1,786 research outputs found

    Performance regression testing of concurrent classes

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    Developers of thread-safe classes struggle with two oppos-ing goals. The class must be correct, which requires syn-chronizing concurrent accesses, and the class should pro-vide reasonable performance, which is difficult to realize in the presence of unnecessary synchronization. Validating the performance of a thread-safe class is challenging because it requires diverse workloads that use the class, because ex-isting performance analysis techniques focus on individual bottleneck methods, and because reliably measuring the per-formance of concurrent executions is difficult. This paper presents SpeedGun, an automatic performance regression testing technique for thread-safe classes. The key idea is to generate multi-threaded performance tests and to com-pare two versions of a class with each other. The analysis notifies developers when changing a thread-safe class signif-icantly influences the performance of clients of this class. An evaluation with 113 pairs of classes from popular Java projects shows that the analysis effectively identifies 13 per-formance differences, including performance regressions that the respective developers were not aware of

    Program Model Checking: A Practitioner's Guide

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    Program model checking is a verification technology that uses state-space exploration to evaluate large numbers of potential program executions. Program model checking provides improved coverage over testing by systematically evaluating all possible test inputs and all possible interleavings of threads in a multithreaded system. Model-checking algorithms use several classes of optimizations to reduce the time and memory requirements for analysis, as well as heuristics for meaningful analysis of partial areas of the state space Our goal in this guidebook is to assemble, distill, and demonstrate emerging best practices for applying program model checking. We offer it as a starting point and introduction for those who want to apply model checking to software verification and validation. The guidebook will not discuss any specific tool in great detail, but we provide references for specific tools

    Automatic Detection, Validation and Repair of Race Conditions in Interrupt-Driven Embedded Software

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    Interrupt-driven programs are widely deployed in safety-critical embedded systems to perform hardware and resource dependent data operation tasks. The frequent use of interrupts in these systems can cause race conditions to occur due to interactions between application tasks and interrupt handlers (or two interrupt handlers). Numerous program analysis and testing techniques have been proposed to detect races in multithreaded programs. Little work, however, has addressed race condition problems related to hardware interrupts. In this paper, we present SDRacer, an automated framework that can detect, validate and repair race conditions in interrupt-driven embedded software. It uses a combination of static analysis and symbolic execution to generate input data for exercising the potential races. It then employs virtual platforms to dynamically validate these races by forcing the interrupts to occur at the potential racing points. Finally, it provides repair candidates to eliminate the detected races. We evaluate SDRacer on nine real-world embedded programs written in C language. The results show that SDRacer can precisely detect and successfully fix race conditions.Comment: This is a draft version of the published paper. Ke Wang provides suggestions for improving the paper and README of the GitHub rep

    Exposing concurrency failures: a comprehensive survey of the state of the art and a novel approach to reproduce field failures

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    With the rapid advance of multi-core and distributed architectures, concurrent systems are becoming more and more popular. Concurrent systems are extremely hard to develop and validate, as their overall behavior depends on the non-deterministic interleaving of the execution flows that comprise the system. Wrong and unexpected interleavings may lead to concurrency faults that are extremely hard to avoid, detect, and fix due to their non-deterministic nature. This thesis addresses the problem of exposing concurrency failures. Exposing concurrency failures is a crucial activity to locate and fix the related fault and amounts to determine both a test case and an interleaving that trigger the failure. Given the high cost of manually identifying a failure-inducing test case and interleaving among the infinite number of inputs and interleavings of the system, the problem of automatically exposing concurrency failures has been studied by researchers since the late seventies and is still a hot research topic. This thesis advances the research in exposing concurrency failures by proposing two main contributions. The first contribution is a comprehensive survey and taxonomy of the state-of-the-art techniques for exposing concurrency failures. The taxonomy and survey provide a framework that captures the key features of the existing techniques, identify a set of classification criteria to review and compare them, and highlight their strengths and weaknesses, leading to a thorough assessment of the field and paving the road for future progresses. The second contribution of this thesis is a technique to automatically expose and reproduce concurrency field failure. One of the main findings of our survey is that automatically reproducing concurrency field failures is still an open problem, as the few techniques that have been proposed rely on information that may be hard to collect, and identify failure-inducing interleavings but do not synthesize failure-inducing test cases. We propose a technique that advances over state- of-the-art approaches by relying on information that is easily obtainable and by automatically identifying both a failure- inducing test case and interleaving. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on a benchmark of real concurrency failures taken from different popular code bases

    Fuzzing Binaries for Memory Safety Errors with QASan

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    Fuzz testing techniques are becoming pervasive for their ever-improving ability to generate crashing trial cases for programs. Memory safety violations however can lead to silent corruptions and errors, and a fuzzer may recognize them only in the presence of sanitization machinery. For closed-source software combining sanitization with fuzzing incurs practical obstacles that we try to tackle with an architecture-independent proposal called QASan for detecting heap memory violations. In our tests QASan is competitive with standalone sanitizers and adds a moderate 1.61x average slowdown to the AFL++ fuzzer while enabling it to reveal more heap-related bugs
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