34 research outputs found

    Evaluation of e-learning web sites using fuzzy axiomatic design based approach

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    High quality web site has been generally recognized as a critical enabler to conduct online business. Numerous studies exist in the literature to measure the business performance in relation to web site quality. In this paper, an axiomatic design based approach for fuzzy group decision making is adopted to evaluate the quality of e-learning web sites. Another multi-criteria decision making technique, namely fuzzy TOPSIS, is applied in order to validate the outcome. The methodology proposed in this paper has the advantage of incorporating requirements and enabling reductions in the problem size, as compared to fuzzy TOPSIS. A case study focusing on Turkish e-learning websites is presented, and based on the empirical findings, managerial implications and recommendations for future research are offered

    Building a Single Classroom with Technology

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    This research project explores how teaching staff can make creative use of technological systems to merge different cohorts of information technology (IT) students into a single classroom – facilitating better learning activities. A case study research method is used to explore how teaching staff members made better use of technology to help their students learn more fruitfully. Specifically, two subjects were purposefully selected for investigations, where the teaching staff members used technology innovatively in teaching and learning activities. In each case, use of technology to share resources and communicate is combined with a cultural shift in the approach to develop a single classroom with different cohorts of students. The results demonstrate new ways of using technology to enable different groups of students to communicate by enabling interaction of students from different cohorts not previously well-practised in teaching. The research results may drive future creative use of technology


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    This study aims to identify the level of awareness and readiness in using CIDOS E-learning among students in the Department of Electrical Engineering in Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah. Aspects of awareness and readiness to use CIDOS were identified for this study. A total of 90 respondents were involved in this study consisting of three programs in the Department of Electrical Engineering, which are Diploma in Electronic Engineering (Medical), Diploma in Electronic Engineering (Control), and Diploma in Electronic Engineering (Communication). The respondents were students of semester two December 2015 Session. Questionnaire method was used in getting relative information. The results were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 18. The study found that the level of awareness and readiness of respondents is high with an overall mean of 3.9

    Virtual Campus and Facebook in the university. Enemies or Allies in the teaching and learning processes?

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    Hoy en día nuestros alumnos viven una nueva era comunicativa. Desde hace varios años los químicos utilizan la tecnología para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en los distintos niveles de educación. El uso de plataformas virtuales suele ser una herramienta de gran valor educacional para los docentes. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es analizar el uso de plataformas virtuales por parte de los alumnos de la asignatura Química Orgánica II, de las carreras de Farmacia y Bioquímica de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Para ello comparamos el uso del Campus Virtual de la materia y la participación en grupos de Facebook. Una muestra de 110 estudiantes elegidos al azar participaron de esta investigación. El 100% de los alumnos estaban registrados en el Campus de Química Orgánica II y el 80% afirmó pertenecer a un grupo de Facebook relacionado. Un 90% de los cursantes utilizó alguna de estas herramientas tecnológicas como medio de consulta de sus dudas. Por otra parte, un 67% de los encuestados preferiría como medio de comunicación Facebook. El 64% de los estudiantes consideró que Facebook fue el medio por el cual obtuvieron una rápida respuesta a sus dudas. Los resultados indican que los alumnos utilizan plataformas virtuales como herramienta de apoyo en el proceso de aprendizaje.Our students live in a new era of communication. For many years chemists have used technology for teaching and learning at different levels of education. The use of virtual platforms is a valuable educational tool. The aim of this paper is to analyze the use of virtual platforms for students enrolled in the Organic Chemistry II course, of the careers of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires. We have compared the use of the Virtual Campus and Facebook groups. A sample of 110 randomly selected students participated in this research. The 100% of students were registered on the campus of Organic Chemistry II and the 80% was a member of a related Facebook group. The 90% of the students used some of these technological tools as a means to support their questions. Moreover, 67% of respondents prefer Facebook as a means of communication. The 64% of students felt that Facebook was the means by which they obtained a rapid response. The results indicate that students use virtual platforms as a support tool in the learning process.Fil: Mansilla, Daniela Soledad. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Química Orgánica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Ugliarolo, Esteban Ariel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Química Orgánica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Muscia, Gisela Celeste. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Química Orgánica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Characterization of a novel intelligent information management architecture based on autonomous mobile agents

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    Information Systems have progressed from stand-alone platform-centric systems to network-centric intelligent systems with the rapid advancement in Information and Communication Technology.This is an evolutionary process embedded with new challenges and rewards for the users of new information systems.The migration of these systems towards network centric computing has made these systems susceptible to networking paradigm problems opening a whole new avenue of research to address the typical problems of these information systems.The user demand on information service systems is never predictable and is always changing, creating new challenges for the designers and managers of these systems.Autonomous mobile agents employed in a networked environment have shown a lot of potential to inject intelligence and to handle the heterogeneous user demands of such systems under constantly evolving conditions.This paper investigates the employment of faded information field architecture employing mobile agents to address the constantly evolving condition of an information service system.The proposed architecture was simulated with promising results in unison with predicted behavior

    Towards a collaborative web-based learning system

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    The Internet can play an important role in providing education and new opportunities.The availability of the web-enabling technologies has influenced the success of e-learning strategies. The Internet may make the larger world more tangible and give strong foundation to extend traditional learning methods with dynamic learning using web technologies or electronically.E-learning consists of Web-based teaching tools that allow students and instructors access to course materials, assessment tools, activities and various communication options electronically.E-learning continues to work its way into the curriculum of many institutions of higher learning across the country.Focus of this paper is the discussion of the e-learning implementation, including future development and enhancement of e-learning.A review of the literature concerned the role of ICT in enhancing and promoting learning in or using the World Wide Web (WWW or Web) is also included.The e-learning platform used does provide a paradigm shift in facilitating student-lecturer interactio

    An Electronic Supervision System Architecture in Education Environments

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    In current era, information and communication technologies (ICT) have become cheaper and affordable for almost every organization. In the meantime, the huge involvement of technologies in the educational environment also creating complex issues for the teachers and administrative supervisors. Making all information and communication resources useable and available need a comprehensive training for the teachers and supervisors as well. As those professionals are the main supporter and guider for upcoming growing generation. From the training and communication perspective in this paper proposed a convenient way of communication by building an Electronic Supervision System Architecture (ESSA). The main purpose behind ESSA is to build an educational collaborative environment between supervisors and teachers which include several kinds of tasks to perform such as; skill development, experience sharing, group meeting & tasks, and discussing about teaching and administrative strategies. On the other side, it will provide the complete and open access to the supervisors to look after the working of their teachers/employees by using ESSA interface. It will also make less effort to communicate with each other which ultimately reduce the workload and will offer the assistance in their tasks by discussing in more efficient manner. Key words: E-Supervision, Education System, E-Supervision Architectur

    Sistemski razvoj elektronskega učenja v visokošolski izobraževalni ustanovi

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    Better use of time, decreased educational costs, more effective learning and learning management from the user’s side stimulate changes in the transmission of knowledge and learning. The Faculty of Organisation and Informatics (University of Zagreb, Croatia) was one of the places where a project for developing an e-learning system was started in accordance with user (student) demands and teaching process. Within this project, the production of a system for managing e-learning as well as adjusting teaching materials was started. This paper presents our achievements and results of using the developed elearning management system in our institution. Key words: e-learning, SCORM, LMSBoljša izraba časa, zniževanje stroškov izobraževanja, učinkovitejše učenje in učni management uporabnikov spodbujajo spremembe pri prenašanju znanja in učenja. Fakulteta za organizacijo in informatiko Univerze v Zagrebu (Hrvaška) je eden izmed krajev, kjer je, v soglasju z zahtevami uporabnikov (študentov) in z zahtevami učnega procesa, začel nastajati projekt razvoja sistema elektronskega učenja. V okviru tega projekta se je začela izgradnja upravljalskega sistema za elektronsko učenje kot tudi priprava učnih gradiv. Pričujoči prispevek ponazarja naše dosežke in rezultate uporabe razvitega upravljalskega sistema elektronskega učenja v naši ustanovi. Ključne besede: SCORM, LM

    A virtual campus for e-learning inclusion : the case of SVC-G9

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    Academics and professionals agree that, to adapt higher education institutions to the XXI century, it is imperative to extend the use of ICT as well as the virtualization of many human-interaction activities. There is therefore a need to move from the use of ICT as support tools to e-learning instruments based on virtual environments. These environments can be used for e-inclusion. That is, systems can be used to remove communication and interaction barriers that people with disabilities may face in the real world. This paper presents a project which implies the implementation of a virtual interuniversity campus where nine Spanish higher education institutions took part. To enhance Web accessibility as the usability of the system by users with disabilities is one of the main project’s objectives. In addition, the paper analyses the teen-year experience of an e-business course for engineers offered simultaneously by the nine universities through this platform. The main conclusions of this work can be valuable to higher education institutions which have implemented or intend to implement a virtual interuniversity campus