9,604 research outputs found

    Enabling near-term prediction of status for intelligent transportation systems: Management techniques for data on mobile objects

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    Location Dependent Queries (LDQs) benefit from the rapid advances in communication and Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies to track moving objects\u27 locations, and improve the quality-of-life by providing location relevant services and information to end users. The enormity of the underlying data maintained by LDQ applications - a large quantity of mobile objects and their frequent mobility - is, however, a major obstacle in providing effective and efficient services. Motivated by this obstacle, this thesis sets out in the quest to find improved methods to efficiently index, access, retrieve, and update volatile LDQ related mobile object data and information. Challenges and research issues are discussed in detail, and solutions are presented and examined. --Abstract, page iii

    Monitoring Moving Queries inside a Safe Region

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    With mobile moving range queries, there is a need to recalculate the relevant surrounding objects of interest whenever the query moves. Therefore, monitoring the moving query is very costly. The safe region is one method that has been proposed to minimise the communication and computation cost of continuously monitoring a moving range query. Inside the safe region the set of objects of interest to the query do not change; thus there is no need to update the query while it is inside its safe region. However, when the query leaves its safe region the mobile device has to reevaluate the query, necessitating communication with the server. Knowing when and where the mobile device will leave a safe region is widely known as a difficult problem. To solve this problem, we propose a novel method to monitor the position of the query over time using a linear function based on the direction of the query obtained by periodic monitoring of its position. Periodic monitoring ensures that the query is aware of its location all the time. This method reduces the costs associated with communications in client-server architecture. Computational results show that our method is successful in handling moving query patterns

    Managing motion triggered executables in distributed mobile databases

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    Mobile devices have brought new applications into our daily life. However, ecient man- agement of these objects to support new applications is challenging due to the distributed nature and mobility of mobile objects. This dissertation describes a new type of mobile peer- to-peer (M-P2P) computing, namely geotasking, and presents ecient management of mobile objects to support geotasking. Geotasking mimics human interaction with the physical world. Humans generate information using sensing ability and store information to geographical lo- cations. Humans also retrieve this information from the physical locations. For instance, an installation of a new stop sign at some intersection in town is analogous to an insertion of a new data item into the database. Instead of processing regular data as in traditional data management systems, geotasking manages a collection of geotasks, each dened as a computer program bound to a geographical region. The hardware platform for geotasking consists of popular networked position-aware mobile devices such as cell phones, personal digital assis- tants, and laptops. We design and implement novel system software to facilitate programming and ecient management of geotasks. Such management includes inserts, deletes, updates, retrieval and execution of a geotask triggered by mobile object correlations, geotask mobil- ity, and geotask dependency. Geotasking enables useful applications ranging from warning of dangerous areas for military and search-and-rescue missions to monitoring the population in a certain area for trac management to informing tourists of exciting events in an area and other such applications. Geotasking provides a distributed and unied solution for supporting various types of applications

    Efficient And Scalable Evaluation Of Continuous, Spatio-temporal Queries In Mobile Computing Environments

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    A variety of research exists for the processing of continuous queries in large, mobile environments. Each method tries, in its own way, to address the computational bottleneck of constantly processing so many queries. For this research, we present a two-pronged approach at addressing this problem. Firstly, we introduce an efficient and scalable system for monitoring traditional, continuous queries by leveraging the parallel processing capability of the Graphics Processing Unit. We examine a naive CPU-based solution for continuous range-monitoring queries, and we then extend this system using the GPU. Additionally, with mobile communication devices becoming commodity, location-based services will become ubiquitous. To cope with the very high intensity of location-based queries, we propose a view oriented approach of the location database, thereby reducing computation costs by exploiting computation sharing amongst queries requiring the same view. Our studies show that by exploiting the parallel processing power of the GPU, we are able to significantly scale the number of mobile objects, while maintaining an acceptable level of performance. Our second approach was to view this research problem as one belonging to the domain of data streams. Several works have convincingly argued that the two research fields of spatiotemporal data streams and the management of moving objects can naturally come together. [IlMI10, ChFr03, MoXA04] For example, the output of a GPS receiver, monitoring the position of a mobile object, is viewed as a data stream of location updates. This data stream of location updates, along with those from the plausibly many other mobile objects, is received at a centralized server, which processes the streams upon arrival, effectively updating the answers to the currently active queries in real time. iv For this second approach, we present GEDS, a scalable, Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)-based framework for the evaluation of continuous spatio-temporal queries over spatiotemporal data streams. Specifically, GEDS employs the computation sharing and parallel processing paradigms to deliver scalability in the evaluation of continuous, spatio-temporal range queries and continuous, spatio-temporal kNN queries. The GEDS framework utilizes the parallel processing capability of the GPU, a stream processor by trade, to handle the computation required in this application. Experimental evaluation shows promising performance and shows the scalability and efficacy of GEDS in spatio-temporal data streaming environments. Additional performance studies demonstrate that, even in light of the costs associated with memory transfers, the parallel processing power provided by GEDS clearly counters and outweighs any associated costs. Finally, in an effort to move beyond the analysis of specific algorithms over the GEDS framework, we take a broader approach in our analysis of GPU computing. What algorithms are appropriate for the GPU? What types of applications can benefit from the parallel and stream processing power of the GPU? And can we identify a class of algorithms that are best suited for GPU computing? To answer these questions, we develop an abstract performance model, detailing the relationship between the CPU and the GPU. From this model, we are able to extrapolate a list of attributes common to successful GPU-based applications, thereby providing insight into which algorithms and applications are best suited for the GPU and also providing an estimated theoretical speedup for said GPU-based application

    Distributed information extraction from large-scale wireless sensor networks

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    CAREER: Data Management for Ad-Hoc Geosensor Networks

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    This project explores data management methods for geosensor networks, i.e. large collections of very small, battery-driven sensor nodes deployed in the geographic environment that measure the temporal and spatial variations of physical quantities such as temperature or ozone levels. An important task of such geosensor networks is to collect, analyze and estimate information about continuous phenomena under observation such as a toxic cloud close to a chemical plant in real-time and in an energy-efficient way. The main thrust of this project is the integration of spatial data analysis techniques with in-network data query execution in sensor networks. The project investigates novel algorithms such as incremental, in-network kriging that redefines a traditional, highly computationally intensive spatial data estimation method for a distributed, collaborative and incremental processing between tiny, energy and bandwidth constrained sensor nodes. This work includes the modeling of location and sensing characteristics of sensor devices with regard to observed phenomena, the support of temporal-spatial estimation queries, and a focus on in-network data aggregation algorithms for complex spatial estimation queries. Combining high-level data query interfaces with advanced spatial analysis methods will allow domain scientists to use sensor networks effectively in environmental observation. The project has a broad impact on the community involving undergraduate and graduate students in spatial database research at the University of Maine as well as being a key component of a current IGERT program in the areas of sensor materials, sensor devices and sensor. More information about this project, publications, simulation software, and empirical studies are available on the project\u27s web site (http://www.spatial.maine.edu/~nittel/career/)

    Workshop sensing a changing world : proceedings workshop November 19-21, 2008

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