13 research outputs found

    Verifying Real-Time Systems using Explicit-time Description Methods

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    Timed model checking has been extensively researched in recent years. Many new formalisms with time extensions and tools based on them have been presented. On the other hand, Explicit-Time Description Methods aim to verify real-time systems with general untimed model checkers. Lamport presented an explicit-time description method using a clock-ticking process (Tick) to simulate the passage of time together with a group of global variables for time requirements. This paper proposes a new explicit-time description method with no reliance on global variables. Instead, it uses rendezvous synchronization steps between the Tick process and each system process to simulate time. This new method achieves better modularity and facilitates usage of more complex timing constraints. The two explicit-time description methods are implemented in DIVINE, a well-known distributed-memory model checker. Preliminary experiment results show that our new method, with better modularity, is comparable to Lamport's method with respect to time and memory efficiency

    Distributed MAP in the SpinJa Model Checker

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    Spin in Java (SpinJa) is an explicit state model checker for the Promela modelling language also used by the SPIN model checker. Designed to be extensible and reusable, the implementation of SpinJa follows a layered approach in which each new layer extends the functionality of the previous one. While SpinJa has preliminary support for shared-memory model checking, it did not yet support distributed-memory model checking. This tool paper presents a distributed implementation of a maximal accepting predecessors (MAP) search algorithm on top of SpinJa.Comment: In Proceedings PDMC 2011, arXiv:1111.006

    Modelling and verifying dynamic access control policies in workflow-based healthcare systems

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    Access control system is an important component to protect patients’ information from abuse in a health care system. It is a major concern in the management, design, and development of healthcare systems. Designing access control policies for healthcare systems is complicated due to the dynamic and inherent complexity of the tasks performed by the healthcare personnel. Permissions in access control systems are usually granted on the basis of static policies. However, static policies are not enough to cope with various situations such as emergencies. Most often, the Break-the-glass mechanism is used to bypass static policies to handle emergency situations. Since healthcare systems are critical systems, where errors can be very costly in terms of lives, quality of life, and/or dollars, it is crucial to identify discrepancies between policy specifications and their intended function to implement correctly a flexible access control system. Formal verifications are necessary for exhaustive verification and validation of policy specifications to ensure that the policy specifications truly encapsulate the desires of the policy authors. We present a verifiable framework to enact a dynamic access control model by integrating the ANSI/INCTIS RBAC Reference Model in a workflow and an approach for property verifications of the access control model. Access control policies are expressed by the formal semantics of a model checker and properties are verified by the DiVinE model checker

    Time and Cost Optimization of Cyber-Physical Systems by Distributed Reachability Analysis

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    Evaluation of a Simple, Scalable, Parallel Best-First Search Strategy

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    Large-scale, parallel clusters composed of commodity processors are increasingly available, enabling the use of vast processing capabilities and distributed RAM to solve hard search problems. We investigate Hash-Distributed A* (HDA*), a simple approach to parallel best-first search that asynchronously distributes and schedules work among processors based on a hash function of the search state. We use this approach to parallelize the A* algorithm in an optimal sequential version of the Fast Downward planner, as well as a 24-puzzle solver. The scaling behavior of HDA* is evaluated experimentally on a shared memory, multicore machine with 8 cores, a cluster of commodity machines using up to 64 cores, and large-scale high-performance clusters, using up to 2400 processors. We show that this approach scales well, allowing the effective utilization of large amounts of distributed memory to optimally solve problems which require terabytes of RAM. We also compare HDA* to Transposition-table Driven Scheduling (TDS), a hash-based parallelization of IDA*, and show that, in planning, HDA* significantly outperforms TDS. A simple hybrid which combines HDA* and TDS to exploit strengths of both algorithms is proposed and evaluated.Comment: in press, to appear in Artificial Intelligenc

    Towards Big Biology: high-performance verification of large concurrent systems

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    Bal, H.E. [Promotor]Fokkink, W.J. [Promotor]Kielmann, T. [Copromotor

    Bringing Model Checking Closer To Practical Software Engineering

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    Bal, H.E. [Promotor]Templon, J.A. [Copromotor]Willemse, T.A.C. [Copromotor