350 research outputs found

    Efficient Raw Signal Generation Based on Equivalent Scatterer and Subaperture Processing for SAR with Arbitrary Motion

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    An efficient SAR raw signal generation method based on equivalent scatterer and subaperture processing is proposed in this paper. It considers the radar’s motion track, which can obtain the precise raw signal for the real SAR. First, the imaging geometry with arbitrary motion is established, and then the scene is divided into several equidistant rings. Based on the equivalent scatterer model, the approximate expression of the SAR system transfer function is derived, thus each pulse’s raw signal can be generated by the convolution of the transmitted signal and system transfer function, performed by the fast Fourier transform (FFT). To further improve the simulation efficiency, the subaperture and polar subscene processing is used. The system transfer function of pluses for the same subaperture is calculated simultaneously by the weighted sum of all subscenes’ equivalent backscattering coefficient in the same equidistant ring, performed by the nonuniform FFT (NUFFT). The method only involves the FFT, NUFFT and complex multiplication operations, which means the easier implementation and higher efficiency. Simulation results are given to prove the validity of this method

    Convex Model-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing

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    The use of radar often conjures up images of small blobs on a screen. But current synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems are able to generate near-optical quality images with amazing benefits compared to optical sensors. These SAR sensors work in all weather conditions, day or night, and provide many advanced capabilities to detect and identify targets of interest. These amazing abilities have made SAR sensors a work-horse in remote sensing, and military applications. SAR sensors are ranging instruments that operate in a 3D environment, but unfortunately the results and interpretation of SAR images have traditionally been done in 2D. Three-dimensional SAR images could provide improved target detection and identification along with improved scene interpretability. As technology has increased, particularly regarding our ability to solve difficult optimization problems, the 3D SAR reconstruction problem has gathered more interest. This dissertation provides the SAR and mathematical background required to pose a SAR 3D reconstruction problem. The problem is posed in a way that allows prior knowledge about the target of interest to be integrated into the optimization problem when known. The developed model is demonstrated on simulated data initially in order to illustrate critical concepts in the development. Then once comprehension is achieved the processing is applied to actual SAR data. The 3D results are contrasted against the current gold- standard. The results are shown as 3D images demonstrating the improvement regarding scene interpretability that this approach provides

    Ricerche di Geomatica 2011

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    Questo volume raccoglie gli articoli che hanno partecipato al Premio AUTeC 2011. Il premio Ăš stato istituito nel 2005. Viene conferito ogni anno ad una tesi di Dottorato giudicata particolarmente significativa sui temi di pertinenza del SSD ICAR/06 (Topografia e Cartografia) nei diversi Dottorati attivi in Italia

    Buildings Detection in VHR SAR Images Using Fully Convolution Neural Networks

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    This paper addresses the highly challenging problem of automatically detecting man-made structures especially buildings in very high resolution (VHR) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. In this context, the paper has two major contributions: Firstly, it presents a novel and generic workflow that initially classifies the spaceborne TomoSAR point clouds − - generated by processing VHR SAR image stacks using advanced interferometric techniques known as SAR tomography (TomoSAR) − - into buildings and non-buildings with the aid of auxiliary information (i.e., either using openly available 2-D building footprints or adopting an optical image classification scheme) and later back project the extracted building points onto the SAR imaging coordinates to produce automatic large-scale benchmark labelled (buildings/non-buildings) SAR datasets. Secondly, these labelled datasets (i.e., building masks) have been utilized to construct and train the state-of-the-art deep Fully Convolution Neural Networks with an additional Conditional Random Field represented as a Recurrent Neural Network to detect building regions in a single VHR SAR image. Such a cascaded formation has been successfully employed in computer vision and remote sensing fields for optical image classification but, to our knowledge, has not been applied to SAR images. The results of the building detection are illustrated and validated over a TerraSAR-X VHR spotlight SAR image covering approximately 39 km2 ^2 − - almost the whole city of Berlin − - with mean pixel accuracies of around 93.84%Comment: Accepted publication in IEEE TGR

    A Global Human Settlement Layer from optical high resolution imagery - Concept and first results

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    A general framework for processing of high and very-high resolution imagery for creating a Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) is presented together with a discussion on the results of the first operational test of the production workflow. The test involved the mapping of 24.3 millions of square kilometres of the Earth surface spread over four continents, corresponding to an estimated population of 1.3 billion of people in 2010. The resolution of the input image data ranges from 0.5 to 10 meters, collected by a heterogeneous set of platforms including satellite SPOT (2 and 5), CBERS-2B, RapidEye (2 and 4), WorldView (1 and 2), GeoEye-1, QuickBird-2, Ikonos-2, and airborne sensors. Several imaging modes were tested including panchromatic, multispectral and pan-sharpened images. A new fully automatic image information extraction, generalization and mosaic workflow is presented that is based on multiscale textural and morphological image features extraction. New image feature compression and optimization are introduced, together with new learning and classification techniques allowing for the processing of HR/VHR image data using low-resolution thematic layers as reference. A new systematic approach for quality control and validation allowing global spatial and thematic consistency checking is proposed and applied. The quality of the results are discussed by sensor, by band, by resolution, and eco-regions. Critical points, lessons learned and next steps are highlighted.JRC.G.2-Global security and crisis managemen

    The Combined Use of Optical and SAR Data for Large Area Impervious Surface Mapping

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    One of the megatrends marking our societies today is the rapid growth of urban agglomerations which is accompanied by a continuous increase of impervious surface (IS) cover. In light of this, accurate measurement of urban IS cover as an indicator for both, urban growth and environmental quality is essential for a wide range of urban ecosystems studies. The aim of this work is to present an approach based on both optical and SAR data in order to quantify urban impervious surface as a continuous variable on regional scales. The method starts with the identification of relevant areas by a semi automated detection of settlement areas on the basis of single-polarized TerraSAR-X data. Thereby the distinct texture and the high density of dihedral corner reflectors prevailing in build-up areas are utilized to automatically delineate settlement areas by the use of an object-based image classification method. The settlement footprints then serve as reference area for the impervious surface estimation based on a Support Vector Regression (SVR) model which relates percent IS to spectral reflectance values. The training procedure is based on IS values derived from high resolution QuickBird data. The developed method is applied to SPOT HRG data from 2005 and 2009 covering almost the whole are of Can Tho Province in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. In addition, a change detection analysis was applied in order to test the suitability of the modelled IS results for the automated detection of constructional developments within urban environments. Overall accuracies between 84 % and 91% for the derived settlement footprints and absolute mean errors below 15% for the predicted versus training percent IS values prove the suitability of the approach for an area-wide mapping of impervious surfaces thereby exclusively focusing on settlement areas on the basis of remotely sensed image data

    Neural Radiance Fields: Past, Present, and Future

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    The various aspects like modeling and interpreting 3D environments and surroundings have enticed humans to progress their research in 3D Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, and Machine Learning. An attempt made by Mildenhall et al in their paper about NeRFs (Neural Radiance Fields) led to a boom in Computer Graphics, Robotics, Computer Vision, and the possible scope of High-Resolution Low Storage Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality-based 3D models have gained traction from res with more than 1000 preprints related to NeRFs published. This paper serves as a bridge for people starting to study these fields by building on the basics of Mathematics, Geometry, Computer Vision, and Computer Graphics to the difficulties encountered in Implicit Representations at the intersection of all these disciplines. This survey provides the history of rendering, Implicit Learning, and NeRFs, the progression of research on NeRFs, and the potential applications and implications of NeRFs in today's world. In doing so, this survey categorizes all the NeRF-related research in terms of the datasets used, objective functions, applications solved, and evaluation criteria for these applications.Comment: 413 pages, 9 figures, 277 citation

    Monitoring land subsidence of airport using InSAR time-series techniques with atmospheric and orbital error corrections

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    Land subsidence is one of the common geological hazards worldwide and mostly caused by human activities including the construction of massive infrastructures. Large infrastructure such as airport is susceptible to land subsidence due to several factors. Therefore, monitoring of the land subsidence at airport is crucial in order to prevent undesirable loss of property and life. Remote sensing technique, especially Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) has been successfully applied to measure the surface deformation over the past few decades although atmospheric artefact and orbital errors are still a concerning issue in this measurement technique. Multi-temporal InSAR, an extension of InSAR technique, uses large sets of SAR scenes to investigate the temporal evolution of surface deformation and mitigate errors found in a single interferogram. This study investigates the long-term land subsidence of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), Malaysia and Singapore Changi Airport (SCA), Singapore by using two multi-temporal InSAR techniques like Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) and Multiscale InSAR Time Series (MInTS). General InSAR processing was conducted to generate interferogram using ALOS PALSAR data from 2007 until 2011. Atmospheric and orbital corrections were carried out for all interferograms using weather model, namely European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) and Network De-Ramping technique respectively before estimating the time series land subsidence. The results show variation of subsidence with respect to corrections (atmospheric and orbital) as well as difference between multi-temporal InSAR techniques (SBAS and MInTS) used. After applying both corrections, a subsidence ranging from 2 to 17 mm/yr was found at all the selected areas at the KLIA. Meanwhile, for SCA, a subsidence of about less than 10 mm/yr was found. Furthermore, a comparison between two techniques (SBAS and MInTS) show a difference rate of subsidence of about less than 1 mm/yr for both study area. SBAS technique shows more linear result as compared to the MInTS technique which shows slightly scattering pattern but both techniques show a similar trend of surface deformation in both study sites. No drastic deformation was observed in these two study sites and slight deformation was detected which about less than 20mm/yr for both study areas probably occurred due to several reasons including conversion of the land use from agricultural land, land reclamation process and also poor construction. This study proved that InSAR time series surface deformation measurement techniques are useful as well as capable to monitor deformation of large infrastructure such as airport and as an alternative to costly conventional ground measurement for infrastructure monitoring

    Remote Sensing

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    This dual conception of remote sensing brought us to the idea of preparing two different books; in addition to the first book which displays recent advances in remote sensing applications, this book is devoted to new techniques for data processing, sensors and platforms. We do not intend this book to cover all aspects of remote sensing techniques and platforms, since it would be an impossible task for a single volume. Instead, we have collected a number of high-quality, original and representative contributions in those areas
