1,043 research outputs found

    Diagnosis of Multiple Scan-Chain Faults in the Presence of System Logic Defects

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    We present a combined hardware-software based approach to scan-chain diagnosis, when the outcome of a test may be affected by system faults occurring in the logic outside of the scan chain. For the hardware component we adopt the double-tree scan (DTS) chain architecture, which has previously been shown to be effective in reducing power, volume, and application time of tests for stuck-at and delay faults. We develop a version of flush test which can resolve a multiple fault in a DTS chain to a small number of suspect candidates. Further resolution to a unique multiple fault is enabled by the software component comprising of fault simulation and analysis of the response of the circuit to test patterns produced by ATPG. Experimental results on benchmark circuits show that near-perfect scan-chain diagnosis for multiple faults is possible even when a large number of random system faults are injected in the circuit

    On-Line Dependability Enhancement of Multiprocessor SoCs by Resource Management

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    This paper describes a new approach towards dependable design of homogeneous multi-processor SoCs in an example satellite-navigation application. First, the NoC dependability is functionally verified via embedded software. Then the Xentium processor tiles are periodically verified via on-line self-testing techniques, by using a new IIP Dependability Manager. Based on the Dependability Manager results, faulty tiles are electronically excluded and replaced by fault-free spare tiles via on-line resource management. This integrated approach enables fast electronic fault detection/diagnosis and repair, and hence a high system availability. The dependability application runs in parallel with the actual application, resulting in a very dependable system. All parts have been verified by simulation

    A Novel Sequence Generation Approach to Diagnose Faults in Reconfigurable Scan Networks

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    With the complexity of nanoelectronic devices rapidly increasing, an efficient way to handle large number of embedded instruments became a necessity. The IEEE 1687 standard was introduced to provide flexibility in accessing and controlling such instrumentation through a reconfigurable scan chain. Nowadays, together with testing the system for defects that may affect the scan chains themselves, the diagnosis of such faults is also important. This article proposes a method for generating stimuli to precisely identify permanent high-level faults in a IEEE 1687 reconfigurable scan chain: the system is modeled as a finite state automaton where faults correspond to multiple incorrect transitions; then, a dynamic greedy algorithm is used to select a sequence of inputs able to distinguish between all possible faults. Experimental results on the widely-adopted ITC'02 and ITC'16 benchmark suites, as well as on synthetically generated circuits, clearly demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed approach: generated sequences are two orders of magnitude shorter compared to previous methodologies, while the computational resources required remain acceptable even for larger benchmarks

    New techniques for functional testing of microprocessor based systems

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    Electronic devices may be affected by failures, for example due to physical defects. These defects may be introduced during the manufacturing process, as well as during the normal operating life of the device due to aging. How to detect all these defects is not a trivial task, especially in complex systems such as processor cores. Nevertheless, safety-critical applications do not tolerate failures, this is the reason why testing such devices is needed so to guarantee a correct behavior at any time. Moreover, testing is a key parameter for assessing the quality of a manufactured product. Consolidated testing techniques are based on special Design for Testability (DfT) features added in the original design to facilitate test effectiveness. Design, integration, and usage of the available DfT for testing purposes are fully supported by commercial EDA tools, hence approaches based on DfT are the standard solutions adopted by silicon vendors for testing their devices. Tests exploiting the available DfT such as scan-chains manipulate the internal state of the system, differently to the normal functional mode, passing through unreachable configurations. Alternative solutions that do not violate such functional mode are defined as functional tests. In microprocessor based systems, functional testing techniques include software-based self-test (SBST), i.e., a piece of software (referred to as test program) which is uploaded in the system available memory and executed, with the purpose of exciting a specific part of the system and observing the effects of possible defects affecting it. SBST has been widely-studies by the research community for years, but its adoption by the industry is quite recent. My research activities have been mainly focused on the industrial perspective of SBST. The problem of providing an effective development flow and guidelines for integrating SBST in the available operating systems have been tackled and results have been provided on microprocessor based systems for the automotive domain. Remarkably, new algorithms have been also introduced with respect to state-of-the-art approaches, which can be systematically implemented to enrich SBST suites of test programs for modern microprocessor based systems. The proposed development flow and algorithms are being currently employed in real electronic control units for automotive products. Moreover, a special hardware infrastructure purposely embedded in modern devices for interconnecting the numerous on-board instruments has been interest of my research as well. This solution is known as reconfigurable scan networks (RSNs) and its practical adoption is growing fast as new standards have been created. Test and diagnosis methodologies have been proposed targeting specific RSN features, aimed at checking whether the reconfigurability of such networks has not been corrupted by defects and, in this case, at identifying the defective elements of the network. The contribution of my work in this field has also been included in the first suite of public-domain benchmark networks

    Scan Test Coverage Improvement Via Automatic Test Pattern Generation (Atpg) Tool Configuration

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    The scan test coverage improvement by using automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) tool configuration was investigated. Improving the test coverage is essential in detecting manufacturing defects in semiconductor industry so that high quality products can be supplied to consumers. The ATPG tool used was Mentor Graphics Tessent TestKompress (version 2014.1). The study was done by setting up a few experiments of utilizing and modifying ATPG commands and switches, observing the test coverage improvement from the statistical reports provided during pattern generation process and providing relatable discussions. By modifying the ATPG commands, it can be expected to have some improvement in the test coverage. The scan test patterns generated were stuck-at test patterns. Based on the experiments done, comparison was made on the different coverage readings and the most optimized method and flow of ATPG were determined. The most optimized flow gave an improvement of 0.91% in test coverage which is acceptable since this method does not involve a change in design. The test patterns generated were converted and tested using automatic test equipment (ATE) to observe its performance on real silicon. The test coverage improvement using ATPG tool instead of the design-based method is important as a faster workaround for back-end engineers to provide high quality test contents in such a short product development duration

    Scan-Chain Intra-Cell Aware Testing

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    This paper first presents an evaluation of the effectiveness of different test pattern sets in terms of ability to detect possible intra-cell defects affecting the scan flip-flops. The analysis is then used to develop an effective test solution to improve the overall test quality. As a major result, the paper demonstrates that by combining test vectors generated by a commercial ATPG to detect stuck-at and delay faults, plus a fragment of extra test patterns generated to specifically target the escaped defects, we can obtain a higher intra-cell defect coverage (i.e., 6.46% on average) and a shorter test time (i.e., 42.20% on average) than by straightforwardly using an ATPG which directly targets these defects

    A novel reseeding mechanism for pseudo-random testing of VLSI circuits

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    [[abstract]]During built-in self-test (BIST), the set of patterns generated by a pseudo-random pattern generator may not provide sufficiently high fault coverage and many patterns were undetected fault (useless patterns). In order to reduce the test time, we can remove useless patterns or change them to useful patterns (fault dropping). In this paper, we reseed, modify the pseudo-random, and use an additional bit counter to improve test length and achieve high fault coverage. The fact is that a random test set contains useless patterns, so we present a technique, including both reseeding and bit modifying to remove useless patterns or change them to useful patterns, and when the patterns change, we pick out the numbers with less bits, leading to very short test length. The technique we present is applicable for single-stuck-at faults. The seeds we use are deterministic so 100% fault coverage can be achieve.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20050523~20050526[[booktype]]紙本[[conferencelocation]]Kobe, Japa

    Infrastructures and Algorithms for Testable and Dependable Systems-on-a-Chip

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    Every new node of semiconductor technologies provides further miniaturization and higher performances, increasing the number of advanced functions that electronic products can offer. Silicon area is now so cheap that industries can integrate in a single chip usually referred to as System-on-Chip (SoC), all the components and functions that historically were placed on a hardware board. Although adding such advanced functionality can benefit users, the manufacturing process is becoming finer and denser, making chips more susceptible to defects. Today’s very deep-submicron semiconductor technologies (0.13 micron and below) have reached susceptibility levels that put conventional semiconductor manufacturing at an impasse. Being able to rapidly develop, manufacture, test, diagnose and verify such complex new chips and products is crucial for the continued success of our economy at-large. This trend is expected to continue at least for the next ten years making possible the design and production of 100 million transistor chips. To speed up the research, the National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors identified in 1997 a number of major hurdles to be overcome. Some of these hurdles are related to test and dependability. Test is one of the most critical tasks in the semiconductor production process where Integrated Circuits (ICs) are tested several times starting from the wafer probing to the end of production test. Test is not only necessary to assure fault free devices but it also plays a key role in analyzing defects in the manufacturing process. This last point has high relevance since increasing time-to-market pressure on semiconductor fabrication often forces foundries to start volume production on a given semiconductor technology node before reaching the defect densities, and hence yield levels, traditionally obtained at that stage. The feedback derived from test is the only way to analyze and isolate many of the defects in today’s processes and to increase process’s yield. With the increasing need of high quality electronic products, at each new physical assembly level, such as board and system assembly, test is used for debugging, diagnosing and repairing the sub-assemblies in their new environment. Similarly, the increasing reliability, availability and serviceability requirements, lead the users of high-end products performing periodic tests in the field throughout the full life cycle. To allow advancements in each one of the above scaling trends, fundamental changes are expected to emerge in different Integrated Circuits (ICs) realization disciplines such as IC design, packaging and silicon process. These changes have a direct impact on test methods, tools and equipment. Conventional test equipment and methodologies will be inadequate to assure high quality levels. On chip specialized block dedicated to test, usually referred to as Infrastructure IP (Intellectual Property), need to be developed and included in the new complex designs to assure that new chips will be adequately tested, diagnosed, measured, debugged and even sometimes repaired. In this thesis, some of the scaling trends in designing new complex SoCs will be analyzed one at a time, observing their implications on test and identifying the key hurdles/challenges to be addressed. The goal of the remaining of the thesis is the presentation of possible solutions. It is not sufficient to address just one of the challenges; all must be met at the same time to fulfill the market requirements

    component of this work in other works. Area-Efficient Synthesis of Fault-Secure NoC Switches

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    This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden

    Design of On-Chip Self-Testing Signature Register

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    Over the last few years, scan test has turn out to be too expensive to implement for industry standard designs due to increasing test data volume and test time. The test cost of a chip is mainly governed by the resource utilization of Automatic Test Equipment (ATE). Also, it directly depends upon test time that includes time required to load test program, to apply test vectors and to analyze generated test response of the chip. An issue of test time and data volume is increasingly appealing designers to use on-chip test data compactors, either on input side or output side or both. Such techniques significantly address the former issues but have little hold over increasing number of input-outputs under test mode. Further, test pins on DUT are increasing over the generations. Thus, scan channels on test floor are falling short in number for placement of such ICs. To address issues discussed above, we introduce an on-chip self-testing signature register. It comprises a response compactor and a comparator. The compactor compacts large chunk of response data to a small test signature whereas the comparator compares this test signature with desired one. The overall test result for the design is generated on single output pin. Being no storage of test response is demanded, the considerable reduction in ATE memory can be observed. Also, with only single pin to be monitored for test result, the number of tester channels and compare edges on ATE side significantly reduce at the end of the test. This cuts down maintenance and usage cost of test floor and increases its life time. Furthermore reduction in test pins gives scope for DFT engineers to increase number of scan chains so as to further reduce test time