36 research outputs found

    Optimized Temporal Monitors for SystemC

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    SystemC is a modeling language built as an extension of C++. Its growing popularity and the increasing complexity of designs have motivated research efforts aimed at the verification of SystemC models using assertion-based verification (ABV), where the designer asserts properties that capture the design intent in a formal language such as PSL or SVA. The model then can be verified against the properties using runtime or formal verification techniques. In this paper we focus on automated generation of runtime monitors from temporal properties. Our focus is on minimizing runtime overhead, rather than monitor size or monitor-generation time. We identify four issues in monitor generation: state minimization, alphabet representation, alphabet minimization, and monitor encoding. We conduct extensive experimentation and identify a combination of settings that offers the best performance in terms of runtime overhead

    LEO: Learning Efficient Orderings for Multiobjective Binary Decision Diagrams

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    Approaches based on Binary decision diagrams (BDDs) have recently achieved state-of-the-art results for multiobjective integer programming problems. The variable ordering used in constructing BDDs can have a significant impact on their size and on the quality of bounds derived from relaxed or restricted BDDs for single-objective optimization problems. We first showcase a similar impact of variable ordering on the Pareto frontier (PF) enumeration time for the multiobjective knapsack problem, suggesting the need for deriving variable ordering methods that improve the scalability of the multiobjective BDD approach. To that end, we derive a novel parameter configuration space based on variable scoring functions which are linear in a small set of interpretable and easy-to-compute variable features. We show how the configuration space can be efficiently explored using black-box optimization, circumventing the curse of dimensionality (in the number of variables and objectives), and finding good orderings that reduce the PF enumeration time. However, black-box optimization approaches incur a computational overhead that outweighs the reduction in time due to good variable ordering. To alleviate this issue, we propose LEO, a supervised learning approach for finding efficient variable orderings that reduce the enumeration time. Experiments on benchmark sets from the knapsack problem with 3-7 objectives and up to 80 variables show that LEO is ~30-300% and ~10-200% faster at PF enumeration than common ordering strategies and algorithm configuration. Our code and instances are available at https://github.com/khalil-research/leo

    Symbolic Quantum Simulation with Quasimodo

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    The simulation of quantum circuits on classical computers is an important problem in quantum computing. Such simulation requires representations of distributions over very large sets of basis vectors, and recent work has used symbolic data-structures such as Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) for this purpose. In this tool paper, we present Quasimodo, an extensible, open-source Python library for symbolic simulation of quantum circuits. Quasimodo is specifically designed for easy extensibility to other backends. Quasimodo allows simulations of quantum circuits, checking properties of the outputs of quantum circuits, and debugging quantum circuits. It also allows the user to choose from among several symbolic data-structures -- both unweighted and weighted BDDs, and a recent structure called Context-Free-Language Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (CFLOBDDs) -- and can be easily extended to support other symbolic data-structures.Comment: 15 pages; 35th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2023

    Optimized temporal monitors for systemc

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    Abstract SystemC is a modeling language built as an extension of C++. Its growing popularity and the increasing complexity of designs have motivated research efforts aimed at the verification of SystemC models using assertionbased verification (ABV), where the designer asserts properties that capture the design intent in a formal language such as PSL or SVA. The model then can be verified against the properties using runtime or formal verification techniques. In this paper we focus on automated generation of runtime monitors from temporal properties. Our focus is on minimizing runtime overhead, rather than monitor size or monitor-generation time. We identify four issues in monitor generation: state minimization, alphabet representation, alphabet minimization, and monitor encoding. We conduct extensive experimentation and identify a combination of settings that offers the best performance in terms of runtime overhead

    Fast Parallel Deterministic and Randomized Algorithms for Model Checking

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    Model checking is a powerful technique for verification of concurrent systems. One of the potential problems with this technique is state space explosion. There are two ways in which one could cope with state explosion: reducing the search space and searching less space. Most of the existing algorithms are based on the first approach. One of the successful approach for reducing search space uses Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) to represent the system. Systems with a large number of states (of the order of 5 x 10 ) have been thus verified. But there are limitations to this heuristic approach. Even systems of reasonable complexity have many more states. Also, the BDD approach might fail even on some simple systems. In this paper we propose the use of parallelism to extend the applicability of BDDs in model checking. In particular we present very fast algorithms for model checking that employ BDDs. The algorithms presented are much faster than the best known previous algorithms. We also describe searching less space as an attractive approach to model checking. In this paper we demonstrate the power of this approach. We also suggest the use of randomization in the design of model checking algorithms

    Precise quantitative analysis of binarized neural networks: a BDD-based approach

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    As a new programming paradigm, neural-network-based machine learning has expanded its application to many real-world problems. Due to the black-box nature of neural networks, verifying and explaining their behavior are becoming increasingly important, especially when they are deployed in safety-critical applications. Existing verification work mostly focuses on qualitative verification, which asks whether there exists an input (in a specified region) for a neural network such that a property (e.g., local robustness) is violated. However, in many practical applications, such an (adversarial) input almost surely exists, which makes a qualitative answer less meaningful. In this work, we study a more interesting yet more challenging problem, i.e., quantitative verification of neural networks, which asks how often a property is satisfied or violated. We target binarized neural networks (BNNs), the 1-bit quantization of general neural networks. BNNs have attracted increasing attention in deep learning recently, as they can drastically reduce memory storage and execution time with bit-wise operations, which is crucial in recourse-constrained scenarios, e.g., embedded devices for Internet of Things. Toward quantitative verification of BNNs, we propose a novel algorithmic approach for encoding BNNs as Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs), a widely studied model in formal verification and knowledge representation. By exploiting the internal structure of the BNNs, our encoding translates the input-output relation of blocks in BNNs to cardinality constraints, which are then encoded by BDDs. Based on the new BDD encoding, we develop a quantitative verification framework for BNNs where precise and comprehensive analysis of BNNs can be performed. To improve the scalability of BDD encoding, we also investigate parallelization strategies at various levels. We demonstrate applications of our framework by providing quantitative robustness verification and interpretability for BNNs. An extensive experimental evaluation confirms the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach

    Symbolic Search in Planning and General Game Playing

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    Search is an important topic in many areas of AI. Search problems often result in an immense number of states. This work addresses this by using a special datastructure, BDDs, which can represent large sets of states efficiently, often saving space compared to explicit representations. The first part is concerned with an analysis of the complexity of BDDs for some search problems, resulting in lower or upper bounds on BDD sizes for these. The second part is concerned with action planning, an area where the programmer does not know in advance what the search problem will look like. This part presents symbolic algorithms for finding optimal solutions for two different settings, classical and net-benefit planning, as well as several improvements to these algorithms. The resulting planner was able to win the International Planning Competition IPC 2008. The third part is concerned with general game playing, which is similar to planning in that the programmer does not know in advance what game will be played. This work proposes algorithms for instantiating the input and solving games symbolically. For playing, a hybrid player based on UCT and the solver is presented

    LIMDD A Decision Diagram for Simulation of Quantum Computing Including Stabilizer States

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    Efficient methods for the representation and simulation of quantum states and quantum operations are crucial for the optimization of quantum circuits. Decision diagrams (DDs), a well-studied data structure originally used to represent Boolean functions, have proven capable of capturing relevant aspects of quantum systems, but their limits are not well understood. In this work, we investigate and bridge the gap between existing DD-based structures and the stabilizer formalism, an important tool for simulating quantum circuits in the tractable regime. We first show that although DDs were suggested to succinctly represent important quantum states, they actually require exponential space for certain stabilizer states. To remedy this, we introduce a more powerful decision diagram variant, called Local Invertible Map-DD (LIMDD). We prove that the set of quantum states represented by poly-sized LIMDDs strictly contains the union of stabilizer states and other decision diagram variants. Finally, there exist circuits which LIMDDs can efficiently simulate, but which cannot be efficiently simulated by two state-of-the-art simulation paradigms: the Clifford + T simulator and Matrix-Product States. By uniting two successful approaches, LIMDDs thus pave the way for fundamentally more powerful solutions for simulation and analysis of quantum computing

    Modeling repairable system failure data using NHPP realiability growth mode.

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    Stochastic point processes have been widely used to describe the behaviour of repairable systems. The Crow nonhomogeneous Poisson process (NHPP) often known as the Power Law model is regarded as one of the best models for repairable systems. The goodness-of-fit test rejects the intensity function of the power law model, and so the log-linear model was fitted and tested for goodness-of-fit. The Weibull Time to Failure recurrent neural network (WTTE-RNN) framework, a probabilistic deep learning model for failure data, is also explored. However, we find that the WTTE-RNN framework is only appropriate failure data with independent and identically distributed interarrival times of successive failures, and so cannot be applied to nonhomogeneous Poisson process