22 research outputs found

    Enhancing Deep Learning Models through Tensorization: A Comprehensive Survey and Framework

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    The burgeoning growth of public domain data and the increasing complexity of deep learning model architectures have underscored the need for more efficient data representation and analysis techniques. This paper is motivated by the work of (Helal, 2023) and aims to present a comprehensive overview of tensorization. This transformative approach bridges the gap between the inherently multidimensional nature of data and the simplified 2-dimensional matrices commonly used in linear algebra-based machine learning algorithms. This paper explores the steps involved in tensorization, multidimensional data sources, various multiway analysis methods employed, and the benefits of these approaches. A small example of Blind Source Separation (BSS) is presented comparing 2-dimensional algorithms and a multiway algorithm in Python. Results indicate that multiway analysis is more expressive. Contrary to the intuition of the dimensionality curse, utilising multidimensional datasets in their native form and applying multiway analysis methods grounded in multilinear algebra reveal a profound capacity to capture intricate interrelationships among various dimensions while, surprisingly, reducing the number of model parameters and accelerating processing. A survey of the multi-away analysis methods and integration with various Deep Neural Networks models is presented using case studies in different application domains.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures, 4 table

    Enabling Ubiquitous OLAP Analyses

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    An OLAP analysis session is carried out as a sequence of OLAP operations applied to multidimensional cubes. At each step of a session, an operation is applied to the result of the previous step in an incremental fashion. Due to its simplicity and flexibility, OLAP is the most adopted paradigm used to explore the data stored in data warehouses. With the goal of expanding the fruition of OLAP analyses, in this thesis we touch several critical topics. We first present our contributions to deal with data extractions from service-oriented sources, which are nowadays used to provide access to many databases and analytic platforms. By addressing data extraction from these sources we make a step towards the integration of external databases into the data warehouse, thus providing richer data that can be analyzed through OLAP sessions. The second topic that we study is that of visualization of multidimensional data, which we exploit to enable OLAP on devices with limited screen and bandwidth capabilities (i.e., mobile devices). Finally, we propose solutions to obtain multidimensional schemata from unconventional sources (e.g., sensor networks), which are crucial to perform multidimensional analyses

    Efficient Structure-aware OLAP Query Processing over Large Property Graphs

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    Property graph model is a semantically rich model for real-world applications that represent their data as graphs, e.g., communication networks, social networks, financial transaction networks. On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) provides an important tool for data analysis by allowing users to perform data aggregation through different combinations of dimensions. For example, given a Q&A forum dataset, in order to study if there is a correlation between a poster's age and his or her post quality, one may ask what is the average age of users grouped by the post score. Another example is that, in the field of music industry, it may be interesting to ask what total sales of records are with respect to different music companies and years so as to conduct a market activity analysis. Surprisingly, current graph databases do not efficiently support OLAP aggregation queries. In most cases, such queries are transformed to a sequence of join operations, and the system computes everything from scratch. For example, Neo4j, a state-of-art graph database system, processes each OLAP query in two steps. First, it expands the nodes and edges that satisfy the given query constraint. Then it performs the aggregation over all the valid substructures returned from the first step. However, in data warehousing workloads, it is common to have repeated queries from time to time. Computing everything from scratch would be highly inefficient. Materialization and view maintenance techniques developed in traditional RDBMS have proved to be efficient for processing OLAP workloads. Following the generic materialization methodology, in this thesis we develop a structure-aware cuboid caching solution to efficiently support OLAP aggregation queries over property graphs. Structure-aware means that our solution takes both heterogeneous attributes and graph topological information into consideration. The essential idea is to precompute and materialize some views based on statistics of history workload, such that future query processing can be accelerated. We implement a prototype system on top of Neo4j. Empirical studies over real-world property graphs show that, with a reasonable space cost constraint, our solution on average achieves 15-30x speedup over native Neo4j in time efficiency

    Dwarf: A Complete System for Analyzing High-Dimensional Data Sets

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    The need for data analysis by different industries, including telecommunications, retail, manufacturing and financial services, has generated a flurry of research, highly sophisticated methods and commercial products. However, all of the current attempts are haunted by the so-called "high-dimensionality curse"; the complexity of space and time increases exponentially with the number of analysis "dimensions". This means that all existing approaches are limited only to coarse levels of analysis and/or to approximate answers with reduced precision. As the need for detailed analysis keeps increasing, along with the volume and the detail of the data that is stored, these approaches are very quickly rendered unusable. I have developed a unique method for efficiently performing analysis that is not affected by the high-dimensionality of data and scales only polynomially -and almost linearly- with the dimensions without sacrificing any accuracy in the returned results. I have implemented a complete system (called "Dwarf") and performed an extensive experimental evaluation that demonstrated tremendous improvements over existing methods for all aspects of performing analysis -initial computation, storing, querying and updating it. I have extended my research to the "data-streaming" model where updates are performed on-line, exacerbating any concurrent analysis but has a very high impact on applications like security, network management/monitoring router traffic control and sensor networks. I have devised streaming algorithms that provide complex statistics within user-specified relative-error bounds over a data stream. I introduced the class of "distinct implicated statistics", which is much more general than the established class of "distinct count" statistics. The latter has been proved invaluable in applications such as analyzing and monitoring the distinct count of species in a population or even in query optimization. The "distinct implicated statistics" class provides invaluable information about the correlations in the stream and is necessary for applications such as security. My algorithms are designed to use bounded amounts of memory and processing -so that they can even be implemented in hardware for resource-limited environments such as network-routers or sensors- and also to work in "noisy" environments, where some data may be flawed either implicitly due to the extraction process or explicitly

    ART: A Large Scale Microblogging Data Management System

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    Sentinel Mining

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    Storage and aggregation for fast analytics systems

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    Computing in the last decade has been characterized by the rise of data- intensive scalable computing (DISC) systems. In particular, recent years have wit- nessed a rapid growth in the popularity of fast analytics systems. These systems exemplify a trend where queries that previously involved batch-processing (e.g., run- ning a MapReduce job) on a massive amount of data, are increasingly expected to be answered in near real-time with low latency. This dissertation addresses the problem that existing designs for various components used in the software stack for DISC sys- tems do not meet the requirements demanded by fast analytics applications. In this work, we focus specifically on two components: 1. Key-value storage: Recent work has focused primarily on supporting reads with high throughput and low latency. However, fast analytics applications require that new data entering the system (e.g., new web-pages crawled, currently trend- ing topics) be quickly made available to queries and analysis codes. This means that along with supporting reads efficiently, these systems must also support writes with high throughput, which current systems fail to do. In the first part of this work, we solve this problem by proposing a new key-value storage system – called the WriteBuffer (WB) Tree – that provides up to 30× higher write per- formance and similar read performance compared to current high-performance systems. 2. GroupBy-Aggregate: Fast analytics systems require support for fast, incre- mental aggregation of data for with low-latency access to results. Existing techniques are memory-inefficient and do not support incremental aggregation efficiently when aggregate data overflows to disk. In the second part of this dis- sertation, we propose a new data structure called the Compressed Buffer Tree (CBT) to implement memory-efficient in-memory aggregation. We also show how the WB Tree can be modified to support efficient disk-based aggregation.Ph.D

    Towards Personalized and Human-in-the-Loop Document Summarization

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    The ubiquitous availability of computing devices and the widespread use of the internet have generated a large amount of data continuously. Therefore, the amount of available information on any given topic is far beyond humans' processing capacity to properly process, causing what is known as information overload. To efficiently cope with large amounts of information and generate content with significant value to users, we require identifying, merging and summarising information. Data summaries can help gather related information and collect it into a shorter format that enables answering complicated questions, gaining new insight and discovering conceptual boundaries. This thesis focuses on three main challenges to alleviate information overload using novel summarisation techniques. It further intends to facilitate the analysis of documents to support personalised information extraction. This thesis separates the research issues into four areas, covering (i) feature engineering in document summarisation, (ii) traditional static and inflexible summaries, (iii) traditional generic summarisation approaches, and (iv) the need for reference summaries. We propose novel approaches to tackle these challenges, by: i)enabling automatic intelligent feature engineering, ii) enabling flexible and interactive summarisation, iii) utilising intelligent and personalised summarisation approaches. The experimental results prove the efficiency of the proposed approaches compared to other state-of-the-art models. We further propose solutions to the information overload problem in different domains through summarisation, covering network traffic data, health data and business process data.Comment: PhD thesi

    Concepts and Techniques for Flexible and Effective Music Data Management

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