511 research outputs found

    A Scalable Framework for Automatic Playlist Continuation on Music Streaming Services

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    Music streaming services often aim to recommend songs for users to extend the playlists they have created on these services. However, extending playlists while preserving their musical characteristics and matching user preferences remains a challenging task, commonly referred to as Automatic Playlist Continuation (APC). Besides, while these services often need to select the best songs to recommend in real-time and among large catalogs with millions of candidates, recent research on APC mainly focused on models with few scalability guarantees and evaluated on relatively small datasets. In this paper, we introduce a general framework to build scalable yet effective APC models for large-scale applications. Based on a represent-then-aggregate strategy, it ensures scalability by design while remaining flexible enough to incorporate a wide range of representation learning and sequence modeling techniques, e.g., based on Transformers. We demonstrate the relevance of this framework through in-depth experimental validation on Spotify's Million Playlist Dataset (MPD), the largest public dataset for APC. We also describe how, in 2022, we successfully leveraged this framework to improve APC in production on Deezer. We report results from a large-scale online A/B test on this service, emphasizing the practical impact of our approach in such a real-world application.Comment: Accepted as a Full Paper at the SIGIR 2023 conferenc

    A hybrid recommender system for improving automatic playlist continuation

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    Although widely used, the majority of current music recommender systems still focus on recommendations’ accuracy, userpreferences and isolated item characteristics, without evaluating other important factors, like the joint item selections and the recommendation moment. However, when it comes to playlist recommendations, additional dimensions, as well as the notion of user experience and perception, should be taken into account to improve recommendations’ quality. In this work, HybA, a hybrid recommender system for automatic playlist continuation, that combines Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Case-Based Reasoning, is proposed. This system aims to address “similar concepts” rather than similar users. More than generating a playlist based on user requirements, like automatic playlist generation methods, HybA identifies the semantic characteristics of a started playlist and reuses the most similar past ones, to recommend relevant playlist continuations. In addition, support to beyond accuracy dimensions, like increased coherence or diverse items’ discovery, is provided. To overcome the semantic gap between music descriptions and user preferences, identify playlist structures and capture songs’ similarity, a graph model is used. Experiments on real datasets have shown that the proposed algorithm is able to outperform other state of the art techniques, in terms of accuracy, while balancing between diversity and coherence.This work has been partially supported by the Catalan Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) (2017 SGR 574), by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Incentive System to Research and Technological development, within the Portugal2020 Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program –COMPETE 2020– (POCI-01-0145-FEDER006961), and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (UID/EEA/50014/2013).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A hybrid approach for item collection recommendations : an application to automatic playlist continuation

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    Current recommender systems aim mainly to generate accurate item recommendations, without properly evaluating the multiple dimensions of the recommendation problem. However, in many domains, like in music, where items are rarely consumed in isolation, users would rather need a set of items, designed to work well together, while having some cognitive properties as a whole, related to their perception of quality and satisfaction. In this thesis, a hybrid case-based recommendation approach for item collections is proposed. In particular, an application to automatic playlist continuation, addressing similar cognitive concepts, rather than similar users, is presented. Playlists, that are sets of music items designed to be consumed as a sequence, with a specific purpose and within a specific context, are treated as cases. The proposed recommender system is based on a meta-level hybridization. First, Latent Dirichlet Allocation is applied to the set of past playlists, described as distributions over music styles, to identify their underlying concepts. Then, for a started playlist, its semantic characteristics, like its latent concept and the styles of the included items, are inferred, and Case-Based Reasoning is applied to the set of past playlists addressing the same concept, to construct and recommend a relevant playlist continuation. A graph-based item model is used to overcome the semantic gap between songs’ signal-based descriptions and users’ high-level preferences, efficiently capture the playlists’ structures and the similarity of the music items in those. As the proposed method bases its reasoning on previous playlists, it does not require the construction of complex user profiles to generate accurate recommendations. Furthermore, apart from relevance, support to parameters beyond accuracy, like increased coherence or support to diverse items is provided to deliver a more complete user experience. Experiments on real music datasets have revealed improved results, compared to other state of the art techniques, while achieving a “good trade-off” between recommendations’ relevance, diversity and coherence. Finally, although actually focusing on playlist continuations, the designed approach could be easily adapted to serve other recommendation domains with similar characteristics.Los sistemas de recomendación actuales tienen como objetivo principal generar recomendaciones precisas de artículos, sin evaluar propiamente las múltiples dimensiones del problema de recomendación. Sin embargo, en dominios como la música, donde los artículos rara vez se consumen en forma aislada, los usuarios más bien necesitarían recibir recomendaciones de conjuntos de elementos, diseñados para que se complementaran bien juntos, mientras se cubran algunas propiedades cognitivas, relacionadas con su percepción de calidad y satisfacción. En esta tesis, se propone un sistema híbrido de recomendación meta-nivel, que genera recomendaciones de colecciones de artículos. En particular, el sistema se centra en la generación automática de continuaciones de listas de música, tratando conceptos cognitivos similares, en lugar de usuarios similares. Las listas de reproducción son conjuntos de elementos musicales diseñados para ser consumidos en secuencia, con un propósito específico y dentro de un contexto específico. El sistema propuesto primero aplica el método de Latent Dirichlet Allocation a las listas de reproducción, que se describen como distribuciones sobre estilos musicales, para identificar sus conceptos. Cuando se ha iniciado una nueva lista, se deducen sus características semánticas, como su concepto y los estilos de los elementos incluidos en ella. A continuación, el sistema aplica razonamiento basado en casos, utilizando las listas del mismo concepto, para construir y recomendar una continuación relevante. Se utiliza un grafo que modeliza las relaciones de los elementos, para superar el ?salto semántico? existente entre las descripciones de las canciones, normalmente basadas en características sonoras, y las preferencias de los usuarios, expresadas en características de alto nivel. También se utiliza para calcular la similitud de los elementos musicales y para capturar la estructura de las listas de dichos elementos. Como el método propuesto basa su razonamiento en las listas de reproducción y no en usuarios que las construyeron, no se requiere la construcción de perfiles de usuarios complejos para poder generar recomendaciones precisas. Aparte de la relevancia de las recomendaciones, el sistema tiene en cuenta parámetros más allá de la precisión, como mayor coherencia o soporte a la diversidad de los elementos para enriquecer la experiencia del usuario. Los experimentos realizados en bases de datos reales, han revelado mejores resultados, en comparación con las técnicas utilizadas normalmente. Al mismo tiempo, el algoritmo propuesto logra un "buen equilibrio" entre la relevancia, la diversidad y la coherencia de las recomendaciones generadas. Finalmente, aunque la metodología presentada se centra en la recomendación de continuaciones de listas de reproducción musical, el sistema se puede adaptar fácilmente a otros dominios con características similares.Postprint (published version

    Advances in next-track music recommendation

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    Technological advances in the music industry have dramatically changed how people access and listen to music. Today, online music stores and streaming services offer easy and immediate means to buy or listen to a huge number of songs. One traditional way to find interesting items in such cases when a vast amount of choices are available is to ask others for recommendations. Music providers utilize correspondingly music recommender systems as a software solution to the problem of music overload to provide a better user experience for their customers. At the same time, an enhanced user experience can lead to higher customer retention and higher business value for music providers. Different types of music recommendations can be found on today's music platforms, such as Spotify or Deezer. Providing a list of currently trending music, finding similar tracks to the user's favorite ones, helping users discover new artists, or recommending curated playlists for a certain mood (e.g., romantic) or activity (e.g., driving) are examples of common music recommendation scenarios. "Next-track music recommendation" is a specific form of music recommendation that relies mainly on the user's recently played tracks to create a list of tracks to be played next. Next-track music recommendations are used, for instance, to support users during playlist creation or to provide personalized radio stations. A particular challenge in this context is that the recommended tracks should not only match the general taste of the listener but should also match the characteristics of the most recently played tracks. This thesis by publication focuses on the next-track music recommendation problem and explores some challenges and questions that have not been addressed in previous research. In the first part of this thesis, various next-track music recommendation algorithms as well as approaches to evaluate them from the research literature are reviewed. The recommendation techniques are categorized into the four groups of content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, co-occurrence-based, and sequence-aware algorithms. Moreover, a number of challenges, such as personalizing next-track music recommendations and generating recommendations that are coherent with the user's listening history are discussed. Furthermore, some common approaches in the literature to determine relevant quality criteria for next-track music recommendations and to evaluate the quality of such recommendations are presented. The second part of the thesis contains a selection of the author's publications on next- track music recommendation as follows. 1. The results of comprehensive analyses of the musical characteristics of manually created playlists for music recommendation; 2. the results of a multi-dimensional comparison of different academic and commercial next-track recommending techniques; 3. the results of a multi-faceted comparison of different session-based recommenders, among others, for the next-track music recommendation problem with respect to their accuracy, popularity bias, catalog coverage as well as computational complexity; 4. a two-phase approach to recommend accurate next-track recommendations that also match the characteristics of the most recent listening history; 5. a personalization approach based on multi-dimensional user models that are extracted from the users' long-term preferences; 6. a user study with the aim of determining the quality perception of next-track music recommendations generated by different algorithms

    Efficient K-NN for Playlist Continuation

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    Music recommender systems. Proof of concept

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    Data overload is a well-known problem due to the availability of big on-line distributed databases. While providing a wealth of information the difficulties to find the sought data and the necessary time spent in the search call for technological solutions. Classical search engines alleviate this problem and at the same time have transformed the way people access to the information they are interested in. On the other hand, Internet also has changed the music consuming habits around the world. It is possible to find almost every recorded song or music piece. Over the last years music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music or Amazon Music have contributed to a substantial change of users’ listening habits and the way music is commercialized and distributed. On-demand music platforms offer their users a huge catalogue so they can do a quick search and listen what they want or build up their personal library. In this context Music Recommender Systems may help users to discover music that match their tastes. Therefore music recommender systems are a powerful tool to make the most of an immense catalogue, impossible to be fully known by a human. This project aims at testing different music recommendation approaches applied to the particular case of users playlists. Several recommender alternatives were designed and evaluated: collaborative filtering systems, content-based systems and hybrid recommender systems that combine both techniques. Two systems are proposed. One system is content-based and uses correlation between tracks characterized by high-level descriptors and the other is an hybrid recommender that first apply a collaborative method to filter the database and then computes the final recommendation using Gaussian Mixture Models. Recommendations were evaluated using objective metrics and human evaluations, obtaining positive results.Ingeniería de Sistemas Audiovisuale

    Automatic Music Playlist Generation via Simulation-based Reinforcement Learning

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    Personalization of playlists is a common feature in music streaming services, but conventional techniques, such as collaborative filtering, rely on explicit assumptions regarding content quality to learn how to make recommendations. Such assumptions often result in misalignment between offline model objectives and online user satisfaction metrics. In this paper, we present a reinforcement learning framework that solves for such limitations by directly optimizing for user satisfaction metrics via the use of a simulated playlist-generation environment. Using this simulator we develop and train a modified Deep Q-Network, the action head DQN (AH-DQN), in a manner that addresses the challenges imposed by the large state and action space of our RL formulation. The resulting policy is capable of making recommendations from large and dynamic sets of candidate items with the expectation of maximizing consumption metrics. We analyze and evaluate agents offline via simulations that use environment models trained on both public and proprietary streaming datasets. We show how these agents lead to better user-satisfaction metrics compared to baseline methods during online A/B tests. Finally, we demonstrate that performance assessments produced from our simulator are strongly correlated with observed online metric results.Comment: 10 pages. KDD 2