4,950 research outputs found

    Task planning using physics-based heuristics on manipulation actions

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In order to solve mobile manipulation problems, the efficient combination of task and motion planning is usually required. Moreover, the incorporation of physics-based information has recently been taken into account in order to plan the tasks in a more realistic way. In the present paper, a task and motion planning framework is proposed based on a modified version of the Fast-Forward task planner that is guided by physics-based knowledge. The proposal uses manipulation knowledge for reasoning on symbolic literals (both in offline and online modes) taking into account geometric information in order to evaluate the applicability as well as feasibility of actions while evaluating the heuristic cost. It results in an efficient search of the state space and in the obtention of low-cost physically-feasible plans. The proposal has been implemented and is illustrated with a manipulation problem consisting of a mobile robot and some fixed and manipulatable objects.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Frequency-Aware Model Predictive Control

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    Transferring solutions found by trajectory optimization to robotic hardware remains a challenging task. When the optimization fully exploits the provided model to perform dynamic tasks, the presence of unmodeled dynamics renders the motion infeasible on the real system. Model errors can be a result of model simplifications, but also naturally arise when deploying the robot in unstructured and nondeterministic environments. Predominantly, compliant contacts and actuator dynamics lead to bandwidth limitations. While classical control methods provide tools to synthesize controllers that are robust to a class of model errors, such a notion is missing in modern trajectory optimization, which is solved in the time domain. We propose frequency-shaped cost functions to achieve robust solutions in the context of optimal control for legged robots. Through simulation and hardware experiments we show that motion plans can be made compatible with bandwidth limits set by actuators and contact dynamics. The smoothness of the model predictive solutions can be continuously tuned without compromising the feasibility of the problem. Experiments with the quadrupedal robot ANYmal, which is driven by highly-compliant series elastic actuators, showed significantly improved tracking performance of the planned motion, torque, and force trajectories and enabled the machine to walk robustly on terrain with unmodeled compliance

    Space robotic system for proximity operations

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    Key to an efficient accomplishment of space station servicing operations is the development of a scenario where the presence of man in space is well integrated with the capability of teleoperated and automatic robot system outside the stations. Results focusing on mission requirements, trajectory sequences, propulsion subsystem features, and manipulative kit characteristics relevant to proximity servicing during a Man Tended Free Flyers Robotic Mission (MTFF-RM) are illustrated

    Automatic polishing process of plastic injection molds on a 5-axis milling center

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    The plastic injection mold manufacturing process includes polishing operations when surface roughness is critical or mirror effect is required to produce transparent parts. This polishing operation is mainly carried out manually by skilled workers of subcontractor companies. In this paper, we propose an automatic polishing technique on a 5-axis milling center in order to use the same means of production from machining to polishing and reduce the costs. We develop special algorithms to compute 5-axis cutter locations on free-form cavities in order to imitate the skills of the workers. These are based on both filling curves and trochoidal curves. The polishing force is ensured by the compliance of the passive tool itself and set-up by calibration between displacement and force based on a force sensor. The compliance of the tool helps to avoid kinematical error effects on the part during 5-axis tool movements. The effectiveness of the method in terms of the surface roughness quality and the simplicity of implementation is shown through experiments on a 5-axis machining center with a rotary and tilt table

    Learning and Acting in Peripersonal Space: Moving, Reaching, and Grasping

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    The young infant explores its body, its sensorimotor system, and the immediately accessible parts of its environment, over the course of a few months creating a model of peripersonal space useful for reaching and grasping objects around it. Drawing on constraints from the empirical literature on infant behavior, we present a preliminary computational model of this learning process, implemented and evaluated on a physical robot. The learning agent explores the relationship between the configuration space of the arm, sensing joint angles through proprioception, and its visual perceptions of the hand and grippers. The resulting knowledge is represented as the peripersonal space (PPS) graph, where nodes represent states of the arm, edges represent safe movements, and paths represent safe trajectories from one pose to another. In our model, the learning process is driven by intrinsic motivation. When repeatedly performing an action, the agent learns the typical result, but also detects unusual outcomes, and is motivated to learn how to make those unusual results reliable. Arm motions typically leave the static background unchanged, but occasionally bump an object, changing its static position. The reach action is learned as a reliable way to bump and move an object in the environment. Similarly, once a reliable reach action is learned, it typically makes a quasi-static change in the environment, moving an object from one static position to another. The unusual outcome is that the object is accidentally grasped (thanks to the innate Palmar reflex), and thereafter moves dynamically with the hand. Learning to make grasps reliable is more complex than for reaches, but we demonstrate significant progress. Our current results are steps toward autonomous sensorimotor learning of motion, reaching, and grasping in peripersonal space, based on unguided exploration and intrinsic motivation.Comment: 35 pages, 13 figure

    Space-Time Conflict Spheres for Constrained Multi-Agent Motion Planning

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    Multi-agent motion planning (MAMP) is a critical challenge in applications such as connected autonomous vehicles and multi-robot systems. In this paper, we propose a spacetime conflict resolution approach for MAMP. We formulate the problem using a novel, flexible sphere-based discretization for trajectories. Our approach leverages a depth-first conflict search strategy to provide the scalability of decoupled approaches while maintaining the computational guarantees of coupled approaches. We compose procedures for evading discretization error and adhering to kinematic constraints in generated solutions. Theoretically, we prove the continuous-time feasibility and formulation-space completeness of our algorithm. Experimentally, we demonstrate that our algorithm matches the performance of the current state of the art with respect to both runtime and solution quality, while expanding upon the abilities of current work through accommodation for both static and dynamic obstacles. We evaluate our algorithm in various unsignalized traffic intersection scenarios using CARLA, an open-source vehicle simulator. Results show significant success rate improvement in spatially constrained settings, involving both connected and non-connected vehicles. Furthermore, we maintain a reasonable suboptimality ratio that scales well among increasingly complex scenarios

    Radar-on-Lidar: metric radar localization on prior lidar maps

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    Radar and lidar, provided by two different range sensors, each has pros and cons of various perception tasks on mobile robots or autonomous driving. In this paper, a Monte Carlo system is used to localize the robot with a rotating radar sensor on 2D lidar maps. We first train a conditional generative adversarial network to transfer raw radar data to lidar data, and achieve reliable radar points from generator. Then an efficient radar odometry is included in the Monte Carlo system. Combining the initial guess from odometry, a measurement model is proposed to match the radar data and prior lidar maps for final 2D positioning. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed localization framework on the public multi-session dataset. The experimental results show that our system can achieve high accuracy for long-term localization in outdoor scenes

    Towards parallelizable sampling-based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control

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    This paper proposes a new sampling-based nonlinear model predictive control (MPC) algorithm, with a bound on complexity quadratic in the prediction horizon N and linear in the number of samples. The idea of the proposed algorithm is to use the sequence of predicted inputs from the previous time step as a warm start, and to iteratively update this sequence by changing its elements one by one, starting from the last predicted input and ending with the first predicted input. This strategy, which resembles the dynamic programming principle, allows for parallelization up to a certain level and yields a suboptimal nonlinear MPC algorithm with guaranteed recursive feasibility, stability and improved cost function at every iteration, which is suitable for real-time implementation. The complexity of the algorithm per each time step in the prediction horizon depends only on the horizon, the number of samples and parallel threads, and it is independent of the measured system state. Comparisons with the fmincon nonlinear optimization solver on benchmark examples indicate that as the simulation time progresses, the proposed algorithm converges rapidly to the "optimal" solution, even when using a small number of samples.Comment: 9 pages, 9 pictures, submitted to IFAC World Congress 201
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