21 research outputs found

    Discrete denoising of heterogenous two-dimensional data

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    We consider discrete denoising of two-dimensional data with characteristics that may be varying abruptly between regions. Using a quadtree decomposition technique and space-filling curves, we extend the recently developed S-DUDE (Shifting Discrete Universal DEnoiser), which was tailored to one-dimensional data, to the two-dimensional case. Our scheme competes with a genie that has access, in addition to the noisy data, also to the underlying noiseless data, and can employ mm different two-dimensional sliding window denoisers along mm distinct regions obtained by a quadtree decomposition with mm leaves, in a way that minimizes the overall loss. We show that, regardless of what the underlying noiseless data may be, the two-dimensional S-DUDE performs essentially as well as this genie, provided that the number of distinct regions satisfies m=o(n)m=o(n), where nn is the total size of the data. The resulting algorithm complexity is still linear in both nn and mm, as in the one-dimensional case. Our experimental results show that the two-dimensional S-DUDE can be effective when the characteristics of the underlying clean image vary across different regions in the data.Comment: 16 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Vector Quantization Video Encoder Using Hierarchical Cache Memory Scheme

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    A system compresses image blocks via successive hierarchical stages and motion encoders which employ caches updated by stack replacement algorithms. Initially, a background detector compares the present image block with a corresponding previously encoded image block and if similar, the background detector terminates the encoding procedure by setting a flag bit. Otherwise, the image block is decomposed into smaller present image subblocks. The smaller present image subblocks are each compared with a corresponding previously encoded image subblock of comparable size within the present image block. When a present image subblock is similar to a corresponding previously encoded image subblock, then the procedure is terminated by setting a flag bit. Alternatively, the present image subblock is forwarded to a motion encoder where it is compared with displaced image subblocks, which are formed by displacing previously encoded image subblocks by motion vectors that are stored in a cache, to derive a first distortion vector. When the first distortion vector is below a first threshold TM, the procedure is terminated and the present image subblock is encoded by setting flag bit and a cache index corresponding to the first distortion vector. Alternatively, the present image subblock is passed to a block matching encoder where it is compared with other previously encoded image subblocks to derive a second distortion vector. When the second distortion vector is below a second threshold Tm, the procedure is terminated by setting a flag bit, by generating the second distortion vector, and by updating the cache.Georgia Tech Research Corporatio

    Efficient multiview image compression using quadtree disparity estimation

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    Parallelized Quadtrees for Image Compression in CUDA and MPI

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    Quadtrees are a data structure that lend themselves well to image compression due to their ability to recursively decompose 2-dimensional space. Image compression algorithms that use quadtrees should be simple to parallelize; however, current image compression algorithms that use quadtrees rarely use parallel algorithms. An existing program to compress images using quadtrees was upgraded to use GPU acceleration with CUDA but experienced an average slowdown by a factor of 18 to 42. Another parallelization attempt utilized MPI to process contiguous chunks of an image in parallel and experienced an average speedup by a factor of 1.5 to 3.7 compared to the unmodified program

    Image compression with anisotropic diffusion

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    Compression is an important field of digital image processing where well-engineered methods with high performance exist. Partial differential equations (PDEs), however, have not much been explored in this context so far. In our paper we introduce a novel framework for image compression that makes use of the interpolation qualities of edge-enhancing diffusion. Although this anisotropic diffusion equation with a diffusion tensor was originally proposed for image denoising, we show that it outperforms many other PDEs when sparse scattered data must be interpolated. To exploit this property for image compression, we consider an adaptive triangulation method for removing less significant pixels from the image. The remaining points serve as scattered interpolation data for the diffusion process. They can be coded in a compact way that reflects the B-tree structure of the triangulation. We supplement the coding step with a number of amendments such as error threshold adaptation, diffusion-based point selection, and specific quantisation strategies. Our experiments illustrate the usefulness of each of these modifications. They demonstrate that for high compression rates, our PDE-based approach does not only give far better results than the widely-used JPEG standard, but can even come close to the quality of the highly optimised JPEG2000 codec

    Optimising Spatial and Tonal Data for PDE-based Inpainting

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    Some recent methods for lossy signal and image compression store only a few selected pixels and fill in the missing structures by inpainting with a partial differential equation (PDE). Suitable operators include the Laplacian, the biharmonic operator, and edge-enhancing anisotropic diffusion (EED). The quality of such approaches depends substantially on the selection of the data that is kept. Optimising this data in the domain and codomain gives rise to challenging mathematical problems that shall be addressed in our work. In the 1D case, we prove results that provide insights into the difficulty of this problem, and we give evidence that a splitting into spatial and tonal (i.e. function value) optimisation does hardly deteriorate the results. In the 2D setting, we present generic algorithms that achieve a high reconstruction quality even if the specified data is very sparse. To optimise the spatial data, we use a probabilistic sparsification, followed by a nonlocal pixel exchange that avoids getting trapped in bad local optima. After this spatial optimisation we perform a tonal optimisation that modifies the function values in order to reduce the global reconstruction error. For homogeneous diffusion inpainting, this comes down to a least squares problem for which we prove that it has a unique solution. We demonstrate that it can be found efficiently with a gradient descent approach that is accelerated with fast explicit diffusion (FED) cycles. Our framework allows to specify the desired density of the inpainting mask a priori. Moreover, is more generic than other data optimisation approaches for the sparse inpainting problem, since it can also be extended to nonlinear inpainting operators such as EED. This is exploited to achieve reconstructions with state-of-the-art quality. We also give an extensive literature survey on PDE-based image compression methods

    Adaptive delivery of immersive 3D multi-view video over the Internet

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    The increase in Internet bandwidth and the developments in 3D video technology have paved the way for the delivery of 3D Multi-View Video (MVV) over the Internet. However, large amounts of data and dynamic network conditions result in frequent network congestion, which may prevent video packets from being delivered on time. As a consequence, the 3D video experience may well be degraded unless content-aware precautionary mechanisms and adaptation methods are deployed. In this work, a novel adaptive MVV streaming method is introduced which addresses the future generation 3D immersive MVV experiences with multi-view displays. When the user experiences network congestion, making it necessary to perform adaptation, the rate-distortion optimum set of views that are pre-determined by the server, are truncated from the delivered MVV streams. In order to maintain high Quality of Experience (QoE) service during the frequent network congestion, the proposed method involves the calculation of low-overhead additional metadata that is delivered to the client. The proposed adaptive 3D MVV streaming solution is tested using the MPEG Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (MPEG-DASH) standard. Both extensive objective and subjective evaluations are presented, showing that the proposed method provides significant quality enhancement under the adverse network conditions

    Rate-Distortion Optimized Tree-Structured Compression Algorithms for Piecewise Polynomial Images

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    This paper presents novel coding algorithms based on tree-structured segmentation, which achieve the correct asymp- totic rate-distortion (R-D) behavior for a simple class of signals, known as piecewise polynomials, by using an R-D based prune and join scheme. For the one-dimensional case, our scheme is based on binary-tree segmentation of the signal. This scheme approximates the signal segments using polynomial models and utilizes an R-D optimal bit allocation strategy among the different signal segments. The scheme further encodes similar neighbors jointly to achieve the correct exponentially decaying R-D be- havior (D(R) ~ C02^-c1 R), thus improving over classic wavelet schemes. We also prove that the computational complexity of the scheme is of 0(NlogN). We then show the extension of this scheme to the two-dimensional case using a quadtree. This quadtree-coding scheme also achieves an exponentially decaying R-D behavior, for the polygonal image model composed of a white polygon-shaped object against a uniform black background, with low computational cost of 0(NlogN). Again, the key is an R-D optimized prune and join strategy. Finally, we conclude with numerical results, which show that the proposed quadtree-coding scheme outperforms JPEG2000 by about 1 dB for real images, like cameraman, at low rates of around 0.15 bpp

    Variable Block Size Motion Compensation In The Redundant Wavelet Domain

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    Video is one of the most powerful forms of multimedia because of the extensive information it delivers. Video sequences are highly correlated both temporally and spatially, a fact which makes the compression of video possible. Modern video systems employ motion estimation and motion compensation (ME/MC) to de-correlate a video sequence temporally. ME/MC forms a prediction of the current frame using the frames which have been already encoded. Consequently, one needs to transmit the corresponding residual image instead of the original frame, as well as a set of motion vectors which describe the scene motion as observed at the encoder. The redundant wavelet transform (RDWT) provides several advantages over the conventional wavelet transform (DWT). The RDWT overcomes the shift invariant problem in DWT. Moreover, RDWT retains all the phase information of wavelet coefficients and provides multiple prediction possibilities for ME/MC in wavelet domain. The general idea of variable size block motion compensation (VSBMC) technique is to partition a frame in such a way that regions with uniform translational motions are divided into larger blocks while those containing complicated motions into smaller blocks, leading to an adaptive distribution of motion vectors (MV) across the frame. The research proposed new adaptive partitioning schemes and decision criteria in RDWT that utilize more effectively the motion content of a frame in terms of various block sizes. The research also proposed a selective subpixel accuracy algorithm for the motion vector using a multiband approach. The selective subpixel accuracy reduces the computations produced by the conventional subpixel algorithm while maintaining the same accuracy. In addition, the method of overlapped block motion compensation (OBMC) is used to reduce blocking artifacts. Finally, the research extends the applications of the proposed VSBMC to the 3D video sequences. The experimental results obtained here have shown that VSBMC in the RDWT domain can be a powerful tool for video compression