213 research outputs found

    Vehicular multitier gateway selection algorithm for heterogeneous VANET architectures

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    Reliable Routing in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks.

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    International audienceOne of the notoriously difficult problems in vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET) is to ensure that established routing paths do not break before the end of data transmission. This is a difficult problem because the network topology is constantly changing and the wireless communication links are inherently unstable, due to high node mobility. In this paper we classify existing VANET routing protocols into five categories: connectivity-based, mobility-based, infrastructure-based, geographic-location-based, and probability-model-based, according to their employed routing metrics. For each category, we present the general design ideas and state of the art. Our objective is to attract more attention to the VANET routing problem and encourage more research efforts on developing reliable solutions

    A Method for Improving Data Delivery Efficiency in Delay Tolerant VANET with Scheduled Routes of Cars

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    IVCS 2010 : 2nd IEEE International Intelligent Vehicular Communications System Workshop , Jan 9-12, 2010 , Las Vegas , NV, USAIn vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), delivering messages to a specific location is difficult due to the high mobility of vehicles. In this paper, we propose a method for efficient message delivery in VANETs utilizing the route information in car navigation systems. In the proposed method, each car periodically exchanges the information on its current position and scheduled route in the car navigation system with neighboring cars within radio range. By referring to the exchanged information, each car forwards messages to the neighboring car that will most closely approach the destination. Through simulations, we confirm that the proposed method achieves a better delivery rate with low bandwidth usage than a geocast-based method and epidemic routing

    On the design and deployment of multitier heterogeneous and adaptive vehicular networks

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    Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs), an emerging technology, would allow vehicles to form a self-organized network without the aid of a permanent infrastructure. As a prerequisite to communication in VANETs, an efficient route between communicating nodes in the network must be established, and the routing protocol must adapt to the rapidly changing topology of vehicles in motion. This is one of the goals of VANET routing protocols. In this thesis, we present an efficient routing protocol for VANETs, called the Reliable Inter-VEhicular Routing (RIVER) protocol. RIVER utilizes an undirected graph that represents the surrounding street layout where the vertices of the graph are points at which streets curve or intersect, and the graph edges represent the street segments between those vertices. Unlike existing protocols, RIVER performs real-time, active traffic monitoring and uses this data and other data gathered through passive mechanisms to assign a reliability rating to each street edge. The protocol then uses these reliability ratings to select the most reliable route. Control messages are used to identify a node’s neighbors, determine the reliability of street edges, and to share street edge reliability information with other nodes

    Construction of a real vehicular delay-tolerant network testbed

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    Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks (VDTNs) appear as innovative network architecture, able to outline communication challenges caused by issues like variable delays, disruption and intermittent connectivity once that it utilizes the store-carry-and-forward method to allow that in-transit messages (called bundles) can be delivered to the destination by hopping over the mobile vehicles even that an end-to-end path does not exist. Since messages are stored persistently in a buffer and forward to the next hop, a new communication infrastructure is created allowing low-cost asynchronous opportunistic communication under the most critical situations like variable delays and bandwidth constraints. VDTN introduces a layered architecture, acting as an overlay network over the link layer, aggregating incoming IP packets in data bundles (large IP packets), using out-of-band signaling, based on the separation of the control plane and planes. This dissertation presents and evaluates the performance of a real VDTN testbed, demonstrating the real applicability of this new vehicular communication approach. It includes an embedded VDTN testbed created to evaluate safety systems in a real-world scenario. It was used cars with laptops to realize terminal and relay nodes. A real testbed is very important because some complex issues presented in vehicular communication systems can be treated with more realism in real-world environments than in a laboratory environment. The experiments were performed on the internal streets of Brazilian Fiat Automobile manufacturing plant. Performance measurements and analysis were also conduct to verify the efficiency of the system. The results obtained show that safety applications and services can be executed with the actual proposal VDTN architecture in several environments, although notable interference as fading and characteristics of the radio channel, require the use of more modern, appropriate and robust technologies. Thus, the real deployment of VDTNs confirms that VDTNs can be seen as a very promising technology for vehicular communications.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    A Comprehensive Survey on Moving Networks

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    The unprecedented increase in the demand for mobile data, fuelled by new emerging applications such as HD video streaming and heightened online activities has caused massive strain on the existing cellular networks. As a solution, the 5G technology has been introduced to improve network performance through various innovative features such as mmWave spectrum and HetNets. In essence, HetNets include several small cells underlaid within macro-cell to serve densely populated regions. Recently, a mobile layer of HetNet has been under consideration by the researchers and is often referred to as moving networks. Moving networks comprise of mobile cells that are primarily introduced to improve QoS for commuting users inside public transport because the QoS is deteriorated due to vehicular penetration losses. Furthermore, the users inside fast moving public transport also exert excessive load on the core network due to large group handovers. To this end, mobile cells will play a crucial role in reducing overall handover count and will help in alleviating these problems by decoupling in-vehicle users from the core network. To date, remarkable research results have been achieved by the research community in addressing challenges linked to moving networks. However, to the best of our knowledge, a discussion on moving networks in a holistic way is missing in the current literature. To fill the gap, in this paper, we comprehensively survey moving networks. We cover the technological aspects and their applications in the futuristic applications. We also discuss the use-cases and value additions that moving networks may bring to future cellular architecture and identify the challenges associated with them. Based on the identified challenges we discuss the future research directions.Comment: This survey has been submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorial

    VANET-enabled eco-friendly road characteristics-aware routing for vehicular traffic

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    There is growing awareness of the dangers of climate change caused by greenhouse gases. In the coming decades this could result in numerous disasters such as heat-waves, flooding and crop failures. A major contributor to the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions is the transport sector, particularly private vehicles. Traffic congestion involving private vehicles also causes a lot of wasted time and stress to commuters. At the same time new wireless technologies such as Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) are being developed which could allow vehicles to communicate with each other. These could enable a number of innovative schemes to reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. 1) EcoTrec is a VANET-based system which allows vehicles to exchange messages regarding traffic congestion and road conditions, such as roughness and gradient. Each vehicle uses the messages it has received to build a model of nearby roads and the traffic on them. The EcoTrec Algorithm then recommends the most fuel efficient route for the vehicles to follow. 2) Time-Ants is a swarm based algorithm that considers not only the amount of cars in the spatial domain but also the amoumt in the time domain. This allows the system to build a model of the traffic congestion throughout the day. As traffic patterns are broadly similar for weekdays this gives us a good idea of what traffic will be like allowing us to route the vehicles more efficiently using the Time-Ants Algorithm. 3) Electric Vehicle enhanced Dedicated Bus Lanes (E-DBL) proposes allowing electric vehicles onto the bus lanes. Such an approach could allow a reduction in traffic congestion on the regular lanes without greatly impeding the buses. It would also encourage uptake of electric vehicles. 4) A comprehensive survey of issues associated with communication centred traffic management systems was carried out

    Simulation Of Vehicular Movement in VANET

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    In the recent years research in the field of vehicular ad-hoc network(VANET) is done extensively. VANET consist of large number of dynamically nodes which are vehicles over a area. Different types of technology and applications are being developed for the VANET . So this VANET technology and applications should be thoroughly checked before deployment in the real world environment. But to test technologies and applications in real world environment is not feasible it involves lot of danger and safety issues, different reports of the testing can’t also be generated so to overcome these limitation we need to carry out simulation of VANET in the computer environment i.e. we should do a computer simulation. Computer simulation is risk and danger free, we can generate different scenario (rural, urban, collision of vehicles) of the VANET using this. So computer simulation is very important in VANET research. Simulation of VANET is divided into two part a. Traffic simulation: Generation of traffic movement, Defining the mobility model for vehicle and creating traffic movement. b. Network simulation: Generating Inter communicating vehicle , Defining communication protocols. And both the simulation are connected in bi-directional coupling