6,683 research outputs found

    A software tool for the semi-automatic segmentation of architectural 3D models with semantic annotation and Web fruition

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    The thorough documentation of Cultural Heritage artifacts is a fundamental concern for management and preservation. In this context, the semantic segmentation and annotation of 3D models of historic buildings is an important modern topic. This work describes a software tool currently under development, for interactive and semi-automatic segmentation, characterization, and annotation of 3D models produced by photogrammetric surveys. The system includes some generic and well-known segmentation approaches, such as region growing and Locally Convex Connected Patches segmentation, but it also contains original code for specific semantic segmentation of parts of buildings, in particular straight stairs and circular-section columns. Furthermore, a method for automatic wall-surface characterization is devoted to rusticated-ashlar detection, in view of masonry-unit segmentation. The software is modular, so allowing easy expandability. It also has tools for data encoding into formats ready for model fruition by Web technologies. These results were partly obtained in collaboration with Corvallis SPA (Padua-Italy, http://www.corvallis.it)

    Online Tensor Methods for Learning Latent Variable Models

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    We introduce an online tensor decomposition based approach for two latent variable modeling problems namely, (1) community detection, in which we learn the latent communities that the social actors in social networks belong to, and (2) topic modeling, in which we infer hidden topics of text articles. We consider decomposition of moment tensors using stochastic gradient descent. We conduct optimization of multilinear operations in SGD and avoid directly forming the tensors, to save computational and storage costs. We present optimized algorithm in two platforms. Our GPU-based implementation exploits the parallelism of SIMD architectures to allow for maximum speed-up by a careful optimization of storage and data transfer, whereas our CPU-based implementation uses efficient sparse matrix computations and is suitable for large sparse datasets. For the community detection problem, we demonstrate accuracy and computational efficiency on Facebook, Yelp and DBLP datasets, and for the topic modeling problem, we also demonstrate good performance on the New York Times dataset. We compare our results to the state-of-the-art algorithms such as the variational method, and report a gain of accuracy and a gain of several orders of magnitude in the execution time.Comment: JMLR 201

    Polylidar3D -- Fast Polygon Extraction from 3D Data

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    Flat surfaces captured by 3D point clouds are often used for localization, mapping, and modeling. Dense point cloud processing has high computation and memory costs making low-dimensional representations of flat surfaces such as polygons desirable. We present Polylidar3D, a non-convex polygon extraction algorithm which takes as input unorganized 3D point clouds (e.g., LiDAR data), organized point clouds (e.g., range images), or user-provided meshes. Non-convex polygons represent flat surfaces in an environment with interior cutouts representing obstacles or holes. The Polylidar3D front-end transforms input data into a half-edge triangular mesh. This representation provides a common level of input data abstraction for subsequent back-end processing. The Polylidar3D back-end is composed of four core algorithms: mesh smoothing, dominant plane normal estimation, planar segment extraction, and finally polygon extraction. Polylidar3D is shown to be quite fast, making use of CPU multi-threading and GPU acceleration when available. We demonstrate Polylidar3D's versatility and speed with real-world datasets including aerial LiDAR point clouds for rooftop mapping, autonomous driving LiDAR point clouds for road surface detection, and RGBD cameras for indoor floor/wall detection. We also evaluate Polylidar3D on a challenging planar segmentation benchmark dataset. Results consistently show excellent speed and accuracy.Comment: 40 page

    Feature-driven Volume Visualization of Medical Imaging Data

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    Direct volume rendering (DVR) is a volume visualization technique that has been proved to be a very powerful tool in many scientific visualization domains. Diagnostic medical imaging is one such domain in which DVR provides new capabilities for the analysis of complex cases and improves the efficiency of image interpretation workflows. However, the full potential of DVR in the medical domain has not yet been realized. A major obstacle for a better integration of DVR in the medical domain is the time-consuming process to optimize the rendering parameters that are needed to generate diagnostically relevant visualizations in which the important features that are hidden in image volumes are clearly displayed, such as shape and spatial localization of tumors, its relationship with adjacent structures, and temporal changes in the tumors. In current workflows, clinicians must manually specify the transfer function (TF), view-point (camera), clipping planes, and other visual parameters. Another obstacle for the adoption of DVR to the medical domain is the ever increasing volume of imaging data. The advancement of imaging acquisition techniques has led to a rapid expansion in the size of the data, in the forms of higher resolutions, temporal imaging acquisition to track treatment responses over time, and an increase in the number of imaging modalities that are used for a single procedure. The manual specification of the rendering parameters under these circumstances is very challenging. This thesis proposes a set of innovative methods that visualize important features in multi-dimensional and multi-modality medical images by automatically or semi-automatically optimizing the rendering parameters. Our methods enable visualizations necessary for the diagnostic procedure in which 2D slice of interest (SOI) can be augmented with 3D anatomical contextual information to provide accurate spatial localization of 2D features in the SOI; the rendering parameters are automatically computed to guarantee the visibility of 3D features; and changes in 3D features can be tracked in temporal data under the constraint of consistent contextual information. We also present a method for the efficient computation of visibility histograms (VHs) using adaptive binning, which allows our optimal DVR to be automated and visualized in real-time. We evaluated our methods by producing visualizations for a variety of clinically relevant scenarios and imaging data sets. We also examined the computational performance of our methods for these scenarios

    Feature-driven Volume Visualization of Medical Imaging Data

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    Direct volume rendering (DVR) is a volume visualization technique that has been proved to be a very powerful tool in many scientific visualization domains. Diagnostic medical imaging is one such domain in which DVR provides new capabilities for the analysis of complex cases and improves the efficiency of image interpretation workflows. However, the full potential of DVR in the medical domain has not yet been realized. A major obstacle for a better integration of DVR in the medical domain is the time-consuming process to optimize the rendering parameters that are needed to generate diagnostically relevant visualizations in which the important features that are hidden in image volumes are clearly displayed, such as shape and spatial localization of tumors, its relationship with adjacent structures, and temporal changes in the tumors. In current workflows, clinicians must manually specify the transfer function (TF), view-point (camera), clipping planes, and other visual parameters. Another obstacle for the adoption of DVR to the medical domain is the ever increasing volume of imaging data. The advancement of imaging acquisition techniques has led to a rapid expansion in the size of the data, in the forms of higher resolutions, temporal imaging acquisition to track treatment responses over time, and an increase in the number of imaging modalities that are used for a single procedure. The manual specification of the rendering parameters under these circumstances is very challenging. This thesis proposes a set of innovative methods that visualize important features in multi-dimensional and multi-modality medical images by automatically or semi-automatically optimizing the rendering parameters. Our methods enable visualizations necessary for the diagnostic procedure in which 2D slice of interest (SOI) can be augmented with 3D anatomical contextual information to provide accurate spatial localization of 2D features in the SOI; the rendering parameters are automatically computed to guarantee the visibility of 3D features; and changes in 3D features can be tracked in temporal data under the constraint of consistent contextual information. We also present a method for the efficient computation of visibility histograms (VHs) using adaptive binning, which allows our optimal DVR to be automated and visualized in real-time. We evaluated our methods by producing visualizations for a variety of clinically relevant scenarios and imaging data sets. We also examined the computational performance of our methods for these scenarios

    Planar Shape Detection and Regularization in Tandem

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    International audienceWe present a method for planar shape detection and regularization from raw point sets. The geometric modeling and processing of man-made environments from measurement data often relies upon robust detection of planar primitive shapes. In addition, the detection and reinforcement of regularities between planar parts is a means to increase resilience to missing or defect-laden data as well as to reduce the complexity of models and algorithms down the modeling pipeline. The main novelty behind our method is to perform detection and regularization in tandem. We first sample a sparse set of seeds uniformly on the input point set, then perform in parallel shape detection through region growing, interleaved with regularization through detection and reinforcement of regular relationships (coplanar, parallel and orthogonal). In addition to addressing the end goal of regularization, such reinforcement also improves data fitting and provides guidance for clustering small parts into larger planar parts. We evaluate our approach against a wide range of inputs and under four criteria: geometric fidelity, coverage, regularity and running times. Our approach compares well with available implementations such as the efficient RANSAC-based approach proposed by Schnabel and co-authors in 2007

    Efficient automatic correction and segmentation based 3D visualization of magnetic resonance images

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    In the recent years, the demand for automated processing techniques for digital medical image volumes has increased substantially. Existing algorithms, however, still often require manual interaction, and newly developed automated techniques are often intended for a narrow segment of processing needs. The goal of this research was to develop algorithms suitable for fast and effective correction and advanced visualization of digital MR image volumes with minimal human operator interaction. This research has resulted in a number of techniques for automated processing of MR image volumes, including a novel MR inhomogeneity correction algorithm derivative surface fitting (dsf), automatic tissue detection algorithm (atd), and a new fast technique for interactive 3D visualization of segmented volumes called gravitational shading (gs). These newly developed algorithms provided a foundation for the automated MR processing pipeline incorporated into the UniViewer medical imaging software developed in our group and available to the public. This allowed the extensive testing and evaluation of the proposed techniques. Dsf was compared with two previously published methods on 17 digital image volumes. Dsf demonstrated faster correction speeds and uniform image quality improvement in this comparison. Dsf was the only algorithm that did not remove anatomic detail. Gs was compared with the previously published algorithm fsvr and produced rendering quality improvement while preserving real-time frame-rates. These results show that the automated pipeline design principles used in this dissertation provide necessary tools for development of a fast and effective system for the automated correction and visualization of digital MR image volumes

    Signal and image processing methods for imaging mass spectrometry data

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    Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) has evolved as an analytical tool for many biomedical applications. This thesis focuses on algorithms for the analysis of IMS data produced by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer. IMS provides mass spectra acquired at a grid of spatial points that can be represented as hyperspectral data or a so-called datacube. Analysis of this large and complex data requires efficient computational methods for matrix factorization and for spatial segmentation. In this thesis, state of the art processing methods are reviewed, compared and improved versions are proposed. Mathematical models for peak shapes are reviewed and evaluated. A simulation model for MALDI-TOF is studied, expanded and developed into a simulator for 2D or 3D MALDI-TOF-IMS data. The simulation approach paves way to statistical evaluation of algorithms for analysis of IMS data by providing a gold standard dataset. [...

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 21. Number 1.

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