34,056 research outputs found

    Constrained tGAP for generalisation between scales: the case of Dutch topographic data

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    This article presents the results of integrating large- and medium-scale data into a unified data structure. This structure can be used as a single non-redundant representation for the input data, which can be queried at any arbitrary scale between the source scales. The solution is based on the constrained topological Generalized Area Partition (tGAP), which stores the results of a generalization process applied to the large-scale dataset, and is controlled by the objects of the medium-scale dataset, which act as constraints on the large-scale objects. The result contains the accurate geometry of the large-scale objects enriched with the generalization knowledge of the medium-scale data, stored as references in the constraint tGAP structure. The advantage of this constrained approach over the original tGAP is the higher quality of the aggregated maps. The idea was implemented with real topographic datasets from The Netherlands for the large- (1:1000) and medium-scale (1:10,000) data. The approach is expected to be equally valid for any categorical map and for other scales as well

    Geometric data for testing implementations of point reduction algorithms : case study using Mapshaper v 0.2.28 and previous versions

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    There are several open source and commercial implementations of the Visvalingam algorithm for line generalisation. The algorithm provides scope for implementation-specific interpretations, with different outcomes. This is inevitable and sometimes necessary and, they do not imply that an implementation is flawed. The only restriction is that the output must not be so inconsistent with the intent of the algorithm that it becomes inappropriate. The aim of this paper is to place the algorithm within the literature, and demonstrate the value of the teragon-test for evaluating the appropriateness of implementations; Mapshaper v 0.2.28 and earlier versions are used for illustrative purposes. Data pertaining to natural features, such as coastlines, are insufficient for establishing whether deviations in output are significant. The teragon-test produced an unexpected loss of symmetry from both the Visvalingam and Douglas-Peucker options, making the tested versions unsuitable for some applications outside of cartography. This paper describes the causes, and discusses their implications. Mapshaper 0.3.17 passes the teragon test. Other developers and users should check their implementations using contrived geometric data, such as the teragon data provided in this paper, especially when the source code is not available. The teragon-test is also useful for evaluating other point reduction algorithms

    Product Configuration Systems: State of the Art, Conceptualization and Extensions

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    Product configurators are considered to be among the most successful applications of artificial intelligence technology. In this paper, we determine different conceptualizations of configurators and condense them in a comprehensive morphological box, which should support configurator designers as well as decision makers in selecting the right system. The analysis of the criteria according to which configurators that are designed thus far reveals a neglect of the front-end perspective. Therefore, it is relevant to extend configurators with a front-end component assisting customers during product configuration through advisory. We develop a framework describing the main requirements on an advisory system and propose the technical infrastructure for its implementation. Finally, the advisory system and the configurator are integrated into a comprehensive interaction system.product configurators; advisory system; product personalization

    Paving the Way to Simpler: Experiencing from Maximizing Enrollment States in Streamlining Eligibility and Enrollment

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    Since 2009, the eight states (Alabama, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New York, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin) participating in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Maximizing Enrollment program have worked to streamline and simplify enrollment systems, policies, and processes for children and those eligible for health coverage in 2014. The participating states aimed to reduce enrollment barriers for consumers and administrative burdens in processing applications and renewals for staff by making improvements and simplifications at every step of the enrollment process. Although the states began their work before the enactment of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), their efforts positioned them well for implementation in 2014, and offer experiences and lessons that other states may find useful in their efforts to improve efficiency, lower costs, and promote responsible stewardship of limited public resources

    The Topology ToolKit

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    This system paper presents the Topology ToolKit (TTK), a software platform designed for topological data analysis in scientific visualization. TTK provides a unified, generic, efficient, and robust implementation of key algorithms for the topological analysis of scalar data, including: critical points, integral lines, persistence diagrams, persistence curves, merge trees, contour trees, Morse-Smale complexes, fiber surfaces, continuous scatterplots, Jacobi sets, Reeb spaces, and more. TTK is easily accessible to end users due to a tight integration with ParaView. It is also easily accessible to developers through a variety of bindings (Python, VTK/C++) for fast prototyping or through direct, dependence-free, C++, to ease integration into pre-existing complex systems. While developing TTK, we faced several algorithmic and software engineering challenges, which we document in this paper. In particular, we present an algorithm for the construction of a discrete gradient that complies to the critical points extracted in the piecewise-linear setting. This algorithm guarantees a combinatorial consistency across the topological abstractions supported by TTK, and importantly, a unified implementation of topological data simplification for multi-scale exploration and analysis. We also present a cached triangulation data structure, that supports time efficient and generic traversals, which self-adjusts its memory usage on demand for input simplicial meshes and which implicitly emulates a triangulation for regular grids with no memory overhead. Finally, we describe an original software architecture, which guarantees memory efficient and direct accesses to TTK features, while still allowing for researchers powerful and easy bindings and extensions. TTK is open source (BSD license) and its code, online documentation and video tutorials are available on TTK's website

    Huddl: the Hydrographic Universal Data Description Language

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    Since many of the attempts to introduce a universal hydrographic data format have failed or have been only partially successful, a different approach is proposed. Our solution is the Hydrographic Universal Data Description Language (HUDDL), a descriptive XML-based language that permits the creation of a standardized description of (past, present, and future) data formats, and allows for applications like HUDDLER, a compiler that automatically creates drivers for data access and manipulation. HUDDL also represents a powerful solution for archiving data along with their structural description, as well as for cataloguing existing format specifications and their version control. HUDDL is intended to be an open, community-led initiative to simplify the issues involved in hydrographic data access

    Improving the Delivery of Key Work Supports: Policy & Practice Opportunities at a Critical Moment

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    Examines the consequences of a lack of coordination and seamless service delivery across support programs. Outlines policy, procedural, and data utilization options and best practices to expedite receipt of benefits across programs, as well as challenges

    Constrained set-up of the tGAP structure for progressive vector data transfer

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    A promising approach to submit a vector map from a server to a mobile client is to send a coarse representation first, which then is incrementally refined. We consider the problem of defining a sequence of such increments for areas of different land-cover classes in a planar partition. In order to submit well-generalised datasets, we propose a method of two stages: First, we create a generalised representation from a detailed dataset, using an optimisation approach that satisfies certain cartographic constraints. Second, we define a sequence of basic merge and simplification operations that transforms the most detailed dataset gradually into the generalised dataset. The obtained sequence of gradual transformations is stored without geometrical redundancy in a structure that builds up on the previously developed tGAP (topological Generalised Area Partitioning) structure. This structure and the algorithm for intermediate levels of detail (LoD) have been implemented in an object-relational database and tested for land-cover data from the official German topographic dataset ATKIS at scale 1:50 000 to the target scale 1:250 000. Results of these tests allow us to conclude that the data at lowest LoD and at intermediate LoDs is well generalised. Applying specialised heuristics the applied optimisation method copes with large datasets; the tGAP structure allows users to efficiently query and retrieve a dataset at a specified LoD. Data are sent progressively from the server to the client: First a coarse representation is sent, which is refined until the requested LoD is reached
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