104 research outputs found

    Privacy-Preserving Secret Shared Computations using MapReduce

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    Data outsourcing allows data owners to keep their data at \emph{untrusted} clouds that do not ensure the privacy of data and/or computations. One useful framework for fault-tolerant data processing in a distributed fashion is MapReduce, which was developed for \emph{trusted} private clouds. This paper presents algorithms for data outsourcing based on Shamir's secret-sharing scheme and for executing privacy-preserving SQL queries such as count, selection including range selection, projection, and join while using MapReduce as an underlying programming model. Our proposed algorithms prevent an adversary from knowing the database or the query while also preventing output-size and access-pattern attacks. Interestingly, our algorithms do not involve the database owner, which only creates and distributes secret-shares once, in answering any query, and hence, the database owner also cannot learn the query. Logically and experimentally, we evaluate the efficiency of the algorithms on the following parameters: (\textit{i}) the number of communication rounds (between a user and a server), (\textit{ii}) the total amount of bit flow (between a user and a server), and (\textit{iii}) the computational load at the user and the server.\BComment: IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Accepted 01 Aug. 201

    Secure Digital Information Forward Using Highly Developed AES Techniques in Cloud Computing

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    Nowadays, in communications, the main criteria are ensuring the digital information and communication in the network. The normal two users' communication exchanges confidential data and files via the web. Secure data communication is the most crucial problem for message transmission networks. To resolve this problem, cryptography uses mathematical encryption and decryption data on adaptation by converting data from a key into an unreadable format. Cryptography provides a method for performing the transmission of confidential or secure communication. The proposed AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)-based Padding Key Encryption (PKE) algorithm encrypts the Data; it generates the secret key in an unreadable format. The receiver decrypts the data using the private key in a readable format. In the proposed PKE algorithm, the sender sends data into plain Text to cypher-text using a secret key to the authorized person; the unauthorized person cannot access the data through the Internet; only an authorized person can view the data through the private key. A method for identifying user groups was developed. Support vector machines (SVM) were used in user behaviour analysis to estimate probability densities so that each user could be predicted to launch applications and sessions independently. The results of the proposed simulation offer a high level of security for transmitting sensitive data or files to recipients compared to other previous methods and user behaviour analysis

    Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging paradigm that seamlessly integrates electronic devices with sensing and computing capability into the Internet to achieve intelligent processing and optimized controlling. In a connected world built through IoT, where interconnected devices are extending to every facet of our lives, including our homes, offices, utility infrastructures and even our bodies, we are able to do things in a way that we never before imagined. However, as IoT redefines the possibilities in environment, society and economy, creating tremendous benefits, significant security and privacy concerns arise such as personal information confidentiality, and secure communication and computation. Theoretically, when everything is connected, everything is at risk. The ubiquity of connected things gives adversaries more attack vectors and more possibilities, and thus more catastrophic consequences by cybercrimes. Therefore, it is very critical to move fast to address these rising security and privacy concerns in IoT systems before severe disasters happen. In this dissertation, we mainly address the challenges in two domains: (1) how to protect IoT devices against cyberattacks; (2) how to protect sensitive data during storage, dissemination and utilization for IoT applications. In the first part, we present how to leverage anonymous communication techniques, particularly Tor, to protect the security of IoT devices. We first propose two schemes to enhance the security of smart home by integrating Tor hidden services into IoT gateway for users with performance preference. Then, we propose a multipath-routing based architecture for Tor hidden services to enhance its resistance against traffic analysis attacks, and thus improving the protection for smart home users who desire very strong security but care less about performance. In the second part of this dissertation, we explore the solutions to protect the data for IoT applications. First, we present a reliable, searchable and privacy-preserving e-healthcare system, which takes advantage of emerging cloud storage and IoT infrastructure and enables healthcare service providers (HSPs) to realize remote patient monitoring in a secure and regulatory compliant manner. Then, we turn our attention to the data analysis in IoT applications, which is one of the core components of IoT applications. We propose a cloud-assisted, privacy-preserving machine learning classification scheme over encrypted data for IoT devices. Our scheme is based on a three-party model coupled with a two-stage decryption Paillier-based cryptosystem, which allows a cloud server to interact with machine learning service providers (MLSPs) and conduct computation intensive classification on behalf of the resourced-constrained IoT devices in a privacy-preserving manner. Finally, we explore the problem of privacy-preserving targeted broadcast in IoT, and propose two multi-cloud-based outsourced-ABE (attribute-based encryption) schemes. They enable the receivers to partially outsource the computationally expensive decryption operations to the clouds, while preventing attributes from being disclosed


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    Caveat (IoT) Emptor: Towards Transparency of IoT Device Presence (Full Version)

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    As many types of IoT devices worm their way into numerous settings and many aspects of our daily lives, awareness of their presence and functionality becomes a source of major concern. Hidden IoT devices can snoop (via sensing) on nearby unsuspecting users, and impact the environment where unaware users are present, via actuation. This prompts, respectively, privacy and security/safety issues. The dangers of hidden IoT devices have been recognized and prior research suggested some means of mitigation, mostly based on traffic analysis or using specialized hardware to uncover devices. While such approaches are partially effective, there is currently no comprehensive approach to IoT device transparency. Prompted in part by recent privacy regulations (GDPR and CCPA), this paper motivates and constructs a privacy-agile Root-of-Trust architecture for IoT devices, called PAISA: Privacy-Agile IoT Sensing and Actuation. It guarantees timely and secure announcements about IoT devices' presence and their capabilities. PAISA has two components: one on the IoT device that guarantees periodic announcements of its presence even if all device software is compromised, and the other that runs on the user device, which captures and processes announcements. Notably, PAISA requires no hardware modifications; it uses a popular off-the-shelf Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) -- ARM TrustZone. This work also comprises a fully functional (open-sourced) prototype implementation of PAISA, which includes: an IoT device that makes announcements via IEEE 802.11 WiFi beacons and an Android smartphone-based app that captures and processes announcements. Both security and performance of PAISA design and prototype are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures. To appear at ACM CCS 202

    Towards Practical Privacy-Preserving Protocols

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    Protecting users' privacy in digital systems becomes more complex and challenging over time, as the amount of stored and exchanged data grows steadily and systems become increasingly involved and connected. Two techniques that try to approach this issue are Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) and Private Information Retrieval (PIR), which aim to enable practical computation while simultaneously keeping sensitive data private. In this thesis we present results showing how real-world applications can be executed in a privacy-preserving way. This is not only desired by users of such applications, but since 2018 also based on a strong legal foundation with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, that forces companies to protect the privacy of user data by design. This thesis' contributions are split into three parts and can be summarized as follows: MPC Tools Generic MPC requires in-depth background knowledge about a complex research field. To approach this, we provide tools that are efficient and usable at the same time, and serve as a foundation for follow-up work as they allow cryptographers, researchers and developers to implement, test and deploy MPC applications. We provide an implementation framework that abstracts from the underlying protocols, optimized building blocks generated from hardware synthesis tools, and allow the direct processing of Hardware Definition Languages (HDLs). Finally, we present an automated compiler for efficient hybrid protocols from ANSI C. MPC Applications MPC was for a long time deemed too expensive to be used in practice. We show several use cases of real-world applications that can operate in a privacy-preserving, yet practical way when engineered properly and built on top of suitable MPC protocols. Use cases presented in this thesis are from the domain of route computation using BGP on the Internet or at Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). In both cases our protocols protect sensitive business information that is used to determine routing decisions. Another use case focuses on genomics, which is particularly critical as the human genome is connected to everyone during their entire lifespan and cannot be altered. Our system enables federated genomic databases, where several institutions can privately outsource their genome data and where research institutes can query this data in a privacy-preserving manner. PIR and Applications Privately retrieving data from a database is a crucial requirement for user privacy and metadata protection, and is enabled amongst others by a technique called Private Information Retrieval (PIR). We present improvements and a generalization of a well-known multi-server PIR scheme of Chor et al., and an implementation and evaluation thereof. We also design and implement an efficient anonymous messaging system built on top of PIR. Furthermore we provide a scalable solution for private contact discovery that utilizes ideas from efficient two-server PIR built from Distributed Point Functions (DPFs) in combination with Private Set Intersection (PSI)

    Protecting applications using trusted execution environments

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    While cloud computing has been broadly adopted, companies that deal with sensitive data are still reluctant to do so due to privacy concerns or legal restrictions. Vulnerabilities in complex cloud infrastructures, resource sharing among tenants, and malicious insiders pose a real threat to the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive customer data. In recent years trusted execution environments (TEEs), hardware-enforced isolated regions that can protect code and data from the rest of the system, have become available as part of commodity CPUs. However, designing applications for the execution within TEEs requires careful consideration of the elevated threats that come with running in a fully untrusted environment. Interaction with the environment should be minimised, but some cooperation with the untrusted host is required, e.g. for disk and network I/O, via a host interface. Implementing this interface while maintaining the security of sensitive application code and data is a fundamental challenge. This thesis addresses this challenge and discusses how TEEs can be leveraged to secure existing applications efficiently and effectively in untrusted environments. We explore this in the context of three systems that deal with the protection of TEE applications and their host interfaces: SGX-LKL is a library operating system that can run full unmodified applications within TEEs with a minimal general-purpose host interface. By providing broad system support inside the TEE, the reliance on the untrusted host can be reduced to a minimal set of low-level operations that cannot be performed inside the enclave. SGX-LKL provides transparent protection of the host interface and for both disk and network I/O. Glamdring is a framework for the semi-automated partitioning of TEE applications into an untrusted and a trusted compartment. Based on source-level annotations, it uses either dynamic or static code analysis to identify sensitive parts of an application. Taking into account the objectives of a small TCB size and low host interface complexity, it defines an application-specific host interface and generates partitioned application code. EnclaveDB is a secure database using Intel SGX based on a partitioned in-memory database engine. The core of EnclaveDB is its logging and recovery protocol for transaction durability. For this, it relies on the database log managed and persisted by the untrusted database server. EnclaveDB protects against advanced host interface attacks and ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and freshness of sensitive data.Open Acces

    Confidential remote computing

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    Since their market launch in late 2015, trusted hardware enclaves have revolutionised the computing world with data-in-use protections. Their security features of confidentiality, integrity and attestation attract many application developers to move their valuable assets, such as cryptographic keys, password managers, private data, secret algorithms and mission-critical operations, into them. The potential security issues have not been well explored yet, and the quick integration movement into these widely available hardware technologies has created emerging problems. Today system and application designers utilise enclave-based protections for critical assets; however, the gap within the area of hardware-software co-design causes these applications to fail to benefit from strong hardware features. This research presents hands-on experiences, techniques and models on the correct utilisation of hardware enclaves in real-world systems. We begin with designing a generic template for scalable many-party applications processing private data with mutually agreed public code. Many-party applications can vary from smart-grid systems to electronic voting infrastructures and block-chain smart contracts to internet-of-things deployments. Next, our research extensively examines private algorithms executing inside trusted hardware enclaves. We present practical use cases for protecting intellectual property, valuable algorithms and business or game logic besides private data. Our mechanisms allow querying private algorithms on rental services, querying private data with privacy filters such as differential privacy budgets, and integrity-protected computing power as a service. These experiences lead us to consolidate the disparate research into a unified Confidential Remote Computing (CRC) model. CRC consists of three main areas: the trusted hardware, the software development and the attestation domains. It resolves the ambiguity of trust in relevant fields and provides a systematic view of the field from past to future. Lastly, we examine the questions and misconceptions about malicious software profiting from security features offered by the hardware. The more popular idea of confidential computing focuses on servers managed by major technology vendors and cloud infrastructures. In contrast, CRC focuses on practices in a more decentralised setting for end-users, system designers and developers