54,611 research outputs found

    Why Delannoy numbers?

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    This article is not a research paper, but a little note on the history of combinatorics: We present here a tentative short biography of Henri Delannoy, and a survey of his most notable works. This answers to the question raised in the title, as these works are related to lattice paths enumeration, to the so-called Delannoy numbers, and were the first general way to solve Ballot-like problems. These numbers appear in probabilistic game theory, alignments of DNA sequences, tiling problems, temporal representation models, analysis of algorithms and combinatorial structures.Comment: Presented to the conference "Lattice Paths Combinatorics and Discrete Distributions" (Athens, June 5-7, 2002) and to appear in the Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference

    A Survey on Continuous Time Computations

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    We provide an overview of theories of continuous time computation. These theories allow us to understand both the hardness of questions related to continuous time dynamical systems and the computational power of continuous time analog models. We survey the existing models, summarizing results, and point to relevant references in the literature

    Analysis of Schr\"odinger operators with inverse square potentials I: regularity results in 3D

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    Let VV be a potential on \RR^3 that is smooth everywhere except at a discrete set \maS of points, where it has singularities of the form Z/ρ2Z/\rho^2, with ρ(x)=xp\rho(x) = |x - p| for xx close to pp and ZZ continuous on \RR^3 with Z(p)>1/4Z(p) > -1/4 for p \in \maS. Also assume that ρ\rho and ZZ are smooth outside \maS and ZZ is smooth in polar coordinates around each singular point. We either assume that VV is periodic or that the set \maS is finite and VV extends to a smooth function on the radial compactification of \RR^3 that is bounded outside a compact set containing \maS. In the periodic case, we let Λ\Lambda be the periodicity lattice and define \TT := \RR^3/ \Lambda. We obtain regularity results in weighted Sobolev space for the eigenfunctions of the Schr\"odinger-type operator H=Δ+VH = -\Delta + V acting on L^2(\TT), as well as for the induced \vt k--Hamiltonians \Hk obtained by restricting the action of HH to Bloch waves. Under some additional assumptions, we extend these regularity and solvability results to the non-periodic case. We sketch some applications to approximation of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues that will be studied in more detail in a second paper.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, vol. 55 (103), no. 2/201