125 research outputs found

    Improved algebraic cryptanalysis of QUAD, Bivium and Trivium via graph partitioning on equation systems

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    We present a novel approach for preprocessing systems of polynomial equations via graph partitioning. The variable-sharing graph of a system of polynomial equations is defined. If such graph is disconnected, then the corresponding system of equations can be split into smaller ones that can be solved individually. This can provide a tremendous speed-up in computing the solution to the system, but is unlikely to occur either randomly or in applications. However, by deleting certain vertices on the graph, the variable-sharing graph could be disconnected in a balanced fashion, and in turn the system of polynomial equations would be separated into smaller systems of near-equal sizes. In graph theory terms, this process is equivalent to finding balanced vertex partitions with minimum-weight vertex separators. The techniques of finding these vertex partitions are discussed, and experiments are performed to evaluate its practicality for general graphs and systems of polynomial equations. Applications of this approach in algebraic cryptanalysis on symmetric ciphers are presented: For the QUAD family of stream ciphers, we show how a malicious party can manufacture conforming systems that can be easily broken. For the stream ciphers Bivium and Trivium, we nachieve significant speedups in algebraic attacks against them, mainly in a partial key guess scenario. In each of these cases, the systems of polynomial equations involved are well-suited to our graph partitioning method. These results may open a new avenue for evaluating the security of symmetric ciphers against algebraic attacks

    D.STVL.7 - Algebraic cryptanalysis of symmetric primitives

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    The recent development of algebraic attacks can be considered an important breakthrough in the analysis of symmetric primitives; these are powerful techniques that apply to both block and stream ciphers (and potentially hash functions). The basic principle of these techniques goes back to Shannon's work: they consist in expressing the whole cryptographic algorithm as a large system of multivariate algebraic equations (typically over F2), which can be solved to recover the secret key. Efficient algorithms for solving such algebraic systems are therefore the essential ingredients of algebraic attacks. Algebraic cryptanalysis against symmetric primitives has recently received much attention from the cryptographic community, particularly after it was proposed against some LFSR- based stream ciphers and against the AES and Serpent block ciphers. This is currently a very active area of research. In this report we discuss the basic principles of algebraic cryptanalysis of stream ciphers and block ciphers, and review the latest developments in the field. We give an overview of the construction of such attacks against both types of primitives, and recall the main algorithms for solving algebraic systems. Finally we discuss future research directions

    Algorithms for Solving Linear and Polynomial Systems of Equations over Finite Fields with Applications to Cryptanalysis

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    This dissertation contains algorithms for solving linear and polynomial systems of equations over GF(2). The objective is to provide fast and exact tools for algebraic cryptanalysis and other applications. Accordingly, it is divided into two parts. The first part deals with polynomial systems. Chapter 2 contains a successful cryptanalysis of Keeloq, the block cipher used in nearly all luxury automobiles. The attack is more than 16,000 times faster than brute force, but queries 0.62 × 2^32 plaintexts. The polynomial systems of equations arising from that cryptanalysis were solved via SAT-solvers. Therefore, Chapter 3 introduces a new method of solving polynomial systems of equations by converting them into CNF-SAT problems and using a SAT-solver. Finally, Chapter 4 contains a discussion on how SAT-solvers work internally. The second part deals with linear systems over GF(2), and other small fields (and rings). These occur in cryptanalysis when using the XL algorithm, which converts polynomial systems into larger linear systems. We introduce a new complexity model and data structures for GF(2)-matrix operations. This is discussed in Appendix B but applies to all of Part II. Chapter 5 contains an analysis of "the Method of Four Russians" for multiplication and a variant for matrix inversion, which is log n faster than Gaussian Elimination, and can be combined with Strassen-like algorithms. Chapter 6 contains an algorithm for accelerating matrix multiplication over small finite fields. It is feasible but the memory cost is so high that it is mostly of theoretical interest. Appendix A contains some discussion of GF(2)-linear algebra and how it differs from linear algebra in R and C. Appendix C discusses algorithms faster than Strassen's algorithm, and contains proofs that matrix multiplication, matrix squaring, triangular matrix inversion, LUP-factorization, general matrix in- version and the taking of determinants, are equicomplex. These proofs are already known, but are here gathered into one place in the same notation

    Algebraic Attack Efficiency versus S-box Representation

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    Algebraic analysis of block ciphers aims at finding the secret key by solving a collection of polynomial equations that describe the internal structure of a cipher for chosen observations of plaintext/ciphertext pairs. Although algebraic attacks are addressed for cryptanalysis of block and stream ciphers, there is a lack of understanding of the impact of algebraic representation of the cipher on efficiency of solving the resulting collection of equations. The work investigates different S-box representations and their effect on complexity of algebraic attacks. In particular, we observe that a S-box representation defined in the work as \textit{Forward-Backward} (FWBW) leads to a collection of equations that can be solved efficiently. We show that the SR(10,2,1,4)SR(10,2,1,4) cipher can be broken using standard algebra software \textsc{Singular} and FGb. This is the best result achieved so far. The effect of description of S-boxes for some light-weight block ciphers is investigated. A by-product of this result is that we have achieved some improvements on the algebraic cryptanalysis of LBlock, PRESENT and MIBS light-weight block ciphers. Our study and experiments confirms a counter-intuitive conclusion that algebraic attacks work best for the FWBW S-box representation. This contradicts a common belief that algebraic attacks are more efficient for quadratic S-box representation

    Practical Algebraic Attacks on the Hitag2 Stream Cipher in RFID Transponders

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    Talk given at eSmart 2010. How to attack the Hitag2 cipher in RFID trannsponders

    Enhancing Electromagnetic Side-Channel Analysis in an Operational Environment

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    Side-channel attacks exploit the unintentional emissions from cryptographic devices to determine the secret encryption key. This research identifies methods to make attacks demonstrated in an academic environment more operationally relevant. Algebraic cryptanalysis is used to reconcile redundant information extracted from side-channel attacks on the AES key schedule. A novel thresholding technique is used to select key byte guesses for a satisfiability solver resulting in a 97.5% success rate despite failing for 100% of attacks using standard methods. Two techniques are developed to compensate for differences in emissions from training and test devices dramatically improving the effectiveness of cross device template attacks. Mean and variance normalization improves same part number attack success rates from 65.1% to 100%, and increases the number of locations an attack can be performed by 226%. When normalization is combined with a novel technique to identify and filter signals in collected traces not related to the encryption operation, the number of traces required to perform a successful attack is reduced by 85.8% on average. Finally, software-defined radios are shown to be an effective low-cost method for collecting side-channel emissions in real-time, eliminating the need to modify or profile the target encryption device to gain precise timing information

    Partitioning Multivariate Polynomial Equations via Vertex Separators for Algebraic Cryptanalysis and Mathematical Applications

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    We present a novel approach for solving systems of polynomial equations via graph partitioning. The concept of a variable-sharing graph of a system of polynomial equations is defined. If such graph is disconnected, then the system of equations is actually two separate systems that can be solved individually. This can provide a significant speed-up in computing the solution to the system, but is unlikely to occur either randomly or in applications. However, by deleting a small number of vertices on the graph, the variable-sharing graph could be disconnected in a balanced fashion, and in turn the system of polynomial equations are separated into smaller ones of similar sizes. In graph theory terms, this process is equivalent to finding balanced vertex partitions with minimum-weight vertex separators. The techniques of finding these vertex partitions are discussed, and experiments are performed to evaluate its practicality for general graphs and systems of polynomial equations. Applications of this approach to the QUAD family of stream ciphers, algebraic cryptanalysis of the stream cipher Trivium and its variants, as well as some mathematical problems in game theory and computational algebraic geometry are presented. In each of these cases, the systems of polynomial equations involved are well-suited to our graph partitioning method, and constructive results are discussed

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationFormal verification of hardware designs has become an essential component of the overall system design flow. The designs are generally modeled as finite state machines, on which property and equivalence checking problems are solved for verification. Reachability analysis forms the core of these techniques. However, increasing size and complexity of the circuits causes the state explosion problem. Abstraction is the key to tackling the scalability challenges. This dissertation presents new techniques for word-level abstraction with applications in sequential design verification. By bundling together k bit-level state-variables into one word-level constraint expression, the state-space is construed as solutions (variety) to a set of polynomial constraints (ideal), modeled over the finite (Galois) field of 2^k elements. Subsequently, techniques from algebraic geometry -- notably, Groebner basis theory and technology -- are researched to perform reachability analysis and verification of sequential circuits. This approach adds a "word-level dimension" to state-space abstraction and verification to make the process more efficient. While algebraic geometry provides powerful abstraction and reasoning capabilities, the algorithms exhibit high computational complexity. In the dissertation, we show that by analyzing the constraints, it is possible to obtain more insights about the polynomial ideals, which can be exploited to overcome the complexity. Using our algorithm design and implementations, we demonstrate how to perform reachability analysis of finite-state machines purely at the word level. Using this concept, we perform scalable verification of sequential arithmetic circuits. As contemporary approaches make use of resolution proofs and unsatisfiable cores for state-space abstraction, we introduce the algebraic geometry analog of unsatisfiable cores, and present algorithms to extract and refine unsatisfiable cores of polynomial ideals. Experiments are performed to demonstrate the efficacy of our approaches

    Strengthening Crypto-1 Cipher Against Algebraic Attacks

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    In the last few years, several studies addressed the problem of data security in Mifare Classic. One of its weaknesses is the low random number quality. This causes SAT solver attacks to have lower complexity. In order to strengthen Crypto-1 against SAT solver attacks, a modification of the feedback function with better cryptographic properties is proposed. It applies a primitive polynomial companion matrix. SAT solvers cannot directly attack the feedback shift register that uses the modified Boolean feedback function, the register has to be split into smaller groups. Experimental testing showed that the amount of memory and CPU time needed were highest when attacking the modified Crypto-1 using the modified feedback function and the original filter function. In addition, another modified Crypto-1, using the modified feedback function and a modified filter function, had the lowest percentage of revealed variables. It can be concluded that the security strength and performance of the modified Crypto-1 using the modified feedback function and the modified filter function are better than those of the original Crypto-1

    New Techniques for Polynomial System Solving

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    Since any encryption map may be viewed as a polynomial map between finite dimensional vector spaces over finite fields, the security of a cryptosystem can be examined by studying the difficulty of solving large systems of multivariate polynomial equations. Therefore, algebraic attacks lead to the task of solving polynomial systems over finite fields. In this thesis, we study several new algebraic techniques for polynomial system solving over finite fields, especially over the finite field with two elements. Instead of using traditional Gröbner basis techniques we focus on highly developed methods from several other areas like linear algebra, discrete optimization, numerical analysis and number theory. We study some techniques from combinatorial optimization to transform a polynomial system solving problem into a (sparse) linear algebra problem. We highlight two new kinds of hybrid techniques. The first kind combines the concept of transforming combinatorial infeasibility proofs to large systems of linear equations and the concept of mutants (finding special lower degree polynomials). The second kind uses the concept of mutants to optimize the Border Basis Algorithm. We study recent suggestions of transferring a system of polynomial equations over the finite field with two elements into a system of polynomial equalities and inequalities over the set of integers (respectively over the set of reals). In particular, we develop several techniques and strategies for converting the polynomial system of equations over the field with two elements to a polynomial system of equalities and inequalities over the reals (respectively over the set of integers). This enables us to make use of several algorithms in the field of discrete optimization and number theory. Furthermore, this also enables us to investigate the use of numerical analysis techniques such as the homotopy continuation methods and Newton's method. In each case several conversion techniques have been developed, optimized and implemented. Finally, the efficiency of the developed techniques and strategies is examined using standard cryptographic examples such as CTC and HFE. Our experimental results show that most of the techniques developed are highly competitive to state-of-the-art algebraic techniques
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