203 research outputs found

    Crypto-test-lab for security validation of ECC co-processor test infrastructure

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksElliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is a technology for public-key cryptography that is becoming increasingly popular because it provides greater speed and implementation compactness than other public-key technologies. Calculations, however, may not be executed by software, since it would be so time consuming, thus an ECC co-processor is commonly included to accelerate the speed. Test infrastructure in crypto co-processors is often avoided because it poses serious security holes against adversaries. However, ECC co-processors include complex modules for which only functional test methodologies are unsuitable, because they would take an unacceptably long time during the production test. Therefore, some internal test infrastructure is always included to permit the application of structural test techniques. Designing a secure test infrastructure is quite a complex task that relies on the designer's experience and on trial & error iterations over a series of different types of attacks. Most of the severe attacks cannot be simulated because of the demanding computational effort and the lack of proper attack models. Therefore, prototypes are prepared using FPGAs. In this paper, a Crypto-Test-Lab is presented that includes an ECC co-processor with flexible test infrastructure. Its purpose is to facilitate the design and validation of secure strategies for testing in this type of co-processor.Postprint (author's final draft

    Efficient Elliptic Curve Cryptography Software Implementation on Embedded Platforms

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    Reconfigurable Architecture for Elliptic Curve Cryptography Using FPGA

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    The high performance of an elliptic curve (EC) crypto system depends efficiently on the arithmetic in the underlying finite field. We have to propose and compare three levels of Galois Field , , and . The proposed architecture is based on Lopez-Dahab elliptic curve point multiplication algorithm, which uses Gaussian normal basis for field arithmetic. The proposed is based on an efficient Montgomery add and double algorithm, also the Karatsuba-Ofman multiplier and Itoh-Tsujii algorithm are used as the inverse component. The hardware design is based on optimized finite state machine (FSM), with a single cycle 193 bits multiplier, field adder, and field squarer. The another proposed architecture is based on applications for which compactness is more important than speed. The FPGA’s dedicated multipliers and carry-chain logic are used to obtain the small data path. The different optimization at the hardware level improves the acceleration of the ECC scalar multiplication, increases frequency and the speed of operation such as key generation, encryption, and decryption. Finally, we have to implement our design using Xilinx XC4VLX200 FPGA device

    Coupled FPGA/ASIC Implementation of Elliptic Curve Crypto-Processor

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    Improved throughput of Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) processor implementation over Koblitz curve k-163 on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)

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    يقـدم البحث دراسة عن تصميم وتنفيذ دائرة الكترونية لتوليد التوقيع الالكتروني والتاكد من صحته ,بالاعتماد على مواصفات المنحني الاهليجي الموصى بها من  قبل المعهد الوطني للمعايير والتكنولوجيا(NIST) .حيث أرتكز العمل على إختيار منحني كوبلتز وتطبيقه على الحقول المنتهية أو ما تسمى بحقول غالو(2163)GF، ونظراً لأهمية تحسين الأداء في المعالجات الحديثة المبنية في بيئة البوابات المنطقية القابلة للبرمجة (FPGA)،  فقد أظهرت نتائج المحاكاة والتنفيذ للتصميم المقترح على الجهاز نوع Virtex5-xc5vlx155t-3ff1738  زيادة في معدل البيانات التي يتم معالجتها اثناء عمليتي توليد التوقيع واثبات صحته الى 0.08187 Mbit/s وبنسبة تصل الى 6.95% ,بالمقارنة مع التصميمات السابقة ، كما أستغرقت مدة تنفيذ العمليتين 1.66 ملي ثانية وبتردد أقصاه 83.477 ميكاهرتز. تم الاخذ بنظرالاعتبار تصميم المنفذ التسلسلي غير المتزامن (UART) والمستخدم في عملية نقل البيانات بين الحاسبة وFPGA .            The widespread use of the Internet of things (IoT) in different aspects of an individual’s life like banking, wireless intelligent devices and smartphones has led to new security and performance challenges under restricted resources. The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is the most suitable choice for the environments due to the smaller size of the encryption key and changeable security related parameters. However, major performance metrics such as area, power, latency and throughput are still customisable and based on the design requirements of the device. The present paper puts forward an enhancement for the throughput performance metric by proposing a more efficient design for the hardware implementation of ECDSA. The design raised the throughput to 0.08207 Mbit/s, leading to an increase of 6.95% from the existing design. It also includes the design and implementation of the Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) module. The present work is based on a 163-bit key-size over Koblitz curve k-163 and secure hash function SHA-1. A serial module for the underlying modular layer, high-speed architecture of Koblitz point addition and Koblitz point multiplication have been considered in this work, in addition to utilising the carry-save-multiplier, modular adder-subtractor and Extended Euclidean module for ECDSA protocols. All modules are designed using VHDL and implemented on the platform Virtex5 xc5vlx155t-3ff1738. Signature generation requires 0.55360ms, while its validation consumes 1.10947288ms. Thus, the total time required to complete both processes is equal to 1.66ms and the maximum frequency is approximately 83.477MHZ, consuming a power of 99mW with the efficiency approaching 3.39 * 10-6

    A survey of hardware implementations of elliptic curve cryptographic systems

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    Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has gained much recognition over the last decades and has established itself among the well known public-key cryptography schemes, not least due its smaller key size and relatively lower computational effort compared to RSA. The wide employment of Elliptic Curve Cryptography in many different application areas has been leading to a variety of implementation types and domains ranging from pure software approaches over hardware implemenations to hardware/software co-designs. The following review provides an overview of state of the art hardware implemenations of ECC, specifically in regard to their targeted design goals. In this context the suitability of the hardware/software approach in regard to the security challenges opposed by the low-end embedded devices of the Internet of Things is briefly examined. The paper also outlines ECC’s vulnerability against quantum attacks and references one possible solution to that problem

    Throughput/Area-efficient ECC Processor Using Montgomery Point Multiplication on FPGA

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    High throughput while maintaining low resource is a key issue for elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) hardware implementations in many applications. In this brief, an ECC processor architecture over Galois fields is presented, which achieves the best reported throughput/area performance on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) to date. A novel segmented pipelining digit serial multiplier is developed to speed up ECC point multiplication. To achieve low latency, a new combined algorithm is developed for point addition and point doubling with careful scheduling. A compact and flexible distributed-RAM-based memory unit design is developed to increase speed while keeping area low. Further optimizations were made via timing constraints and logic level modifications at the implementation level. The proposed architecture is implemented on Virtex4 (V4), Virtex5 (V5), and Virtex7 (V7) FPGA technologies and, respectively, achieved throughout/slice figures of 19.65, 65.30, and 64.48 (106/(Seconds × Slices))

    High Speed and Low Latency ECC Implementation over GF(2m) on FPGA

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    In this paper, a novel high-speed elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) processor implementation for point multiplication (PM) on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is proposed. A new segmented pipelined full-precision multiplier is used to reduce the latency, and the Lopez-Dahab Montgomery PM algorithm is modified for careful scheduling to avoid data dependency resulting in a drastic reduction in the number of clock cycles (CCs) required. The proposed ECC architecture has been implemented on Xilinx FPGAs' Virtex4, Virtex5, and Virtex7 families. To the best of our knowledge, our single- and three-multiplier-based designs show the fastest performance to date when compared with reported works individually. Our one-multiplier-based ECC processor also achieves the highest reported speed together with the best reported area-time performance on Virtex4 (5.32 μs at 210 MHz), on Virtex5 (4.91 μs at 228 MHz), and on the more advanced Virtex7 (3.18 μs at 352 MHz). Finally, the proposed three-multiplier-based ECC implementation is the first work reporting the lowest number of CCs and the fastest ECC processor design on FPGA (450 CCs to get 2.83 μs on Virtex7)

    Hardware/software optimizations for elliptic curve scalar multiplication on hybrid FPGAs

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    Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) offers a viable alternative to Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) by delivering equivalent security with a smaller key size. This has several advantages, including smaller bandwidth demands, faster key exchange, and lower latency encryption and decryption. The fundamental operation for ECC is scalar point multiplication, wherein a point P on an elliptic curve defined over a finite field is multiplied by a scalar k. The complexity of this operation requires a hardware implementation to achieve high performance. The algorithms involved in scalar point multiplication are constantly evolving, incorporating the latest developments in number theory to improve computation time. These competing needs, high performance and flexibility, have caused previous implementations to either limit their adaptability or to incur performance losses. This thesis explores the use of a hybrid-FPGA for scalar point multiplication. A hybrid- FPGA contains a general purpose processor (GPP) in addition to reconfigurable fabric. This allows for a software/hardware co-design with low latency communication between the GPP and custom hardware. The elliptic curve operations and finite field inversion are programmed in C code. All other finite field arithmetic is implemented in the FPGA hardware, providing higher performance while retaining flexibility. The resulting implementation achieves speedups ranging from 24 times to 55 times faster than an optimized software implementation executing on a Pentium II workstation. The scalability of the design is investigated in two directions: faster finite field multiplication and increased instruction level parallelism exploitation. Increasing the number of parallel arithmetic units beyond two is shown to be less efficient than increasing the speed of the finite field multiplier

    Unified Compact ECC-AES Co-Processor with Group-Key Support for IoT Devices in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Security is a critical challenge for the effective expansion of all new emerging applications in the Internet of Things paradigm. Therefore, it is necessary to define and implement different mechanisms for guaranteeing security and privacy of data interchanged within the multiple wireless sensor networks being part of the Internet of Things. However, in this context, low power and low area are required, limiting the resources available for security and thus hindering the implementation of adequate security protocols. Group keys can save resources and communications bandwidth, but should be combined with public key cryptography to be really secure. In this paper, a compact and unified co-processor for enabling Elliptic Curve Cryptography along to Advanced Encryption Standard with low area requirements and Group-Key support is presented. The designed co-processor allows securing wireless sensor networks with independence of the communications protocols used. With an area occupancy of only 2101 LUTs over Spartan 6 devices from Xilinx, it requires 15% less area while achieving near 490% better performance when compared to cryptoprocessors with similar features in the literature