6 research outputs found

    Exploiting Outer Loops Vectorization in High Level Synthesis

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    Synthesis of DoAll loops is a key aspect of High Level Synthesis since they allow to easily exploit the potential parallelism provided by programmable devices. This type of parallelism can be implemented in several ways: by duplicating the implementation of body loop, by exploiting loop pipelining or by applying vectorization. In this paper a methodology for the synthesis of complex DoAll loops based on outer vectorization is proposed. Vectorization is not limited to the innermost loops: complex constructs such as nested loops, conditional constructs and function calls are supported. Experimental results on parallel benchmarks show up to 7.35x speed-up and up to 40 % reduction of area-delay product

    Exploiting Vectorization in High Level Synthesis of Nested Irregular Loops

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    Synthesis of DoAll loops is a key aspect of High Level Synthesis since they allow to easily exploit the potential parallelism provided by programmable devices. This type of parallelism can be implemented in several ways: by duplicating the implementation of body loop, by exploiting loop pipelining or by applying vectorization. In this paper a methodology for the synthesis of nested irregular DoAll loops based on outer vectorization is proposed. The methodology transforms the intermediate representation of the DoAll loop to introduce vectorization and it can be easily integrated in existing state of the art High Level Synthesis flows since does not require any modification in the rest of the flow. Vectorization is not limited to perfectly nested countable loops: conditional constructs and loops with variable number of iterations are supported. Experimental results on parallel benchmarks show that the generated parallel accelerators have significant speed-up with limited penalties in terms of resource usage and frequency decrement

    Hierarchical and scalable bus architecture generation on FPGAs with high-level synthesis

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    This thesis presents and evaluates a bus-based system for FCUDA, a translation tool enabling CUDA code to be run on FPGAs. With the goal of constructing a solid light-weight back-end with optimized performance, we choose AXI4 as the communication protocol and plug in all necessary components on a hierarchical bus system. Then, FCUDA cores are added in the back-end and the comprehensive system is automated into a single tool chain. Several optimizations are added in this automated FCUDA bus system for the delivery of better performance. For example, FCUDA cores are tiled into clusters based on configuration inputs, and clock domains are separated to reduce long wires. For the experiments, this work adjusts the existing resources and period models and enhances the system latency model by incorporating off-chip memory communication latency. The system is proved to be light-weight based on post-routing resource reports. Design space exploration among multilevel granularity parallelisms is performed to get the system's best performance, with which a comparison with GPU is made. Our system can achieve at most 2.08 performance improvement when compared with the execution latency on GPU

    HyperFPGA: SoC-FPGA Cluster Architecture for Supercomputing and Scientific applications

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    Since their inception, supercomputers have addressed problems that far exceed those of a single computing device. Modern supercomputers are made up of tens of thousands of CPUs and GPUs in racks that are interconnected via elaborate and most of the time ad hoc networks. These large facilities provide scientists with unprecedented and ever-growing computing power capable of tackling more complex and larger problems. In recent years, the most powerful supercomputers have already reached megawatt power consumption levels, an important issue that challenges sustainability and shows the impossibility of maintaining this trend. With more pressure on energy efficiency, an alternative to traditional architectures is needed. Reconfigurable hardware, such as FPGAs, has repeatedly been shown to offer substantial advantages over the traditional supercomputing approach with respect to performance and power consumption. In fact, several works that advanced the field of heterogeneous supercomputing using FPGAs are described in this thesis \cite{survey-2002}. Each cluster and its architectural characteristics can be studied from three interconnected domains: network, hardware, and software tools, resulting in intertwined challenges that designers must take into account. The classification and study of the architectures illustrate the trade-offs of the solutions and help identify open problems and research lines, which in turn served as inspiration and background for the HyperFPGA. In this thesis, the HyperFPGA cluster is presented as a way to build scalable SoC-FPGA platforms to explore new architectures for improved performance and energy efficiency in high-performance computing, focusing on flexibility and openness. The HyperFPGA is a modular platform based on a SoM that includes power monitoring tools with high-speed general-purpose interconnects to offer a great level of flexibility and introspection. By exploiting the reconfigurability and programmability offered by the HyperFPGA infrastructure, which combines FPGAs and CPUs, with high-speed general-purpose connectors, novel computing paradigms can be implemented. A custom Linux OS and drivers, along with a custom script for hardware definition, provide a uniform interface from application to platform for a programmable framework that integrates existing tools. The development environment is demonstrated using the N-Queens problem, which is a classic benchmark for evaluating the performance of parallel computing systems. Overall, the results of the HyperFPGA using the N-Queens problem highlight the platform's ability to handle computationally intensive tasks and demonstrate its suitability for its use in supercomputing experiments.Since their inception, supercomputers have addressed problems that far exceed those of a single computing device. Modern supercomputers are made up of tens of thousands of CPUs and GPUs in racks that are interconnected via elaborate and most of the time ad hoc networks. These large facilities provide scientists with unprecedented and ever-growing computing power capable of tackling more complex and larger problems. In recent years, the most powerful supercomputers have already reached megawatt power consumption levels, an important issue that challenges sustainability and shows the impossibility of maintaining this trend. With more pressure on energy efficiency, an alternative to traditional architectures is needed. Reconfigurable hardware, such as FPGAs, has repeatedly been shown to offer substantial advantages over the traditional supercomputing approach with respect to performance and power consumption. In fact, several works that advanced the field of heterogeneous supercomputing using FPGAs are described in this thesis \cite{survey-2002}. Each cluster and its architectural characteristics can be studied from three interconnected domains: network, hardware, and software tools, resulting in intertwined challenges that designers must take into account. The classification and study of the architectures illustrate the trade-offs of the solutions and help identify open problems and research lines, which in turn served as inspiration and background for the HyperFPGA. In this thesis, the HyperFPGA cluster is presented as a way to build scalable SoC-FPGA platforms to explore new architectures for improved performance and energy efficiency in high-performance computing, focusing on flexibility and openness. The HyperFPGA is a modular platform based on a SoM that includes power monitoring tools with high-speed general-purpose interconnects to offer a great level of flexibility and introspection. By exploiting the reconfigurability and programmability offered by the HyperFPGA infrastructure, which combines FPGAs and CPUs, with high-speed general-purpose connectors, novel computing paradigms can be implemented. A custom Linux OS and drivers, along with a custom script for hardware definition, provide a uniform interface from application to platform for a programmable framework that integrates existing tools. The development environment is demonstrated using the N-Queens problem, which is a classic benchmark for evaluating the performance of parallel computing systems. Overall, the results of the HyperFPGA using the N-Queens problem highlight the platform's ability to handle computationally intensive tasks and demonstrate its suitability for its use in supercomputing experiments

    Robust and reliable hardware accelerator design through high-level synthesis

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    System-on-chip design is becoming increasingly complex as technology scaling enables more and more functionality on a chip. This scaling-driven complexity has resulted in a variety of reliability and validation challenges including logic bugs, hot spots, wear-out, and soft errors. To make matters worse, as we reach the limits of Dennard scaling, efforts to improve system performance and energy efficiency have resulted in the integration of a wide variety of complex hardware accelerators in SoCs. Thus the challenge is to design complex, custom hardware that is efficient, but also correct and reliable. High-level synthesis shows promise to address the problem of complex hardware design by providing a bridge from the high-productivity software domain to the hardware design process. Much research has been done on high-level synthesis efficiency optimizations. This dissertation shows that high-level synthesis also has the power to address validation and reliability challenges through three automated solutions targeting three key stages in the hardware design and use cycle: pre-silicon debugging, post-silicon validation, and post-deployment error detection. Our solution for rapid pre-silicon debugging of accelerator designs is hybrid tracing: comparing a datapath-level trace of hardware execution with a reference software implementation at a fine temporal and spatial granularity to detect logic bugs. An integrated backtrace process delivers source-code meaning to the hardware designer, pinpointing the location of bug activation and providing a strong hint for potential bug fixes. Experimental results show that we are able to detect and aid in localization of logic bugs from both C/C++ specifications as well as the high-level synthesis engine itself. A variation of this solution tailored for rapid post-silicon validation of accelerator designs is hybrid hashing: inserting signature generation logic in a hardware design to create a heavily compressed signature stream that captures the internal behavior of the design at a fine temporal and spatial granularity for comparison with a reference set of signatures generated by high-level simulation to detect bugs. Using hybrid hashing, we demonstrate an improvement in error detection latency (time elapsed from when a bug is activated to when it manifests as an observable failure) of two orders of magnitude and a threefold improvement in bug coverage compared to traditional post-silicon validation techniques. Hybrid hashing also uncovered previously unknown bugs in the CHStone benchmark suite, which is widely used by the HLS community. Hybrid hashing incurs less than 10% area overhead for the accelerator it validates with negligible performance impact, and we also introduce techniques to minimize any possible intrusiveness introduced by hybrid hashing. Finally, our solution for post-deployment error detection is modulo-3 shadow datapaths: performing lightweight shadow computations in modulo-3 space for each main computation. We leverage the binding and scheduling flexibility of high-level synthesis to detect control errors through diverse binding and minimize area cost through intelligent checkpoint scheduling and modulo-3 reducer sharing. We introduce logic and dataflow optimizations to further reduce cost. We evaluated our technique with 12 high-level synthesis benchmarks from the arithmetic-oriented PolyBench benchmark suite using FPGA emulated netlist-level error injection. We observe coverages of 99.1% for stuck-at faults, 99.5% for soft errors, and 99.6% for timing errors with a 25.7% area cost and negligible performance impact. Leveraging a mean error detection latency of 12.75 cycles (4150Ă— faster than end result check) for soft errors, we also explore a rollback recovery method with an additional area cost of 28.0%, observing a 175Ă— increase in reliability against soft errors. While the area cost of our modulo shadow datapaths is much better than traditional modular redundancy approaches, we want to maximize the applicability of our approach. To this end, we take a dive into gate-level architectural design for modulo arithmetic functional units. We introduce new low-cost gate-level architectures for all four key functional units in a shadow datapath: (1) a modulo reduction algorithm that generates architectures consisting entirely of full-adder standard cells; (2) minimum-area modulo adder and subtractor architectures; (3) an array-based modulo multiplier design; and (4) a modulo equality comparator that handles the residue encoding produced by the above. We compare our new functional units to the previous state-of-the-art approach, observing a 12.5% reduction in area and a 47.1% reduction in delay for a 32-bit mod-3 reducer; that our reducer costs, which tend to dominate shadow datapath costs, do not increase with larger modulo bases; and that for modulo-15 and above, all of our modulo functional units have better area and delay then their previous counterparts. We also demonstrate the practicality of our approach by designing a custom shadow datapath for error detection of a multiply accumulate functional unit, which has an area overhead of only 12% for a 32-bit main datapath and 2-bit modulo-3 shadow datapath. Taking our reliability solution further, we look at the bigger picture of modulo shadow datapaths combined with other solutions at different abstraction layers, looking to answer the following question: Given all of the existing reliability improvement techniques for application-specific hardware accelerators, what techniques or combinations of techniques are the most cost-effective? To answer this question, we consider a soft error fault model and empirically evaluate cross-layer combinations of ABFT, EDDI, and modulo shadow datapaths in the context of high-level synthesis; parity in logic synthesis; and flip-flop hardening techniques at the physical design level. We measure the reliability benefit and area, energy, and performance cost of each technique individually and for interesting technique combinations through FPGA emulated fault-injection and physical place-and-route. Our results show that a combination of parity and flip-flop hardening is the most cost-effective in general with an average 1.3% area cost and 5.7% energy cost for a 50Ă— improvement in reliability. The addition of modulo-3 shadow datapaths to this combination provides some additional benefit for some applications, even without considering its combinational logic, stuck-at fault, and timing error protection benefits. We also observe new efficiency challenges for ABFT and EDDI when used for hardware accelerators