185 research outputs found

    A multiresolution framework for local similarity based image denoising

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    In this paper, we present a generic framework for denoising of images corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise based on the idea of regional similarity. The proposed framework employs a similarity function using the distance between pixels in a multidimensional feature space, whereby multiple feature maps describing various local regional characteristics can be utilized, giving higher weight to pixels having similar regional characteristics. An extension of the proposed framework into a multiresolution setting using wavelets and scale space is presented. It is shown that the resulting multiresolution multilateral (MRM) filtering algorithm not only eliminates the coarse-grain noise but can also faithfully reconstruct anisotropic features, particularly in the presence of high levels of noise

    Fast Separable Non-Local Means

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    We propose a simple and fast algorithm called PatchLift for computing distances between patches (contiguous block of samples) extracted from a given one-dimensional signal. PatchLift is based on the observation that the patch distances can be efficiently computed from a matrix that is derived from the one-dimensional signal using lifting; importantly, the number of operations required to compute the patch distances using this approach does not scale with the patch length. We next demonstrate how PatchLift can be used for patch-based denoising of images corrupted with Gaussian noise. In particular, we propose a separable formulation of the classical Non-Local Means (NLM) algorithm that can be implemented using PatchLift. We demonstrate that the PatchLift-based implementation of separable NLM is few orders faster than standard NLM, and is competitive with existing fast implementations of NLM. Moreover, its denoising performance is shown to be consistently superior to that of NLM and some of its variants, both in terms of PSNR/SSIM and visual quality

    High Quality Image Interpolation via Local Autoregressive and Nonlocal 3-D Sparse Regularization

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    In this paper, we propose a novel image interpolation algorithm, which is formulated via combining both the local autoregressive (AR) model and the nonlocal adaptive 3-D sparse model as regularized constraints under the regularization framework. Estimating the high-resolution image by the local AR regularization is different from these conventional AR models, which weighted calculates the interpolation coefficients without considering the rough structural similarity between the low-resolution (LR) and high-resolution (HR) images. Then the nonlocal adaptive 3-D sparse model is formulated to regularize the interpolated HR image, which provides a way to modify these pixels with the problem of numerical stability caused by AR model. In addition, a new Split-Bregman based iterative algorithm is developed to solve the above optimization problem iteratively. Experiment results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm achieves significant performance improvements over the traditional algorithms in terms of both objective quality and visual perceptionComment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, to be published at IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP) 201

    Guided patch-wise nonlocal SAR despeckling

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    We propose a new method for SAR image despeckling which leverages information drawn from co-registered optical imagery. Filtering is performed by plain patch-wise nonlocal means, operating exclusively on SAR data. However, the filtering weights are computed by taking into account also the optical guide, which is much cleaner than the SAR data, and hence more discriminative. To avoid injecting optical-domain information into the filtered image, a SAR-domain statistical test is preliminarily performed to reject right away any risky predictor. Experiments on two SAR-optical datasets prove the proposed method to suppress very effectively the speckle, preserving structural details, and without introducing visible filtering artifacts. Overall, the proposed method compares favourably with all state-of-the-art despeckling filters, and also with our own previous optical-guided filter

    Low rank prior in single patches for non-pointwise impulse noise removal

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    Patch-based anisotropic diffusion scheme for fluorescence diffuse optical tomography-part 1: technical principles

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    Fluorescence diffuse optical tomography (fDOT) provides 3D images of fluorescence distributions in biological tissue, which represent molecular and cellular processes. The image reconstruction problem is highly ill-posed and requires regularisation techniques to stabilise and find meaningful solutions. Quadratic regularisation tends to either oversmooth or generate very noisy reconstructions, depending on the regularisation strength. Edge preserving methods, such as anisotropic diffusion regularisation (AD), can preserve important features in the fluorescence image and smooth out noise. However, AD has limited ability to distinguish an edge from noise. In this two-part paper, we propose a patch-based anisotropic diffusion regularisation (PAD), where regularisation strength is determined by a weighted average according to the similarity between patches around voxels within a search window, instead of a simple local neighbourhood strategy. However, this method has higher computational complexity and, hence, we wavelet compress the patches (PAD-WT) to speed it up, while simultaneously taking advantage of the denoising properties of wavelet thresholding. The proposed method combines the nonlocal means (NLM), AD and wavelet shrinkage methods, which are image processing methods. Therefore, in this first paper, we used a denoising test problem to analyse the performance of the new method. Our results show that the proposed PAD-WT method provides better results than the AD or NLM methods alone. The efficacy of the method for fDOT image reconstruction problem is evaluated in part 2

    Advancement in Denoising MRI Images via 3D-GAN Model with Direction Coupled Magnitude Histogram Consistency Loss

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    The diagnostics of medical pictures are essential for recognizing and comprehending a wide range of medical problems. This work introduces the Direction Coupled Magnitude Histogram (DCMH) as a novel structure picture descriptor to improve diagnostic accuracy. One of DCMH's unique selling points is its ability to include the edge oriented information that are oriented in any way inside a frame, enabling the expression of delicate nuances using various gradient features. The proposed method applies cartoon texture based textural loss and DCMH based structural loss to identify and analyse structural and textural information during the denoising time. A major contribution that improves the interpretability of images by emphasizing structural aspects that is inherent to the image. The proposed DCMH_3D_GANaverage results show exceptional performance, with an SSIM of 0.972995 and PSNR of 48.74, highlighting the effectiveness of the DCMH-based method in enhancing medical picture diagnosis. The capacity of Structured Loss to improve picture interpretability and lead to a more precise diagnosis is unquestionably advantageous. The newly developed DCMH-based approach, which includes texture loss and structured components, is a promising development in healthcare image processing that will enable better patient care through enhanced diagnostic abilities