45 research outputs found

    Time-Domain Macromodeling of High Speed Distributed Networks

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    With the rapid growth in density, operating speeds and complexity of modern very-large-scale integration (VLSI) circuits, there is a growing demand on efficient and accurate modeling and simulation of high speed interconnects and packages in order to ensure the signal integrity, reliability and performance of electronic systems. Such models can be derived from the knowledge of the physical characteristics of the structure or based on the measured port-to-port response.In the first part of this thesis, a passive macromodeling technique based on Method of Characteristics (referred as Passive Method of Characteristics or PMoC) is described which is applicable for modeling of electrically long high-speed interconnect networks. This algorithm is based on extracting the propagation delay of the interconnect followed by a low order rational approximation to capture the attenuation effects. The key advantage of the algorithm is that the curve fitting to realize the macromodel depends only on per-unit-length (p.u.l.) parameters and not on the length of the transmission line. In this work, the PMoC is developed to model multiconductor transmission lines.Next, an efficient approach for time domain sensitivity analysis of lossy high speed interconnects in the presence of nonlinear terminations is presented based on PMoC. An important feature of the proposed method is that the sensitivities are obtained from the solution of the original network, leading to significant computational advantages. The sensitivity analysis is also used to optimize the physical parameters of the network to satisfy the required design constraints. A time-domain macromodel for lossy multiconductor transmission lines exposed to electromag¬netic interference is also described in this thesis based on PMoC. The algorithm provides an efficient mechanism to ensure the passivity of the macromodel for different line lengths. Numerical examples illustrate that when compared to other passive incident field coupling algorithms, the proposed method is efficient in modeling electrically long interconnects since delay extraction without segmentation is used to capture the frequency response.In addition, this thesis discusses macromodeling techniques for complex packaging structures based on the frequency-domain behavior of the system obtained from measurements or electromagnetic simulators. Such techniques approximate the transfer function of the interconnect network as a rational function which can be embedded with modern circuit simulators with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE). One of the most popular tools for rational approximations of measured or simulated data is based on vector fitting (VF) algorithms. Nonetheless, the vector fitting algorithms usually suffer convergence issues and lack of accuracy when dealing with noisy measured data. As a part of this thesis, a methodology is presented to improve the convergence and accuracy issues of vector fitting algorithm based on instrumental variable technique. This methodology is based on obtaining the “instruments” in an iterative manner and do not increase the complexity of vector fitting to capture the frequency response and minimize the biasing

    Delay Extraction based Macromodeling with Parallel Processing for Efficient Simulation of High Speed Distributed Networks

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    This thesis attempts to address the computational demands of accurate modeling of high speed distributed networks such as interconnect networks and power distribution networks. In order to do so, two different approaches towards modeling of high speed distributed networks are considered. One approach deals with cases where the physical characteristics of the network are not known and the network is characterized by its frequency domain tabulated data. Such examples include long interconnect networks described by their Y parameter data. For this class of problems, a novel delay extraction based IFFT algorithm has been developed for accurate transient response simulation. The other modeling approach is based on a detailed knowledge of the physical and electrical characteristics of the network and assuming a quasi transverse mode of propagation of the electromagnetic wave through the network. Such problems may include two dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) power distribution networks with known geometry and materials. For this class of problem, a delay extraction based macromodeling approaches is proposed which has been found to be able to capture the distributed effects of the network resulting in more compact and accurate simulation compared to the state-of-the-art quasi-static lumped models. Furthermore, waveform relaxation based algorithms for parallel simulations of large interconnect networks and 2D power distribution networks is also presented. A key contribution of this body of work is the identification of naturally parallelizable and convergent iterative techniques that can divide the computational costs of solving such large macromodels over a multi-core hardware

    Stability, Causality, and Passivity in Electrical Interconnect Models

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    Modern packaging design requires extensive signal integrity simulations in order to assess the electrical performance of the system. The feasibility of such simulations is granted only when accurate and efficient models are available for all system parts and components having a significant influence on the signals. Unfortunately, model derivation is still a challenging task, despite the extensive research that has been devoted to this topic. In fact, it is a common experience that modeling or simulation tasks sometimes fail, often without a clear understanding of the main reason. This paper presents the fundamental properties of causality, stability, and passivity that electrical interconnect models must satisfy in order to be physically consistent. All basic definitions are reviewed in time domain, Laplace domain, and frequency domain, and all significant interrelations between these properties are outlined. This background material is used to interpret several common situations where either model derivation or model use in a computer-aided design environment fails dramatically.We show that the root cause for these difficulties can always be traced back to the lack of stability, causality, or passivity in the data providing the structure characterization and/or in the model itsel

    Analysis of crosstalk and field coupling to lossy MTL's in a SPICE environment

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    This paper proposes a circuit model for lossy multiconductor transmission lines (MTLs) suitable for implementation in modern SPICE simulators, as well as in any simulator supporting differential operators. The model includes the effects of a uniform or nonuniform disturbing field illuminating the line and is especially devised for the transient simulation of electrically long wideband interconnects with frequency dependent per-unit-length parameters. The MTL is characterized by its transient matched scattering responses, which are computed including both dc and skin losses by means of a specific algorithm for the inversion of the Laplace transform. The line characteristics are then represented in terms of differential operators and ideal delays to improve the numerical efficiency and to simplify the coding of the model in existing simulators. The model can be successfully applied to many kinds of interconnects ranging from micrometric high-resistivity metallizations to low-loss PCBs and cables, and can be considered a practical extension of the widely appreciated lossless MTL SPICE model, which maintains the simplicity and efficienc