194 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of MapReduce Framework for Efficient Frequent Itemset Mining in Social Network Data

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    Social networking sites are the virtual community for sharing information among the people It raises its popularity tremendously over the past few years Many social networking sites like Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Instragram LinkedIn generates tremendous amount data Mining such huge amount of data can be very useful Frequent itemset mining plays a significant role to extract knowledge from the dataset Traditional frequent itemsets method is ineffective to process this exponential growth of data almost terabytes on a single computer Map Reduce framework is a programming model that has emerged for mining such huge amount of data in parallel fashion In this paper we have discussed how different MapReduce techniques can be used for mining frequent itemsets and compared each other s to infer greater scalability and speed in order to find out the meaningful information from large dataset

    The MapReduce Model on Cascading Platform for Frequent Itemset Mining

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    The implementation of parallel algorithms is very interesting research recently. Parallelism is very suitable to handle large-scale data processing. MapReduce is one of the parallel and distributed programming models. The implementation of parallel programming faces many difficulties. The Cascading gives easy scheme of Hadoop system which implements MapReduce model.Frequent itemsets are most often appear objects in a dataset. The Frequent Itemset Mining (FIM) requires complex computation. FIM is a complicated problem when implemented on large-scale data. This paper discusses the implementation of MapReduce model on Cascading for FIM. The experiment uses the Amazon dataset product co-purchasing network metadata.The experiment shows the fact that the simple mechanism of Cascading can be used to solve FIM problem. It gives time complexity O(n), more efficient than the nonparallel which has complexity O(n2/m)

    A Novel Nodesets-Based Frequent Itemset Mining Algorithm for Big Data using MapReduce

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    Due to the rapid growth of data from different sources in organizations, the traditional tools and techniques that cannot handle such huge data are known as big data which is in a scalable fashion. Similarly, many existing frequent itemset mining algorithms have good performance but scalability problems as they cannot exploit parallel processing power available locally or in cloud infrastructure. Since big data and cloud ecosystem overcomes the barriers or limitations in computing resources, it is a natural choice to use distributed programming paradigms such as Map Reduce. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm known as A Nodesets-based Fast and Scalable Frequent Itemset Mining (FSFIM) to extract frequent itemsets from Big Data. Here, Pre-Order Coding (POC) tree is used to represent data and improve speed in processing. Nodeset is the underlying data structure that is efficient in discovering frequent itemsets. FSFIM is found to be faster and more scalable in mining frequent itemsets. When compared with its predecessors such as Node-lists and N-lists, the Nodesets save half of the memory as they need only either pre-order or post-order coding. Cloudera\u27s Distribution of Hadoop (CDH), a MapReduce framework, is used for empirical study. A prototype application is built to evaluate the performance of the FSFIM. Experimental results revealed that FSFIM outperforms existing algorithms such as Mahout PFP, Mlib PFP, and Big FIM. FSFIM is more scalable and found to be an ideal candidate for real-time applications that mine frequent itemsets from Big Data

    New Spark solutions for distributed frequent itemset and association rule mining algorithms

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    Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Gran- ada/CBUA. The research reported in this paper was partially sup- ported by the BIGDATAMED project, which has received funding from the Andalusian Government (Junta de Andalucı ́a) under grant agreement No P18-RT-1765, by Grants PID2021-123960OB-I00 and Grant TED2021-129402B-C21 funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio ́n and, by ERDF A way of making Europe and by the European Union NextGenerationEU. In addition, this work has been partially supported by the Ministry of Universities through the EU- funded Margarita Salas programme NextGenerationEU. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUAThe large amount of data generated every day makes necessary the re-implementation of new methods capable of handle with massive data efficiently. This is the case of Association Rules, an unsupervised data mining tool capable of extracting information in the form of IF-THEN patterns. Although several methods have been proposed for the extraction of frequent itemsets (previous phase before mining association rules) in very large databases, the high computational cost and lack of memory remains a major problem to be solved when processing large data. Therefore, the aim of this paper is three fold: (1) to review existent algorithms for frequent itemset and association rule mining, (2)to develop new efficient frequent itemset Big Data algorithms using distributive computation, as well as a new association rule mining algorithm in Spark, and (3) to compare the proposed algorithms with the existent proposals varying the number of transactions and the number of items. To this purpose, we have used the Spark platform which has been demonstrated to outperform existing distributive algorithmic implementations.Universidad de Granada/CBUAJunta de Andalucia P18-RT-1765Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) Instituto de Salud Carlos III Spanish Government PID2021-123960OB-I00, TED2021-129402B-C21ERDF A way of making EuropeEuropean Union NextGenerationEUMinistry of Universities through the E

    Frequent Itemsets Mining for Big Data: A Comparative Analysis

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    Itemset mining is a well-known exploratory data mining technique used to discover interesting correlations hidden in a data collection. Since it supports different targeted analyses, it is profitably exploited in a wide range of different domains, ranging from network traffic data to medical records. With the increasing amount of generated data, different scalable algorithms have been developed, exploiting the advantages of distributed computing frameworks, such as Apache Hadoop and Spark. This paper reviews Hadoop- and Spark-based scalable algorithms addressing the frequent itemset mining problem in the Big Data domain through both theoretical and experimental comparative analyses. Since the itemset mining task is computationally expensive, its distribution and parallelization strategies heavily affect memory usage, load balancing, and communication costs. A detailed discussion of the algorithmic choices of the distributed methods for frequent itemset mining is followed by an experimental analysis comparing the performance of state-of-the-art distributed implementations on both synthetic and real datasets. The strengths and weaknesses of the algorithms are thoroughly discussed with respect to the dataset features (e.g., data distribution, average transaction length, number of records), and specific parameter settings. Finally, based on theoretical and experimental analyses, open research directions for the parallelization of the itemset mining problem are presented

    Spark solutions for discovering fuzzy association rules in Big Data

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    The research reported in this paper was partially supported the COPKIT project from the 8th Programme Framework (H2020) research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 786687) and from the BIGDATAMED projects with references B-TIC-145-UGR18 and P18-RT-2947.The high computational impact when mining fuzzy association rules grows significantly when managing very large data sets, triggering in many cases a memory overflow error and leading to the experiment failure without its conclusion. It is in these cases when the application of Big Data techniques can help to achieve the experiment completion. Therefore, in this paper several Spark algorithms are proposed to handle with massive fuzzy data and discover interesting association rules. For that, we based on a decomposition of interestingness measures in terms of α-cuts, and we experimentally demonstrate that it is sufficient to consider only 10equidistributed α-cuts in order to mine all significant fuzzy association rules. Additionally, all the proposals are compared and analysed in terms of efficiency and speed up, in several datasets, including a real dataset comprised of sensor measurements from an office building.COPKIT project from the 8th Programme Framework (H2020) research and innovation programme 786687BIGDATAMED projects B-TIC-145-UGR18 P18-RT-294

    MR-AT: Map Reduce based Apriori Technique for Sequential Pattern Mining using Big Data in Hadoop

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    One of the most well-known and widely implemented data mining methods is Apriori algorithm which is responsible for mining frequent item sets. The effectiveness of the Apriori algorithm has been improved by a number of algorithms that have been introduced on both parallel and distributed platforms in recent years. They are distinct from one another on account of the method of load balancing, memory system, method of data degradation, and data layout that was utilised in their implementation. The majority of the issues that arise with distributed frameworks are associated with the operating costs of handling distributed systems and the absence of high-level parallel programming languages. In addition, when using grid computing, there is constantly a possibility that a node will fail, which will result in the task being re-executed multiple times. The MapReduce approach that was developed by Google can be used to solve these kinds of issues. MapReduce is a programming model that is applied to large-scale distributed processing of data on large clusters of commodity computers. It is effective, scalable, and easy to use. MapReduce is also utilised in cloud computing. This research paper presents an enhanced version of the Apriori algorithm, which is referred to as Improved Parallel and Distributed Apriori (IPDA). It is based on the scalable environment referred as Hadoop MapReduce, which was used to analyse Big Data. Through the generation of split-frequent data regionally and the early elimination of unusual data, the proposed work has its primary objective to reduce the enormous demands placed on available resources as well as the reduction of the overhead communication that occurs whenever frequent data are retrieved. The paper presents the results of tests, which demonstrate that the IPDA performs better than traditional apriori and parallel and distributed apriori in terms of the amount of time required, the number of rules created, and the various minimum support values