445 research outputs found

    Magnetic and structural properties of nanocrystalline PrCo3_3

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    The structure and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline PrCo3_3 obtained from high energy milling technique are investigated by X-ray diffraction, Curie temperature determination and magnetic properties measurements are reported. The as-milled samples have been annealed in a temperature range of 1023 K to 1273 K for 30 mn to optimize the extrinsic properties. The Curie temperature is 349\,K and coercive fields of 55\,kOe at 10\,K and 12\,kOe at 293\,K are obtained on the samples annealed at 1023\,K. A simulation of the magnetic properties in the framework of micromagnetism has been performed in order to investigate the influence of the nanoscale structure. A composite model with hard crystallites embedded in an amorphous matrix, corresponding to the as-milled material, leads to satisfying agreement with the experimental magnetization curve. [ K. Younsi, V. Russier and L. Bessais, J. Appl. Phys. {\bf 107}, 083916 (2010)]. The microscopic scale will also be considered from DFT based calculations of the electronic structure of RRCox_x compounds, where RR = (Y, Pr) and xx = 2,3 and 5.Comment: To be published in J. Phys.: Conference Series in the JEMS 2010 special issue. To be found once published at http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-659

    Electronic Structure and Magnetic Properties of Solids

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    We review basic computational techniques for simulations of various magnetic properties of solids. Several applications to compute magnetic anisotropy energy, spin wave spectra, magnetic susceptibilities and temperature dependent magnetisations for a number of real systems are presented for illustrative purposes.Comment: Review article; To appear in Journal of Computational Crystallograph

    Tuning magnetocrystalline anisotropy of Fe3_{3}Sn by alloying

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    The electronic structure, magnetic properties and phase formation of hexagonal ferromagnetic Fe3_{3}Sn-based alloys have been studied from first principles and by experiment. The pristine Fe3_{3}Sn compound is known to fulfill all the requirements for a good permanent magnet, except for the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE). The latter is large, but planar, i.e. the easy magnetization axis is not along the hexagonal c direction, whereas a good permanent magnet requires the MAE to be uniaxial. Here we consider Fe3_{3}Sn0.75_{0.75}M0.25_{0.25}, where M= Si, P, Ga, Ge, As, Se, In, Sb, Te and Bi, and show how different dopants on the Sn sublattice affect the MAE and can alter it from planar to uniaxial. The stability of the doped Fe3_{3}Sn phases is elucidated theoretically via the calculations of their formation enthalpies. A micromagnetic model is developed in order to estimate the energy density product (BH)max and coercive field μ0\mu_{0}Hc_{c} of a potential magnet made of Fe3_{3}Sn0.75_{0.75}Sb0.25_{0.25}, the most promising candidate from theoretical studies. The phase stability and magnetic properties of the Fe3_{3}Sn compound doped with Sb and Mn has been checked experimentally on the samples synthesised using the reactive crucible melting technique as well as by solid state reaction. The Fe3_{3}Sn-Sb compound is found to be stable when alloyed with Mn. It is shown that even small structural changes, such as a change of the c/a ratio or volume, that can be induced by, e.g., alloying with Mn, can influence anisotropy and reverse it from planar to uniaxial and back

    Out- versus in-plane magnetic anisotropy of free Fe and Co nanocrystals: tight-binding and first-principles studies

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    We report tight-binding (TB) and Density Function Theory (DFT) calculations of magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE) of free Fe (body centerd cubic) and Co (face centered cubic) slabs and nanocrystals. The nanocrystals are truncated square pyramids which can be obtained experimentally by deposition of metal on a SrTiO3_3(001) substrate. For both elements our local analysis shows that the total MAE of the nanocrystals is largely dominated by the contribution of (001) facets. However, while the easy axis of Fe(001) is out-of-plane, it is in-plane for Co(001). This has direct consequences on the magnetic reversal mechanism of the nanocrystals. Indeed, the very high uniaxial anisotropy of Fe nanocrystals makes them a much better potential candidate for magnetic storage devices.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Database of novel magnetic materials for high-performance permanent magnet development

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    This paper describes the open Novamag database that has been developed for the design of novel Rare-Earth free/lean permanent magnets. Its main features as software technologies, friendly graphical user interface, advanced search mode, plotting tool and available data are explained in detail. Following the philosophy and standards of Materials Genome Initiative, it contains significant results of novel magnetic phases with high magnetocrystalline anisotropy obtained by three computational high-throughput screening approaches based on a crystal structure prediction method using an Adaptive Genetic Algorithm, tetragonally distortion of cubic phases and tuning known phases by doping. Additionally, it also includes theoretical and experimental data about fundamental magnetic material properties such as magnetic moments, magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy, exchange parameters, Curie temperature, domain wall width, exchange stiffness, coercivity and maximum energy product, that can be used in the study and design of new promising high-performance Rare-Earth free/lean permanent magnets. The results therein contained might provide some insights into the ongoing debate about the theoretical performance limits beyond Rare-Earth based magnets. Finally, some general strategies are discussed to design possible experimental routes for exploring most promising theoretical novel materials found in the database.European Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020) under Grant Agreement No. 686056, NOVAMAG. European Regional Development Fund in the IT4Innovations national supercomputing center – path to exascale project, project number CZ 02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16–013/0001791 within the Operational Programme Research, Development and Educatio