37,544 research outputs found

    On the suitability and development of layout templates for analog layout reuse and layout-aware synthesis

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    Accelerating the synthesis of increasingly complex analog integrated circuits is key to bridge the widening gap between what we can integrate and what we can design while meeting ever-tightening time-to-market constraints. It is a well-known fact in the semiconductor industry that such goal can only be attained by means of adequate CAD methodologies, techniques, and accompanying tools. This is particularly important in analog physical synthesis (a.k.a. layout generation), where large sensitivities of the circuit performances to the many subtle details of layout implementation (device matching, loading and coupling effects, reliability, and area features are of utmost importance to analog designers), render complete automation a truly challenging task. To approach the problem, two directions have been traditionally considered, knowledge-based and optimization-based, both with their own pros and cons. Besides, recently reported solutions oriented to speed up the overall design flow by means of reuse-based practices or by cutting off time-consuming, error-prone spins between electrical and layout synthesis (a technique known as layout-aware synthesis), rely on a outstandingly rapid yet efficient layout generation method. This paper analyses the suitability of procedural layout generation based on templates (a knowledge-based approach) by examining the requirements that both layout reuse and layout-aware solutions impose, and how layout templates face them. The ability to capture the know-how of experienced layout designers and the turnaround times for layout instancing are considered main comparative aspects in relation to other layout generation approaches. A discussion on the benefit-cost trade-off of using layout templates is also included. In addition to this analysis, the paper delves deeper into systematic techniques to develop fully reusable layout templates for analog circuits, either for a change of the circuit sizing (i.e., layout retargeting) or a change of the fabrication process (i.e., layout migration). Several examples implemented with the Cadence's Virtuoso tool suite are provided as demonstration of the paper's contributions.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2004-0175

    Spin-Based Neuron Model with Domain Wall Magnets as Synapse

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    We present artificial neural network design using spin devices that achieves ultra low voltage operation, low power consumption, high speed, and high integration density. We employ spin torque switched nano-magnets for modelling neuron and domain wall magnets for compact, programmable synapses. The spin based neuron-synapse units operate locally at ultra low supply voltage of 30mV resulting in low computation power. CMOS based inter-neuron communication is employed to realize network-level functionality. We corroborate circuit operation with physics based models developed for the spin devices. Simulation results for character recognition as a benchmark application shows 95% lower power consumption as compared to 45nm CMOS design

    A review of advances in pixel detectors for experiments with high rate and radiation

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    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments ATLAS and CMS have established hybrid pixel detectors as the instrument of choice for particle tracking and vertexing in high rate and radiation environments, as they operate close to the LHC interaction points. With the High Luminosity-LHC upgrade now in sight, for which the tracking detectors will be completely replaced, new generations of pixel detectors are being devised. They have to address enormous challenges in terms of data throughput and radiation levels, ionizing and non-ionizing, that harm the sensing and readout parts of pixel detectors alike. Advances in microelectronics and microprocessing technologies now enable large scale detector designs with unprecedented performance in measurement precision (space and time), radiation hard sensors and readout chips, hybridization techniques, lightweight supports, and fully monolithic approaches to meet these challenges. This paper reviews the world-wide effort on these developments.Comment: 84 pages with 46 figures. Review article.For submission to Rep. Prog. Phy

    Smart-Pixel Cellular Neural Networks in Analog Current-Mode CMOS Technology

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    This paper presents a systematic approach to design CMOS chips with concurrent picture acquisition and processing capabilities. These chips consist of regular arrangements of elementary units, called smart pixels. Light detection is made with vertical CMOS-BJT’s connected in a Darlington structure. Pixel smartness is achieved by exploiting the Cellular Neural Network paradigm [1], [2], incorporating at each pixel location an analog computing cell which interacts with those of nearby pixels. We propose a current-mode implementation technique and give measurements from two 16 x 16 prototypes in a single-poly double-metal CMOS n-well 1.6-µm technology. In addition to the sensory and processing circuitry, both chips incorporate light-adaptation circuitry for automatic contrast adjustment. They obtain smart-pixel densities up to 89 units/mm2, with a power consumption down to 105 µW/unit and image processing times below 2 µs

    MMI Devices with Weak Guiding Designed in Three Dimensions Using a Genetic Algorithm

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    We discuss the design of weakly guided multimode interference (MMI) devices using a genetic algorithm. For devices exhibiting a nonnegligible vertical waveguide offset, such as those produced using ion exchange in glass, three-dimensional modeling is required to properly evaluate the device performance. A combination of semivectorial finite difference modeling in two transverse dimensions and mode propagation analysis (MPA) in the propagation direction is used to evaluate the merit of each trial design. An example is provided of a 1 x 4 power splitter designed for ion exchange, which shows considerable improvement over that obtained by self-imaging theory

    Conceptual design study for an advanced cab and visual system, volume 2

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    The performance, design, construction and testing requirements are defined for developing an advanced cab and visual system. The rotorcraft system integration simulator is composed of the advanced cab and visual system and the rotorcraft system motion generator, and is part of an existing simulation facility. User's applications for the simulator include rotorcraft design development, product improvement, threat assessment, and accident investigation