locating all of the global optimum as well as the substantial local peaks in a single run. These multi-solutions of comparable fitness offers some alternatives for the decision makers to choose from. The patches are formed only if the bees are the fittest from different peaks by using a hill-valley mechanism in this so called Extended Bees Algorithm (EBA). This permits the maintenance of diversified solutions throughout the search process in addition to minimising the chances of getting trap. This version is proven beneficial when tested with numerous multimodal optimisation problems

    Evolutionary Computation 2020

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    Intelligent optimization is based on the mechanism of computational intelligence to refine a suitable feature model, design an effective optimization algorithm, and then to obtain an optimal or satisfactory solution to a complex problem. Intelligent algorithms are key tools to ensure global optimization quality, fast optimization efficiency and robust optimization performance. Intelligent optimization algorithms have been studied by many researchers, leading to improvements in the performance of algorithms such as the evolutionary algorithm, whale optimization algorithm, differential evolution algorithm, and particle swarm optimization. Studies in this arena have also resulted in breakthroughs in solving complex problems including the green shop scheduling problem, the severe nonlinear problem in one-dimensional geodesic electromagnetic inversion, error and bug finding problem in software, the 0-1 backpack problem, traveler problem, and logistics distribution center siting problem. The editors are confident that this book can open a new avenue for further improvement and discoveries in the area of intelligent algorithms. The book is a valuable resource for researchers interested in understanding the principles and design of intelligent algorithms

    Machine learning assisted optimization with applications to diesel engine optimization with the particle swarm optimization algorithm

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    A novel approach to incorporating Machine Learning into optimization routines is presented. An approach which combines the benefits of ML, optimization, and meta-model searching is developed and tested on a multi-modal test problem; a modified Rastragin\u27s function. An enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization method was derived from the initial testing. Optimization of a diesel engine was carried out using the modified algorithm demonstrating an improvement of 83% compared with the unmodified PSO algorithm. Additionally, an approach to enhancing the training of ML models by leveraging Virtual Sensing as an alternative to standard multi-layer neural networks is presented. Substantial gains were made in the prediction of Particulate matter, reducing the MMSE by 50% and improving the correlation R^2 from 0.84 to 0.98. Improvements were made in models of PM, NOx, HC, CO, and Fuel Consumption using the method, while training times and convergence reliability were simultaneously improved over the traditional approach

    Enhancement of Metaheuristic Algorithm for Scheduling Workflows in Multi-fog Environments

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    Whether in computer science, engineering, or economics, optimization lies at the heart of any challenge involving decision-making. Choosing between several options is part of the decision- making process. Our desire to make the "better" decision drives our decision. An objective function or performance index describes the assessment of the alternative's goodness. The theory and methods of optimization are concerned with picking the best option. There are two types of optimization methods: deterministic and stochastic. The first is a traditional approach, which works well for small and linear problems. However, they struggle to address most of the real-world problems, which have a highly dimensional, nonlinear, and complex nature. As an alternative, stochastic optimization algorithms are specifically designed to tackle these types of challenges and are more common nowadays. This study proposed two stochastic, robust swarm-based metaheuristic optimization methods. They are both hybrid algorithms, which are formulated by combining Particle Swarm Optimization and Salp Swarm Optimization algorithms. Further, these algorithms are then applied to an important and thought-provoking problem. The problem is scientific workflow scheduling in multiple fog environments. Many computer environments, such as fog computing, are plagued by security attacks that must be handled. DDoS attacks are effectively harmful to fog computing environments as they occupy the fog's resources and make them busy. Thus, the fog environments would generally have fewer resources available during these types of attacks, and then the scheduling of submitted Internet of Things (IoT) workflows would be affected. Nevertheless, the current systems disregard the impact of DDoS attacks occurring in their scheduling process, causing the amount of workflows that miss deadlines as well as increasing the amount of tasks that are offloaded to the cloud. Hence, this study proposed a hybrid optimization algorithm as a solution for dealing with the workflow scheduling issue in various fog computing locations. The proposed algorithm comprises Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). In dealing with the effects of DDoS attacks on fog computing locations, two Markov-chain schemes of discrete time types were used, whereby one calculates the average network bandwidth existing in each fog while the other determines the number of virtual machines existing in every fog on average. DDoS attacks are addressed at various levels. The approach predicts the DDoS attack’s influences on fog environments. Based on the simulation results, the proposed method can significantly lessen the amount of offloaded tasks that are transferred to the cloud data centers. It could also decrease the amount of workflows with missed deadlines. Moreover, the significance of green fog computing is growing in fog computing environments, in which the consumption of energy plays an essential role in determining maintenance expenses and carbon dioxide emissions. The implementation of efficient scheduling methods has the potential to mitigate the usage of energy by allocating tasks to the most appropriate resources, considering the energy efficiency of each individual resource. In order to mitigate these challenges, the proposed algorithm integrates the Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) technique, which is commonly employed to enhance the energy efficiency of processors. The experimental findings demonstrate that the utilization of the proposed method, combined with the Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) technique, yields improved outcomes. These benefits encompass a minimization in energy consumption. Consequently, this approach emerges as a more environmentally friendly and sustainable solution for fog computing environments

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Genetic Improvement of Sorghum and Pearl Millet

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    In 1971, an international symposium, Sorghum in the Seventies , organized by the All India Coordinated Sorghum Improvement Project with support from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and the Rockefeller Foundation was held in Hyderabad, India. The symposium reviewed the current knowledge base of the scientific, production and nutritional aspects of sorghum as a crop and as a human food. In 1981, ICRISAT, INTSORMIL, and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) sponsored Sorghum in the Eighties , an international symposium at ICRISAT Center in India, to review the achievements accomplished in sorghum research during the preceding 10 years. They reviewed sorghum\u27s role as an important cereal food, feed, construction material, and fuel in the developed and developing countries. In 1994, after discussion among INTSORMIL and ICRISAT scientists, it was recognized that an international meeting on the genetic improvement of grain sorghum and pearl millet was needed and would be strongly supported by the international sorghum and millet research community. Those discussions led to the September 1996 International Conference on Genetic Improvement of Sorghum and Pearl Millet. Grain sorghum and pearl millet are major food grains in the semiarid tropics of Africa, India, and South America. Sorghum ranks fifth among the world\u27s cereals, following wheat, maize, rice, and barley. F AO includes all millets together in its production estimates. Current estimates indicate that annual world sorghum production is approximately 61 million metric tons and world millet production is approximately 20 million metric tons. The inaugural speaker of this 1996 conference, Dr. Leland House, indicated global population is projected to increase to nine billion people by the year 2030 and is projected to increase most rapidly in the developing world. This will create a growing demand for food, as well as potential new market opportunities for food products developed from these basic grains

    Computational Optimizations for Machine Learning

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    The present book contains the 10 articles finally accepted for publication in the Special Issue “Computational Optimizations for Machine Learning” of the MDPI journal Mathematics, which cover a wide range of topics connected to the theory and applications of machine learning, neural networks and artificial intelligence. These topics include, among others, various types of machine learning classes, such as supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning, deep neural networks, convolutional neural networks, GANs, decision trees, linear regression, SVM, K-means clustering, Q-learning, temporal difference, deep adversarial networks and more. It is hoped that the book will be interesting and useful to those developing mathematical algorithms and applications in the domain of artificial intelligence and machine learning as well as for those having the appropriate mathematical background and willing to become familiar with recent advances of machine learning computational optimization mathematics, which has nowadays permeated into almost all sectors of human life and activity
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