5 research outputs found

    The Dictionary of Accessible Communication

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    Terminology on Accessible Communication has primarily evolved and been published within the borders of a given country with no or only little exchange across these borders. Since English can be regarded as the „lingua franca“ of science, this first German–English dictionary of Accessible Communication will help to promote international exchange and an international discourse on this topic by attempting to define concepts that go beyond the scope of a single-country centered approach. The terminological work for this dictionary is based on the German Handbook of Accessible Communication. Most of the handbook’s contents are language-independent and applicable to other recipient communities. On the basis of the German terminology, the English equivalents, definitions and explanations were researched. The dictionary contributes to the development of a standardised terminology across languages and cultures

    The Dictionary of Accessible Communication

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    Terminology on Accessible Communication has primarily evolved and been published within the borders of a given country with no or only little exchange across these borders. Since English can be regarded as the „lingua franca“ of science, this first German–English dictionary of Accessible Communication will help to promote international exchange and an international discourse on this topic by attempting to define concepts that go beyond the scope of a single-country centered approach. The terminological work for this dictionary is based on the German Handbook of Accessible Communication. Most of the handbook’s contents are language-independent and applicable to other recipient communities. On the basis of the German terminology, the English equivalents, definitions and explanations were researched. The dictionary contributes to the development of a standardised terminology across languages and cultures

    Modellbasierte EntscheidungsunterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr Vertraulichkeit und Datenschutz in GeschĂ€ftsprozessen

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    Informationsvertraulichkeits- und Datenschutz-Netze (ICPN) unterstĂŒtzen Prozessmodellierer und -verantwortliche dabei, Datenschutz und Vertraulichkeit nicht nur rein technisch zu betrachten, sondern in Organisationen bereits frĂŒhzeitig beim Entwurf von GeschĂ€ftsprozessen zu berĂŒcksichtigen. Die in dem Buch veröffentlichte Petri-Netz-Erweiterung ICN ermöglicht es, Vertraulichkeit und Aspekte des Datenschutzes innerhalb von GeschĂ€ftsprozessmodellen systematisch zu betrachten

    Ein allgemeines kompetenzorientiertes Informations- und Vorgehensmodell fĂŒr die Strukturierung von DomĂ€neninhalten, Assessments und Feedback

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    Ein Feedback fĂŒr Lehrer und Lernende in Bildungsprozessen erfordert eine Externalisierung von Kompetenzen. DafĂŒr wird ein dreistufiges Meta-Modell entwickelt, das CSP, das in UML beschrieben wird und eine kompetenzorientierte Analyse erlaubt. Beispielhaft wird das Modell in ein DBMS ĂŒbertragen und in einem E-Assessment angewendet. Durch die Kompetenzmodellierung besteht eine differenzierte Bewertungsmöglichkeit, ErklĂ€rungsfĂ€higkeit und Lenkungsfunktion auch bei einem E-Assessment. Bei der Auswertung der Ergebnisse ergeben sich geschĂ€tzte Einsparungen von 90% gegenĂŒber klassischen Klausuren.The assessment of competencies is a prerequisite to evaluate the success of an educational process, to provide sound feedback to both the teachers as well as learners. So the domains contents needs a description in a structured, traceable and explanatory model. The CSP-model is a meta-model using the UML and is implemented in a DBMS. The model is applied in an e-assessment. It appears that through the CSP it becomes possible to give further teaching and learning advice on specific domain subjects. The effort necessary is remarkably less (90%) than for a classic paper-and-pencil-assessment

    Development of a Procedure Reference Model for the Alignment of Non‐medical Support Service Applications in Hospitals – A Framework for Ensuring the Correct Reporting and Configuration of Key Performance Indicators

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    The outcome of this thesis is the systematically developed and empirically validated “Procedure Reference Model for the Alignment of Non-medical Support Service Applications in Hospitals” comprising six component models, the metamodel, two input documents and a documentation for application as integral parts. The development of the model was done based on a pragmatic philosophical grounding in a multi-methodological iterative approach, including Design Science Research (DSR) principles for the modelling actions and mixed methods principles for the empirical research. In the “Theorising” phase, a sequential mixed methods approach combining a quantitative survey with qualitative expert interviews was conducted generating the basis for the modelling. In two iterations of the “Building” phase, the modelling actions were conducted. While in the “Evaluating” phase, the model was validated in two iterations based on expert interviews and focus group discussions. The model turned out to be relevant in the context of the challenges posed by the current structural changes in healthcare and hospitals. As part of these changes, non-medical support services are increasingly seen as essential not only in contributing to a better cost-efficiency but also as service enabler for the medical services. To be able to deliver the adequate services and service levels and control them within the very complex service provision of hospitals, the managers depend on relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) in an appropriate reporting setting. In Swiss hospitals, the configuration of KPI reporting had only partially been aligned in terms of software applications and/or in terms of reporting styles. Therefore, the research aims and objectives of this thesis were to find a procedure and its significant aspects for aligning non-medical-support service applications in hospitals so that in the future, relevant key performance indicators for systematic controlling and optimization can be generated and configured as effectively and efficiently as possible including the development of a model providing the necessary information. The evaluation of the model showed that the research output was credible and contributory. For practice, it provides a systematic basis for communication between different non-medical support service application stakeholders and thus enables managers to indirectly contribute to the development of a more effective healthcare provision. For the scientific community, it contributes to the development of multi-methodological DSR approaches suitable for complex environments and for multi-disciplinary environments