17 research outputs found

    Active End-Effector Pose Selection for Tactile Object Recognition through Monte Carlo Tree Search

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    This paper considers the problem of active object recognition using touch only. The focus is on adaptively selecting a sequence of wrist poses that achieves accurate recognition by enclosure grasps. It seeks to minimize the number of touches and maximize recognition confidence. The actions are formulated as wrist poses relative to each other, making the algorithm independent of absolute workspace coordinates. The optimal sequence is approximated by Monte Carlo tree search. We demonstrate results in a physics engine and on a real robot. In the physics engine, most object instances were recognized in at most 16 grasps. On a real robot, our method recognized objects in 2--9 grasps and outperformed a greedy baseline.Comment: Accepted to International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 201

    Active End-Effector Pose Selection for Tactile Object Recognition through Monte Carlo Tree Search

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    This paper considers the problem of active object recognition using touch only. The focus is on adaptively selecting a sequence of wrist poses that achieves accurate recognition by enclosure grasps. It seeks to minimize the number of touches and maximize recognition confidence. The actions are formulated as wrist poses relative to each other, making the algorithm independent of absolute workspace coordinates. The optimal sequence is approximated by Monte Carlo tree search. We demonstrate results in a physics engine and on a real robot. In the physics engine, most object instances were recognized in at most 16 grasps. On a real robot, our method recognized objects in 2--9 grasps and outperformed a greedy baseline.Comment: Accepted to International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 201

    Adaptive Information Gathering via Imitation Learning

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    In the adaptive information gathering problem, a policy is required to select an informative sensing location using the history of measurements acquired thus far. While there is an extensive amount of prior work investigating effective practical approximations using variants of Shannon's entropy, the efficacy of such policies heavily depends on the geometric distribution of objects in the world. On the other hand, the principled approach of employing online POMDP solvers is rendered impractical by the need to explicitly sample online from a posterior distribution of world maps. We present a novel data-driven imitation learning framework to efficiently train information gathering policies. The policy imitates a clairvoyant oracle - an oracle that at train time has full knowledge about the world map and can compute maximally informative sensing locations. We analyze the learnt policy by showing that offline imitation of a clairvoyant oracle is implicitly equivalent to online oracle execution in conjunction with posterior sampling. This observation allows us to obtain powerful near-optimality guarantees for information gathering problems possessing an adaptive sub-modularity property. As demonstrated on a spectrum of 2D and 3D exploration problems, the trained policies enjoy the best of both worlds - they adapt to different world map distributions while being computationally inexpensive to evaluate.Comment: Robotics Science and Systems, 201

    Haptic identification of objects using a modular soft robotic gripper

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    This work presents a soft hand capable of robustly grasping and identifying objects based on internal state measurements. A highly compliant hand allows for intrinsic robustness to grasping uncertainty, but the specific configuration of the hand and object is not known, leaving undetermined if a grasp was successful in picking up the right object. A soft finger was adapted and combined to form a three finger gripper that can easily be attached to existing robots, for example, to the wrist of the Baxter robot. Resistive bend sensors were added within each finger to provide a configuration estimate sufficient for distinguishing between a set of objects. With one data point from each finger, the object grasped by the gripper can be identified. A clustering algorithm to find the correspondence for each grasped object is presented for both enveloping grasps and pinch grasps. This hand is a first step towards robust proprioceptive soft grasping