6 research outputs found

    Design of Quadrotor UAV and Internet-of-Things Based Air Pollution Monitoring Systems

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    Air pollution is one of problems causing global warming that is currently taking a place. Several air quality monitoring devices usually located at the city center are only limited to display data at one point. Therefore, a mobile device to monitor air quality is needed so as to enable the monitoring in several points. This paper aims to design an air quality monitoring system based on quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology. The sensor system is designed to detect CO, CO2, air quality, and temperature variables. This sensor systems was then integrated with quadrotor in order to make the monitoring process can be carried out at various points. Quadrotor was designed using Ardupilot Mega (APM) 2.6 as the flight controler. Measurement data from system sensor was transmitted wirelessly using internet network via Wi-Fi module. Based on the test results, the sensor system was able to detect concentration of several test gas and was linear to the output voltage. Quadrotor orientation parameters at takeoff produced transient responses in less than 1 second. The air pollution sensor parameter data could also be displayed every 10 seconds on the ThingSpeak and ThingView interfaces, and could be mapped based on the data retrieval coordinates


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    Resumen En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo del prototipo de un oxímetro de pulso inalámbrico de largo alcance y bajo consumo de energía (LP-WA). El prototipo propuesto fue diseñado para adquirir, procesar y transmitir señales fisiológicas y de geolocalización de una persona realizando actividades cotidianas en ambiente de exteriores. Además, se presenta un análisis detallado del consumo de energía del prototipo para calcular su tiempo de vida útil. Por último, se presentan los resultados de una evaluación experimental del rendimiento del prototipo analizando la tasa de entrega de paquetes (PDR) y el indicador de intensidad de señal recibida (RSSI) en diferentes esquemas de transmisión. Estos resultados permitieron validar el bajo consumo de corriente del dispositivo y el correcto funcionamiento del dispositivo en el proceso de transmisión de paquetes hacia la estación base LP-WA. Palabras Clave: Dispositivo médico, Internet de las cosas, LoRa, Oxímetro de pulso inalámbrico. Abstract In this paper the development of a long range and low power (LP-WA) wireless pulse oximeter prototype is presented. The prototype proposed was designed to acquire, process and transmit physiological and geolocation signals from people in outdoor environments. In addition, a detailed energy consumption analysis of the prototype is given in order to calculate its lifetime. Finally, results of an experimental performance evaluation of the prototype in terms of received strength signal indicator (RSSI) and packet delivery rate (PDR) are presented. These results allowed to validate the low power consumption of the device and its appropriate operation in the packet transmission process to LP-WA base station. Keywords: Internet of Things, LoRa, Medical device, wireless pulse oximeter

    Optimal integration of photovoltaic sources in distribution networks for daily energy losses minimization using the vortex search algorithm

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    This paper deals with the optimal siting and sizing problem of photovoltaic (PV) generators in electrical distribution networks considering daily load and generation profiles. It proposes the discrete-continuous version of the vortex search algorithm (DCVSA) to locate and size the PV sources where the discrete part of the codification defines the nodes. Renewable generators are installed in these nodes, and the continuous section determines their optimal sizes. In addition, through the successive approximation power flow method, the objective function of the optimization model is obtained. This objective function is related to the minimization of the daily energy losses. This method allows determining the power losses in each period for each renewable generation input provided by the DCVSA (i.e., location and sizing of the PV sources). Numerical validations in the IEEE 33- and IEEE 69-bus systems demonstrate that: (i) the proposed DCVSA finds the optimal global solution for both test feeders when the location and size of the PV generators are explored, considering the peak load scenario. (ii) In the case of the daily operative scenario, the total reduction of energy losses for both test feeders are 23.3643% and 24.3863%, respectively; and (iii) the DCVSA presents a better numerical performance regarding the objective function value when compared with the BONMIN solver in the GAMS software, which demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed master-slave optimization algorithm

    Towards Next Generation Teaching, Learning, and Context-Aware Applications for Higher Education: A Review on Blockchain, IoT, Fog and Edge Computing Enabled Smart Campuses and Universities

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    [Abstract] Smart campuses and smart universities make use of IT infrastructure that is similar to the one required by smart cities, which take advantage of Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing solutions to monitor and actuate on the multiple systems of a university. As a consequence, smart campuses and universities need to provide connectivity to IoT nodes and gateways, and deploy architectures that allow for offering not only a good communications range through the latest wireless and wired technologies, but also reduced energy consumption to maximize IoT node battery life. In addition, such architectures have to consider the use of technologies like blockchain, which are able to deliver accountability, transparency, cyber-security and redundancy to the processes and data managed by a university. This article reviews the state of the start on the application of the latest key technologies for the development of smart campuses and universities. After defining the essential characteristics of a smart campus/university, the latest communications architectures and technologies are detailed and the most relevant smart campus deployments are analyzed. Moreover, the use of blockchain in higher education applications is studied. Therefore, this article provides useful guidelines to the university planners, IoT vendors and developers that will be responsible for creating the next generation of smart campuses and universities.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-045Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Agencia Estatal de Investigación de España; TEC2016-75067-C4-1-

    Optimal integration of photovoltaic sources in distribution networks for daily energy losses minimization using the vortex search Algorithm

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    Este artículo trata sobre el problema de ubicación y dimensionamiento óptimo de generadores fotovoltaicos (FV) en redes de distribución eléctrica considerando los perfiles diarios de carga y generación. Propone la versión discreta-continua del algoritmo de búsqueda por vórtices (DCVSA) para localizar y dimensionar las fuentes FV donde la parte discreta de la codificación define los nodos. En estos nodos se instalan generadores renovables y la sección continua determina sus tamaños óptimos. Además, mediante el método de flujo de potencia de aproximaciones sucesivas, se obtiene la función objetivo del modelo de optimización. Esta función objetivo está relacionada con la minimización de las pérdidas energéticas diarias. Este método permite determinar las pérdidas de energía en cada período para cada entrada de generación renovable proporcionada por el DCVSA (es decir, la ubicación y el tamaño de las fuentes fotovoltaicas). Las validaciones numéricas en los sistemas IEEE 33 e IEEE 69 nodos demuestran que: (i) el DCVSA propuesto encuentra la solución global óptima para ambos alimentadores de prueba cuando se exploran la ubicación y el tamaño de los generadores fotovoltaicos, considerando el escenario de carga máxima. (ii) En el caso del escenario diario operativo, la reducción total de pérdidas de energía para ambos alimentadores de prueba es de 23,3643% y 24,3863%, respectivamente; y (iii) el DCVSA presenta un mejor desempeño numérico con respecto al valor de la función objetivo cuando se compara con el solucionador BONMIN en el software GAMS, lo que demuestra la efectividad y robustez del algoritmo de optimización maestro-esclavo propuesto.This paper deals with the optimal siting and sizing problem of photovoltaic (PV) generators in electrical distribution networks considering daily load and generation profiles. It proposes the discrete-continuous version of the vortex search algorithm (DCVSA) to locate and size the PV sources where the discrete part of the codification defines the nodes. Renewable generators are installed in these nodes, and the continuous section determines their optimal sizes. In addition, through the successive approximation power flow method, the objective function of the optimization model is obtained. This objective function is related to the minimization of the daily energy losses. This method allows determining the power losses in each period for each renewable generation input provided by the DCVSA (i.e., location and sizing of the PV sources). Numerical validations in the IEEE 33- and IEEE 69-bus systems demonstrate that: (i) the proposed DCVSA finds the optimal global solution for both test feeders when the location and size of the PV generators are explored, considering the peak load scenario. (ii) In the case of the daily operative scenario, the total reduction of energy losses for both test feeders are 23.3643% and 24.3863%, respectively; and (iii) the DCVSA presents a better numerical performance regarding the objective function value when compared with the BONMIN solver in the GAMS software, which demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed master-slave optimization algorithm