682 research outputs found

    Coupled-mode equations and gap solitons in a two-dimensional nonlinear elliptic problem with a separable periodic potential

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    We address a two-dimensional nonlinear elliptic problem with a finite-amplitude periodic potential. For a class of separable symmetric potentials, we study the bifurcation of the first band gap in the spectrum of the linear Schr\"{o}dinger operator and the relevant coupled-mode equations to describe this bifurcation. The coupled-mode equations are derived by the rigorous analysis based on the Fourier--Bloch decomposition and the Implicit Function Theorem in the space of bounded continuous functions vanishing at infinity. Persistence of reversible localized solutions, called gap solitons, beyond the coupled-mode equations is proved under a non-degeneracy assumption on the kernel of the linearization operator. Various branches of reversible localized solutions are classified numerically in the framework of the coupled-mode equations and convergence of the approximation error is verified. Error estimates on the time-dependent solutions of the Gross--Pitaevskii equation and the coupled-mode equations are obtained for a finite-time interval.Comment: 32 pages, 16 figure

    Phases of \Nc= \infty QCD-like gauge theories on S3×S1S^3 \times S^1 and nonperturbative orbifold-orientifold equivalences

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    We study the phase diagrams of \Nc= \infty vector-like, asymptotically free gauge theories as a function of volume, on S3×S1S^3\times S^1. The theories of interest are the ones with fermions in two index representations [adjoint, (anti)symmetric, and bifundamental abbreviated as QCD(adj), QCD(AS/S) and QCD(BF)], and are interrelated via orbifold or orientifold projections. The phase diagrams reveal interesting phenomena such as disentangled realizations of chiral and center symmetry, confinement without chiral symmetry breaking, zero temperature chiral transitions, and in some cases, exotic phases which spontaneously break the discrete symmetries such as C, P, T as well as CPT. In a regime where the theories are perturbative, the deconfinement temperature in SYM, and QCD(AS/S/BF) coincide. The thermal phase diagrams of thermal orbifold QCD(BF), orientifold QCD(AS/S), and N=1\N=1 SYM coincide, provided charge conjugation symmetry for QCD(AS/S) and Z2\Z_2 interchange symmetry of the QCD(BF) are not broken in the phase continously connected to R4\R^4 limit. When the S1S^1 circle is endowed with periodic boundary conditions, the (nonthermal) phase diagrams of orbifold and orientifold QCD are still the same, however, both theories possess chirally symmetric phases which are absent in \None SYM. The match and mismatch of the phase diagrams depending on the spin structure of fermions along the S1S^1 circle is naturally explained in terms of the necessary and sufficient symmetry realization conditions which determine the validity of the nonperturbative orbifold orientifold equivalence.Comment: 60 pages, 6 figure

    Spectrum of the Dirac Operator and Multigrid Algorithm with Dynamical Staggered Fermions

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    Complete spectra of the staggered Dirac operator \Dirac are determined in quenched four-dimensional SU(2)SU(2) gauge fields, and also in the presence of dynamical fermions. Periodic as well as antiperiodic boundary conditions are used. An attempt is made to relate the performance of multigrid (MG) and conjugate gradient (CG) algorithms for propagators with the distribution of the eigenvalues of~\Dirac. The convergence of the CG algorithm is determined only by the condition number~κ\kappa and by the lattice size. Since~κ\kappa's do not vary significantly when quarks become dynamic, CG convergence in unquenched fields can be predicted from quenched simulations. On the other hand, MG convergence is not affected by~κ\kappa but depends on the spectrum in a more subtle way.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, HUB-IEP-94/12 and KL-TH 19/94; comes as a uuencoded tar-compressed .ps-fil

    Interface free-energy exponent in the one-dimensional Ising spin glass with long-range interactions in both the droplet and broken replica symmetry regions

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    The one-dimensional Ising spin-glass model with power-law long-range interactions is a useful proxy model for studying spin glasses in higher space dimensions and for finding the dimension at which the spin-glass state changes from having broken replica symmetry to that of droplet behavior. To this end we have calculated the exponent that describes the difference in free energy between periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions. Numerical work is done to support some of the assumptions made in the calculations and to determine the behavior of the interface free-energy exponent of the power law of the interactions. Our numerical results for the interface free-energy exponent are badly affected by finite-size problems.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Periodic solutions and torsional instability in a nonlinear nonlocal plate equation

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    A thin and narrow rectangular plate having the two short edges hinged and the two long edges free is considered. A nonlinear nonlocal evolution equation describing the deformation of the plate is introduced: well-posedness and existence of periodic solutions are proved. The natural phase space is a particular second order Sobolev space that can be orthogonally split into two subspaces containing, respectively, the longitudinal and the torsional movements of the plate. Sufficient conditions for the stability of periodic solutions and of solutions having only a longitudinal component are given. A stability analysis of the so-called prevailing mode is also performed. Some numerical experiments show that instabilities may occur. This plate can be seen as a simplified and qualitative model for the deck of a suspension bridge, which does not take into account the complex interactions between all the components of a real bridge.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figures. The result of Theorem 6 is correct, but the proof was not correct. We slightly changed the proof in this updated versio


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    We discuss several problems concerning domain walls in the spin SS Ising model at zero temperature in a magnetic field, H/(2S)H/(2S), applied in the xx direction. Some results are also given for the planar (yy-zz) model in a transverse field. We treat the quantum problem in one dimension by perturbation theory at small HH and numerically over a large range of HH. We obtain the spin density profile by fixing the spins at opposite ends of the chain to have opposite signs of SzS_z. One dimension is special in that there the quantum width of the wall is proportional to the size LL of the system. We also study the quantitative features of the `particle' band which extends up to energies of order HH above the ground state. Except for the planar limit, this particle band is well separated from excitations having energy J/SJ/S involving creation of more walls. At large SS this particle band develops energy gaps and the lowest sub-band has tunnel splittings of order H212SH2^{1-2S}. This scale of energy gives rise to anomalous scaling with respect to a) finite size, b) temperature, or c) random potentials. The intrinsic width of the domain wall and the pinning energy are also defined and calculated in certain limiting cases. The general conclusion is that quantum effects prevent the wall from being sharp and in higher dimension would prevent sudden excursions in the configuration of the wall.Comment: 40 pages and 13 figures, Phys. Rev. B, to be publishe

    Truncated Hilbert space approach to the 2d ϕ4\phi^{4} theory

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    We apply the massive analogue of the truncated conformal space approach to study the two dimensional ϕ4\phi^{4} theory in finite volume. We focus on the broken phase and determine the finite size spectrum of the model numerically. We interpret the results in terms of the Bethe-Yang spectrum, from which we extract the infinite volume masses and scattering matrices for various couplings. We compare these results against semiclassical analysis and perturbation theory. We also analyze the critical point of the model and confirm that it is in the Ising universality class.Comment: pdflatex, 35 pages with 29 pdf figures. Binary program is also attached, run on linux as: phi4 config.dat, v2: typos corrected, comparison to other works and references added, vacuum splitting analysis corrected, comparison to sine-Gordon TCSA added, v3: improved numerics, analysis on excited kink added, critical point investigate

    Polyakov Loop Dynamics in the Center Symmetric Phase

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    A study of the center symmetric phase of SU(2) Yang Mills theory is presented. Realization of the center symmetry is shown to result from non-perturbative gauge fixing. Dictated by the center symmetry, this phase exhibits already at the perturbative level confinement like properties. The analysis is performed by investigating the dynamics of the Polyakov loops. The ultralocality of these degrees of freedom implies significant changes in the vacuum structure of the theory. General properties of the confined phase and of the transition to the deconfined phase are discussed. Perturbation theory built upon the vacuum of ultralocal Polyakov loops is presented and used to calculate, via the Polyakov loop correlator, the static quark-antiquark potential.Comment: 45 pages, LaTeX, 8 figure