16,588 research outputs found

    Task scheduling techniques for asymmetric multi-core systems

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    As performance and energy efficiency have become the main challenges for next-generation high-performance computing, asymmetric multi-core architectures can provide solutions to tackle these issues. Parallel programming models need to be able to suit the needs of such systems and keep on increasing the application’s portability and efficiency. This paper proposes two task scheduling approaches that target asymmetric systems. These dynamic scheduling policies reduce total execution time either by detecting the longest or the critical path of the dynamic task dependency graph of the application, or by finding the earliest executor of a task. They use dynamic scheduling and information discoverable during execution, fact that makes them implementable and functional without the need of off-line profiling. In our evaluation we compare these scheduling approaches with two existing state-of the art heterogeneous schedulers and we track their improvement over a FIFO baseline scheduler. We show that the heterogeneous schedulers improve the baseline by up to 1.45 in a real 8-core asymmetric system and up to 2.1 in a simulated 32-core asymmetric chip.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government (SEV2015-0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contract TIN2015-65316-P), by Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272), by the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant (GA 321253) and the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence. The Mont-Blanc project receives funding from the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no 610402 and from the EU’s H2020 Framework Programme (H2020/2014-2020) under grant agreement no 671697. M. Moretó has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship number JCI-2012-15047. M. Casas is supported by the Secretary for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the Cofund programme of the Marie Curie Actions of the 7th R&D Framework Programme of the European Union (Contract 2013 BP B 00243).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Compiler-assisted Adaptive Program Scheduling in big.LITTLE Systems

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    Energy-aware architectures provide applications with a mix of low (LITTLE) and high (big) frequency cores. Choosing the best hardware configuration for a program running on such an architecture is difficult, because program parts benefit differently from the same hardware configuration. State-of-the-art techniques to solve this problem adapt the program's execution to dynamic characteristics of the runtime environment, such as energy consumption and throughput. We claim that these purely dynamic techniques can be improved if they are aware of the program's syntactic structure. To support this claim, we show how to use the compiler to partition source code into program phases: regions whose syntactic characteristics lead to similar runtime behavior. We use reinforcement learning to map pairs formed by a program phase and a hardware state to the configuration that best fit this setup. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our ideas, we have implemented the Astro system. Astro uses Q-learning to associate syntactic features of programs with hardware configurations. As a proof of concept, we provide evidence that Astro outperforms GTS, the ARM-based Linux scheduler tailored for heterogeneous architectures, on the parallel benchmarks from Rodinia and Parsec

    Taking advantage of hybrid systems for sparse direct solvers via task-based runtimes

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    The ongoing hardware evolution exhibits an escalation in the number, as well as in the heterogeneity, of computing resources. The pressure to maintain reasonable levels of performance and portability forces application developers to leave the traditional programming paradigms and explore alternative solutions. PaStiX is a parallel sparse direct solver, based on a dynamic scheduler for modern hierarchical manycore architectures. In this paper, we study the benefits and limits of replacing the highly specialized internal scheduler of the PaStiX solver with two generic runtime systems: PaRSEC and StarPU. The tasks graph of the factorization step is made available to the two runtimes, providing them the opportunity to process and optimize its traversal in order to maximize the algorithm efficiency for the targeted hardware platform. A comparative study of the performance of the PaStiX solver on top of its native internal scheduler, PaRSEC, and StarPU frameworks, on different execution environments, is performed. The analysis highlights that these generic task-based runtimes achieve comparable results to the application-optimized embedded scheduler on homogeneous platforms. Furthermore, they are able to significantly speed up the solver on heterogeneous environments by taking advantage of the accelerators while hiding the complexity of their efficient manipulation from the programmer.Comment: Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop (2014

    Hierarchical Dynamic Loop Self-Scheduling on Distributed-Memory Systems Using an MPI+MPI Approach

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    Computationally-intensive loops are the primary source of parallelism in scientific applications. Such loops are often irregular and a balanced execution of their loop iterations is critical for achieving high performance. However, several factors may lead to an imbalanced load execution, such as problem characteristics, algorithmic, and systemic variations. Dynamic loop self-scheduling (DLS) techniques are devised to mitigate these factors, and consequently, improve application performance. On distributed-memory systems, DLS techniques can be implemented using a hierarchical master-worker execution model and are, therefore, called hierarchical DLS techniques. These techniques self-schedule loop iterations at two levels of hardware parallelism: across and within compute nodes. Hybrid programming approaches that combine the message passing interface (MPI) with open multi-processing (OpenMP) dominate the implementation of hierarchical DLS techniques. The MPI-3 standard includes the feature of sharing memory regions among MPI processes. This feature introduced the MPI+MPI approach that simplifies the implementation of parallel scientific applications. The present work designs and implements hierarchical DLS techniques by exploiting the MPI+MPI approach. Four well-known DLS techniques are considered in the evaluation proposed herein. The results indicate certain performance advantages of the proposed approach compared to the hybrid MPI+OpenMP approach

    A Tale of Two Data-Intensive Paradigms: Applications, Abstractions, and Architectures

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    Scientific problems that depend on processing large amounts of data require overcoming challenges in multiple areas: managing large-scale data distribution, co-placement and scheduling of data with compute resources, and storing and transferring large volumes of data. We analyze the ecosystems of the two prominent paradigms for data-intensive applications, hereafter referred to as the high-performance computing and the Apache-Hadoop paradigm. We propose a basis, common terminology and functional factors upon which to analyze the two approaches of both paradigms. We discuss the concept of "Big Data Ogres" and their facets as means of understanding and characterizing the most common application workloads found across the two paradigms. We then discuss the salient features of the two paradigms, and compare and contrast the two approaches. Specifically, we examine common implementation/approaches of these paradigms, shed light upon the reasons for their current "architecture" and discuss some typical workloads that utilize them. In spite of the significant software distinctions, we believe there is architectural similarity. We discuss the potential integration of different implementations, across the different levels and components. Our comparison progresses from a fully qualitative examination of the two paradigms, to a semi-quantitative methodology. We use a simple and broadly used Ogre (K-means clustering), characterize its performance on a range of representative platforms, covering several implementations from both paradigms. Our experiments provide an insight into the relative strengths of the two paradigms. We propose that the set of Ogres will serve as a benchmark to evaluate the two paradigms along different dimensions.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure
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