364 research outputs found

    Trellis-Based Equalization for Sparse ISI Channels Revisited

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    Sparse intersymbol-interference (ISI) channels are encountered in a variety of high-data-rate communication systems. Such channels have a large channel memory length, but only a small number of significant channel coefficients. In this paper, trellis-based equalization of sparse ISI channels is revisited. Due to the large channel memory length, the complexity of maximum-likelihood detection, e.g., by means of the Viterbi algorithm (VA), is normally prohibitive. In the first part of the paper, a unified framework based on factor graphs is presented for complexity reduction without loss of optimality. In this new context, two known reduced-complexity algorithms for sparse ISI channels are recapitulated: The multi-trellis VA (M-VA) and the parallel-trellis VA (P-VA). It is shown that the M-VA, although claimed, does not lead to a reduced computational complexity. The P-VA, on the other hand, leads to a significant complexity reduction, but can only be applied for a certain class of sparse channels. In the second part of the paper, a unified approach is investigated to tackle general sparse channels: It is shown that the use of a linear filter at the receiver renders the application of standard reduced-state trellis-based equalizer algorithms feasible, without significant loss of optimality. Numerical results verify the efficiency of the proposed receiver structure.Comment: To be presented at the 2005 IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theory (ISIT 2005), September 4-9, 2005, Adelaide, Australi

    Experimental Assessment of Different Receiver Structures for Underwater Acoustic Communications over Multipath Channels

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    Underwater communication channels are often complicated, and in particular multipath propagation may cause intersymbol interference (ISI). This paper addresses how to remove ISI, and evaluates the performance of three different receiver structures and their implementations. Using real data collected in a high-frequency (10–14 kHz) field experiment, the receiver structures are evaluated by off-line data processing. The three structures are multichannel decision feedback equalizer (DFE), passive time reversal receiver (passive-phase conjugation (PPC) with a single channel DFE), and the joint PPC with multichannel DFE. In sparse channels, dominant arrivals represent the channel information, and the matching pursuit (MP) algorithm which exploits the channel sparseness has been investigated for PPC processing. In the assessment, it is found that: (1) it is advantageous to obtain spatial gain using the adaptive multichannel combining scheme; and (2) the MP algorithm improves the performance of communications using PPC processing

    Interference Cancellation for UWA Random Access Data Packet Transmission

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    In underwater acoustic (UWA) random access communication networks with multiple users and data packet transmissions, the packet collisions are the main cause of the network performance degradation. The aim of this paper is to investigate interference cancellation (IC) techniques capable of resolving such collisions in a low-complexity modem with single-carrier modulation and single transducer. More specifically, in this modem, the IC is used at multiple stages of the receiver. Firstly, the IC is performed for cancelling the multipath interference to improve the equalization performance in comparison with the linear equalization and Rake combining. Secondly, the IC removes the interference from collided data packets within extracted signal segments after identifying the collisions. Finally, the IC is applied to the received baseband signal to improve the data packet detection. The modem performance is investigated in a lake experiment with intensive multipath channels. The experimental results demonstrate high detection performance of the proposed modem design and show that the proposed IC techniques can significantly improve the throughput of random access UWA networks.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    A low-cost time-hopping impulse radio system for high data rate transmission

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    We present an efficient, low-cost implementation of time-hopping impulse radio that fulfills the spectral mask mandated by the FCC and is suitable for high-data-rate, short-range communications. Key features are: (i) all-baseband implementation that obviates the need for passband components, (ii) symbol-rate (not chip rate) sampling, A/D conversion, and digital signal processing, (iii) fast acquisition due to novel search algorithms, (iv) spectral shaping that can be adapted to accommodate different spectrum regulations and interference environments. Computer simulations show that this system can provide 110Mbit/s at 7-10m distance, as well as higher data rates at shorter distances under FCC emissions limits. Due to the spreading concept of time-hopping impulse radio, the system can sustain multiple simultaneous users, and can suppress narrowband interference effectively.Comment: To appear in EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (Special Issue on UWB - State of the Art

    Pilot-Aided Equalization with a Constrained Noise-Estimation Filter

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    In this paper we focus on a single carrier pilotassisted transmission scheme where one pilot symbol is periodically inserted in the transmitted sequence on a time-division multiplexing basis. A new equalization scheme, where the knowledge of pilot symbols is exploited by the equalizer to generate an estimate of the noise affecting the symbol to be detected, is introduced and analyzed. The criterion used to compute the equalizer coefficients is the minimization of the mean-square error (MSE). The main new result of our analysis is that the optimal pilot aided equalizer (PAE) can be decomposed as the cascade of an unconstrained minimum MSE (MMSE) linear equalizer (LE) and a data-aided noise estimation filter. This result completes and extends the noise-predictive view of decision feedback equalization to general data-aided equalization. The PAE is compared here to the MMSE-LE and to the MSE decision feedback equalizer on two frequency selective wireless channels

    Sparsity Enhanced Decision Feedback Equalization

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    For single-carrier systems with frequency domain equalization, decision feedback equalization (DFE) performs better than linear equalization and has much lower computational complexity than sequence maximum likelihood detection. The main challenge in DFE is the feedback symbol selection rule. In this paper, we give a theoretical framework for a simple, sparsity based thresholding algorithm. We feed back multiple symbols in each iteration, so the algorithm converges fast and has a low computational cost. We show how the initial solution can be obtained via convex relaxation instead of linear equalization, and illustrate the impact that the choice of the initial solution has on the bit error rate performance of our algorithm. The algorithm is applicable in several existing wireless communication systems (SC-FDMA, MC-CDMA, MIMO-OFDM). Numerical results illustrate significant performance improvement in terms of bit error rate compared to the MMSE solution

    A Study on Efficient Receiver Design for UWA Communication System

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    Underwater Acoustic Channels are fast varying channel according to environmental conditions and exhibit strong random fluctuations in amplitude as well as phase due to reflection, refraction, and diffraction. Due to these highly space, time and frequency dependent channel characteristics, it is very difficult to establish reliable and long-range underwater acoustic communication. In this project, channel modeling has been done showing the different channel characteristics of underwater and their dependencies on frequency, temperature, pressure, salinity etc. Also, it has been shown through some theoretical and practical results that the nakagami fading is the best suitable generalized fading to be used in underwater. In this research work various techniques such as equalization, pilot based OFDM and LDPC Coding has also been done to mitigate the channel fading effect and to improve the performance. An adaptive equalizer has been implemented through three different algorithms LMS, NLMS and RLS for linear as well as non-linear channels to mitigate ISI and, their convergence characteristics along with bit error rate performance has been compared. Two types of pilot insertion, block and Comb type has also been done while implementing OFDM. Block type pilot based OFDM is suitable for slow fading and comb type pilot based OFDM is suitable for a fast fading channel. As in underwater, both types of fading exist, hence, lattice type pilot based OFDM is the best suitable for underwater acoustic communication. LDPC channel coding through which almost Shannon capacity performance can be achieved; has also been implemented taking nakagami channel fading. Bit error rate performance has been compared for different LDPC decoding techniques and for different code rate

    Implementation of an Underwater Digital Acoustic Telemetry Reciever

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    This thesis presents the design and software implementation of an underwater acoustic modem receiver. Communication links in underwater environments face several undesired effects. These include multipath signal reflections, intersymbol interference, and channel fading. This receiver design uses a combination of time and spatial diversity inputs combined with an adaptive feedback equalizer to counteract those effects. The design is based on three modules. A front-end module demodulates and Doppler-compensates the incoming data. A channel combiner module receives data from one or more front ends for spatial diversity and combines repeated transmissions for time diversity. The data from each input channel is time aligned and stored in a \u27job\u27 structure. The channel combiner also calculates tap sizes and locations for the feedback equalizer. Completed \u27job\u27 structures from the channel combiner are then sent to an equalizer module. The modules are implemented in C language code written and compiled for Analog Devices SHARC digital signal processors. The hardware consists of several processors that are interconnected via link ports. This allows each module to run on a separate processor. It also allows for multiple instances of certain modules to be run simultaneously to provide real-time operation

    Interference Suppression in WCDMA with Adaptive Thresholding based Decision Feedback Equaliser

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    WCDMA is considered as one of the 3G wireless standards by 3GPP. Capacity calculation shows that WCDMA systems have more capacity compared to any other multiple access technique such as time division multiple access (TDMA) or frequency division multiple access (FDMA). So it is widely used. Rake receivers are used for the detection of transmitted data in case of WCDMA communication systems due to its resistance to multipath fading. But rake receiver treat multiuser interference (MUI) as AWGN and have limitation in overcoming the effect of multiple access interference (MAI) when the SNR is high. A de-correlating matched filter has been used in this thesis, which eliminates and improves system performance. But the given receiver works well only in the noise free environment. A DFE, compared to linear equaliser, gives better performance at severe ISI condition. The only problem in this equalisation technique is to select the number of symbols that are to be fed back. This thesis gives an idea on multiple symbol selection, based on sparity where an adaptive thresholding algorithm is used that computes the number of symbols to feedback. Simulated results show a significant performance improvement for Regularised Rake receiver along with thresholding in terms of BER compared to a rake receiver, de-correlating rake receiver and regularised rake receiver. The performance of the receiver in different channels is also analysed