615 research outputs found

    A Geometric Approach to Sound Source Localization from Time-Delay Estimates

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    This paper addresses the problem of sound-source localization from time-delay estimates using arbitrarily-shaped non-coplanar microphone arrays. A novel geometric formulation is proposed, together with a thorough algebraic analysis and a global optimization solver. The proposed model is thoroughly described and evaluated. The geometric analysis, stemming from the direct acoustic propagation model, leads to necessary and sufficient conditions for a set of time delays to correspond to a unique position in the source space. Such sets of time delays are referred to as feasible sets. We formally prove that every feasible set corresponds to exactly one position in the source space, whose value can be recovered using a closed-form localization mapping. Therefore we seek for the optimal feasible set of time delays given, as input, the received microphone signals. This time delay estimation problem is naturally cast into a programming task, constrained by the feasibility conditions derived from the geometric analysis. A global branch-and-bound optimization technique is proposed to solve the problem at hand, hence estimating the best set of feasible time delays and, subsequently, localizing the sound source. Extensive experiments with both simulated and real data are reported; we compare our methodology to four state-of-the-art techniques. This comparison clearly shows that the proposed method combined with the branch-and-bound algorithm outperforms existing methods. These in-depth geometric understanding, practical algorithms, and encouraging results, open several opportunities for future work.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 3 table, journa

    Particle Filter Design Using Importance Sampling for Acoustic Source Localisation and Tracking in Reverberant Environments

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    Sequential Monte Carlo methods have been recently proposed to deal with the problem of acoustic source localisation and tracking using an array of microphones. Previous implementations make use of the basic bootstrap particle filter, whereas a more general approach involves the concept of importance sampling. In this paper, we develop a new particle filter for acoustic source localisation using importance sampling, and compare its tracking ability with that of a bootstrap algorithm proposed previously in the literature. Experimental results obtained with simulated reverberant samples and real audio recordings demonstrate that the new algorithm is more suitable for practical applications due to its reinitialisation capabilities, despite showing a slightly lower average tracking accuracy. A real-time implementation of the algorithm also shows that the proposed particle filter can reliably track a person talking in real reverberant rooms.This paper was performed while Eric A. Lehmann was working with National ICT Australia. National ICT Australia is funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Communications, Information Technology, and the Arts, the Australian Research Council, through Backing Australia’s Ability, and the ICT Centre of Excellence programs

    Online Localization and Tracking of Multiple Moving Speakers in Reverberant Environments

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    We address the problem of online localization and tracking of multiple moving speakers in reverberant environments. The paper has the following contributions. We use the direct-path relative transfer function (DP-RTF), an inter-channel feature that encodes acoustic information robust against reverberation, and we propose an online algorithm well suited for estimating DP-RTFs associated with moving audio sources. Another crucial ingredient of the proposed method is its ability to properly assign DP-RTFs to audio-source directions. Towards this goal, we adopt a maximum-likelihood formulation and we propose to use an exponentiated gradient (EG) to efficiently update source-direction estimates starting from their currently available values. The problem of multiple speaker tracking is computationally intractable because the number of possible associations between observed source directions and physical speakers grows exponentially with time. We adopt a Bayesian framework and we propose a variational approximation of the posterior filtering distribution associated with multiple speaker tracking, as well as an efficient variational expectation-maximization (VEM) solver. The proposed online localization and tracking method is thoroughly evaluated using two datasets that contain recordings performed in real environments.Comment: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 201


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    The detection of sound sources with microphone arrays can be enhanced through processing individual microphone signals prior to the delay and sum operation. One method in particular, the Phase Transform (PHAT) has demonstrated improvement in sound source location images, especially in reverberant and noisy environments. Recent work proposed a modification to the PHAT transform that allows varying degrees of spectral whitening through a single parameter, andamp;acirc;, which has shown positive improvement in target detection in simulation results. This work focuses on experimental evaluation of the modified SRP-PHAT algorithm. Performance results are computed from actual experimental setup of an 8-element perimeter array with a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis for detecting sound sources. The results verified simulation results of PHAT- andamp;acirc; in improving target detection probabilities. The ROC analysis demonstrated the relationships between various target types (narrowband and broadband), room reverberation levels (high and low) and noise levels (different SNR) with respect to optimal andamp;acirc;. Results from experiment strongly agree with those of simulations on the effect of PHAT in significantly improving detection performance for narrowband and broadband signals especially at low SNR and in the presence of high levels of reverberation

    Efficient Interferer Cancelation based on Geometrical Information of the Reverberant Environment

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    reserved7ISSN (online) 2219-5491 5 pagg totaliPagani, P.; Riva, D.; Antonacci, F.; Prandi, G.; Tagliasacchi, M.; Sarti, A.; Tubaro, S.Pagani, P.; Riva, Davide; Antonacci, Fabio; Prandi, Giorgio; Tagliasacchi, Marco; Sarti, Augusto; Tubaro, Stefan

    Mathematical modelling ano optimization strategies for acoustic source localization in reverberant environments

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    La presente Tesis se centra en el uso de técnicas modernas de optimización y de procesamiento de audio para la localización precisa y robusta de personas dentro de un entorno reverberante dotado con agrupaciones (arrays) de micrófonos. En esta tesis se han estudiado diversos aspectos de la localización sonora, incluyendo el modelado, la algoritmia, así como el calibrado previo que permite usar los algoritmos de localización incluso cuando la geometría de los sensores (micrófonos) es desconocida a priori. Las técnicas existentes hasta ahora requerían de un número elevado de micrófonos para obtener una alta precisión en la localización. Sin embargo, durante esta tesis se ha desarrollado un nuevo método que permite una mejora de más del 30\% en la precisión de la localización con un número reducido de micrófonos. La reducción en el número de micrófonos es importante ya que se traduce directamente en una disminución drástica del coste y en un aumento de la versatilidad del sistema final. Adicionalmente, se ha realizado un estudio exhaustivo de los fenómenos que afectan al sistema de adquisición y procesado de la señal, con el objetivo de mejorar el modelo propuesto anteriormente. Dicho estudio profundiza en el conocimiento y modelado del filtrado PHAT (ampliamente utilizado en localización acústica) y de los aspectos que lo hacen especialmente adecuado para localización. Fruto del anterior estudio, y en colaboración con investigadores del instituto IDIAP (Suiza), se ha desarrollado un sistema de auto-calibración de las posiciones de los micrófonos a partir del ruido difuso presente en una sala en silencio. Esta aportación relacionada con los métodos previos basados en la coherencia. Sin embargo es capaz de reducir el ruido atendiendo a parámetros físicos previamente conocidos (distancia máxima entre los micrófonos). Gracias a ello se consigue una mejor precisión utilizando un menor tiempo de cómputo. El conocimiento de los efectos del filtro PHAT ha permitido crear un nuevo modelo que permite la representación 'sparse' del típico escenario de localización. Este tipo de representación se ha demostrado ser muy conveniente para localización, permitiendo un enfoque sencillo del caso en el que existen múltiples fuentes simultáneas. La última aportación de esta tesis, es el de la caracterización de las Matrices TDOA (Time difference of arrival -Diferencia de tiempos de llegada, en castellano-). Este tipo de matrices son especialmente útiles en audio pero no están limitadas a él. Además, este estudio transciende a la localización con sonido ya que propone métodos de reducción de ruido de las medias TDOA basados en una representación matricial 'low-rank', siendo útil, además de en localización, en técnicas tales como el beamforming o el autocalibrado

    Acoustic Speaker Localization with Strong Reverberation and Adaptive Feature Filtering with a Bayes RFS Framework

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    The thesis investigates the challenges of speaker localization in presence of strong reverberation, multi-speaker tracking, and multi-feature multi-speaker state filtering, using sound recordings from microphones. Novel reverberation-robust speaker localization algorithms are derived from the signal and room acoustics models. A multi-speaker tracking filter and a multi-feature multi-speaker state filter are developed based upon the generalized labeled multi-Bernoulli random finite set framework. Experiments and comparative studies have verified and demonstrated the benefits of the proposed methods