8,972 research outputs found

    The multiprocessor real-time scheduling of general task systems

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    The recent emergence of multicore and related technologies in many commercial systems has increased the prevalence of multiprocessor architectures. Contemporaneously, real-time applications have become more complex and sophisticated in their behavior and interaction. Inevitably, these complex real-time applications will be deployed upon these multiprocessor platforms and require temporal analysis techniques to verify their correctness. However, most prior research in multiprocessor real-time scheduling has addressed the temporal analysis only of Liu and Layland task systems. The goal of this dissertation is to extend real-time scheduling theory for multiprocessor systems by developing temporal analysis techniques for more general task models such as the sporadic task model, the generalized multiframe task model, and the recurring real-time task model. The thesis of this dissertation is: Optimal online multiprocessor real-time scheduling algorithms for sporadic and more general task systems are impossible; however, efficient, online scheduling algorithms and associated feasibility and schedulability tests, with provably bounded deviation from any optimal test, exist. To support our thesis, this dissertation develops feasibility and schedulability tests for various multiprocessor scheduling paradigms. We consider three classes of multiprocessor scheduling based on whether a real-time job may migrate between processors: full-migration, restricted-migration, and partitioned. For all general task systems, we obtain feasibility tests for arbitrary real-time instances under the full-and restricted-migration paradigms. Despite the existence of tests for feasibility, we show that optimal online scheduling of sporadic and more general systems is impossible. Therefore, we focus on scheduling algorithms that have constant-factor approximation ratios in terms of an analysis technique known as resource augmentation. We develop schedulability tests for scheduling algorithms, earliest-deadline-first (edf) and deadline-monotonic (dm), under full-migration and partitioned scheduling paradigms. Feasibility and schedulability tests presented in this dissertation use the workload metrics of demand-based load and maximum job density and have provably bounded deviation from optimal in terms of resource augmentation. We show the demand-based load and maximum job density metrics may be exactly computed in pseudo-polynomial time for general task systems and approximated in polynomial time for sporadic task systems

    Resource-Efficient Scheduling Of Multiprocessor Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Systems

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    Timing guarantee is critical to ensure the correctness of embedded software systems that interact with the physical environment. As modern embedded real-time systems evolves, they face three challenges: resource constraints, mixed-criticality, and multiprocessors. This dissertation focuses on resource-efficient scheduling techniques for mixed-criticality systems on multiprocessor platforms. While Mixed-Criticality (MC) scheduling has been extensively studied on uniprocessor plat- forms, the problem on multiprocessor platforms has been largely open. Multiprocessor al- gorithms are broadly classified into two categories: global and partitioned. Global schedul- ing approaches use a global run-queue and migrate tasks among processors for improved schedulability. Partitioned scheduling approaches use per processor run-queues and can reduce preemption/migration overheads in real implementation. Existing global scheduling schemes for MC systems have suffered from low schedulability. Our goal in the first work is to improve the schedulability of MC scheduling algorithms. Inspired by the fluid scheduling model in a regular (non-MC) domain, we have developed the MC-Fluid scheduling algo- rithm that executes a task with criticality-dependent rates. We have evaluated MC-Fluid in terms of the processor speedup factor: MC-Fluid is a multiprocessor MC scheduling algo- rithm with a speed factor of 4/3, which is known to be optimal. In other words, MC-Fluid can schedule any feasible mixed-criticality task system if each processor is sped up by a factor of 4/3. Although MC-Fluid is speedup-optimal, it is not directly implementable on multiprocessor platforms of real processors due to the fractional processor assumption where multiple task can be executed on one processor at the same time. In the second work, we have considered the characteristic of a real processor (executing only one task at a time) and have developed the MC-Discrete scheduling algorithm for regular (non-fluid) scheduling platforms. We have shown that MC-Discrete is also speedup-optimal. While our previous two works consider global scheduling approaches, our last work con- siders partitioned scheduling approaches, which are widely used in practice because of low implementation overheads. In addition to partitioned scheduling, the work consid- ers the limitation of conventional MC scheduling algorithms that drops all low-criticality tasks when violating a certain threshold of actual execution times. In practice, the system designer wants to execute the tasks as much as possible. To address the issue, we have de- veloped the MC-ADAPT scheduling framework under uniprocessor platforms to drop as few low-criticality tasks as possible. Extending the framework with partitioned multiprocessor platforms, we further reduce the dropping of low-criticality tasks by allowing migration of low-criticality tasks at the moment of a criticality switch. We have evaluated the quality of task dropping solution in terms of speedup factor. In existing work, the speedup factor has been used to evaluate MC scheduling algorithms in terms of schedulability under the worst-case scheduling scenario. In this work, we apply the speedup factor to evaluate MC scheduling algorithms in terms of the quality of their task dropping solution under various MC scheduling scenarios. We have derived that MC-ADAPT has a speedup factor of 1.618 for task dropping solution

    Framework for simulation of fault tolerant heterogeneous multiprocessor system-on-chip

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    Due to the ever growing requirement in high performance data computation, current Uniprocessor systems fall short of hand to meet critical real-time performance demands in (i) high throughput (ii) faster processing time (iii) low power consumption (iv) design cost and time-to-market factors and more importantly (v) fault tolerant processing. Shifting the design trend to MPSOCs is a work-around to meet these challenges. However, developing efficient fault tolerant task scheduling and mapping techniques requires optimized algorithms that consider the various scenarios in Multiprocessor environments. Several works have been done in the past few years which proposed simulation based frameworks for scheduling and mapping strategies that considered homogenous systems and error avoidance techniques. However, most of these works inadequately describe today\u27s MPSOC trend because they were focused on the network domain and didn\u27t consider heterogeneous systems with fault tolerant capabilities; In order to address these issues, this work proposes (i) a performance driven scheduling algorithm (PD SA) based on simulated annealing technique (ii) an optimized Homogenous-Workload-Distribution (HWD) Multiprocessor task mapping algorithm which considers the dynamic workload on processors and (iii) a dynamic Fault Tolerant (FT) scheduling/mapping algorithm to employ robust application processing system. The implementation was accompanied by a heterogeneous Multiprocessor system simulation framework developed in systemC/C++. The proposed framework reads user data, set the architecture, execute input task graph and finally generate performance variables. This framework alleviates previous work issues with respect to (i) architectural flexibility in number-of-processors, processor types and topology (ii) optimized scheduling and mapping strategies and (iii) fault-tolerant processing capability focusing more on the computational domain; A set of random as well as application specific STG benchmark suites were run on the simulator to evaluate and verify the performance of the proposed algorithms. The simulations were carried out for (i) scheduling policy evaluation (ii) fault tolerant evaluation (iii) topology evaluation (iv) Number of processor evaluation (v) Mapping policy evaluation and (vi) Processor Type evaluation. The results showed that PD scheduling algorithm showed marginally better performance than EDF with respect to utilization, Execution-Time and Power factors. The dynamic Fault Tolerant implementation showed to be a viable and efficient strategy to meet real-time constraints without posing significant system performance degradation. Torus topology gave better performance than Tile with respect to task completion time and power factors. Executing highly heterogeneous Tasks showed higher power consumption and execution time. Finally, increasing the number of processors showed a decrease in average Utilization but improved task completion time and power consumption; Based on the simulation results, the system designer can compare tradeoffs between a various design choices with respect to the performance requirement specifications. In general, designing an optimized Multiprocessor scheduling and mapping strategy with added fault tolerant capability will enable to develop efficient Multiprocessor systems which meet future performance goal requirements. This is the substance of this work

    Hard Real-Time Stationary GANG-Scheduling

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    The scheduling of parallel real-time tasks enables the efficient utilization of modern multiprocessor platforms for systems with real-time constrains. In this situation, the gang task model, in which each parallel sub-job has to be executed simultaneously, has shown significant performance benefits due to reduced context switches and more efficient intra-task synchronization. In this paper, we provide the first schedulability analysis for sporadic constrained-deadline gang task systems and propose a novel stationary gang scheduling algorithm. We show that the schedulability problem of gang task sets can be reduced to the uniprocessor self-suspension schedulability problem. Furthermore, we provide a class of partitioning algorithms to find a stationary gang assignment and show that it bounds the worst-case interference of each task. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach, we evaluate it for implicit-deadline systems using randomized task sets under different settings, showing that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art

    Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Homogeneous Multiprocessor Systems

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    We present a number of novel algorithms, based on mathematical optimization formulations, in order to solve a homogeneous multiprocessor scheduling problem, while minimizing the total energy consumption. In particular, for a system with a discrete speed set, we propose solving a tractable linear program. Our formulations are based on a fluid model and a global scheduling scheme, i.e. tasks are allowed to migrate between processors. The new methods are compared with three global energy/feasibility optimal workload allocation formulations. Simulation results illustrate that our methods achieve both feasibility and energy optimality and outperform existing methods for constrained deadline tasksets. Specifically, the results provided by our algorithm can achieve up to an 80% saving compared to an algorithm without a frequency scaling scheme and up to 70% saving compared to a constant frequency scaling scheme for some simulated tasksets. Another benefit is that our algorithms can solve the scheduling problem in one step instead of using a recursive scheme. Moreover, our formulations can solve a more general class of scheduling problems, i.e. any periodic real-time taskset with arbitrary deadline. Lastly, our algorithms can be applied to both online and offline scheduling schemes.Comment: Corrected typos: definition of J_i in Section 2.1; (3b)-(3c); definition of \Phi_A and \Phi_D in paragraph after (6b). Previous equations were correct only for special case of p_i=d_

    MORA: an Energy-Aware Slack Reclamation Scheme for Scheduling Sporadic Real-Time Tasks upon Multiprocessor Platforms

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    In this paper, we address the global and preemptive energy-aware scheduling problem of sporadic constrained-deadline tasks on DVFS-identical multiprocessor platforms. We propose an online slack reclamation scheme which profits from the discrepancy between the worst- and actual-case execution time of the tasks by slowing down the speed of the processors in order to save energy. Our algorithm called MORA takes into account the application-specific consumption profile of the tasks. We demonstrate that MORA does not jeopardize the system schedulability and we show by performing simulations that it can save up to 32% of energy (in average) compared to execution without using any energy-aware algorithm.Comment: 11 page

    On the periodic behavior of real-time schedulers on identical multiprocessor platforms

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    This paper is proposing a general periodicity result concerning any deterministic and memoryless scheduling algorithm (including non-work-conserving algorithms), for any context, on identical multiprocessor platforms. By context we mean the hardware architecture (uniprocessor, multicore), as well as task constraints like critical sections, precedence constraints, self-suspension, etc. Since the result is based only on the releases and deadlines, it is independent from any other parameter. Note that we do not claim that the given interval is minimal, but it is an upper bound for any cycle of any feasible schedule provided by any deterministic and memoryless scheduler

    Genetic algorithm based DSP multiprocessor scheduling

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